package org.dcache.util; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A glob is a pattern used for limited pattern matching. The class * supports the following glob patterns: * * <ul> * <li><tt>?</tt> Matches any single character.</li> * <li><tt>*</tt> Matches any sequence of zero or more characters.</li> * <li><tt>{a,b,...}</tt> Matches any of the sub-patterns a, b, etc.</li> * </ul> * * The current implementation does not have an escape symbol. */ public class Glob implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5052804169005574207L; private static final CharMatcher WILDCARD = CharMatcher.anyOf("*?{"); private final String _pattern; public Glob(String s) { _pattern = s; } public boolean matches(String s) { return toPattern().matcher(s).matches(); } public boolean isGlob() { return isGlob(_pattern); } @Override public String toString() { return _pattern; } public Pattern toPattern() { return parseGlobToPattern(_pattern); } public static Pattern parseGlobToPattern(String glob) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(glob.length() * 2 + 2); int j = 0; s.append('^'); for (int i = 0; i < glob.length(); i++) { switch (glob.charAt(i)) { case '?': s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))); s.append('.'); j = i + 1; break; case '*': s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))); s.append(".*"); j = i + 1; break; case '{': s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))); i = parseCurlyBrackets(glob, i, s); j = i + 1; break; default: break; } } s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j))); s.append('$'); return Pattern.compile(s.toString()); } private static int parseCurlyBrackets(String glob, int from, StringBuilder out) { assert glob.charAt(from) == '{'; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); int j = from + 1; for (int i = j; i < glob.length(); i++) { switch (glob.charAt(i)) { case '?': s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))); s.append('.'); j = i + 1; break; case '*': s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))); s.append(".*"); j = i + 1; break; case ',': s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))); s.append('|'); j = i + 1; break; case '{': s.append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))); i = parseCurlyBrackets(glob, i, s); j = i + 1; break; case '}': out.append('(').append(s).append(Pattern.quote(glob.substring(j, i))).append(')'); return i; default: break; } } // Unterminated curly brace out.append(Pattern.quote("{")); return from; } public static boolean isGlob(String s) { return WILDCARD.matchesAnyOf(s); } /** * Unfolds alternations (brace lists) into a list. */ public static Iterable<String> expandGlob(String glob) { return new GlobBraceParser(glob).expandGlob(); } /** * Similar to {@code expandGlob} but considers the input * string to be a comma separated list. Equivalient to calling * {@code expandGlob("{" + glob + "}")}. */ public static Iterable<String> expandList(String glob) { return new GlobBraceParser(glob).expandList(); } }