package org.dcache.chimera; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import; import; import org.dcache.acl.ACE; import org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessMask; import org.dcache.acl.enums.AceType; import org.dcache.acl.enums.RsType; import org.dcache.acl.enums.Who; import org.dcache.chimera.posix.Stat; import org.dcache.util.Checksum; import org.dcache.util.ChecksumType; import static org.dcache.chimera.FileSystemProvider.StatCacheOption.NO_STAT; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasEntry; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class BasicTest extends ChimeraTestCaseHelper { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicTest.class); @Test public void testLevelRemoveOnDelete() throws Exception { final int level = 1; FsInode inode = _rootInode.create("testLevelRemoveOnDelete", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.createFileLevel(inode, level); FsInode levelInode = new FsInode(_fs, inode.ino(), level); assertTrue(levelInode.exists()); _fs.remove(_rootInode, "testLevelRemoveOnDelete", inode); levelInode = new FsInode(_fs, inode.ino(), level); assertFalse(levelInode.exists()); } @Test public void testLs() throws Exception { List<HimeraDirectoryEntry> list = DirectoryStreamHelper.listOf(_rootInode); assertTrue("Root Dir cant be empty", list.size() > 0); } @Test public void testMkDir() throws Exception { Stat stat = _rootInode.stat(); FsInode newDir = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); assertEquals("mkdir have to incrise parent's nlink count by one", _rootInode.stat().getNlink(), stat.getNlink() + 1); assertTrue("mkdir have to update parent's mtime", _rootInode.stat().getMTime() > stat.getMTime()); assertEquals("new dir should have link count equal to two", newDir.stat().getNlink(), 2); assertTrue("change count is not updated", stat.getGeneration() != _rootInode.stat().getGeneration()); } @Test public void testMkDirByPath() throws Exception { Stat stat = _rootInode.stat(); FsInode newDir = _fs.mkdir("/junit"); assertEquals("mkdir has to increase parent's nlink count by one", stat.getNlink() + 1, _rootInode.stat().getNlink()); assertTrue("mkdir has to update parent's mtime", _rootInode.stat().getMTime() > stat.getMTime()); assertEquals("new dir should have link count equal to two", 2, newDir.stat().getNlink()); assertTrue("change count is not updated", stat.getGeneration() != _rootInode.stat().getGeneration()); } @Test public void testMkDirInSetGidDir() throws Exception { FsInode dir1 = _rootInode.mkdir("junit", 1, 2, 02755); FsInode dir2 = dir1.mkdir("test", 1, 3, 0755); assertEquals("owner is not respected", dir2.stat().getUid(), 1); assertEquals("setgid is not respected", dir2.stat().getGid(), 2); assertEquals("setgid is not respected", dir2.stat().getMode() & UnixPermission.S_PERMS, 02755); } @Test public void testMkDirWithTags() throws Exception { byte[] bytes = "value".getBytes(); FsInode dir1 = _fs.mkdir(_rootInode, "junit", 1, 2, 02755, Collections.emptyList(), ImmutableMap.of("tag", bytes)); assertThat(_fs.getAllTags(dir1), hasEntry("tag", bytes)); } @Test public void testCreateFile() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); Stat stat = base.stat(); Thread.sleep(1); // required to ensure file created in distinct millisecond FsInode newFile = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); assertEquals("file creation has to increase parent's nlink count by one", base.stat().getNlink(), stat.getNlink() + 1); assertTrue("file creation has to update parent's mtime", base.stat().getMTime() > stat.getMTime()); assertEquals("new file should have link count equal to one", newFile.stat().getNlink(), 1); assertTrue("change count is not updated", stat.getGeneration() != base.stat().getGeneration()); } @Test public void testCreateFilePermission() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); int mode1 = 0644; int mode2 = 0755; FsInode file1 = base.create("testCreateFilePermission1", 0, 0, mode1); FsInode file2 = base.create("testCreateFilePermission2", 0, 0, mode2); assertEquals("creare pemissions are not respected", file1.stat().getMode() & UnixPermission.S_PERMS, mode1); assertEquals("creare pemissions are not respected", file2.stat().getMode() & UnixPermission.S_PERMS, mode2); } @Test public void testCreateFilePermissionAndOwnerOnSetGidDirectory() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit", 1, 2, 02775); int mode1 = 0644; int mode2 = 0755; FsInode file1 = base.create("testCreateFilePermission1", 0, 0, mode1); FsInode file2 = base.create("testCreateFilePermission2", 0, 0, mode2); assertEquals("owner is not respected", file1.stat().getUid(), 0); assertEquals("setgid is not respected", file1.stat().getGid(), 2); assertEquals("create pemissions are not respected", file1.stat().getMode() & UnixPermission.S_PERMS, mode1); assertEquals("owner is not respected", file2.stat().getUid(), 0); assertEquals("setgid is not respected", file2.stat().getGid(), 2); assertEquals("create pemissions are not respected", file2.stat().getMode() & UnixPermission.S_PERMS, mode2); } @Test // (expected=FileExistsChimeraFsException.class) public void testCreateFileDup() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); try { base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); fail("you can't create a file twice"); } catch (FileExistsChimeraFsException fee) { // OK } } @Test // (expected=FileExistsChimeraFsException.class) public void testCreateDirDup() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); try { base.mkdir("testCreateDir"); base.mkdir("testCreateDir"); fail("you can't create a directory twice"); } catch (FileExistsChimeraFsException fee) { // OK } } @Test(expected=DirNotEmptyHimeraFsException.class) public void testDeleteNonEmptyDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); _rootInode.remove("junit"); } @Test public void testDeleteFile() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); Stat stat = base.stat(); Thread.sleep(1); // ensure updated directory mtime is distinct from creation mtime base.remove("testCreateFile"); assertEquals("remove have to decrease parents link count", base.stat().getNlink(), stat.getNlink() - 1); assertFalse("remove have to update parent's mtime", stat.getMTime() == base.stat().getMTime()); } @Test public void testDeleteDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); base.create("testCreateDir", 0, 0, 0644); Stat stat = base.stat(); Thread.sleep(1); // ensure updated directory mtime is distinct from creation mtime base.remove("testCreateDir"); assertEquals("remove have to decrease parents link count", base.stat().getNlink(), stat.getNlink() - 1); assertFalse("remove have to update parent's mtime", stat.getMTime() == base.stat().getMTime()); } @Test(expected=FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testDeleteNonExistingFile() throws Exception { _rootInode.remove("testCreateFile"); } @Test(expected = FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testCreateInNonExistingDir() throws Exception { FsInode missingDir = new FsInode(_fs, Long.MAX_VALUE); _fs.createFile(missingDir, "aFile"); } @Test public void testDeleteInFile() throws Exception { FsInode fileInode = _rootInode.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); try { fileInode.remove("anObject"); fail("you can't remove an object in file Inode"); } catch (IOHimeraFsException ioe) { // OK } } @Test public void testCreateInFile() throws Exception { FsInode fileInode = _rootInode.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); try { fileInode.create("anObject", 0, 0, 0644); fail("you can't create an object in file Inode"); } catch (NotDirChimeraException nde) { // OK } } private final static int PARALLEL_THREADS_COUNT = 10; /** * Run some database activity in a separate thread, providing a * ListenableFuture of that activity's result. * A <i>CountDownLatch</i> is accepted for synchronising the start of the * task. */ private static class ParallelDbFuture<T> extends AbstractFuture<T> implements Runnable { private final Thread _thread; private final Callable<T> _task; private final CountDownLatch _start; public ParallelDbFuture(CountDownLatch start, Callable<T> task) { _thread = new Thread(this); _start = start; _task = task; } public void start() { _thread.start(); } @Override public void run() { _start.countDown(); try { _start.await(); set(; } catch (Exception e) { setException(e); } } } @Test(timeout=60_000) public void testParallelCreate() throws ChimeraFsException { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); Stat stat = base.stat(); CountDownLatch start = new CountDownLatch(PARALLEL_THREADS_COUNT); List<ParallelDbFuture> futures = IntStream.range(0, PARALLEL_THREADS_COUNT) .mapToObj(i -> "file-" + i) .map(name -> new ParallelDbFuture<>(start, () -> base.create(name, 0, 0, 0644))) .collect(Collectors.toList());; int nlink = stat.getNlink(); int exceptions = 0; for (ListenableFuture<Void> f : futures) { try { f.get(); nlink++; } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.warn("ExecutionException, triggered by {}", String.valueOf(e.getCause())); exceptions++; } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Interrupted."); } } assertEquals("Checking nlink count of dir", nlink, base.stat().getNlink()); // REVISIT: we fail this test if any exceptions are found. The // motivation is to draw attendion to any such exception, but exceptions // due to TransientDataAccessException or RecoverableDataAccessException // are not indicative of an error. assertEquals("Expecting no exceptions", 0, exceptions); } @Test public void testHardLink() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("hardLinkTestSourceFile", 0, 0, 0644); Stat stat = fileInode.stat(); FsInode hardLinkInode = _fs.createHLink(base, fileInode, "hardLinkTestDestinationFile"); assertEquals("hard link's have to increase link count by one", stat.getNlink() + 1, hardLinkInode.stat().getNlink()); _fs.remove(base, "hardLinkTestDestinationFile", hardLinkInode); assertTrue("removing of hard link have to decrease link count by one", 1 == fileInode.stat().getNlink()); } @Test public void testRemoveLinkToDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); _fs.createLink(base, "aLink", "/junit"); } @Test public void testRemoveLinkToSomewhare() throws Exception { FsInode linkBase = _rootInode.mkdir("links"); _fs.createLink(linkBase, "file123", 0, 0, 0644, "/files/file123".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); _fs.remove("/links/file123"); } @Test public void testRemoveLinkToFile() throws Exception { FsInode fileBase = _rootInode.mkdir("files"); FsInode linkBase = _rootInode.mkdir("links"); FsInode fileInode = fileBase.create("file123", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.createLink(linkBase, "file123", 0, 0, 0644, "/files/file123".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); _fs.remove("/links/file123"); assertTrue("original file is gone!", fileInode.exists()); } @Ignore("broken test, normal filesystems do not allow directory hard-links. Why does chimera?") @Test public void testDirHardLink() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode dirInode = base.mkdir("dirHadrLinkTestSrouceDir"); FsInode hardLinkInode = _fs.createHLink(base, dirInode, "dirHadrLinkTestDestinationDir"); } @Test public void testSymLink() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); try { fileInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 0644, "../junit".getBytes()); fail("can't create a link in non directory inode"); } catch (NotDirChimeraException e) { // OK } } @Test public void testRenameNonExistSameDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); Stat preStatBase = base.stat(); Stat preStatFile = fileInode.stat(); boolean ok = _fs.rename(fileInode, base, "testCreateFile", base, "testCreateFile2"); assertTrue("can't move", ok); assertEquals("link count of base directory should not be modified in case of rename", preStatBase.getNlink(), base.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of file shold not be modified in case of rename", preStatFile.getNlink(), fileInode.stat().getNlink()); } @Test public void testRenameExistSameDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode file2Inode = base.create("testCreateFile2", 0, 0, 0644); Stat preStatBase = base.stat(); file2Inode.setStatCache(null); boolean ok = _fs.rename(fileInode, base, "testCreateFile", base, "testCreateFile2"); assertTrue("can't move", ok); assertEquals("link count of base directory should decrease by one", preStatBase.getNlink() - 1, base.stat().getNlink()); assertFalse("ghost file", file2Inode.exists()); } @Test public void testRenameNonExistNotSameDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode base2 = _rootInode.mkdir("junit2"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); Stat preStatBase = base.stat(); Stat preStatBase2 = base2.stat(); Stat preStatFile = fileInode.stat(); boolean ok = _fs.rename(fileInode, base, "testCreateFile", base2, "testCreateFile2"); assertTrue("can't move", ok); assertEquals("link count of source directory should decrese on move out", preStatBase.getNlink() - 1, base.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of destination directory should increase on move in", preStatBase2.getNlink() + 1, base2.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of file shold not be modified on move", preStatFile.getNlink(), fileInode.stat().getNlink()); } @Test public void testRenameExistNotSameDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode base2 = _rootInode.mkdir("junit2"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode fileInode2 = base2.create("testCreateFile2", 0, 0, 0644); Stat preStatBase = base.stat(); Stat preStatBase2 = base2.stat(); Stat preStatFile = fileInode.stat(); fileInode2.setStatCache(null); boolean ok = _fs.rename(fileInode, base, "testCreateFile", base2, "testCreateFile2"); assertTrue("can't move", ok); assertEquals("link count of source directory should decrese on move out", preStatBase.getNlink() - 1, base.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of destination directory should not be modified on replace", preStatBase2.getNlink(), base2.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of file shold not be modified on move", preStatFile.getNlink(), fileInode.stat().getNlink()); assertFalse("ghost file", fileInode2.exists()); } @Test public void testRenameHardLinkToItselfSameDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode linkInode = _fs.createHLink(base, fileInode, "testCreateFile2"); Stat preStatBase = base.stat(); Stat preStatFile = fileInode.stat(); boolean ok = _fs.rename(fileInode, base, "testCreateFile", base, "testCreateFile2"); assertFalse("rename of hardlink to itself should do nothing", ok); assertEquals("link count of base directory should not be modified in case of rename", preStatBase.getNlink(), base.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of file should not be modified in case of rename", preStatFile.getNlink(), fileInode.stat().getNlink()); } @Test public void testRenameHardLinkToItselfNotSameDir() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode base2 = _rootInode.mkdir("junit2"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode linkInode = _fs.createHLink(base2, fileInode, "testCreateFile2"); Stat preStatBase = base.stat(); Stat preStatBase2 = base2.stat(); Stat preStatFile = fileInode.stat(); boolean ok = _fs.rename(fileInode, base, "testCreateFile", base2, "testCreateFile2"); assertFalse("rename of hardlink to itself should do nothing", ok); assertEquals("link count of source directory should not be modified in case of rename", preStatBase.getNlink(), base.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of destination directory should not be modified in case of rename", preStatBase2.getNlink(), base2.stat().getNlink()); assertEquals("link count of file should not be modified in case of rename", preStatFile.getNlink(), fileInode.stat().getNlink()); } @Test public void testRemoveFileById() throws Exception { int n = _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length; FsInode file = _rootInode.create("foo", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.remove(file); assertEquals(n, _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length); } @Test public void testRemoveSeveralHardlinksById() throws Exception { int n = _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length; FsInode file = _rootInode.create("foo", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.createHLink(_rootInode, file, "bar"); _fs.remove(file); assertEquals(n, _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length); assertEquals(n, _rootInode.stat().getNlink()); } @Test public void testRemoveDirById() throws Exception { int n =_fs.listDir(_rootInode).length; FsInode foo = _rootInode.mkdir("foo"); _fs.remove(foo); assertEquals(n, _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length); } @Test(expected=DirNotEmptyHimeraFsException.class) public void testRemoveNonEmptyDirById() throws Exception { FsInode foo = _rootInode.mkdir("foo"); FsInode bar = foo.mkdir("bar"); _fs.remove(foo); } @Test(expected=InvalidArgumentChimeraException.class) public void testRemoveRootById() throws Exception { _fs.remove(_rootInode); } @Test(expected=FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testRemoveNonexistgById() throws Exception { FsInode inode = new FsInode(_fs, Long.MAX_VALUE); _fs.remove(inode); } @Test(expected=FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testRemoveNonexistgByPath() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); base.remove("notexist"); } @Test public void testRemoveFileByPath() throws Exception { int n = _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length; FsInode file = _rootInode.create("foo", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.remove("/foo"); assertEquals(n, _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length); } @Test public void testRemoveDirByPath() throws Exception { int n = _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length; FsInode foo = _rootInode.mkdir("foo"); _fs.remove("/foo"); assertEquals(n, _fs.listDir(_rootInode).length); } @Test(expected=DirNotEmptyHimeraFsException.class) public void testRemoveNonEmptyDirByPath() throws Exception { FsInode foo = _rootInode.mkdir("foo"); FsInode bar = foo.mkdir("bar"); _fs.remove("/foo"); } @Test(expected=InvalidArgumentChimeraException.class) public void testRemoveRootByPath() throws Exception { _fs.remove("/"); } @Test public void testAddLocationForNonexistong() throws Exception { FsInode inode = new FsInode(_fs, Long.MAX_VALUE); try { _fs.addInodeLocation(inode, StorageGenericLocation.DISK, "/dev/null"); fail("was able to add cache location for non existing file"); } catch (FileNotFoundHimeraFsException e) { // OK } } @Test public void testDupAddLocation() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.addInodeLocation(fileInode, StorageGenericLocation.DISK, "/dev/null"); _fs.addInodeLocation(fileInode, StorageGenericLocation.DISK, "/dev/null"); } @Test(expected = FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testSetSizeNotExist() throws Exception { FsInode inode = new FsInode(_fs, Long.MAX_VALUE); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setSize(1); _fs.setInodeAttributes(inode, 0, stat); } @Test(expected = FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testChowneNotExist() throws Exception { FsInode inode = new FsInode(_fs, Long.MAX_VALUE); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setUid(3750); _fs.setInodeAttributes(inode, 0, stat); } @Test public void testUpdateLevelNotExist() throws Exception { FsInode inode = new FsInode(_fs, Long.MAX_VALUE); try { byte[] data = "bla".getBytes(); _fs.write(inode, 1, 0, data, 0, data.length); fail("was able to update level of non existing file"); } catch (FileNotFoundHimeraFsException e) { // OK } } @Test public void testUpdateChecksumNotExist() throws Exception { FsInode inode = new FsInode(_fs, Long.MAX_VALUE); try { _fs.setInodeChecksum(inode, 1, "asum"); fail("was able to update checksum of non existing file"); } catch (FileNotFoundHimeraFsException e) { // OK } } @Test public void testUpdateChecksum() throws Exception { String sum = "abc"; FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.setInodeChecksum(fileInode, 1, sum); assertHasChecksum(new Checksum(ChecksumType.getChecksumType(1), sum), fileInode); } @Ignore("Functionality not yet written, but desired") @Test public void testUpdateChecksumDifferTypes() throws Exception { String sum1 = "abc1"; String sum2 = "abc2"; FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode fileInode = base.create("testCreateFile", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.setInodeChecksum(fileInode, 1, sum1); _fs.setInodeChecksum(fileInode, 2, sum2); assertHasChecksum(new Checksum(ChecksumType.getChecksumType(1), sum1), fileInode); assertHasChecksum(new Checksum(ChecksumType.getChecksumType(2), sum2), fileInode); } @Test public void testResolveLinkOnPathToId() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode linkInode = _rootInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 055, "testDir".getBytes()); FsInode inode = _fs.path2inode("aLink", _rootInode); assertEquals("Link resolution did not work", dirInode, inode); } @Test public void testResolveLinkOnPathToIds() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode linkInode = _rootInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 055, "testDir".getBytes()); List<FsInode> inodes = _fs.path2inodes("aLink", _rootInode); assertEquals("Link resolution did not work", Lists.newArrayList(_rootInode, linkInode, dirInode), inodes); } @Test public void testResolveLinkOnPathToIdRelative() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode linkInode = _rootInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 055, "../testDir".getBytes()); FsInode inode = _fs.path2inode("aLink", _rootInode); assertEquals("Link resolution did not work", dirInode, inode); } @Test public void testResolveLinkOnPathToIdsRelative() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode linkInode = _rootInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 055, "../testDir".getBytes()); List<FsInode> inodes = _fs.path2inodes("aLink", _rootInode); assertEquals("Link resolution did not work", Lists.newArrayList(_rootInode, linkInode, _rootInode, dirInode), inodes); } @Test(expected = FileExistsChimeraFsException.class) public void testLinkWithExistingName() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); _rootInode.create("aLink", 0, 0, 055); _rootInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 055, "../testDir".getBytes()); } @Test public void testResolveLinkOnPathToIdAbsolute() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode subdirInode = dirInode.mkdir("testDir2", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode linkInode = dirInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 055, "/testDir/testDir2".getBytes()); FsInode inode = _fs.path2inode("aLink", dirInode); assertEquals("Link resolution did not work", subdirInode, inode); } @Test public void testResolveLinkOnPathToIdsAbsolute() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode subdirInode = dirInode.mkdir("testDir2", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode linkInode = dirInode.createLink("aLink", 0, 0, 055, "/testDir/testDir2".getBytes()); List<FsInode> inodes = _fs.path2inodes("aLink", dirInode); assertEquals("Link resolution did not work", Lists.newArrayList(dirInode, linkInode, _rootInode, dirInode, subdirInode), inodes); } @Test public void testUpdateCtimeOnSetOwner() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); long oldCtime = dirInode.stat().getCTime(); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setUid(3750); dirInode.setStat(stat); assertTrue("The ctime is not updated", dirInode.stat().getCTime() >= oldCtime); } @Test public void testUpdateCtimeOnSetGroup() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); long oldCtime = dirInode.stat().getCTime(); long oldChage = dirInode.stat().getGeneration(); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setGid(3750); dirInode.setStat(stat); assertTrue("The ctime is not updated", dirInode.stat().getCTime() >= oldCtime); assertTrue("change count is not updated", dirInode.stat().getGeneration() != oldChage); } @Test public void testUpdateCtimeOnSetMode() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); long oldCtime = dirInode.stat().getCTime(); long oldChage = dirInode.stat().getGeneration(); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setMode(0700); dirInode.setStat(stat); assertTrue("The ctime is not updated", dirInode.stat().getCTime() >= oldCtime); assertTrue("change count is not updated", dirInode.stat().getGeneration() != oldChage); } @Test public void testUpdateMtimeOnSetSize() throws Exception { FsInode inode = _rootInode.create("file", 0, 0, 0755); long oldMtime = inode.stat().getMTime(); long oldChage = inode.stat().getGeneration(); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setSize(17); inode.setStat(stat); assertTrue("The mtime is not updated", inode.stat().getMTime() >= oldMtime); assertTrue("change count is not updated", inode.stat().getGeneration() != oldChage); } @Test public void testSetAcl() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); RsType rsType = RsType.FILE; List<ACE> aces = new ArrayList<>(); aces.add(new ACE(AceType.ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE, 0, AccessMask.ADD_SUBDIRECTORY.getValue(), Who.USER, 1001)); aces.add(new ACE(AceType.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, AccessMask.ADD_FILE.getValue(), Who.USER, 1001)); _fs.setACL(dirInode, aces); List<ACE> l2 = _fs.getACL(dirInode); assertEquals(aces, l2); } @Test public void testReSetAcl() throws Exception { FsInode dirInode = _rootInode.mkdir("testDir", 0, 0, 0755); RsType rsType = RsType.FILE; List<ACE> aces = new ArrayList<>(); aces.add(new ACE(AceType.ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE, 0, AccessMask.ADD_SUBDIRECTORY.getValue(), Who.USER, 1001)); aces.add(new ACE(AceType.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE, 0, AccessMask.ADD_FILE.getValue(), Who.USER, 1001)); _fs.setACL(dirInode, aces); _fs.setACL(dirInode, new ArrayList<ACE>() ); assertTrue(_fs.getACL(dirInode).isEmpty()); } @Test(expected=FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testGetInodeByPathNotExist() throws Exception { _fs.path2inode("/some/nonexisting/path"); fail("Expected exception not thrown"); } @Test public void testMoveSubdirectory() throws Exception { FsInode dir01 = _rootInode.mkdir("dir01", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode dir02 = dir01.mkdir("dir02", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode dir03 = dir02.mkdir("dir03", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode dir11 = _rootInode.mkdir("dir11", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode dir12 = dir11.mkdir("dir12", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode dir13 = dir12.mkdir("dir13", 0, 0, 0755); _fs.rename(dir02, dir01, "dir02", dir13, "dir14"); FsInode newInode = _fs.inodeOf(dir13, "dir14", NO_STAT); assertEquals("Invalid parent", dir13, newInode.inodeOf("..", NO_STAT)); } @Test(expected = NotDirChimeraException.class) public void testMoveIntoFile() throws Exception { FsInode src = _rootInode.create("testMoveIntoFile1", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode dest = _rootInode.create("testMoveIntoFile2", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.rename(src, _rootInode, "testMoveIntoFile1", dest, "testMoveIntoFile3"); } @Test(expected = FileExistsChimeraFsException.class) public void testMoveIntoDir() throws Exception { FsInode src = _rootInode.create("testMoveIntoDir", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode dir = _rootInode.mkdir("dir", 0, 0, 0755); _fs.rename(src, _rootInode, "testMoveIntoDir", _rootInode, "dir"); } @Test(expected = FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testMoveNotExists() throws Exception { _fs.rename(_rootInode, _rootInode, "foo", _rootInode, "bar"); } @Test(expected = DirNotEmptyHimeraFsException.class) public void testMoveNotEmptyDir() throws Exception { FsInode dir1 = _rootInode.mkdir("dir1", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode dir2 = _rootInode.mkdir("dir2", 0, 0, 0755); FsInode src = dir2.create("testMoveIntoDir", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.rename(dir1, _rootInode, "dir1", _rootInode, "dir2"); } @Test public void testMoveExistingWithLevel() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); FsInode inode1 = base.create("testCreateFile1", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode inode2 = base.create("testCreateFile2", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode level1of1 = new FsInode(_fs, inode1.ino(), 1); byte[] data = "hello".getBytes(); level1of1.write(0, data, 0, data.length); assertTrue(_fs.rename(inode2, base, "testCreateFile2", base, "testCreateFile1")); } @Test(expected = InvalidNameChimeraException.class) public void testNameTooDirLong() throws Exception { String tooLongName = Strings.repeat("a", 257); FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir(tooLongName); } @Test(expected = InvalidNameChimeraException.class) public void testNameTooFileLong() throws Exception { String tooLongName = Strings.repeat("a", 257); FsInode base = _rootInode.create(tooLongName, 0, 0, 0644); } @Test(expected = InvalidNameChimeraException.class) public void testNameTooMoveLong() throws Exception { String tooLongName = Strings.repeat("a", 257); FsInode inode = _rootInode.mkdir("testNameTooMoveLong"); _fs.rename(inode, _rootInode, "testNameTooMoveLong", _rootInode, tooLongName); } @Test public void testChangeTagOwner() throws Exception { final String tagName = "myTag"; FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); _fs.createTag(base, tagName); FsInode tagInode = new FsInode_TAG(_fs, base.ino(), tagName); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setUid(1); tagInode.setStat(stat); assertEquals(1, tagInode.stat().getUid()); } @Test public void testChangeTagOwnerGroup() throws Exception { final String tagName = "myTag"; FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); _fs.createTag(base, tagName); FsInode tagInode = new FsInode_TAG(_fs, base.ino(), tagName); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setGid(1); tagInode.setStat(stat); assertEquals(1, tagInode.stat().getGid()); } @Test public void testChangeTagMode() throws Exception { final String tagName = "myTag"; FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); _fs.createTag(base, tagName); FsInode tagInode = new FsInode_TAG(_fs, base.ino(), tagName); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setMode(0007); tagInode.setStat(stat); assertEquals(0007 | UnixPermission.S_IFREG, tagInode.stat().getMode()); } @Test public void testUpdateTagMtimeOnWrite() throws Exception { final String tagName = "myTag"; final byte[] data1 = "some data".getBytes(); final byte[] data2 = "some other data".getBytes(); FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); _fs.createTag(base, tagName); FsInode tagInode = new FsInode_TAG(_fs, base.ino(), tagName); tagInode.write(0, data1, 0, data1.length); Stat statBefore = tagInode.stat(); tagInode.write(0, data2, 0, data2.length); Stat statAfter = tagInode.stat(); assertTrue(statAfter.getMTime() >= statBefore.getMTime()); } @Test public void testSetAttribitesOnTag() throws Exception { final String tagName = "myTag"; FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); _fs.createTag(base, tagName); FsInode tagInode = new FsInode_TAG(_fs, base.ino(), tagName); Stat stat = tagInode.stat(); Stat baseStat = base.stat(); stat.setUid(123); _fs.setInodeAttributes(tagInode, 0, stat); assertEquals(baseStat, base.stat()); } @Test(expected = FileNotFoundHimeraFsException.class) public void testGetParentOnRoot() throws Exception { String id = _rootInode.statCache().getId(); _rootInode.inodeOf(".(parent)(" + id + ")", NO_STAT); } @Test public void testGenerationOnReaddir() throws Exception { FsInode inode = _rootInode.mkdir("junit"); Stat stat = new Stat(); inode.setStat(stat); // to bump generation try (DirectoryStreamB<HimeraDirectoryEntry> dirStream = _fs.newDirectoryStream(_rootInode)) { for (HimeraDirectoryEntry entry : dirStream) { if (entry.getName().equals("junit") && entry.getStat().getGeneration() == 1) { return; } } fail(); } } private void assertHasChecksum(Checksum expectedChecksum, FsInode inode) throws Exception { for(Checksum checksum: _fs.getInodeChecksums(inode)) { if (checksum.equals(expectedChecksum)) { return; } } fail("No checksums"); } @Test(expected = InvalidNameChimeraException.class) public void testDeleteDot() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("dir1"); base.remove("."); } @Test(expected = InvalidNameChimeraException.class) public void testDeleteDotAtEnd() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("dir1"); _fs.remove("/dir1/."); } @Test(expected = InvalidNameChimeraException.class) public void testDeleteDotDot() throws Exception { FsInode base = _rootInode.mkdir("dir1"); base.remove(".."); } @Test(expected = IsDirChimeraException.class) public void testSetSizeOnDir() throws Exception { FsInode dir = _rootInode.mkdir("dir1"); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setSize(1); dir.setStat(stat); } @Test(expected = InvalidArgumentChimeraException.class) public void testSetSizeOnNonFile() throws Exception { FsInode dir = _rootInode.mkdir("dir1"); FsInode link = _rootInode.createLink("link1", 1, 1, 0777, "dir1".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); Stat stat = new Stat(); stat.setSize(1); link.setStat(stat); } @Test(expected = FileExistsChimeraFsException.class) public void testCreateDuplicateTag() throws Exception { FsInode dir = _rootInode.mkdir("dir1"); _fs.createTag(dir, "aTag", 0, 0, 0644); _fs.createTag(dir, "aTag", 0, 0, 0644); } @Test public void testPathofUnicodePath() throws ChimeraFsException { FsInode file = _rootInode.create("JC385 - 1300C 12h 15X - \uc624\uc5fc.jpg", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode_PATHOF pathof = new FsInode_PATHOF(_fs, file.ino()); byte[] buffer = new byte[64]; int len =, buffer, 0, 64); assertThat(len, is(equalTo(36))); } @Test public void testPathofOnPartOfUnicodePath() throws ChimeraFsException { FsInode file = _rootInode.create("JC385 - 1300C 12h 15X - \uc624\uc5fc.jpg", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode_PATHOF pathof = new FsInode_PATHOF(_fs, file.ino()); byte[] buffer = new byte[12]; int len =, buffer, 0, 8); assertThat(len, is(8)); assertArrayEquals(buffer, new byte[]{45, 32, -20, -104, -92, -20, -105, -68, 0, 0, 0, 0}); } @Test public void testNameofUnicodePath() throws ChimeraFsException { FsInode file = _rootInode.create("JC385 - 1300C 12h 15X - \uc624\uc5fc.jpg", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode_NAMEOF nameof = new FsInode_NAMEOF(_fs, file.ino()); byte[] buffer = new byte[64]; int len =, buffer, 0, 64); assertThat(len, is(35)); } @Test public void testNameofOnPartOfUnicodePath() throws ChimeraFsException { FsInode file = _rootInode.create("JC385 - 1300C 12h 15X - \uc624\uc5fc.jpg", 0, 0, 0644); FsInode_NAMEOF nameof = new FsInode_NAMEOF(_fs, file.ino()); byte[] buffer = new byte[12]; int len =, buffer, 0, 8); assertThat(len, is(8)); assertArrayEquals(buffer, new byte[]{32, -20, -104, -92, -20, -105, -68, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0}); } @Test public void testCreateBlockDev() throws ChimeraFsException { _fs.createFile(_rootInode, "aBlockDev", 0, 0, 0644 | UnixPermission.S_IFBLK, UnixPermission.S_IFBLK); } @Test public void testCreateCharDev() throws ChimeraFsException { _fs.createFile(_rootInode, "aCharDev", 0, 0, 0644 | UnixPermission.S_IFCHR, UnixPermission.S_IFCHR); } @Test public void testCreateSocketDev() throws ChimeraFsException { _fs.createFile(_rootInode, "aSocket", 0, 0, 0644 | UnixPermission.S_IFSOCK, UnixPermission.S_IFSOCK); } @Test public void testCreateFifoDev() throws ChimeraFsException { _fs.createFile(_rootInode, "aFifo", 0, 0, 0644 | UnixPermission.S_IFIFO, UnixPermission.S_IFIFO); } @Test public void testCreateSymLink() throws ChimeraFsException { _fs.createFile(_rootInode, "aSymlink", 0, 0, 0644 | UnixPermission.S_IFLNK, UnixPermission.S_IFLNK); } @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testCreateDir() throws ChimeraFsException { _fs.createFile(_rootInode, "aDir", 0, 0, 0755 | UnixPermission.S_IFDIR, UnixPermission.S_IFDIR); } @Test public void testLevelCreation() throws ChimeraFsException { FsInode file = _fs.createFile(_rootInode, "aFile", 0, 0, 0755 | UnixPermission.S_IFREG, UnixPermission.S_IFREG); FsInode level = _fs.createFileLevel(file, 2); byte[] data = "some random data".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); int n = level.write(0, data, 0, data.length); assertEquals("incorrect number of bytes", data.length, n); byte[] moreData = "some more random data".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); n = level.write(0, moreData, 0, moreData.length); assertEquals("incorrect number of bytes", moreData.length, n); } }