package; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import dmg.cells.nucleus.AbstractCellComponent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEvent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEventListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellLifeCycleAware; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellRoute; import dmg.cells.nucleus.NoRouteToCellException; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.Option; import org.dcache.util.FireAndForgetTask; import org.dcache.util.NDC; import org.dcache.util.NetworkUtils; import static; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES; import static; import static; /** * Utility class to periodically publish login broker information. */ public class LoginBrokerPublisher extends AbstractCellComponent implements CellCommandListener, CellMessageReceiver, CellEventListener, CellLifeCycleAware, CellInfoProvider { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoginBrokerPublisher.class); private enum LastEvent { NONE, UPDATE_SUBMITTED, UPDATE_SENT, ROUTE_ADDED, NOROUTE } private CellAddressCore _topic; private String _protocolFamily; private String _protocolVersion; private String _protocolEngine; private long _brokerUpdateTime = MINUTES.toMillis(5); private TimeUnit _brokerUpdateTimeUnit = MILLISECONDS; private double _brokerUpdateThreshold = 0.1; private LastEvent _lastEvent = LastEvent.NONE; private LoadProvider _load = () -> 0.0; private Supplier<List<InetAddress>> _addresses = createAnyAddressSupplier(); private int _port; private ScheduledExecutorService _executor; private ScheduledFuture<?> _task; private String _root = "/"; private List<String> _readPaths = Collections.emptyList(); private List<String> _writePaths = Collections.emptyList(); private boolean _readEnabled = true; private boolean _writeEnabled = true; private List<InetAddress> _lastAddresses = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Tags to advertise. For thread safety, the list must not be modified. * Instead it has to be copied and the field must be updated. */ private List<String> _tags = Collections.emptyList(); @Command(name = "lb set update", hint = "set login broker update frequency", description = "Defines how often information about this doors should be published.") class SetUpdateCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(metaVar = "seconds") int time; @Override public String call() throws Exception { checkArgument(time >= 2, "Update time out of range."); setBrokerUpdateTime(_brokerUpdateTime, _brokerUpdateTimeUnit); return ""; } } @Command(name = "lb set threshold", hint = "set threshold load for OOB updates", description = "Sets the relative threshold for sending out-of-band updates. If the " + "load of this for changes by a factor more than this threshold, an " + "immediate update is published.") class SetThresholdCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument double load; @Override public String call() throws Exception { setUpdateThreshold(load); return ""; } } @Command(name = "lb set tags", hint = "set published tags", description = "Doors may be tagged and subscribers of door information may filter " + "by these tags.") class SetTagCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false) String[] tags; @Override public String call() throws Exception { setTags(asList(tags)); return ""; } } @Command(name = "lb disable", hint = "suspend publishing capabilities", description = "Allows to temporarily suppress publishing of read and write capabilities. " + "It will appear as it the door does not authorize access to any read and/or " + "write paths. Without additional options, both read and write capabilities " + "will be suspended.\n\n" + "Note that this does not actually disable the door. Only the advertized " + "capabilities are changed.") class DisableCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "read") boolean read; @Option(name = "write") boolean write; @Override public String call() throws Exception { if (read || !write) { setReadEnabled(false); } if (write || !read) { setWriteEnabled(false); } return ""; } } @Command(name = "lb enable", hint = "resume publishing capabilities", description = "Allows to continue publishing read and/or write capabilities. Without " + "additional options, both read and write capabilities will be published " + "in correspondence with the door's configuration.") class EnableCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "read") boolean read; @Option(name = "write") boolean write; @Override public String call() throws Exception { if (read || !write) { setReadEnabled(true); } if (write || !read) { setWriteEnabled(true); } return ""; } } private synchronized Optional<LoginBrokerInfo> createLoginBrokerInfo(List<InetAddress> addresses) { _lastAddresses = addresses; if (_task != null && !addresses.isEmpty()) { Collection<String> readPaths = _readEnabled ? _readPaths : Collections.emptyList(); Collection<String> writePaths = _writeEnabled ? _writePaths : Collections.emptyList(); return Optional.of( new LoginBrokerInfo(getCellName(), getCellDomainName(), _protocolFamily, _protocolVersion, _protocolEngine, _root, readPaths, writePaths, _tags, addresses, _port, _load.getLoad(), _brokerUpdateTimeUnit.toMillis(_brokerUpdateTime))); } return Optional.empty(); } private synchronized void sendUpdate(Optional<LoginBrokerInfo> info) { if (_topic != null) { _lastEvent = LastEvent.UPDATE_SENT; if (info.isPresent()) { sendMessage(new CellMessage(_topic, info.get())); } } } protected void submitUpdate() { _lastEvent = LastEvent.UPDATE_SUBMITTED; _executor.execute(this::sendUpdate); } private void sendUpdate() { sendUpdate(createLoginBrokerInfo(getAddressSupplier().get())); } public synchronized void messageArrived(NoRouteToCellException e) { CellAddressCore destinationAddress = e.getDestinationPath().getDestinationAddress(); if (_topic != null && destinationAddress.equals(_topic)) { switch (_lastEvent) { case UPDATE_SENT: _lastEvent = LastEvent.NOROUTE; break; case ROUTE_ADDED: submitUpdate(); break; default: break; } } } public LoginBrokerInfo messageArrived(LoginBrokerInfoRequest msg) { return createLoginBrokerInfo(getAddressSupplier().get()).orElse(null); } @Override public synchronized void routeAdded(CellEvent ce) { CellRoute route = (CellRoute) ce.getSource(); if (route.getRouteType() == CellRoute.TOPIC || route.getRouteType() == CellRoute.DOMAIN) { switch (_lastEvent) { case UPDATE_SENT: _lastEvent = LastEvent.ROUTE_ADDED; break; case NOROUTE: submitUpdate(); break; default: break; } } } @Override public synchronized void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { if (_topic == null || _task == null) { pw.println(" Login Broker : DISABLED"); return; } pw.println(" LoginBroker : " + _topic); pw.println(" Protocol Family : " + _protocolFamily); pw.println(" Protocol Version : " + _protocolVersion); pw.println(" Port : " + _port); pw.println(" Addresses : " + _lastAddresses); pw.println(" Tags : " + _tags); pw.println(" Root : " + Strings.nullToEmpty(_root)); pw.println(" Read paths : " + _readPaths + (_readEnabled ? "" : " (disabled)")); pw.println(" Write paths : " + _writePaths + (_writeEnabled ? "" : " (disabled)")); pw.println(" Update Time : " + _brokerUpdateTime + ' ' + _brokerUpdateTimeUnit); pw.println(" Update Threshold : " + ((int) (_brokerUpdateThreshold * 100.0)) + " %"); pw.println(" Last event : " + _lastEvent); } /** * Sets the address of the door being published. If null or a wildcard address is provided, * all interfaces of the door are published. If an address is provided, the canonical * host is resolved and published with the address. If a name is provided, the name * is resolved to an address and published together with the name. */ public void setAddress(@Nullable String host) throws UnknownHostException { if (host == null) { setAddressSupplier(createAnyAddressSupplier()); } else if (NetworkUtils.isInetAddress(host)) { InetAddress address = InetAddresses.forString(host); checkArgument(!address.isMulticastAddress()); if (address.isAnyLocalAddress()) { setAddressSupplier(createAnyAddressSupplier()); } else { setAddressSupplier(createSingleAddressSupplier(NetworkUtils.withCanonicalAddress(address))); } } else { setAddressSupplier(createSingleAddressSupplier(InetAddress.getByName(host))); } } /** * Sets both the port and address from the given socket address. */ public synchronized void setSocketAddress(InetSocketAddress socketAddress) { InetAddress address = socketAddress.getAddress(); checkArgument(!address.isMulticastAddress()); _port = socketAddress.getPort(); if (address.isAnyLocalAddress()) { setAddressSupplier(createAnyAddressSupplier()); } else if (NetworkUtils.isInetAddress(socketAddress.getHostString())) { InetAddress canonicalAddress = NetworkUtils.withCanonicalAddress(address); setAddressSupplier(() -> Collections.singletonList(canonicalAddress)); } else { setAddressSupplier(() -> Collections.singletonList(address)); } } public synchronized Supplier<List<InetAddress>> getAddressSupplier() { return _addresses; } public synchronized void setAddressSupplier(Supplier<List<InetAddress>> addresses) { _addresses = addresses; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setPort(int port) { _port = port; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setLoad(int children, int maxChildren) { double load = (maxChildren > 0) ? (double) children / (double) maxChildren : 0.0; setLoadProvider(() -> load); } public synchronized void setLoadProvider(LoadProvider load) { double diff = Math.abs(_load.getLoad() - load.getLoad()); if (diff > _brokerUpdateThreshold) { rescheduleTask(); } _load = load; } public synchronized void setTopic(String topic) { _topic = new CellAddressCore(topic); rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized String getTopic() { return Objects.toString(_topic, null); } public synchronized void setProtocolFamily(String protocolFamily) { _protocolFamily = protocolFamily; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized String getProtocolFamily() { return _protocolFamily; } public synchronized void setProtocolVersion(String protocolVersion) { _protocolVersion = protocolVersion; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized String getProtocolVersion() { return _protocolVersion; } public synchronized void setProtocolEngine(String protocolEngine) { _protocolEngine = protocolEngine; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized String getProtocolEngine() { return _protocolEngine; } public synchronized void setUpdateThreshold(double threshold) { _brokerUpdateThreshold = threshold; } public synchronized double getUpdateThreshold() { return _brokerUpdateThreshold; } public synchronized void setUpdateTime(long time) { _brokerUpdateTime = time; } public synchronized long getUpdateTime() { return _brokerUpdateTime; } public synchronized void setUpdateTimeUnit(TimeUnit unit) { _brokerUpdateTimeUnit = unit; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized TimeUnit getUpdateTimeUnit() { return _brokerUpdateTimeUnit; } /** * Root directory of door. * <p> * If null, then a per-user root directory is assumed. */ public synchronized void setRoot(String root) { _root = root; } public synchronized void setReadPaths(List<String> paths) { checkArgument(!; _readPaths = paths; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setWritePaths(List<String> paths) { checkArgument(!; _writePaths = paths; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setTags(List<String> tags) { _tags = tags; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setWriteEnabled(boolean enabled) { _writeEnabled = enabled; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setReadEnabled(boolean enabled) { _readEnabled = enabled; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setBrokerUpdateTime(long time, TimeUnit unit) { _brokerUpdateTime = time; _brokerUpdateTimeUnit = unit; rescheduleTask(); } public synchronized void setExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService executor) { _executor = executor; rescheduleTask(); } @Override public synchronized void afterStart() { scheduleTask(); } @Override public synchronized void beforeStop() { if (_task != null) { _task.cancel(true); _task = null; } _addresses = Collections::emptyList; _writeEnabled = false; _readEnabled = false; _load = () -> 1.0; sendUpdate(); } @GuardedBy("this") private void rescheduleTask() { if (_task != null) { _task.cancel(false); scheduleTask(); } } private void scheduleTask() { _task = _executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay( new FireAndForgetTask(this::sendUpdate), 0, _brokerUpdateTime, _brokerUpdateTimeUnit); } public static Supplier<List<InetAddress>> createSingleAddressSupplier(InetAddress address) { return () -> Collections.singletonList(address); } public static Supplier<List<InetAddress>> createAnyAddressSupplier() { String localHostAddresses = System.getProperty(NetworkUtils.LOCAL_HOST_ADDRESS_PROPERTY); if (!isNullOrEmpty(localHostAddresses)) { List<InetAddress> address = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().split(localHostAddresses)) { address.add(NetworkUtils.withCanonicalAddress(InetAddresses.forString(s))); } return () -> address; } return new AnyAddressSupplier(); } /** * Callback interface to query the current load. */ public interface LoadProvider { double getLoad(); } public static class AnyAddressSupplier implements Supplier<List<InetAddress>> { private List<InetAddress> _previous = Collections.emptyList(); @Override public List<InetAddress> get() { NDC.push("NIC auto-discovery"); try { ArrayList<InetAddress> addresses = new ArrayList<>(); Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); try { Enumeration<NetworkInterface> interfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (interfaces.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface i = interfaces.nextElement(); try { if (i.isUp() && !i.isLoopback()) { Enumeration<InetAddress> e = i.getInetAddresses(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { addresses.add(NetworkUtils.withCanonicalAddress(e.nextElement())); } } } catch (SocketException e) { _log.warn("Not publishing NIC {}: {}", i.getName(), e.getMessage()); } } } catch (SocketException e) { _log.warn("Not publishing NICs: {}", e.getMessage()); } _log.debug("Scan took {}", stopwatch); logChanges(addresses); return addresses; } finally { NDC.pop(); } } private synchronized void logChanges(List<InetAddress> addresses) { if (!_previous.equals(addresses)) { List<InetAddress> added = -> !_previous.contains(a)).collect(toList()); List<InetAddress> removed = -> !addresses.contains(a)).collect(toList()); boolean adding = !added.isEmpty(); boolean removing = !removed.isEmpty(); if (removing || adding) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (removing) { sb.append("Removing ").append(describeList(removed)); } if (adding) { if (removing) { sb.append(", adding "); } else { sb.append("Adding "); } sb.append(describeList(added)); } _log.warn(sb.toString()); } _previous = new ArrayList<>(addresses); } } private static String describeList(List<InetAddress> addresses) { if (addresses.size() == 1) { return addresses.get(0).toString(); } else { return", ", "[", "]")); } } } }