package diskCacheV111.vehicles; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; /** * Implementations of this thing travel from the particular * Door to the corresponding mover. The relevant information * is extracted out of Pnfs with the help of the * responsible implementation of <strong>StorageInfoExtractor</strong> * according to hsmType. * * * to represent location of the file with in HSM hierarchical syntax is used: * * <strong>[scheme:][//authority][path][?query][#fragment]</strong> * where: * scheme : hsm type * authority : instance id * path+query: opaque to dCache HSM specific data * * example: * osm://desy-main/?store=h1&bfid=1234 * osm://desy-copy/?store=h1_d&bfid=5678 * * */ public interface StorageInfo extends Serializable, Cloneable { /** * Classic dCache default all files go to tape and can be removed * from the pool afterwards. */ AccessLatency DEFAULT_ACCESS_LATENCY = AccessLatency.NEARLINE; RetentionPolicy DEFAULT_RETENTION_POLICY = RetentionPolicy.CUSTODIAL; long serialVersionUID = 1623022255585848311L; /** * The storage class is a unique string, identifying * this particular storage entity in a HSM independent * way ( what else, its a string). * The storage class reflects a HSM specific organizational * unit. ( storage group for OSM, and file family for enstore). * The storage class determines the grouping behavior * concerning <strong>deferredWrites</strong> and * <strong>poolSelection</strong>. * */ @Deprecated String getStorageClass() ; @Deprecated void setStorageClass(String newStorageClass); @Deprecated /** * use addLocation(URI newLocation); */ void setBitfileId(String bitfileId) ; @Deprecated /** * use List<URI> locations(); */ String getBitfileId() ; /** * * @return list of know locations * @since 1.8 */ List<URI> locations(); /** * add a new location for the file * @param newLocation * @since 1.8 */ void addLocation(URI newLocation); /** * * @return true if new location is added and * have to be stored by PnfsManager * @since 1.8 */ boolean isSetAddLocation(); void isSetAddLocation(boolean isSet); /** * The 'cacheClass' can be used as alternative to chose the * appropriate 'pool'. Pnfs may provide the information * in the 'cacheClass' tag. May return 'null' if not * precified. */ @Deprecated String getCacheClass() ; @Deprecated void setCacheClass(String newCacheClass); /** * Returns the name of the HSM or the HSMInstance. */ @Deprecated String getHsm() ; @Deprecated void setHsm(String newHsm); /** * Determines whether the file exists somewhere (cache or HSM) * or not. Currently isCreatedOnly returns true is the * size of the level-0 file is not zero. */ boolean isCreatedOnly() ; void setIsNew(boolean isNew); /** * * @return true if locations list is not empty or ( legacy case ) * if value was explicit set by setIsStored(true) */ boolean isStored() ; /** * @Deprecated the result will generated depending on content of locations */ @Deprecated void setIsStored(boolean isStored); /** * The storage info may contain HSM specific key value pairs. * Nobody should rely on the existence of a particular key. * A 'null' is returned if no related key-value pair could be * found. */ String getKey(String key) ; /** * add/set new value for specified key. If value is null, * corresponding entry is removed. * @param key * @param value * @return The previous value associated with key */ String setKey(String key, String value) ; /** * Returns a COPY of the internal key,value map. */ Map<String, String> getMap() ; /* * specify which fields have to be updated */ boolean isSetHsm(); void isSetHsm(boolean isSet); boolean isSetStorageClass(); void isSetStorageClass(boolean isSet) ; boolean isSetBitFileId(); void isSetBitFileId(boolean isSet); StorageInfo clone(); @Override String toString(); @Deprecated long getLegacySize(); @Deprecated void setLegacySize(long fileSize); @Deprecated void setLegacyAccessLatency(AccessLatency al); @Deprecated AccessLatency getLegacyAccessLatency(); @Deprecated void setLegacyRetentionPolicy(RetentionPolicy rp); @Deprecated RetentionPolicy getLegacyRetentionPolicy(); }