package org.dcache.util; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import dmg.util.Formats; import dmg.util.PropertiesBackedReplaceable; import static; import static; /** * The ConfigurationProperties class represents a set of dCache * configuration properties. * <p> * Repeated declaration of the same property is considered an error * and will cause loading of configuration files to fail. * <p> * Properties may have zero or more annotations. These annotations * are represented as a comma-separated list of annotation-labels * inside parentheses immediately before the property key. Valid * annotation labels are "deprecated", "obsolete", "forbidden" * and "not-for-services". A property may have, at most, one annotation * from the set {deprecated, obsolete, forbidden}. * <p> * Annotations have the following semantics: * <ul> * <li><i>deprecated</i> indicates that a property is supported but that a * future version of dCache will likely remove that support. * <li><i>obsolete</i> indicates that a property is no longer supported and * that dCache will always behaves correctly without supporting this * property. * <li><i>forbidden</i> indicates that a property is no longer supported and * dCache does not always behave correctly without further configuration or * that support for some feature has been removed. * <li><i>not-for-services</i> indicates that a property has no effect if * the property is assigned a value within a service context. * </ul> * <p> * The intended behaviour of dCache when encountering sysadmin-supplied * property assignment of some annotated property is dependent on the * annotation(s). If the property is annotated as deprecated and obsolete * then a warning is emitted and dCache continues to start up. If the user * assigns a value to a forbidden properties then dCache will refuse to start. * <p> * Annotation of a property only affects subsequent declarations. It does not * affect any previous declarations of this property, nor does it generate any * errors when such properties are referenced in any way. * <p> * Annotations are inherited when several ConfigurationProperties instances are * chained. They are however not inherited through non-ConfigurationProperties * classes, eg * new ConfigurationProperties(new Properties(new ConfigurationProperties())) * will not preserve annotations. * * <p> * The following provides examples of valid annotated declarations: * <pre> * (obsolete)dcache.property1 = some value * (forbidden)dcache.property2 = * (deprecated,no-for-services)dcache.property3 = default-value * </pre> * * @see Properties */ public class ConfigurationProperties extends Properties { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5684848160314570455L; /** * The character that separates the prefix from the key for PREFIX-annotated * properties. */ public static final String PREFIX_SEPARATOR = "!"; private static final Set<Annotation> OBSOLETE_FORBIDDEN = EnumSet.of(Annotation.OBSOLETE, Annotation.FORBIDDEN); private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurationProperties.class); private final PropertiesBackedReplaceable _replaceable = new PropertiesBackedReplaceable(this); private final Map<String,AnnotatedKey> _annotatedKeys = new HashMap<>(); private final UsageChecker _usageChecker; private final List<String> _prefixes = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean _loading; private boolean _isService; private ProblemConsumer _problemConsumer = new DefaultProblemConsumer(); public ConfigurationProperties() { super(); _usageChecker = new UniversalUsageChecker(); } public ConfigurationProperties(Properties defaults) { this(defaults, new UniversalUsageChecker()); } public ConfigurationProperties(Properties defaults, UsageChecker usageChecker) { super(defaults); if( defaults instanceof ConfigurationProperties) { ConfigurationProperties defaultConfig = (ConfigurationProperties) defaults; _problemConsumer = defaultConfig._problemConsumer; _prefixes.addAll(defaultConfig._prefixes); } _usageChecker = usageChecker; } public void setProblemConsumer(ProblemConsumer consumer) { _problemConsumer = consumer; } public ProblemConsumer getProblemConsumer() { return _problemConsumer; } public void setIsService(boolean isService) { _isService = isService; } public boolean hasDeclaredPrefix(String name) { for (String prefix : _prefixes) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException during loading if a property * is defined multiple times. */ @Override public synchronized void load(Reader reader) throws IOException { _loading = true; try { super.load(reader); } finally { _loading = false; } } /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException during loading if a property * is defined multiple times. */ @Override public synchronized void load(InputStream in) throws IOException { _loading = true; try { super.load(in); } finally { _loading = false; } } /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException during loading if a property * is defined multiple times or the annotations are inappropriate. */ @Override public synchronized void loadFromXML(InputStream in) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException { _loading = true; try { super.loadFromXML(in); } finally { _loading = false; } } /** * Loads a Java properties file. */ public void loadFile(File file) throws IOException { try (Reader reader = new FileReader(file)) { load(file.getName(), 0, reader); } } /** * Wrapper method that ensures error and warning messages have * the correct line number. * @param source a label describing where Reader is obtaining information * @param line Number of lines read so far * @param reader Source of the property information */ public void load(String source, int line, Reader reader) throws IOException { LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(reader); lnr.setLineNumber(line); load(source, lnr); } /** * Wrapper method that ensures error and warning messages have * the correct line number. * @param source a label describing where Reader is obtaining information * @param reader Source of the property information */ public void load(String source, LineNumberReader reader) throws IOException { _problemConsumer.setFilename(source); _problemConsumer.setLineNumberReader(reader); try { load(new ConfigurationParserAwareReader(reader)); } finally { _problemConsumer.setFilename(null); } } /** * @throws IllegalArgumentException during loading if key is * already defined. */ @Override public synchronized Object put(Object rawKey, Object value) { checkNotNull(rawKey, "A property key must not be null"); checkNotNull(value, "A property value must not be null"); AnnotatedKey key = new AnnotatedKey(rawKey, value); String name = key.getPropertyName(); if (_loading && containsKey(name)) { _problemConsumer.error(name + " is already defined"); return null; } if (key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.PREFIX)) { _prefixes.add(key.getPropertyName() + PREFIX_SEPARATOR); } checkIsAllowed(key, (String) value); if (key.hasAnnotations()) { putAnnotatedKey(key); } return key.hasAnyOf(OBSOLETE_FORBIDDEN) ? null : super.put(name, ((String)value).trim()); } protected void checkIsAllowed(AnnotatedKey key, String value) { String name = key.getPropertyName(); AnnotatedKey existingKey = getAnnotatedKey(name); if (existingKey != null) { checkKeyValid(existingKey, key); checkDataValid(existingKey, value); } else if (name.indexOf('/') > -1) { _problemConsumer.error( "Property " + name + " is a scoped property. Scoped properties are no longer supported."); } else if (!_usageChecker.isStandardProperty(defaults, name)) { // TODO: It would be nice if we could check whether the property is actually // used, ie if it appears as part of the value of a standard property. To do this // we need to implement a multi-pass parser and that means rewriting // the entire property checking logic."Property " + name + " is not a standard property"); } checkDataValid(key, value); } private void checkKeyValid(AnnotatedKey existingKey, AnnotatedKey key) { String name = key.getPropertyName(); if (existingKey.hasAnnotations() && key.hasAnnotations()) { _problemConsumer.error("Property " + name + ": " + "remove \"" + key.getAnnotationDeclaration() + "\"; " + "annotated assignments are not allowed"); } if (existingKey.hasAnyOf(EnumSet.of(Annotation.IMMUTABLE, Annotation.PREFIX, Annotation.FORBIDDEN))) { _problemConsumer.error(messageFor(existingKey)); } if ((_isService && existingKey.hasAnnotation(Annotation.NOT_FOR_SERVICES)) || existingKey.hasAnyOf(EnumSet.of(Annotation.OBSOLETE, Annotation.DEPRECATED))) { _problemConsumer.warning(messageFor(existingKey)); } } private void checkDataValid(AnnotatedKey key, String value) { if(key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.ONE_OF)) { String oneOfParameter = key.getParameter(Annotation.ONE_OF); Set<String> validValues = ImmutableSet.copyOf(oneOfParameter.split("\\|")); if(!validValues.contains(value)) { String validValuesList = "\"" + Joiner.on("\", \"").join(validValues) + "\""; _problemConsumer.error("Property " + key.getPropertyName() + ": \"" + value + "\" is not a valid value. Must be one of " + validValuesList); } } if (key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.ANY_OF)) { String anyOfParameter = key.getParameter(Annotation.ANY_OF); Set<String> values = Sets.newHashSet(Splitter.on(',') .omitEmptyStrings() .trimResults().split(value)); Set<String> validValues = ImmutableSet.copyOf(anyOfParameter.split("\\|")); values.removeAll(validValues); if (!values.isEmpty()) { String validValuesList = "\"" + Joiner.on("\", \"").join(validValues) + "\""; _problemConsumer.error("Property " + key.getPropertyName() + ": \"" + value + "\" is not a valid value. Must be a comma separated list of " + validValuesList); } } } /** * Define the binary relationship property A hasSynonym property B * as true iff either: * <ul> * <li>If there exists precisely one non-deprecated property with a simple reference to * property A; e.g. * <pre> * property.B = ${property.A} * property.A = some default value * </pre> * <li>If there exists precisely one deprecated property that hasSynonym property B * with a simple reference to property A; e.g. * <pre> * property.B = ${property.C} * (deprecated)property.C = ${property.A} * property.A = some default value * </pre> * <p> * This method returns the name of a property that is the subject of * hasSynonym relationship (property B) with the supplied property * (as property A), or null if no such property exists. */ private String findSynonymOf(String propertyName) { String synonym = null; String simpleReference = "${" + propertyName + "}"; for (String name : stringPropertyNames()) { String value = getProperty(name); if (value.equals(simpleReference)) { if (synonym != null) { return null; } synonym = name; } } AnnotatedKey key = getAnnotatedKey(synonym); if (key != null && key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.DEPRECATED)) { synonym = findSynonymOf(synonym); } return synonym; } private String messageFor(AnnotatedKey key) { String name = key.getPropertyName(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Property ").append(name).append(": "); if (key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.IMMUTABLE)) { sb.append("may not be adjusted as it is marked 'immutable'"); } else if (key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.PREFIX)) { sb.append("may not be adjusted as it is marked 'prefix'"); } else if (key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.FORBIDDEN)) { sb.append("may not be adjusted; "); sb.append(key.hasError() ? key.getError() : "this property no longer affects dCache"); } else if (key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.OBSOLETE)) { sb.append("please remove this assignment; "); sb.append(key.hasError() ? key.getError() : "it has no effect"); } else if(key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.DEPRECATED)) { String synonym = findSynonymOf(name); if (synonym != null) { sb.append("use \"").append(synonym).append("\" instead"); } else { sb.append("please review configuration"); } sb.append("; support for ").append(name).append(" will be removed in the future"); } else if (key.hasAnnotation(Annotation.NOT_FOR_SERVICES)) { sb.append("consider moving to a domain scope; it has no effect here"); } else { sb.append("has an unknown problem"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public synchronized Enumeration<?> propertyNames() { return Collections.enumeration(stringPropertyNames()); } public String replaceKeywords(String s) { return Formats.replaceKeywords(s, _replaceable); } public String getValue(String name) { String value = getProperty(name); return (value == null) ? null : replaceKeywords(value); } @Nullable public AnnotatedKey getAnnotatedKey(String name) { AnnotatedKey key = _annotatedKeys.get(name); if (key == null && defaults instanceof ConfigurationProperties) { key = ((ConfigurationProperties) defaults).getAnnotatedKey(name); } return key; } private void putAnnotatedKey(AnnotatedKey key) { _annotatedKeys.put(key.getPropertyName(), key); } /** * A class for parsing and storing a set of annotations associated with * some specific property declaration's key in addition to a potential * custom error message. * * Annotations take the form of a comma-separated list of keywords * within parentheses that immediately precede the property name; * * If a property is annotated as forbidden then the property value is taken * as a custom error message to report. If the value is empty then a default * error message is used instead. */ public static class AnnotatedKey { private static final String RE_ATTRIBUTE = "[^),]+"; private static final String RE_SEPARATOR = ","; private static final String RE_ANNOTATION_DECLARATION = "(\\((" + RE_ATTRIBUTE + "(?:" + RE_SEPARATOR + RE_ATTRIBUTE + ")*)\\))"; private static final String RE_KEY_DECLARATION = RE_ANNOTATION_DECLARATION + "(.*)"; private static final Pattern PATTERN_KEY_DECLARATION = Pattern.compile(RE_KEY_DECLARATION); private static final Pattern PATTERN_SEPARATOR = Pattern.compile(RE_SEPARATOR); private static final Set<Annotation> FORBIDDEN_OBSOLETE_DEPRECATED = EnumSet.of(Annotation.FORBIDDEN, Annotation.OBSOLETE, Annotation.DEPRECATED); private static final Set<Annotation> FORBIDDEN_OBSOLETE = EnumSet.of(Annotation.FORBIDDEN, Annotation.OBSOLETE); private final String _name; private final String _annotationDeclaration; private final Map<Annotation,String> _annotations = new EnumMap<>(Annotation.class); private final String _error; public AnnotatedKey(Object propertyKey, Object propertyValue) { String key = propertyKey.toString(); Matcher m = PATTERN_KEY_DECLARATION.matcher(key); if(m.matches()) { _annotationDeclaration =; for(String annotation : PATTERN_SEPARATOR.split( { addAnnotation(annotation); } _name =; if(countDeclaredAnnotationsFrom(FORBIDDEN_OBSOLETE_DEPRECATED) > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("At most one of forbidden, obsolete " + "and deprecated may be specified."); } } else { _annotationDeclaration = ""; _name = key; } _error = hasAnyOf(FORBIDDEN_OBSOLETE) ? propertyValue.toString() : ""; } /** * Process an individual attribute declaration. An annotation has * one or more attributes. Each attribute has the form: * <pre><label>['?'<parameter>]</pre> */ private void addAnnotation(String declaration) { int idx = declaration.indexOf('?'); String label = (idx != -1) ? declaration.substring(0, idx) : declaration; Annotation annotation = Annotation.forLabel(label); checkArgument(!annotation.isParameterRequired() || idx != -1, "Annotation " + label + " declared without parameter"); checkArgument(annotation.isParameterRequired() || idx == -1, "Annotation " + label + " declared with parameter"); if(annotation.isParameterRequired()) { String parameter = declaration.substring(idx+1, declaration.length()); _annotations.put(annotation, parameter); } else { _annotations.put(annotation, null); } } private int countDeclaredAnnotationsFrom(Set<Annotation> items) { Collection<Annotation> a = EnumSet.copyOf(items); a.retainAll(_annotations.keySet()); return a.size(); } public boolean hasAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { return _annotations.keySet().contains(annotation); } public final boolean hasAnyOf(Set<Annotation> annotations) { return countDeclaredAnnotationsFrom(annotations) > 0; } public boolean hasAnnotations() { return !_annotations.isEmpty(); } public String getAnnotationDeclaration() { return _annotationDeclaration; } public String getPropertyName() { return _name; } public String getError() { return _error; } public boolean hasError() { return !_error.isEmpty(); } public String getParameter(Annotation annotation) { String parameter = _annotations.get(annotation); if(parameter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such annotation or " + "annotation given without parameter: " + annotation); } return parameter; } } /** * This enum represents a property key annotation. Each annotation has * an associated label that is present as a comma-separated list within * parentheses. */ public enum Annotation { FORBIDDEN("forbidden"), OBSOLETE("obsolete"), ONE_OF("one-of", true), DEPRECATED("deprecated"), NOT_FOR_SERVICES("not-for-services"), IMMUTABLE("immutable"), ANY_OF("any-of", true), PREFIX("prefix"); private static final Map<String,Annotation> ANNOTATION_LABELS = new HashMap<>(); private final String _label; private final boolean _isParameterRequired; static { for( Annotation annotation : Annotation.values()) { ANNOTATION_LABELS.put(annotation._label, annotation); } } public static Annotation forLabel(String label) { checkArgument(ANNOTATION_LABELS.containsKey(label), "Unknown annotation: " + label); return ANNOTATION_LABELS.get(label); } Annotation(String label) { this(label, false); } Annotation(String label, boolean isParameterRequired) { _label = label; _isParameterRequired = isParameterRequired; } public boolean isParameterRequired() { return _isParameterRequired; } } /** * A class that implement this interface, when registered, will accept * responsibility for handling the warnings and errors produced when * parsing dCache configuration. These methods may throw an exception, * to terminate parsing; however, code using a ProblemsAware class must * not assume that this will happen. */ public interface ProblemConsumer { void setFilename(String name); void setLineNumberReader(LineNumberReader reader); void error(String message); void warning(String message); void info(String message); } /** * This class provides the default behaviour if no problem * consumer is registered: warnings are logged and errors * result in an IllegalArgumentException being thrown. */ public static class DefaultProblemConsumer implements ProblemConsumer { private String _filename; private LineNumberReader _reader; protected String addContextTo(String message) { if( _filename == null || _reader == null) { return message; } return _filename + ":" + _reader.getLineNumber() + ": " + message; } @Override public void error(String message) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(addContextTo(message)); } @Override public void warning(String message) { _log.warn(addContextTo(message)); } @Override public void info(String message) {; } @Override public void setFilename(String name) { _filename = name; } @Override public void setLineNumberReader(LineNumberReader reader) { _reader = reader; } } /** * This reader wraps a BufferedReader and extends the basic Reader class * so that it compensates for behaviour. The perser's * behaviour results in unreliable line numbers being reported if * LineNumberReader is used directly. This is due to two reasons: * <p> * First, the load method uses an internal buffer to read as much as * possible from the reader. It is very likely that this will include * many lines, advancing the LineNumberReader so the line number count * will be unreliable. The put method, when reporting a problem, will * very likely use a line number greater than that of the line where the * problem is located. * <p> * Second, when finished parsing a line, if the parsing has exhausted * the available data then the parser will always fetch more data. This * is needed if the line ends with a backslash ('\'), but the parser does * this unconditionally if the buffer is exhausted. This behaviour * results in an out-by-one error in the line numbers, except when reading * the last line. * <p> * To counter the first problem, this class replies with exactly one line * for each read request. For the second problem, this class injects * a empty line in between each real line-read, provided the previous * line didn't end with a backslash. These empty lines do not cause the * line number to increase but prevent the out-by-one error. * <p> * NB. In case it isn't obvious: this class is nothing more than an ugly * hack. The correct solution is to write a replacement parser. */ public static class ConfigurationParserAwareReader extends Reader { private final BufferedReader _inner; private boolean _shouldInjectBlankLine; private String _remaining = ""; public ConfigurationParserAwareReader(BufferedReader reader) { _inner = reader; } @Override public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException { String data = getDataForParser(); if(data == null) { return -1; } int count = Math.min(len, data.length()); System.arraycopy(data.toCharArray(), 0, cbuf, off, count); _remaining = data.substring(count); if(_remaining.isEmpty()) { if (_shouldInjectBlankLine){ _shouldInjectBlankLine = false; } else { _shouldInjectBlankLine = !data.endsWith("\\\n"); } } return count; } private String getDataForParser() throws IOException { if( !_remaining.isEmpty()) { return _remaining; } if(_shouldInjectBlankLine) { return "\n"; } String data = _inner.readLine(); return data == null ? null : data + "\n"; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { _inner.close(); } } public interface UsageChecker { boolean isStandardProperty(Properties defaults, String name); } public static class UniversalUsageChecker implements UsageChecker { @Override public boolean isStandardProperty(Properties defaults, String name) { return true; } } }