package org.dcache.util; import; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CDC; /** * Decorates an Executor and makes tasks CDC aware. * * The CDC of a task submitted to the Executor will be initialized to * the CDC of the thread that submitted the task. */ public class CDCExecutorDecorator<E extends Executor> extends ForwardingObject implements Executor { private final E _delegate; public CDCExecutorDecorator(E delegate) { this._delegate = delegate; } @Override public E delegate() { return _delegate; } @Override public void execute(Runnable command) { _delegate.execute(wrap(command)); } protected Runnable wrap(final Runnable task) { return new WrappedRunnable(new CDC(), task); } private static class WrappedRunnable implements Runnable { private final CDC cdc; private final Runnable task; public WrappedRunnable(CDC cdc, Runnable task) { this.cdc = cdc; this.task = task; } public Runnable getInner() { return task; } @Override public void run() { try (CDC ignored = cdc.restore()) {; } } } }