package diskCacheV111.admin ; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAdapter; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellNucleus; import; import dmg.util.AgingHash; import dmg.util.UserPasswords; import org.dcache.util.Args; /** * PAM Authentification Cell. * */ public class PAMAuthentificator extends CellAdapter { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PAMAuthentificator.class); private final int request_len = 5; private final int response_len = 6; private final CellNucleus _nucleus; private final String _cellName; private String _service; private PAM_Auth _pam; private ExecAuth _execAuth; private final Args _args; private Date _started = new Date() ; private int _requestCount; private int _badRequestCount; private int _failedRequestCount; private static final int USER_SERVICE_FILE = 1 ; private static final int USER_SERVICE_NIS = 2 ; private static final int USER_SERVICE_LDAP = 3 ; private static final int USER_SERVICE_CLASS = 4 ; private UserPasswords _sysPassword; private UserPasswords _egPassword; private UserMetaDataProvider _userServiceProvider; private DirContext _userServiceNIS; private UserPasswords _userServiceFile; private int _userServiceType; private final Crypt _crypt = new Crypt() ; public PAMAuthentificator(String cellName, String args) { super(cellName, PAMAuthentificator.class.getName(), args); _nucleus = getNucleus(); _cellName = cellName; _args = getArgs(); } @Override protected void starting() throws Exception { // Usage: ... [-service=<login_service>] // [-syspassword=</etc/password>] // [-dcachepassword=<dCachePasswordFile>] // [-users=[file:]<passwordFilePath>|nis:<nisserver>|ldap:<ldapserver>] // [-provider=<nisProviderClass>] // [-external=<binToCheckPam>] // [-usepam] // _service = _args.getOpt("service"); if (_service == null) { _service = "dcache";"'service' not defined. Using '" + _service + "' as default service"); } String tmp = _args.getOpt("external"); if (tmp == null) { if ((tmp = _args.getOpt("syspassword")) != null) { _sysPassword = new UserPasswords(new File(tmp));"using as SystemPasswordfile : {}", tmp); } if ((tmp = _args.getOpt("dcachepassword")) != null) { _egPassword = new UserPasswords(new File(tmp));"using as dCachePassword : {}", tmp); } if ((tmp = _args.getOpt("usepam")) != null) { _pam = new PAM_Auth(_service);"using PAM mudule"); } } else { _execAuth = new ExecAuth(tmp); } if ((tmp = _args.getOpt("users")) != null) {"using as userService : {}", tmp); if (tmp.startsWith("nis:")) { String provider = _args.getOpt("provider"); provider = provider == null ? "com.sun.jndi.nis.NISCtxFactory" : provider; Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<>(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, provider); // String url = tmp.substring(tmp.indexOf(":")+1); // url = "nis://" ; env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, tmp); try { _userServiceNIS = new InitialDirContext(env); } catch (NamingException ne) { _log.warn("Can't InitialDirContext(env) " + ne); throw ne; } _userServiceType = USER_SERVICE_NIS; } else if (tmp.startsWith("ldap:")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("LDap not yet supported"); } else if (tmp.startsWith("file:")) { _userServiceFile = new UserPasswords(new File(tmp.substring(5))); _userServiceType = USER_SERVICE_FILE; } else if (tmp.startsWith("class:")) { _userServiceProvider = initUserServiceProvider(tmp.substring(6)); _userServiceType = USER_SERVICE_CLASS; } else if ((!tmp.contains(":"))) { _userServiceFile = new UserPasswords(new File(tmp)); _userServiceType = USER_SERVICE_FILE; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid user service provider : " + tmp); } } useInterpreter(true); } private UserMetaDataProvider initUserServiceProvider(String className ) throws Exception { Class<?>[] argClasses = { CellAdapter.class } ; Object[] argObjects = { this } ; Class<? extends UserMetaDataProvider> exec = Class.forName(className).asSubclass(UserMetaDataProvider.class); Constructor<? extends UserMetaDataProvider> constructor = exec.getConstructor(argClasses) ; UserMetaDataProvider provider = constructor.newInstance(argObjects); addCommandListener(provider); return provider ; } @Override public void getInfo( PrintWriter pw ){ try{ pw.println("PAMAuthentificator"); pw.println(" Request Count : "+_requestCount ) ; pw.println(" Bad Request Count : "+_badRequestCount ) ; pw.println(" Failed Request Count : "+_failedRequestCount ) ; pw.println(" PAM loaded : "+(_pam==null?"Not requested":(String.valueOf(_pam.pamOk()))) ) ; pw.println(" System Password File : "+ (_sysPassword==null?"<null>":_sysPassword.toString()) ) ; pw.println(" dCache Password File : "+ (_egPassword==null?"<null>":_egPassword.toString() )) ; switch( _userServiceType ){ case USER_SERVICE_FILE : pw.println(" user metadata File : "+ (_userServiceFile==null?"<null>":_userServiceFile.toString()) ) ; break ; case USER_SERVICE_NIS : pw.println(" user metadata Nis : "+_userServiceNIS ) ; break ; case USER_SERVICE_LDAP : pw.println(" user metadata LDAP : "+_userServiceNIS ) ; break ; case USER_SERVICE_CLASS : pw.println(" user metadata Class : "+_userServiceProvider.getClass().getName() ) ; pw.println(" user metadata Object : "+_userServiceProvider ) ; break ; } }catch(Exception eee){ eee.printStackTrace() ; } } private static final String DUMMY_ADMIN = "5t2Hw7lNqVock" ; private void updatePassword(){ try{ if( _sysPassword != null ) { _sysPassword.update(); } }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.warn( "Updating failed : "+_sysPassword ) ; } try{ if( _egPassword != null ) { _egPassword.update(); } }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.warn( "Updating failed : "+_egPassword ) ; } } private boolean matchPassword( String userName , String password ){ String pswd; updatePassword() ; try{ if( userName.equals("admin" ) ){ if( ( _sysPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _sysPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ if( ( _egPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _egPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ pswd = DUMMY_ADMIN ; } } return _crypt.crypt( pswd , password ).equals(pswd) ; }else{ if( ( _sysPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _sysPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ if( ( _egPassword == null ) || ( ( pswd = _egPassword.getPassword(userName) ) == null ) ){ return false ; } } return _crypt.crypt( pswd , password ).equals(pswd) ; } }catch( Throwable t ){ _log.warn( "Found : "+t ) ; } return false ; } private boolean authenticate( String principal , String password ){ password = password.trim() ; if( _pam != null ){ return _pam.authenticate( principal , password ) ; }else if( _execAuth != null ){ try{ String result = _execAuth.command( "check "+_service+ " "+principal+ " "+password ) ; return result.equals("true") ; }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.warn(ee.toString(), ee) ; return false ; } }else{ return false ; } } private boolean checkAccess( String principal , String password ){ boolean pamOk = false ; try{ pamOk = authenticate( principal , password ) ; }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.warn( "_pam.authorize : "+ee ) ; } if( ! pamOk ){"pam _log.infos no to <"+principal+"> (switching to local)"); try{ return matchPassword( principal , password ) ; }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.warn( "matchPassword : "+ee ) ; } } return pamOk ; } @Override public void messageArrived( CellMessage msg ){ Serializable obj = msg.getMessageObject() ; Serializable answer; try{ "Message type : "+obj.getClass() ) ; if( ( obj instanceof Object [] ) && ( ((Object[])obj).length >= 3 ) && ( ((Object[])obj)[0].equals("request") ) ){ Object [] request = (Object[])obj ; String user = request[1] == null ? "unknown" : (String)request[1] ; String command = (String)request[2] ; ">"+command+"< request from "+user ) ; try{ switch (command) { case "check-password": answer = acl_check_password(request); break; case "get-metainfo": answer = getMetaInfo(request); break; default: throw new Exception("Command not found : " + command); } }catch( Exception xe ){ throw new Exception( "Problem : "+xe ) ; } }else{ String r = "Illegal message object received from : "+ msg.getSourcePath() ; _log.warn( r ) ; throw new Exception( r ) ; } }catch(Exception iex ){ answer = iex ; } if( answer instanceof Object [] ) { ((Object[]) answer)[0] = "response"; } msg.revertDirection() ; msg.setMessageObject( answer ) ; try{ sendMessage( msg ) ; }catch( RuntimeException ioe ){ _log.warn( "Can't send acl_response : "+ioe, ioe ) ; } } private Serializable getMetaInfo( Object [] request )throws Exception { return _userServiceType == USER_SERVICE_FILE ? acl_get_metainfo( request ) : _userServiceType == USER_SERVICE_NIS ? acl_get_metainfo_nis( request ) : _userServiceType == USER_SERVICE_CLASS ? acl_get_metainfo_class( request ) : new IllegalArgumentException("Panix "+_userServiceType) ; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // r[0] : request // r[1] : <requestor> // r[2] : get-metainfo // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <key>[,<key>[...]] // // checks : nothing // // response // // r[0] : response // r[1] : <requestor> // r[2] : get-metainfo // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <key>[,<key>[...]] // r[5] : <valueOfKey1> // r[6] : <valueOfKey2> // r[7] : ... // private Serializable acl_get_metainfo( Object [] request ) throws Exception { if( ( request.length < 5 ) || ( request[3] == null ) || ( request[4] == null ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough or illegal arguments for 'get-metainfo'"); } String userName = request[3].toString() ; if( _userServiceFile == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User service not configured"); } _userServiceFile.update() ; String [] dict = _userServiceFile.getRecord(userName) ; if( dict == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No such user : " + userName); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( request[4].toString() , "," ) ; List<String> result = new ArrayList<>() ; while( st.hasMoreTokens() ){ String key = st.nextToken() ; switch (key) { case "uid": result.add(dict.length > 2 ? dict[2] : null); break; case "gid": result.add(dict.length > 3 ? dict[3] : null); break; case "home": result.add(dict.length > 5 ? dict[5] : null); break; case "fqn": result.add(dict.length > 4 ? dict[4] : null); break; case "shell": result.add(dict.length > 6 ? dict[6] : null); break; default: result.add(null); break; } } String [] r = new String[5+result.size()] ; for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { r[i] = (String) request[i]; } for( int i = 5 ; i < r.length ; i++ ) { r[i] = result.get(i - 5); } return r ; } private Serializable acl_get_metainfo_class( Object [] request ) throws Exception { if( ( request.length < 5 ) || ( request[3] == null ) || ( request[4] == null ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough or illegal arguments for 'get-metainfo'"); } String userName = request[3].toString() ; String principal = request[1].toString() ; //VP if( _userServiceProvider == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User service not configured"); } List<String> attrList = new ArrayList<>() ; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( request[4].toString() , "," ) ; while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) { attrList.add(st.nextToken()); } //VP Map map = _userServiceProvider.getUserMetaData( userName , attrList ) ; Map<String,String> map = _userServiceProvider.getUserMetaData( principal, userName , attrList ) ; String [] r = new String[5+attrList.size()] ; for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { r[i] = (String) request[i]; } for( int i = 5 ; i < r.length ; i++ ){ String t = map.get(attrList.get(i-5)); r[i] = t == null ? "Unknown" : t ; } return r ; } private static final long HASH_REFRESH = 4*3600*1000 ; private final AgingHash _map = new AgingHash(400) ; private static class UserRecord { private final Attributes _userRecord; private long _timestamp; private UserRecord( Attributes userRecord ){ _userRecord = userRecord ; _timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() ; } } private Serializable acl_get_metainfo_nis( Object [] request ) throws Exception { try{ if( ( request.length < 5 ) || ( request[3] == null ) || ( request[4] == null ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough or illegal arguments for 'check-password'"); } String userName = request[3].toString() ; if( _userServiceNIS == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User 'nis' service not configured"); } UserRecord record = (UserRecord)_map.get(userName); Attributes answer; if( ( record == null ) || ( ( record._timestamp != 0 ) && ( System.currentTimeMillis() - record._timestamp ) > HASH_REFRESH ) ){ answer = _userServiceNIS.getAttributes("system/passwd/"+userName); if( answer.size() == 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such user : " + userName); } _map.put(userName , new UserRecord(answer)) ; }else{ answer = record._userRecord ; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( request[4].toString() , "," ) ; List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>(); while( st.hasMoreTokens() ){ String key = st.nextToken() ; switch (key) { case "uid": try { result.add(answer.get("uidNumber").get()); } catch (Exception e) { result.add(null); } break; case "gid": try { result.add(answer.get("gidNumber").get()); } catch (Exception e) { result.add(null); } break; case "home": try { result.add(answer.get("homeDirectory").get()); } catch (Exception e) { result.add(null); } break; case "fqn": try { result.add(answer.get("gecos").get()); } catch (Exception e) { result.add(null); } break; case "shell": try { result.add(answer.get("loginShell").get()); } catch (Exception e) { result.add(null); } break; default: result.add(null); break; } } String [] r = new String[5+result.size()] ; for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { r[i] = (String) request[i]; } for( int i = 5 ; i < r.length ; i++ ) { r[i] = (String) result.get(i - 5); } return r ; }catch(Exception ee ){ ee.printStackTrace() ; throw ee; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // r[0] : request // r[1] : <anything> // r[2] : check-password // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <password>[plainText] // // checks : nothing // // response // // r[0] : response // r[1] : <user> // r[2] : check-password // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <password>[plainText] // r[5] : Boolean(true/false) // private Serializable acl_check_password( Object [] request ) { if( request.length < 5 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough arguments for 'check-password'"); } Object [] response = new Object[6] ; System.arraycopy(request, 0, response, 0, 5); response[1] = request[3] ; String userName = (String)request[3] ; String password = (String)request[4] ; response[5] = checkAccess(userName, password); return response ; } // // r[0] : request // r[1] : <requestor> // r[2] : get-metainfo // r[3] : <user> // r[4] : <key>[,<key>[...]] // public static final String hh_check_meta = "<user>" ; public String ac_check_meta_$_1(Args args ) throws Exception { Object [] request = new Object[5] ; request[0] = "request" ; request[1] = "nobody" ; request[2] = "get-metainfo" ; request[3] = args.argv(0); request[4] = "uid,gid,home,shell,fqn"; Object answer = getMetaInfo( request ) ; if( answer instanceof Exception ) { throw (Exception) answer; } Object [] a = (Object [])answer ; return " Uid : " + a[5] + "\n" + " Gid : " + a[6] + "\n" + " Home : " + a[7] + "\n" + "Shell : " + a[8] + "\n" + " Name : " + a[9] + "\n"; } public static final String hh_check_auth = "<user> <password>" ; public String ac_check_auth_$_2( Args args ) { String user = args.argv(0) ; String pwd = args.argv(1) ; boolean result = checkAccess( user , pwd ) ; return result ? "Authentication ok for user <"+user+">" : "Authentication failed for user <"+user+">" ; } public static final String hh_user_map_ls = "# [-t]" ; public String ac_user_map_ls( Args args ){ if( _map == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User map hash not needed"); } Iterator<?> i = _map.keysIterator() ; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; while( i.hasNext() ){ sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString() ; } public static final String hh_user_map_remove = "<userName> # remove user from hash"; public String ac_user_map_remove_$_1(Args args ){ if( _map == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User map hash not needed"); } if( _map.remove(args.argv(0)) == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User name not in cache : " + args .argv(0)); } return ""; } public static final String hh_user_map_add = "<userName> <uid> <gid> [<home> [<shell>]]" ; public String ac_user_map_add_$_3_5( Args args ){ String user = args.argv(0) ; String uid = args.argv(1) ; String gid = args.argv(2) ; String home = args.argc() > 3 ? args.argv(3) : "/dev/home" ; String shell = args.argc() > 4 ? args.argv(4) : "/bin/shell" ; BasicAttributes attr = new BasicAttributes() ; attr.put( "uidNumber" , uid ) ; attr.put( "gidNumber" , gid ) ; attr.put( "homeDirectory" , home ) ; attr.put( "loginShell" , shell ) ; attr.put( "gecos" , user ) ; UserRecord ur = new UserRecord(attr); ur._timestamp = 0L ; _map.put( user , ur ) ; return "" ; } public static final String hh_user_map_reset = "# clear user map hash" ; public String ac_user_map_reset( Args args ){ if( _map == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User map hash not needed"); } _map.clear() ; return "" ; } } // End of PAMAuthentificator