package org.dcache.gplazma; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.dcache.auth.UidPrincipal; import org.dcache.gplazma.plugins.GPlazmaAccountPlugin; import static; import static org.dcache.gplazma.util.Preconditions.checkAuthentication; /** * This account plugin succeeds if the specified uid principal is present * fails otherwise * @author timur */ public class CheckUIDAccountPlugin implements GPlazmaAccountPlugin { public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CheckUIDAccountPlugin.class); private static boolean _called; private final UidPrincipal _uid; public CheckUIDAccountPlugin(Properties properties) { checkArgument(properties.getProperty("uid")!=null, "UID must be set."); _uid = new UidPrincipal(properties.getProperty("uid")); } @Override public void account(Set<Principal> authorizedPrincipals) throws AuthenticationException { LOGGER.debug("account is called"); checkAuthentication(authorizedPrincipals.contains(_uid), "uid "+_uid+" was not present in authorizedPrincipals"); _called = true; } /** * thread unsafe way of checking if account method of any instance * of the CheckUIDAccountPlugin was called since the last reset was called * @return the called */ public static boolean isCalled() { return _called; } /** * resets the value of called to false */ public static void reset() { _called = false; } }