package dmg.protocols.telnet ; import; import; /** * The Telnet input stream builds the layer between * a telnet input stream and the application layer. * If it is used as Filter for higher level Streams, * is simply extracts the telnet controls out of the stream. * Otherwise the 'getNext' method returns a byte array which * represents the control characters and an CharacterObject * otherwise. * * * * @author Patrick Fuhrmann * @version 0.1, 15 Feb 1998 * */ public class TelnetInputStream extends InputStream { // // the telnet constants // private static final byte telnetSE = (-16); private static final byte telnetNOP = (-15); private static final byte telnetDM = (-14); private static final byte telnetBRK = (-13); private static final byte telnetIP = (-12); private static final byte telnetAO = (-11); private static final byte telnetAYT = (-10); private static final byte telnetEC = (-9); private static final byte telnetEL = (-8); private static final byte telnetGA = (-7); private static final byte telnetSB = (-6); private static final byte telnetWILL = (-5); private static final byte telnetWONT = (-4); private static final byte telnetDO = (-3); private static final byte telnetDONT = (-2); private static final byte telnetIAC = (-1); private static final byte telnetCR = (0xd); private static final byte telnetLF = (0xa); private static final byte telnetNUL = (0); private static final byte telnetOptionEcho = (1); private static final int telnetStateControl = 0 ; private static final int telnetStateIntro = 1 ; private static final int telnetStateAuthUser = 2 ; private static final int telnetStateAuthPasswd = 3 ; private static final int telnetStateMOTD = 4 ; private static final int telnetStateData = 5 ; private static final int telnetStateNoAccess = 6 ; private static final int cctData = 1 ; private static final int cctCR = 2 ; private static final int cctCR2 = 3 ; private static final int cctCT1 = 4 ; private static final int cctCT2 = 5 ; private static final int cctSUB = 6 ; private static final int cctESC = 7 ; // // class variables // int _engineState ; int _controlDataPos ; byte [] _controlData ; InputStream _inputStream ; public TelnetInputStream( InputStream in ){ // super( in ) ; _inputStream = in ; _engineState = 0 ; _controlData = null ; _controlDataPos = 0 ; } private void _engineControlAdd( byte c ){ // if( _controlDataPos >= _controlData.length ){ // // somethin' wrong with telnet engine // _controlDataPos = 0 ; } _controlData[_controlDataPos++] = c ; } private void _engineControlClear(){ if( _controlData == null ) { _controlData = new byte[32]; } _controlDataPos = 0 ; } private byte [] _engineControlGet(){ if( _controlDataPos == 0 ) { return null; } byte [] rc = new byte[ _controlDataPos ] ; System.arraycopy( _controlData , 0 , rc , 0 , _controlDataPos ) ; _engineControlClear() ; return rc ; } public Object readNext() throws IOException { int rc ; Object obj ; while( true ){ if( ( rc = ) < 0 ) { return null; } if( ( obj = _next( (byte)rc ) ) != null ) { return obj; } } } @Override public int read() throws IOException { Object obj ; while(true){ obj = this.readNext() ; if( obj == null ){ return -1 ; }else if( obj instanceof Byte ){ return ((Byte)obj).intValue() ; }else{ System.out.println("Got telnet control : " + obj) ; } } } private Object _next( byte c ){ if( _engineState == 0 ){ _engineControlClear() ; _engineState = cctData ; } switch( _engineState ){ case cctData : if( c == telnetIAC ){ _engineState = cctCT1 ; }else if( c == telnetCR ){ _engineState = cctCR ; }else{ return _charOfByte( c ) ; } break ; case cctCT1 : if( c == telnetIAC ){ _engineState = cctData ; return _charOfByte( c ) ; }else if( c == telnetSB ){ _engineState = cctSUB ; _engineControlAdd( telnetIAC ) ; _engineControlAdd( c ) ; }else{ _engineState = cctCT2 ; _engineControlAdd( telnetIAC ) ; _engineControlAdd( c ) ; } break ; case cctCT2 : _engineState = cctData ; _engineControlAdd( c ) ; return _engineControlGet() ; case cctSUB : if( c == telnetIAC ){ _engineState = cctESC ; }else{ _engineControlAdd( c ) ; } break ; case cctESC : if( c == telnetSE ){ _engineState = cctData ; _engineControlAdd( telnetIAC ) ; _engineControlAdd( c ) ; return _engineControlGet() ; }else{ _engineState = cctSUB ; _engineControlAdd( telnetIAC ) ; _engineControlAdd( c ) ; } break ; case cctCR : _engineState = cctCR2 ; return '\n'; case cctCR2 : if( c == telnetIAC ){ _engineState = cctCT1 ; }else if( c == telnetCR ){ _engineState = cctCR ; }else{ _engineState = cctData ; return _charOfByte( c ) ; } break ; } return null ; } // private Byte _charOfByte( byte c ){ return new Byte( c ) ; } private Character _charOfByte( byte c ){ byte [] rc = new byte[1] ; rc[0] = c ; return new String(rc).charAt(0); } }