package org.dcache.auth; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; public abstract class UserAuthBase implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7700110348980815506L; public final List<Integer> GIDs = new ArrayList<>(); public transient long id; public String Username; public String DN; public int priority; public int UID = -1; public String Home; public String Root; public String FsRoot; public boolean ReadOnly; private FQAN fqan; public UserAuthBase(String user, boolean readOnly, int uid, int gid, String home, String root, String fsroot) { this(user, null, null, readOnly, 0, uid, gid, home, root, fsroot); } public UserAuthBase(String user, boolean readOnly, int uid, int[] gids, String home, String root, String fsroot) { this(user, null, null, readOnly, 0, uid, gids, home, root, fsroot); } public UserAuthBase(String user, String DN, String fqan, boolean readOnly, int priority, int uid, int gid, String home, String root, String fsroot) { this(user, DN, fqan, readOnly, priority, uid, new int[]{gid}, home, root, fsroot); } public UserAuthBase(String user, String DN, String fqan, boolean readOnly, int priority, int uid, int[] gids, String home, String root, String fsroot) { Username = user; this.DN = DN; if (fqan != null) { this.fqan = new FQAN(fqan); } else if (user != null) { this.fqan = new FQAN(user); } ReadOnly = readOnly; this.priority = priority; UID = uid; Home = home; Root = root; FsRoot = fsroot; if (gids == null) { GIDs.add(-1); } else { for (int gid: gids) { GIDs.add(gid); } } } /** * non-private default constructor to satisfy the JPA requirements */ public UserAuthBase() { } public String readOnlyStr() { if (ReadOnly) { return "read-only"; } else { return "read-write"; } } public abstract boolean isAnonymous(); public abstract boolean isWeak(); public FQAN getFqan() { return fqan; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(Username, UID); } }