package diskCacheV111.hsmControl.flush; import; import java.util.List; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolCellInfo; /** * Whenever a HsmFlushControlManager cell loads a driver it provides * an implementation of this class to enable a drive to query resp. * set the status of pools, it is responible for. * * @author Patrick Fuhrmann * @version 0.9, Dec 03, 2005 * */ public class HsmFlushControllerPoolDetails implements HsmFlushControlCore.PoolDetails, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3907091485295662905L; /* package */ String _name; /* package */ PoolCellInfo _cellInfo; /* package */ boolean _isActive; /* package */ boolean _isReadOnly; /* package */ List<HsmFlushControlCore.FlushInfoDetails> _flushInfos; /** * Returns the name of this pool. * * @return Name of this pool. * */ @Override public String getName(){ return _name ; } /** * Provides the PoolCellInfo of this pool. * * @return PoolCellInfo of the pool. * */ @Override public PoolCellInfo getCellInfo(){ return _cellInfo ; } /** * Returns whether or not this pool is flushing one or more storage classes. * * @return True if pool is in the process of flushing one or more storage classes. * */ @Override public boolean isActive() { return _isActive ; } /** * Returns a List of FlushInfos, containing files to be flushed, * or in process of being flushed. * * @return List of flush infos on this pool. * */ @Override public List<HsmFlushControlCore.FlushInfoDetails> getFlushInfos(){ return _flushInfos ; } /** * Returns the I/O mode of this pool. If 'true' the pool has been set 'rdonly'. * otherwise read and writes are allowed. */ @Override public boolean isReadOnly(){ return _isReadOnly ; } }