package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; /** * The ReservationInfoVisitor class is a StateVisitor that builds up * information about SRM reservations by visiting some StateExhibitor. The * result of visiting dCache state is a Map between the reservation ID and a * corresponding ReservationInfo object describing the SRM reservation. */ public class ReservationInfoVisitor extends SkeletonListVisitor { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReservationInfoVisitor.class); public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_SPACE = "space"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_LIFETIME = "lifetime"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_TOTAL = "total"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_FREE = "free"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_ALLOCATED = "allocated"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_USED = "used"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_AL = "access-latency"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_RP = "retention-policy"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_STATE = "state"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION = "description"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_AUTHORISATION = "authorisation"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_GROUP = "group"; public static final StatePath RESERVATIONS_PATH = StatePath.parsePath("reservations"); /** * Match Strings like "/vo", "/vo/group" or "vo" allowing the extraction * of "vo" in all cases as group 1 of the resulting pattern. */ public static final Pattern VO_EXTRACTOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^/?([^/]*).*"); /** * Obtain information about the current reservations in dCache * * @return a Mapping between a reservation's ID and a corresponding * ReservationInfo object. */ public static Map<String, ReservationInfo> getDetails(StateExhibitor exhibitor) { LOGGER.trace("Gathering reservation information."); ReservationInfoVisitor visitor = new ReservationInfoVisitor(); exhibitor.visitState(visitor); return visitor.getReservations(); } private final Map<String, ReservationInfo> _reservations = new HashMap<>(); /* * Per-item state */ private ReservationInfo _thisResv; private StatePath _thisResvPath; private StatePath _thisResvSpacePath; private StatePath _thisResvAuthPath; public ReservationInfoVisitor() { super(RESERVATIONS_PATH); } /** * Provide an unmodifiable view of the result of the visitor. * * @return a Map between a reservation's ID and a corresponding * ReservationInfo object. */ public Map<String, ReservationInfo> getReservations() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(_reservations); } @Override protected void newListItem(String listItemName) { super.newListItem(listItemName); _thisResv = new ReservationInfo(listItemName); _reservations.put(listItemName, _thisResv); /** * Build up the various StatePaths where we expect data to appear for * this reservation. */ _thisResvPath = RESERVATIONS_PATH.newChild(listItemName); _thisResvSpacePath = _thisResvPath.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_SPACE); _thisResvAuthPath = _thisResvPath.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_AUTHORISATION); } /** * Called when an integer metric is encountered. */ @Override public void visitInteger(StatePath path, IntegerStateValue value) { if (!isInListItem()) { return; } String metricName = path.getLastElement(); if (_thisResvPath.isParentOf(path)) { if (metricName.equals(PATH_ELEMENT_LIFETIME)) { _thisResv.setLifetime(value.getValue()); } return; } if (_thisResvSpacePath.isParentOf(path)) { switch (metricName) { case PATH_ELEMENT_TOTAL: _thisResv.setTotal(value.getValue()); break; case PATH_ELEMENT_FREE: _thisResv.setFree(value.getValue()); break; case PATH_ELEMENT_ALLOCATED: _thisResv.setAllocated(value.getValue()); break; case PATH_ELEMENT_USED: _thisResv.setUsed(value.getValue()); break; default: LOGGER.warn("Seen unexpected reservation metric at path {}", path); break; } } } @Override public void visitString(StatePath path, StringStateValue value) { if (!isInListItem()) { return; } if (!_thisResvPath.isParentOf(path) && !_thisResvSpacePath.isParentOf(path) && !_thisResvAuthPath.isParentOf(path)) { return; } String metricName = path.getLastElement(); if (metricName.equals(PATH_ELEMENT_AL)) { ReservationInfo.AccessLatency al = ReservationInfo.AccessLatency.parseMetricValue(value.toString()); if (al != null) { _thisResv.setAccessLatency(al); } else { LOGGER.error("Unknown access-latency value {}", value); } return; } if (metricName.equals(PATH_ELEMENT_RP)) { ReservationInfo.RetentionPolicy rp = ReservationInfo.RetentionPolicy.parseMetricValue(value.toString()); if (rp != null) { _thisResv.setRetentionPolicy(rp); } else { LOGGER.error("Unknown retention-policy value {}", value); } return; } if (metricName.equals(PATH_ELEMENT_STATE)) { ReservationInfo.State state = ReservationInfo.State.parseMetricValue(value.toString()); if (state != null) { _thisResv.setState(state); } else { LOGGER.error("Unknown state value {}", value); } return; } if (metricName.equals(PATH_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION)) { _thisResv.setDescription(value.toString()); return; } if (metricName.equals(PATH_ELEMENT_GROUP)) { Matcher matcher = VO_EXTRACTOR_PATTERN.matcher(value.toString()); if (matcher.matches()) { String voName =; _thisResv.setVo(voName); } else { LOGGER.error(" doesn't match expected pattern {}", value); } } } }