package org.dcache.srm.client; /** * A class describing which transport the client will use when connecting to * a remote storage element. */ public enum Transport { /** An unencrypted transport, using TCP */ TCP, /** An encrypted transport, using GSI protocol (over TCP) */ GSI, /** Encrypted transport, using SSL protocol (over TCP) */ SSL; private static final String COMMA_SEPARATED_LIST; static { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Transport[] transports = Transport.values(); Transport lastTransport = transports[transports.length - 1]; for( Transport transport : transports) { sb.append(; if( transport != lastTransport) { sb.append( ", "); } } COMMA_SEPARATED_LIST = sb.toString(); } /** * Provide the Transport that matches the given name. The name should be * provided by the {@link #getName} method. */ public static Transport transportFor( String name) { for( Transport t : Transport.values()) { if( name)) { return t; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown Transport " + name + ", value not from {" + COMMA_SEPARATED_LIST + "}"); } }