package org.dcache.gplazma.loader.cli; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.dcache.gplazma.loader.PluginRepositoryFactory; import org.dcache.gplazma.loader.StaticClassPluginRepositoryFactory; import org.dcache.gplazma.plugins.GPlazmaPlugin; import static; public class ListCommandTests { private static final PluginRepositoryFactory FACTORY = new StaticClassPluginRepositoryFactory( ImmutableList.of( DummyPlugin.class, AnotherDummyPlugin.class )); ListCommand _command; AnyOrderLineAsserter _asserter; @Before public void setUp() { _command = new ListCommand(); _command.setFactory( FACTORY); OutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); _command.setOutput( new PrintStream(output)); _asserter = new AnyOrderLineAsserter(output); } @Test public void testShortList() { String[0]); _asserter.add( "AnotherDummyPlugin (org.dcache.gplazma.loader.cli.ListCommandTests$AnotherDummyPlugin)"); _asserter.add( "DummyPlugin (org.dcache.gplazma.loader.cli.ListCommandTests$DummyPlugin)");; } @Test public void testDetailedList() { String[]{"-l"}); _asserter.add( "Plugin:"); _asserter.add( " Class: org.dcache.gplazma.loader.cli.ListCommandTests$AnotherDummyPlugin"); _asserter.add( " Name: AnotherDummyPlugin,org.dcache.gplazma.loader.cli.ListCommandTests$AnotherDummyPlugin"); _asserter.add( " Shortest name: AnotherDummyPlugin"); _asserter.add( "Plugin:"); _asserter.add( " Class: org.dcache.gplazma.loader.cli.ListCommandTests$DummyPlugin"); _asserter.add( " Name: DummyPlugin,org.dcache.gplazma.loader.cli.ListCommandTests$DummyPlugin"); _asserter.add( " Shortest name: DummyPlugin");; } /** * Dummy implementation of a GPlazmaPlugin */ public static final class DummyPlugin implements GPlazmaPlugin { // no content as the class isn't meant to be used. } /** * Another dummy implementation of a GPlazmaPlugin */ public static final class AnotherDummyPlugin implements GPlazmaPlugin { // no content as the class isn't meant to be used. } /** * Verify that the expected lines all appear in the output and no other * lines appear, but be insensitive about the order in which the lines * appear. */ public final class AnyOrderLineAsserter { private final List<String> _expectedLines = new ArrayList<>(); private final OutputStream _out; public AnyOrderLineAsserter( OutputStream out) { _out = out; } public void add(String line) { _expectedLines.add(line); } public void run() { List<String> notYetFoundLines = new ArrayList<>(_expectedLines); String[] actualLines = _out.toString().split( "\n"); int lineNumber=1; for( String actualLine : actualLines) { if( !notYetFoundLines.remove( actualLine)) { fail( "[line " + lineNumber + "]" + " unexpected line in output: " + actualLine); } lineNumber++; } if( !notYetFoundLines.isEmpty()) { fail( "Missing output (" + notYetFoundLines.size() + ")"); } } } }