package diskCacheV111.poolManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolV2Mode; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.GenericStorageInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfo; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellLifeCycleAware; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellSetupProvider; import dmg.util.CommandSyntaxException; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.Option; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.Glob; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static java.util.Comparator.comparing; public class PoolSelectionUnitV2 implements Serializable, PoolSelectionUnit, PoolSelectionUnitAccess, CellSetupProvider, CellCommandListener, CellLifeCycleAware { private static final String __version = "$Id:,v 1.42 2007-10-25 14:03:54 tigran Exp $"; private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PoolSelectionUnitV2.class); private static final String NO_NET = "<no net>"; @Override public String getVersion() { return __version; } public static final int STORE = 1; public static final int DCACHE = 2; public static final int NET = 3; public static final int PROTOCOL = 4; private static final long serialVersionUID = 4852540784324544199L; private Collection<Pool> _poolsFromBeforeSetup; private final Map<String, PGroup> _pGroups = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Pool> _pools = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Link> _links = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, LinkGroup> _linkGroups = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, UGroup> _uGroups = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Unit> _units = new HashMap<>(); private boolean _useRegex; private boolean _allPoolsActive; /** * Ok, this is the critical part of PoolManager, but (!!!) the whole select * path is READ-ONLY, unless we change setup. So ReadWriteLock is what we * are looking for, while is a point of serialization. */ private final ReentrantReadWriteLock _psuReadWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final Lock _psuReadLock = _psuReadWriteLock.readLock(); private final Lock _psuWriteLock = _psuReadWriteLock.writeLock(); private final NetHandler _netHandler = new NetHandler(); @Override public Map<String, SelectionLink> getLinks() { rlock(); try { return Maps.newHashMap(_links); } finally { runlock(); } } @Override public Map<String, SelectionUnit> getSelectionUnits() { rlock(); try { return Maps.newHashMap(_units); } finally { runlock(); } } @Override public Map<String, SelectionUnitGroup> getUnitGroups() { rlock(); try { return Maps.newHashMap(_uGroups); } finally { runlock(); } } @Override public Collection<SelectionLink> getLinksPointingToPoolGroup(String poolGroup) throws NoSuchElementException { rlock(); try { PGroup group = _pGroups.get(poolGroup); if (group == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No such pool group: " + poolGroup); } return new ArrayList<>(group._linkList.values()); } finally { runlock(); } } @Override public SelectionLink getLinkByName(String name) throws NoSuchElementException { Link link = null; rlock(); try { link = _links.get(name); if (link == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Link not found : " + name); } } finally { runlock(); } return link; } @Override public String[] getDefinedPools(boolean enabledOnly) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); rlock(); try { for (Pool pool : _pools.values()) { if ((!enabledOnly) || pool.isEnabled()) { list.add(pool.getName()); } } } finally { runlock(); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } @Override public String[] getActivePools() { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); rlock(); try { for (Pool pool : _pools.values()) { if (pool.isEnabled() && pool.isActive()) { list.add(pool.getName()); } } } finally { runlock(); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } @Override public void beforeSetup() { wlock(); _poolsFromBeforeSetup = Lists.newArrayList(_pools.values()); clear(); } @Override public void afterSetup() { .forEach(p -> { Pool pool = _pools.get(p.getName()); if (pool == null) { pool = new Pool(p.getName()); _pools.put(pool.getName(), pool); PGroup group = _pGroups.get("default"); if (group != null) { pool._pGroupList.put(group.getName(), group); group._poolList.put(pool.getName(), pool); } } pool.setAddress(p.getAddress()); pool.setPoolMode(p.getPoolMode()); pool.setHsmInstances(p.getHsmInstances()); pool.setActive(true); pool.setSerialId(p.getSerialId()); }); _poolsFromBeforeSetup = null; wunlock(); } @Override public void printSetup(PrintWriter pw) { rlock(); try { pw.append("psu set regex ").println(_useRegex ? "on" : "off"); pw.append("psu set allpoolsactive ").println(_allPoolsActive ? "on" : "off"); pw.println(); _units.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Unit::getType).thenComparing(Unit::getName)).forEachOrdered( unit -> { pw.append("psu create unit "); switch (unit.getType()) { case STORE: pw.append("-store"); break; case DCACHE: pw.append("-dcache"); break; case PROTOCOL: pw.append("-protocol"); break; case NET: pw.append("-net"); break; } pw.append(" ").println(unit.getName()); if (unit instanceof StorageUnit) { StorageUnit sunit = (StorageUnit)unit; int required = sunit.getRequiredCopies(); if (required > 1) { pw.append("psu set storage unit ") .append(sunit.getName()) .append(" -required=") .append(String.valueOf(required)); List<String> tags = sunit.getOnlyOneCopyPer(); if (!tags.isEmpty()) { pw.append(" -onlyOneCopyPer=") .append(Joiner.on(",").join(tags)); } pw.println(); } } }); pw.println(); _uGroups.values().stream().sorted(comparing(UGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( group -> { pw.append("psu create ugroup ").println(group.getName()); group._unitList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Unit::getName)).forEachOrdered( unit -> pw .append("psu addto ugroup ") .append(group.getName()) .append(" ") .println(unit.getName())); pw.println(); }); _pools.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Pool::getName)).forEachOrdered( pool -> { pw.append("psu create pool ").append(pool.getName()); if (!pool.isPing()) { pw.append(" -noping"); } if (!pool.isEnabled()) { pw.append(" -disabled"); } if (pool.isReadOnly()) { pw.append(" -rdonly"); } pw.println(); }); pw.println(); _pGroups.values().stream().sorted(comparing(PGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( group -> { pw.append("psu create pgroup ").append(group.getName()); if (group.isResilient()) { pw.append(" -resilient"); } pw.println(); group._poolList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Pool::getName)).forEachOrdered( pool -> pw .append("psu addto pgroup ") .append(group.getName()) .append(" ") .println(pool.getName()) ); pw.println(); }); _links.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Link::getName)).forEachOrdered( link -> { pw.append("psu create link ").append(link.getName()); link._uGroupList.values().stream().map(UGroup::getName).sorted().forEachOrdered( name -> pw.append(" ").append(name)); pw.println(); pw.append("psu set link ").append(link.getName()).append(" ") .println(link.getAttraction()); link._poolList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(PoolCore::getName)).forEachOrdered( poolCore -> pw .append("psu add link ") .append(link.getName()) .append(" ") .println(poolCore.getName())); pw.println(); }); _linkGroups.values().stream().sorted(comparing(LinkGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( linkGroup -> { pw.append("psu create linkGroup ").println(linkGroup.getName()); pw.append("psu set linkGroup custodialAllowed ").append( linkGroup.getName()).append(" ").println( linkGroup.isCustodialAllowed()); pw.append("psu set linkGroup replicaAllowed ").append( linkGroup.getName()).append(" ").println( linkGroup.isReplicaAllowed()); pw.append("psu set linkGroup nearlineAllowed ").append( linkGroup.getName()).append(" ").println( linkGroup.isNearlineAllowed()); pw.append("psu set linkGroup outputAllowed ").append( linkGroup.getName()).append(" ").println( linkGroup.isOutputAllowed()); pw.append("psu set linkGroup onlineAllowed ").append( linkGroup.getName()).append(" ").println( linkGroup.isOnlineAllowed()); linkGroup.getLinks().stream().sorted(comparing(SelectionLink::getName)).forEachOrdered( link -> pw .append("psu addto linkGroup ") .append(linkGroup.getName()) .append(" ") .println(link.getName())); pw.println(); }); } finally { runlock(); } } public void clear() { wlock(); try { _netHandler.clear(); _pGroups.clear(); _pools.clear(); _links.clear(); _uGroups.clear(); _units.clear(); _linkGroups.clear(); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void setActive(String poolName, boolean active) { wlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool != null) { pool.setActive(active); } } finally { wunlock(); } } public long getActive(String poolName) { long active = 100000000L; rlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool != null) { active = pool.getActive(); } } finally { runlock(); } return active; } private int setEnabled(Glob glob, boolean enabled) { wlock(); try { int count = 0; for (Pool pool: getPools(glob.toPattern())) { count++; pool.setEnabled(enabled); } return count; } finally { wunlock(); } } public boolean isEnabled(String poolName) { boolean isEnabled = false; rlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool != null) { isEnabled = pool.isEnabled(); } } finally { runlock(); } return isEnabled; } @Override public SelectionPool getPool(String poolName) { SelectionPool pool = null; rlock(); try { pool = _pools.get(poolName); } finally { runlock(); } return pool; } @Override public boolean updatePool(String poolName, CellAddressCore address, long serialId, PoolV2Mode mode, Set<String> hsmInstances) { /* For compatibility with previous versions of dCache, a pool * marked DISABLED, but without any other DISABLED_ flags set * is considered fully disabled. */ boolean disabled = mode.getMode() == PoolV2Mode.DISABLED || mode.isDisabled(PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_DEAD) || mode.isDisabled(PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_STRICT); /* By convention, the serial number is set to zero when a pool * is disabled. This is used by the watchdog to identify, that * we have already announced that the pool is down. */ long newSerialId = disabled ? 0 : serialId; /* The update is done in two steps; most of the time an update will not change anything except * refresh the heartbeat timestamp. We do this under a read lock. */ rlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool != null) { /* Any change in the kind of operations a pool might be able * to perform has to be propagated to a number of other * components. * * Notice that calling setSerialId has a side-effect, which is * why we call it first. */ boolean changed = pool.getSerialId() != newSerialId || pool.isActive() == disabled || (mode.getMode() != pool.getPoolMode().getMode()) || !Objects.equals(pool.getHsmInstances(), hsmInstances) || !Objects.equals(pool.getAddress(), address); if (!changed) { pool.setActive(!disabled); return false; } } } finally { runlock(); } /* We detected that something changed and fall through to a full update under a write lock. */ wlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool == null) { pool = new Pool(poolName); _pools.put(pool.getName(), pool); PGroup group = _pGroups.get("default"); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + "default"); } pool._pGroupList.put(group.getName(), group); group._poolList.put(pool.getName(), pool); } PoolV2Mode oldMode = pool.getPoolMode(); /* Any change in the kind of operations a pool might be able * to perform has to be propagated to a number of other * components. * * Notice that calling setSerialId has a side-effect, which is * why we call it first. */ boolean changed = pool.setSerialId(newSerialId) || pool.isActive() == disabled || (mode.getMode() != oldMode.getMode()) || !Objects.equals(pool.getHsmInstances(), hsmInstances) || !Objects.equals(pool.getAddress(), address); if (mode.getMode() != oldMode.getMode()) { _log.warn("Pool {} changed from mode {} to {}.", poolName, oldMode, mode); } pool.setAddress(address); pool.setPoolMode(mode); pool.setHsmInstances(hsmInstances); pool.setActive(!disabled); return changed; } finally { wunlock(); } } public Map<String, Link> match(Map<String, Link> map, Unit unit, DirectionType ioType) { Map<String, Link> newmap = match(unit, null, ioType); if (map == null) { return newmap; } Map<String, Link> resultMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Link link : map.values()) { if (newmap.get(link.getName()) != null) { resultMap.put(link.getName(), link); } } return resultMap; } private LinkMap match(LinkMap linkMap, Unit unit, LinkGroup linkGroup, DirectionType ioType) { Map<String, Link> map = match(unit, linkGroup, ioType); for (Link link : map.values()) { linkMap.addLink(link); } return linkMap; } @Override public PoolPreferenceLevel[] match(DirectionType type, String netUnitName, String protocolUnitName, FileAttributes fileAttributes, String linkGroupName) { String storeUnitName = fileAttributes.getStorageClass()+"@"+fileAttributes.getHsm(); String dCacheUnitName = fileAttributes.getCacheClass(); StorageInfo storageInfo = fileAttributes.getStorageInfo(); Map<String, String> variableMap = storageInfo.getMap(); _log.debug("running match: type={} store={} dCacheUnit={} net={} protocol={} keys={} locations={} linkGroup={}", type, storeUnitName, dCacheUnitName, netUnitName, protocolUnitName, variableMap, storageInfo.locations(), linkGroupName); PoolPreferenceLevel[] result = null; rlock(); try { // // resolve the unit from the unitname (or net unit mask) // // regexp code added by rw2 12/5/02 // original code is in the else // List<Unit> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (_useRegex) { Unit universalCoverage = null; Unit classCoverage = null; for (Unit unit : _units.values()) { if (unit.getType() != STORE) { continue; } if (unit.getName().equals("*@*")) { universalCoverage = unit; } else if (unit.getName().equals("*@" + storeUnitName)) { classCoverage = unit; } else { if (Pattern.matches(unit.getName(), storeUnitName)) { list.add(unit); break; } } } // // If a pattern matches then use it, fail over to a class, // then universal. If nothing, throw exception // if (list.isEmpty()) { if (classCoverage != null) { list.add(classCoverage); } else if (universalCoverage != null) { list.add(universalCoverage); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unit not found : " + storeUnitName); } } } else { Unit unit = _units.get(storeUnitName); if (unit == null) { int ind = storeUnitName.lastIndexOf('@'); if ((ind > 0) && (ind < (storeUnitName.length() - 1))) { String template = "*@" + storeUnitName.substring(ind + 1); if ((unit = _units.get(template)) == null) { if ((unit = _units.get("*@*")) == null) { _log.debug("no matching storage unit found for: {}", storeUnitName); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unit not found : " + storeUnitName); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "IllegalUnitFormat : " + storeUnitName); } } _log.debug("matching storage unit found for: {}", storeUnitName); list.add(unit); } if (protocolUnitName != null) { Unit unit = findProtocolUnit(protocolUnitName); // if (unit == null){ _log.debug("no matching protocol unit found for: {}", protocolUnitName); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit not found : " + protocolUnitName); } _log.debug("matching protocol unit found: {}", unit); list.add(unit); } if (dCacheUnitName != null) { Unit unit = _units.get(dCacheUnitName); if (unit == null) { _log.debug("no matching dCache unit found for: {}", dCacheUnitName); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit not found : " + dCacheUnitName); } _log.debug("matching dCache unit found: {}", unit); list.add(unit); } if (netUnitName != null) { try { Unit unit = _netHandler.match(netUnitName); if (unit == null) { _log.debug("no matching net unit found for: {}", netUnitName); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unit not matched : " + netUnitName); } _log.debug("matching net unit found: {}", unit); list.add(unit); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "NetUnit not resolved : " + netUnitName); } } // // match the requests ( logical AND ) // // // Map map = null ; // while( units.hasNext() )map = match( map , (Unit) ) ; // Iterator links = map.values().iterator() ; // // // i) sort according to the type (read,write,cache) // ii) the and is only OK if we have at least as many // units (from the arguments) as required by the // number of uGroupList(s). // iii) check for the hashtable if required. // int fitCount = list.size(); Set<Link> sortedSet = new TreeSet<>(new LinkComparator(type)); // // use subset on links if it's defined // LinkGroup linkGroup = null; if (linkGroupName != null) { linkGroup = _linkGroups.get(linkGroupName); if (linkGroup == null) { _log.debug("LinkGroup not found : {}", linkGroupName ); throw new IllegalArgumentException("LinkGroup not found : " + linkGroupName); } } // // find all links that matches the specified list of units // LinkMap matchingLinks = new LinkMap(); for (Unit unit : list) { matchingLinks = match(matchingLinks, unit, linkGroup, type); } Iterator<Link> linkIterator = matchingLinks.iterator(); while (linkIterator.hasNext()) { Link link =; if ((link._uGroupList.size() <= fitCount) && ((variableMap == null) || link.exec(variableMap))) { sortedSet.add(link); } } int pref = -1; List<List<Link>> listList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Link> current = null; switch (type) { case READ: for (Link link : sortedSet) { if (link.getReadPref() < 1) { continue; } if (link.getReadPref() != pref) { listList.add(current = new ArrayList<>()); pref = link.getReadPref(); } current.add(link); } break; case CACHE: for (Link link : sortedSet) { if (link.getCachePref() < 1) { continue; } if (link.getCachePref() != pref) { listList.add(current = new ArrayList<>()); pref = link.getCachePref(); } current.add(link); } break; case P2P: for (Link link : sortedSet) { int tmpPref = link.getP2pPref() < 0 ? link.getReadPref() : link.getP2pPref(); if (tmpPref < 1) { continue; } if (tmpPref != pref) { listList.add(current = new ArrayList<>()); pref = tmpPref; } current.add(link); } break; case WRITE: for (Link link : sortedSet) { if (link.getWritePref() < 1) { continue; } if (link.getWritePref() != pref) { listList.add(current = new ArrayList<>()); pref = link.getWritePref(); } current.add(link); } } List<Link>[] x = listList.toArray(new List[listList.size()]); result = new PoolPreferenceLevel[x.length]; // // resolve the links to the pools // for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { List<Link> linkList = x[i]; List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); String tag = null; for (Link link : linkList) { // // get the link if available // if ((tag == null) && (link.getTag() != null)) { tag = link.getTag(); } for (PoolCore poolCore : link._poolList.values()) { if (poolCore instanceof Pool) { Pool pool = (Pool) poolCore; _log.debug("Pool: {} can read from tape? : {}", pool, pool.canReadFromTape()); if (((type == DirectionType.READ && pool.canRead()) || (type == DirectionType.CACHE && pool.canReadFromTape() && poolCanStageFile(pool, fileAttributes)) || (type == DirectionType.WRITE && pool.canWrite()) || (type == DirectionType.P2P && pool.canWriteForP2P())) && (_allPoolsActive || pool.isActive())) { resultList.add(pool.getName()); } } else { for (Pool pool : ((PGroup)poolCore)._poolList.values()) { _log.debug("Pool: {} can read from tape? : {}", pool, pool.canReadFromTape()); if (((type == DirectionType.READ && pool.canRead()) || (type == DirectionType.CACHE && pool.canReadFromTape() && poolCanStageFile(pool, fileAttributes)) || (type == DirectionType.WRITE && pool.canWrite()) || (type == DirectionType.P2P && pool.canWriteForP2P())) && (_allPoolsActive || pool.isActive())) { resultList.add(pool.getName()); } } } } } result[i] = new PoolPreferenceLevel(resultList, tag); } } finally { runlock(); } if( _log.isDebugEnabled() ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("match done: "); for( int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { sb.append("[").append(i).append("] :"); for(String poolName: result[i].getPoolList()) { sb.append(" ").append(poolName); } } _log.debug(sb.toString()); } return result; } @Override public String getProtocolUnit(String protocolUnitName) { Unit unit = findProtocolUnit(protocolUnitName); return unit == null ? null : unit.getName(); } // // Legal formats : <protocol>/<version> // public Unit findProtocolUnit(String protocolUnitName) { // if ((protocolUnitName == null) || (protocolUnitName.isEmpty())) { return null; } // int position = protocolUnitName.indexOf('/'); // // if ((position < 0) || (position == 0) || (position == (protocolUnitName.length() - 1))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not a valid protocol specification : " + protocolUnitName); } // // we try : // <protocol>/<majorVersion> // <protocol>/* // */* // Unit unit = null; rlock(); try { unit = _units.get(protocolUnitName); if (unit != null) { return unit; } // // unit = _units.get(protocolUnitName.substring(0, position) + "/*"); // if (unit == null) { unit = _units.get("*/*"); } } finally { runlock(); } // return unit; } @Override public StorageUnit getStorageUnit(String storageClass) { _psuReadLock.lock(); try { Unit unit = _units.get(storageClass); if (unit != null && unit.getType() == STORE) { return (StorageUnit)unit; } } finally { _psuReadLock.unlock(); } return null; } @Override public String getNetIdentifier(String address) throws UnknownHostException { rlock(); try { NetUnit unit = _netHandler.match(address); if (unit == null) { return NO_NET; } return unit.getCanonicalName(); } finally { runlock(); } } /** * Picks links associated with a unit (elementary rule). * * @param unit * The unit as the matching criteria * @param linkGroup * Use only subset of links if defined, or all associated links * if not defined (null) * @return the matching links */ public Map<String, Link> match(Unit unit, LinkGroup linkGroup, DirectionType iotype) { Map<String, Link> map = new HashMap<>(); rlock(); try { for (UGroup uGroup : unit._uGroupList.values()) { for (Link link : uGroup._linkList.values()) { if (linkGroup == null) { if (iotype == DirectionType.READ || link.getLinkGroup() == null) { // // no link group specified // only consider link if it isn't in any link group // ( "default link group" ) // _log.debug("link {} matching to unit {}", link.getName(), unit); map.put(link.getName(), link); } } else if (linkGroup.contains(link)) { // // only take link if it is in the specified link group // _log.debug("link {} matching to unit {}", link.getName(), unit); map.put(link.getName(), link); } } } } finally { runlock(); } return map; } public void setAllPoolsActive(String mode) { wlock(); try { switch (mode) { case "on": case "true": _allPoolsActive = true; break; case "off": case "false": _allPoolsActive = false; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Syntax error," + " no such mode: " + mode); } } finally { wunlock(); } } public String netMatch(String hostAddress) throws UnknownHostException { NetUnit unit = null; rlock(); try { unit = _netHandler.match(hostAddress); } finally { runlock(); } if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Host not a unit : " + hostAddress); } return unit.toString(); } public String matchLinkGroups(String linkGroup, String direction, String storeUnit, String dCacheUnit, String netUnit, String protocolUnit) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); PoolPreferenceLevel[] list = matchLinkGroupsXml(linkGroup, direction, storeUnit, dCacheUnit, netUnit, protocolUnit); start = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { String tag = list[i].getTag(); sb.append("Preference : ").append(i).append("\n"); sb.append(" Tag : ").append(tag == null ? "NONE" : tag) .append("\n"); for (String s : list[i].getPoolList()) { sb.append(" ").append(s) .append("\n"); } } sb.append("(time used : ").append(start).append(" millis)\n"); return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); throw ee; } } public String matchUnits(String netUnitName, ImmutableList<String> units) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Map<String, Link> map = null; int required = units.size(); rlock(); try { for (String unitName: units) { Unit unit = _units.get(unitName); if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit not found : " + unitName); } // TODO: map = match(map, unit, DirectionType.READ); } if (netUnitName != null) { Unit unit = _netHandler.find(new NetUnit(netUnitName)); if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unit not found in netList : " + netUnitName); } // TODO: map = match(map, unit, DirectionType.READ); } for (Link link : map.values()) { if (link._uGroupList.size() != required) { continue; } sb.append("Link : ").append(link.toString()).append("\n"); for(SelectionPool pool: link.getPools()) { sb.append(" ").append(pool.getName()).append( "\n"); } } } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the CLI // // .............................................................. // // the create's // public void createPoolGroup(String name, boolean isResilient) { wlock(); try { if (_pGroups.get(name) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated entry : " + name); } PGroup group = new PGroup(name, isResilient); _pGroups.put(group.getName(), group); } finally { wunlock(); } } @Override public boolean isEnabledRegex() { return _useRegex; } public String setRegex(String onOff) { String retVal; switch (onOff) { case "on": _useRegex = true; retVal = "regex turned on"; break; case "off": _useRegex = false; retVal = "regex turned off"; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "please set regex either on or off"); } return retVal; } public void createPool(String name, boolean isNoPing, boolean isDisabled, boolean isReadOnly) { wlock(); try { if (_pools.get(name) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated entry : " + name); } Pool pool = new Pool(name); pool.setPing(!isNoPing); pool.setEnabled(!isDisabled); pool.setReadOnly(isReadOnly); _pools.put(pool.getName(), pool); } finally { wunlock(); } } public String setPool(String glob, String mode) { Pattern pattern = Glob.parseGlobToPattern(glob); wlock(); try { int count = 0; for (Pool pool: getPools(pattern)) { count++; switch (mode) { case "enabled": pool.setEnabled(true); break; case "disabled": pool.setEnabled(false); break; case "ping": pool.setPing(true); break; case "noping": pool.setPing(false); break; case "rdonly": pool.setReadOnly(true); break; case "notrdonly": pool.setReadOnly(false); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("mode not supported : " + mode); } } return poolCountDescriptionFor(count) + " updated"; } finally { wunlock(); } } public String setPoolEnabled(String poolName) { int count = setEnabled(new Glob(poolName), true); return poolCountDescriptionFor(count) + " enabled"; } public String setPoolDisabled(String poolName) { int count = setEnabled(new Glob(poolName), false); return poolCountDescriptionFor(count) + " disabled"; } public void createLink(String name, ImmutableList<String> unitGroup) { wlock(); try { if (_links.get(name) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated entry : " + name); } Link link = new Link(name); // // we have to check if all the ugroups really exists. // only after we know, that all exist we can // add ourselfs to the uGroupLinkList // for ( String uGroupName : unitGroup) { UGroup uGroup = _uGroups.get(uGroupName); if (uGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("uGroup not found : " + uGroupName); } link._uGroupList.put(uGroup.getName(), uGroup); } for (UGroup group : link._uGroupList.values()) { group._linkList.put(link.getName(), link); } _links.put(link.getName(), link); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void createUnitGroup(String name) { wlock(); try { if (_uGroups.get(name) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated entry : " + name); } UGroup group = new UGroup(name); _uGroups.put(group.getName(), group); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void createUnit(String name, boolean isNet, boolean isStore, boolean isDcache, boolean isProtocol) { Unit unit = null; wlock(); try { if (isNet) { NetUnit net = new NetUnit(name); _netHandler.add(net); unit = net; } else if (isStore) { unit = new StorageUnit(name); } else if (isDcache) { unit = new Unit(name, DCACHE); } else if (isProtocol) { unit = new ProtocolUnit(name); } if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unit type missing net/store/dcache/protocol"); } if (_units.get(name) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicated entry : " + name); } _units.put(name, unit); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void createLinkGroup(String groupName, boolean isReset) { wlock(); try { if (_linkGroups.containsKey(groupName) && !isReset) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "LinkGroup already exists : " + groupName); } LinkGroup newGroup = new LinkGroup(groupName); _linkGroups.put(groupName, newGroup); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void setStorageUnit(String storageUnitKey, Integer required, String[] onlyOneCopyPer) { wlock(); try { Unit unit = _units.get(storageUnitKey); if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + storageUnitKey); } if (unit.getType() != STORE) { throw new IllegalStateException("unit named " + storageUnitKey + " is not of type STORE"); } StorageUnit sUnit = (StorageUnit)unit; if (required != null) { sUnit.setRequiredCopies(required); } if (onlyOneCopyPer != null) { Preconditions.checkArgument(sUnit.getRequiredCopies() >= 1, "required must be >= 1 in " + "order to set partition tags, " + "is currently set to %s.", sUnit.getRequiredCopies()); sUnit.setOnlyOneCopyPer(onlyOneCopyPer); } } finally { wunlock(); } } // // .................................................................. // // the 'psux ... ls' // public Object listPoolXml(String poolName) { Object xlsResult = null; rlock(); try { if (poolName == null) { xlsResult = _pools.keySet().toArray(); } else { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + poolName); } Object[] result = new Object[6]; result[0] = poolName; result[1] = pool._pGroupList.keySet().toArray(); result[2] = pool._linkList.keySet().toArray(); result[3] = pool.isEnabled(); result[4] = pool.getActive(); result[5] = pool.isReadOnly(); xlsResult = result; } } finally { runlock(); } return xlsResult; } public Object listPoolGroupXml(String groupName) { Object xlsResult = null; rlock(); try { if (groupName == null) { xlsResult = _pGroups.keySet().toArray(); } else { PGroup group = _pGroups.get(groupName); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + groupName); } Object[] result = new Object[4]; result[0] = groupName; result[1] = group._poolList.keySet().toArray(); result[2] = group._linkList.keySet().toArray(); result[3] = group.isResilient(); xlsResult = result; } } finally { runlock(); } return xlsResult; } @Override public Map<String, SelectionPoolGroup> getPoolGroups() { rlock(); try { return Maps.newHashMap(_pGroups); } finally { runlock(); } } public Object listUnitXml(String unitName) { Object xlsResult = null; rlock(); try { if (unitName == null) { xlsResult = _units.keySet().toArray(); } else { Unit unit = _units.get(unitName); if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + unitName); } Object[] result = new Object[5]; result[0] = unitName; result[1] = unit.getType() == STORE ? "Store" : unit.getType() == PROTOCOL ? "Protocol" : unit.getType() == DCACHE ? "dCache" : unit.getType() == NET ? "Net" : "Unknown"; result[2] = unit._uGroupList.keySet().toArray(); if ("Store".equals(result[1])) { StorageUnit sunit = (StorageUnit)unit; result[3] = sunit.getRequiredCopies(); result[4] = sunit.getOnlyOneCopyPer(); } xlsResult = result; } } finally { runlock(); } return xlsResult; } public Object listUnitGroupXml(String groupName) { Object xlsResult = null; rlock(); try { if (groupName == null) { xlsResult = _uGroups.keySet().toArray(); } else { UGroup group = _uGroups.get(groupName); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + groupName); } Object[] result = new Object[3]; result[0] = groupName; result[1] = group._unitList.keySet().toArray(); result[2] = group._linkList.keySet().toArray(); xlsResult = result; } } finally { runlock(); } return xlsResult; } public Object listLinkXml(boolean isX, boolean resolve, String linkName) { Object xlsResult = null; rlock(); try { if (linkName == null) { if (!isX) { xlsResult = _links.keySet().toArray(); } else { List<Object[]> array = new ArrayList<>(); for (Link link : _links.values()) { array.add(fillLinkProperties(link, resolve)); } xlsResult = array; } } else { Link link = _links.get(linkName); if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + linkName); } xlsResult = fillLinkProperties(link, resolve); } } finally { runlock(); } return xlsResult; } private Object[] fillLinkProperties(Link link, boolean resolve) { List<String> pools = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> groups = new ArrayList<>(); for (PoolCore core : link._poolList.values()) { if (core instanceof Pool) { pools.add(core.getName()); } else { groups.add(core.getName()); if (!resolve) { continue; } PGroup pg = (PGroup) core; if (pg._poolList == null) { continue; } for (String poolName : pg._poolList.keySet()) { pools.add(poolName); } } } Object[] result = new Object[resolve ? 13 : 9]; result[0] = link.getName(); result[1] = link.getReadPref(); result[2] = link.getCachePref(); result[3] = link.getWritePref(); result[4] = link._uGroupList.keySet().toArray(); result[5] = pools.toArray(); result[6] = groups.toArray(); result[7] = link.getP2pPref(); result[8] = link.getTag(); if ((!resolve) || (link._uGroupList == null)) { return result; } List<String> net = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> protocol = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> dcache = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> store = new ArrayList<>(); for (UGroup ug : link._uGroupList.values()) { if (ug._unitList == null) { continue; } for (Unit unit : ug._unitList.values()) { switch (unit.getType()) { case NET: net.add(unit.getName()); break; case PROTOCOL: protocol.add(unit.getName()); break; case DCACHE: dcache.add(unit.getName()); break; case STORE: store.add(unit.getName()); break; } } result[9] = store.toArray(); result[10] = net.toArray(); result[11] = dcache.toArray(); result[12] = protocol.toArray(); } return result; } public PoolPreferenceLevel[] matchLinkGroupsXml(String linkGroup, String direction, String storeUnit, String dCacheUnit, String netUnit, String protocolUnit) { StorageInfo info = GenericStorageInfo.valueOf(storeUnit, dCacheUnit); return match(DirectionType.valueOf(direction.toUpperCase()), netUnit.equals("*") ? null : netUnit, protocolUnit.equals("*") ? null : protocolUnit, FileAttributes.ofStorageInfo(info), linkGroup); } // .................................................................. // // the 'ls' // public String listPool(boolean more, boolean detail, ImmutableList<String> globs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); rlock(); try { Stream<Pool> pools; if (globs.isEmpty()) { pools = _pools.values().stream(); } else { pools = -> getPools(Glob.parseGlobToPattern(s)).stream()); } pools.sorted(comparing(Pool::getName)).forEachOrdered( pool -> { if (!detail) { sb.append(pool.getName()).append("\n"); } else { sb.append(pool).append("\n"); sb.append(" linkList :\n"); pool._linkList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Link::getName)).forEachOrdered( link -> sb.append(" ").append(link).append("\n")); if (more) { sb.append(" pGroupList : \n"); pool._pGroupList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(PGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( group -> sb.append(" ").append(group).append("\n")); } } }); } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } public String listPoolGroups(boolean more, boolean detail, ImmutableList<String> groups) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); rlock(); try { Iterator<PGroup> i; if (groups.isEmpty()) { i = _pGroups.values().iterator(); } else { ArrayList<PGroup> l = new ArrayList<>(); -> { PGroup o = _pGroups.get(group); if (o != null) { l.add(o); } }); i = l.iterator(); } while (i.hasNext()) { PGroup group =; sb.append(group.getName()).append("\n"); if (detail) { sb.append(" resilient = ").append(group.isResilient()) .append("\n") .append(" linkList :\n"); group._linkList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Link::getName)).forEachOrdered( link -> sb.append(" ").append(link.toString()).append("\n")); sb.append(" poolList :\n"); group._poolList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Pool::getName)).forEachOrdered( pool -> sb.append(" ").append(pool.toString()).append("\n")); } } } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } public String listPoolLinks(boolean more, boolean detail, ImmutableList<String> names) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); rlock(); try { Stream<Link> links; if (names.isEmpty()) { links = _links.values().stream(); } else { links =; } links.sorted(comparing(Link::getName)).forEachOrdered( link -> { sb.append(link.getName()).append("\n"); if (detail) { sb.append(" readPref : ").append(link.getReadPref()).append( "\n"); sb.append(" cachePref : ").append(link.getCachePref()).append( "\n"); sb.append(" writePref : ").append(link.getWritePref()).append( "\n"); sb.append(" p2pPref : ").append(link.getP2pPref()).append( "\n"); sb.append(" section : ").append( link.getTag() == null ? "None" : link.getTag()) .append("\n"); sb.append(" linkGroup : ").append( link.getLinkGroup() == null ? "None" : link .getLinkGroup().getName()).append("\n"); sb.append(" UGroups :\n"); link._uGroupList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(UGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( group -> sb.append(" ").append(group.toString()).append("\n")); if (more) { sb.append(" poolList :\n"); link._poolList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(PoolCore::getName)).forEachOrdered( core -> sb.append(" ").append(core.toString()).append("\n")); } } }); } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } public String listUnitGroups(boolean more, boolean detail, ImmutableList<String> names) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); rlock(); try { Stream<UGroup> i; if (names.isEmpty()) { i = _uGroups.values().stream(); } else { i =; } i.sorted(comparing(UGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( group -> { sb.append(group.getName()).append("\n"); if (detail) { sb.append(" unitList :\n"); group._unitList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Unit::getName)).forEachOrdered( unit -> sb.append(" ").append(unit.toString()).append("\n")); if (more) { sb.append(" linkList :\n"); group._linkList.values().stream().sorted(comparing(Link::getName)).forEachOrdered( link -> sb.append(" ").append(link.toString()).append("\n")); } } }); } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } public String listNetUnits() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); rlock(); try { for (int i = 0; i < _netHandler._netList.length; i++) { Map<Long, NetUnit> map = _netHandler._netList[i]; if (map == null) { continue; } String stringMask = _netHandler.bitsToString(i); sb.append(stringMask).append("/").append(i).append("\n"); for (NetUnit net : map.values()) { sb.append(" ").append(net.getHostAddress().getHostName()); if (i > 0) { sb.append("/").append(stringMask); } sb.append("\n"); } } } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } public String listUnits(boolean more, boolean detail, ImmutableList<String> names) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); rlock(); try { Stream<Unit> i; if (names.isEmpty()) { i = _units.values().stream(); } else { i =; } i.sorted(comparing(Unit::getName)).forEachOrdered( unit -> { if (detail) { sb.append(unit.toString()).append("\n"); if (more) { sb.append(" uGroupList :\n"); unit._uGroupList.values().stream().sorted( comparing(UGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( group -> sb.append( " ").append( group.toString()).append( "\n")); } } else { sb.append(unit.getName()).append("\n"); } }); } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } public String listLinkGroups(boolean isLongOutput, ImmutableList<String> linkGroups) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); rlock(); try { if (!linkGroups.isEmpty()) { -> { LinkGroup linkGroup = _linkGroups.get(lgroup); if (linkGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "LinkGroup not found : " + lgroup); } if (isLongOutput) { sb.append(linkGroup).append("\n"); } else { sb.append(lgroup).append("\n"); } }); } else { _linkGroups.values().stream().sorted(comparing(LinkGroup::getName)).forEachOrdered( linkGroup -> sb.append(isLongOutput ? linkGroup : linkGroup.getName()).append("\n")); } } finally { runlock(); } return sb.toString(); } public String dumpSetup() { StringWriter s = new StringWriter(); printSetup(new PrintWriter(s)); return s.toString(); } // // ............................................................................. // // the 'removes' // public void removeUnit(String name, boolean isNet) { wlock(); try { if (isNet) { NetUnit netUnit = _netHandler.find(new NetUnit(name)); if (netUnit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not found in netList : " + name); } name = netUnit.getName(); } Unit unit = _units.get(name); if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit not found : " + name); } if (unit instanceof NetUnit) { _netHandler.remove((NetUnit) unit); } for (UGroup group : unit._uGroupList.values()) { group._unitList.remove(unit.getCanonicalName()); } _units.remove(name); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removeUnitGroup(String name) { wlock(); try { UGroup group = _uGroups.get(name); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("UGroup not found : " + name); } if (!group._unitList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("UGroup not empty : " + name); } if (!group._linkList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Still link(s) pointing to us : " + name); } _uGroups.remove(name); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removePoolGroup(String name) { wlock(); try { PGroup group = _pGroups.get(name); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PGroup not found : " + name); } // // check if empty // if (!group._poolList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PGroup not empty : " + name); } // // remove the links // for (Link link : group._linkList.values()) { link._poolList.remove(group.getName()); } // // remove from global // _pGroups.remove(name); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removePool(String name) { wlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(name); if (pool == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pool not found : " + name); } // // remove from groups // for (PGroup group : pool._pGroupList.values()) { group._poolList.remove(pool.getName()); } // // remove the links // for (Link link : pool._linkList.values()) { link._poolList.remove(pool.getName()); } // // remove from global // _pools.remove(name); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removeFromUnitGroup(String groupName, String unitName, boolean isNet) { wlock(); try { UGroup group = _uGroups.get(groupName); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("UGroup not found : " + groupName); } if (isNet) { NetUnit netUnit = _netHandler.find(new NetUnit(unitName)); if (netUnit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not found in netList : " + unitName); } unitName = netUnit.getName(); } Unit unit = _units.get(unitName); if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unit not found : " + unitName); } String canonicalName = unit.getCanonicalName(); if (group._unitList.get(canonicalName) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(unitName + " not member of " + groupName); } group._unitList.remove(canonicalName); unit._uGroupList.remove(groupName); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removeFromPoolGroup(String groupName, String poolName) { wlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pool not found : " + poolName); } PGroup group = _pGroups.get(groupName); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("PGroup not found : " + groupName); } if (group._poolList.get(poolName) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(poolName + " not member of " + groupName); } group._poolList.remove(poolName); pool._pGroupList.remove(groupName); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removeFromLinkGroup(String linkGroupName, String linkName) { wlock(); try { LinkGroup linkGroup = _linkGroups.get(linkGroupName); if (linkGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("LinkGroup not found : " + linkGroupName); } Link link = _links.get(linkName); if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Link is not found : " + linkName); } if (!linkGroup.remove(link)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Link [" + linkName + "] is not part of group : " + linkGroupName); } link.setLinkGroup(null); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removeLinkGroup(String name) { wlock(); try { LinkGroup linkGroup = _linkGroups.remove(name); if (linkGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("LinkGroup not found : " + name); } for (SelectionLink link : linkGroup.getAllLinks()) { if (link instanceof Link) { ((Link) link).setLinkGroup(null); } } } finally { wunlock(); } } public void removeLink(String name) { wlock(); try { Link link = _links.get(name); if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Link not found : " + name); } // // remove from pools // for (PoolCore core : link._poolList.values()) { core._linkList.remove(name); } // // remove from unit group // for (UGroup group : link._uGroupList.values()) { group._linkList.remove(name); } // // remove from link group. A link can be in exactly one linkgroup at // the same time. // for (LinkGroup lGroup : _linkGroups.values()) { if (lGroup.remove(link)) { break; } } // // remove from global // _links.remove(name); } finally { wunlock(); } } // // ........................................................................ // // relations // public void addToPoolGroup(String pGroupName, String poolName) { wlock(); try { PGroup group = _pGroups.get(pGroupName); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + pGroupName); } Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + poolName); } pool._pGroupList.put(group.getName(), group); group._poolList.put(pool.getName(), pool); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void addToUnitGroup(String uGroupName, String unitName, boolean isNet) { wlock(); try { if (isNet) { NetUnit netUnit = _netHandler.find(new NetUnit(unitName)); if (netUnit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not found in netList : " + unitName); } unitName = netUnit.getName(); } UGroup group = _uGroups.get(uGroupName); if (group == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + uGroupName); } Unit unit = _units.get(unitName); if (unit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + unitName); } String canonicalName = unit.getCanonicalName(); if (group._unitList.get(canonicalName) != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(unitName + " already member of " + uGroupName); } unit._uGroupList.put(group.getName(), group); group._unitList.put(canonicalName, unit); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void addToLinkGroup(String linkGroupName, String linkName) { wlock(); try { LinkGroup linkGroup = _linkGroups.get(linkGroupName); if (linkGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("LinkGroup not found : " + linkName); } Link link = _links.get(linkName); if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Link not found : " + linkName); } // search all linkgroups for this link // a link can be only in one link group at the same time for (LinkGroup group : _linkGroups.values()) { if (group.contains(link)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Link already in linkGroup `" + group.getName() + "`"); } } linkGroup.add(link); link.setLinkGroup(linkGroup); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void unlink(String linkName, String poolName) { wlock(); try { Link link = _links.get(linkName); if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + linkName); } PoolCore core = _pools.get(poolName); if (core == null) { core = _pGroups.get(poolName); } if (core == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + poolName); } if (core._linkList.get(linkName) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(poolName + " not member of " + linkName); } core._linkList.remove(linkName); link._poolList.remove(poolName); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void addLink(String linkName, String poolName) { wlock(); try { Link link = _links.get(linkName); if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + linkName); } PoolCore core = _pools.get(poolName); if (core == null) { core = _pGroups.get(poolName); if (core == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + poolName); } } core._linkList.put(link.getName(), link); link._poolList.put(core.getName(), core); } finally { wunlock(); } } public void setPoolActive(String poolName, boolean active) { wlock(); try { if (poolName.equals("*")) { for (Pool pool : _pools.values()) { pool.setActive(active); } } else { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Pool not found : " + poolName); } pool.setActive(active); } } finally { wunlock(); } } public void setLink(String linkName, String readPref, String writePref, String cachePref, String p2pPref, String section) { wlock(); try { Link link = _links.get(linkName); if (link == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + linkName); } if (readPref != null) { link.setReadPref(Integer.parseInt(readPref)); } if (writePref != null) { link.setWritePref(Integer.parseInt(writePref)); } if (cachePref != null) { link.setCachePref(Integer.parseInt(cachePref)); } if (p2pPref != null) { link.setP2pPref(Integer.parseInt(p2pPref)); } if (section != null) { link.setTag(section.equalsIgnoreCase("NONE") ? null : section); } } finally { wunlock(); } } public void setLinkGroup(String linkGroupName, String custodial, String nearline, String online, String output, String replica) { wlock(); try { LinkGroup linkGroup = _linkGroups.get(linkGroupName); if (linkGroup == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("LinkGroup not found : " + linkGroupName); } if (custodial != null) { linkGroup.setCustodialAllowed(Boolean.parseBoolean(custodial)); } if (nearline != null) { linkGroup.setNearlineAllowed(Boolean.parseBoolean(nearline)); } if (online != null) { linkGroup.setOnlineAllowed(Boolean.parseBoolean(online)); } if (output != null) { linkGroup.setOutputAllowed(Boolean.parseBoolean(output)); } if (replica != null) { linkGroup.setReplicaAllowed(Boolean.parseBoolean(replica)); } } finally { wunlock(); } } @Override public Map<String, SelectionPool> getPools() { rlock(); try { return new HashMap<>(_pools); } finally { runlock(); } } @Override public Map<String, SelectionLinkGroup> getLinkGroups() { rlock(); try { return new HashMap<>(_linkGroups); } finally { runlock(); } } @Override public LinkGroup getLinkGroupByName(String linkGroupName) { LinkGroup linkGroup = null; rlock(); try { linkGroup = _linkGroups.get(linkGroupName); } finally { runlock(); } return linkGroup; } @Override public Collection<SelectionPoolGroup> getPoolGroupsOfPool(String poolName) { rlock(); try { Pool pool = _pools.get(poolName); if (pool != null) { return new ArrayList<>(pool._pGroupList.values()); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(poolName); } } finally { runlock(); } } /** * Returns true if and only if the pool can stage the given file. That is * the only case if the file is located on an HSM connected to the pool. */ private boolean poolCanStageFile(Pool pool, FileAttributes file) { boolean rc = false; if (file.getStorageInfo().locations().isEmpty() && pool.getHsmInstances().contains(file.getHsm())) { // This is for backwards compatibility until all info // extractors support URIs. rc = true; } else { for (URI uri : file.getStorageInfo().locations()) { if (pool.getHsmInstances().contains(uri.getAuthority())) { rc = true; } } } _log.debug("{}: matching hsm ({}) found?: {}", pool.getName(), file.getHsm(), rc); return rc; } @Override public Collection<SelectionPool> getPoolsByPoolGroup(String poolGroup) throws NoSuchElementException { PGroup group = _pGroups.get(poolGroup); if (group == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No such pool group: " + poolGroup); } return new ArrayList<>(group._poolList.values()); } @Override public Collection<SelectionPool> getAllDefinedPools(boolean enabledOnly) { List<SelectionPool> pools = new ArrayList<>(_pools.size()); rlock(); try { for (Pool pool : _pools.values()) { if ((!enabledOnly) || pool.isEnabled()) { pools.add(pool); } } } finally { runlock(); } return pools; } /** Returns a live view of pools whos name match the given pattern. */ private Collection<Pool> getPools(Pattern pattern) { return Maps.filterKeys(_pools, Predicates.contains(pattern)).values(); } /** Returns a displayable string describing a quantity of pools. */ private String poolCountDescriptionFor(int count) { switch (count) { case 0: return "No pools"; case 1: return "One pool"; default: return String.valueOf(count) + " pools"; } } protected void wlock() { _psuWriteLock.lock(); } protected void wunlock() { _psuWriteLock.unlock(); } protected void rlock() { _psuReadLock.lock(); } protected void runlock() { _psuReadLock.unlock(); } public static final String hh_psu_add_link = "<link> <pool>|<pool group>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_add_link_$_2(Args args) { addLink(args.argv(0), args.argv(1)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_addto_pgroup = "<pool group> <pool>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_addto_pgroup_$_2(Args args) { addToPoolGroup(args.argv(0), args.argv(1)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_addto_linkGroup = "<link group> <link>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_addto_linkGroup_$_2(Args args) { addToLinkGroup(args.argv(0), args.argv(1)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_addto_ugroup = "<unit group> <unit>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_addto_ugroup_$_2(Args args) { addToUnitGroup(args.argv(0), args.argv(1), args.hasOption("net")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_clear_im_really_sure = "# don't use this command"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_clear_im_really_sure(Args args) { clear(); return "Voila, now everthing is really gone"; } public static final String hh_psu_create_link = "<link> <unit group> [...]"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_create_link_$_2_99(Args args) { String name = args.argv(0); args.shift(); createLink(name, args.getArguments()); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_create_linkGroup = "<group name> [-reset]"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_create_linkGroup_$_1(Args args) { createLinkGroup(args.argv(0), args.hasOption("reset")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_create_pool = "<pool> [-noping] [-disabled]"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_create_pool_$_1(Args args) { createPool(args.argv(0), args.hasOption("noping"), args.hasOption("disabled"), args.hasOption("rdonly")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_create_pgroup = "<pool group> [-resilient]"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_create_pgroup_$_1(Args args) { createPoolGroup(args.argv(0), args.hasOption("resilient")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_create_unit = "-net|-store|-dcache|-protocol <name>"; public static final String fh_psu_create_unit = "NAME\n" + "\tpsu create unit\n\n" + "SYNOPSIS\n" + "\tpsu create unit UNITTYPE NAME\n\n" + "DESCRIPTION\n" + "\tCreates a new unit of the specified type. A unit is a predicate\n" + "\tthat is used to select which pools are eligable for a specific user\n" + "\trequest (to read data from dCache or write data). Units are\n" + "\tcombined in unit-groups; see psu create unitgroup for more details.\n\n" + "\tThe UNITTYPE is one of '-net', '-store', '-dcache' or '-protocol'\n" + "\tto create a network, store, dCache or protocol unit, respectively.\n\n" + "\tThe NAME of the unit describes which particular subset of user\n" + "\trequests will be selected; for example, a network unit with the\n" + "\tname '' will select only those requests from a computer\n" + "\twith an IP address matching that subnet.\n\n" + "\tThe NAME for network units is either an IPv4 address, IPv6 address,\n" + "\tan IPv4 subnet or an IPv6 subnet. Subnets may be written either\n" + "\tusing CIDR notation or as an IP address and netmask, joined by a\n" + "\t'/'.\n\n" + "\tThe NAME for store units has the form <StorageClass>@<HSM-type>.\n" + "\tBoth <StorageClass> and <HSM-type> may be replaced with a '*' to\n" + "\tmatch any value. If the HSM-type is 'osm' then <StorageClass> is\n" + "\tconstructed by joining the store-name and store-group with a colon:\n" + "\t<StoreName>:<StoreGroup>@osm.\n\n" + "\tThe NAME for a dcache unit is an arbitrary string. This matches\n" + "\tagainst the optional cache-class that may be set within the\n" + "\tnamespace in a similar fashion to the storage-class.\n\n" + "\tThe NAME for a protocol unit has the form <protocol>/<version>. If\n" + "\t<version> is '*' then all versions of that protocol match.\n\n" + "OPTIONS\n" + "\tnone\n"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_create_unit_$_1(Args args) { createUnit(args.argv(0), args.hasOption("net"), args.hasOption("store"), args.hasOption("dcache"), args.hasOption("protocol")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_create_ugroup = "<unit group>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_create_ugroup_$_1(Args args) { createUnitGroup(args.argv(0)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_dump_setup = ""; public String ac_psu_dump_setup(Args args) { return dumpSetup(); } public static final String hh_psu_ls_link = "[-l] [-a] [ <link> [...]]"; public String ac_psu_ls_link_$_0_99(Args args) { boolean more = args.hasOption("a"); boolean detail = args.hasOption("l") || more; return listPoolLinks(more, detail, args.getArguments()); } public static final String hh_psu_ls_linkGroup = "[-l] [<link group1> ... <link groupN>]"; public String ac_psu_ls_linkGroup_$_0_99(Args args) { return listLinkGroups(args.hasOption("l"), args.getArguments()); } public static final String hh_psu_ls_netunits = ""; public String ac_psu_ls_netunits(Args args) { return listNetUnits(); } public static final String hh_psu_ls_pgroup = "[-l] [-a] [<pool group> [...]]"; public String ac_psu_ls_pgroup_$_0_99(Args args) { boolean more = args.hasOption("a"); boolean detail = args.hasOption("l") || more; return listPoolGroups(more, detail, args.getArguments()); } public static final String hh_psu_ls_pool = "[-l] [-a] [<pool glob> [...]]"; public String ac_psu_ls_pool_$_0_99(Args args) { boolean more = args.hasOption("a"); boolean detail = args.hasOption("l") || more; return listPool(more, detail, args.getArguments()); } public static final String hh_psu_ls_ugroup = "[-l] [-a] [<unit group> [...]]"; public String ac_psu_ls_ugroup_$_0_99(Args args) { boolean more = args.hasOption("a"); boolean detail = args.hasOption("l") || more; return listUnitGroups(more, detail, args.getArguments()); } public static final String hh_psu_ls_unit = " [-a] [<unit> [...]]"; public String ac_psu_ls_unit_$_0_99(Args args) { boolean more = args.hasOption("a"); boolean detail = args.hasOption("l") || more; return listUnits(more, detail, args.getArguments()); } public static final String hh_psu_match = "[-linkGroup=<link group>] " + "read|cache|write|p2p <store unit>|* <store unit>|* " + "<store unit>|* <protocol unit>|* "; public String ac_psu_match_$_5(Args args) throws Exception { return matchLinkGroups(args.getOpt("linkGroup"), args.argv(0), args.argv(1), args.argv(2), args.argv(3), args.argv(4)); } public static final String hh_psu_match2 = "<unit> [...] [-net=<net unit>}"; public String ac_psu_match2_$_1_99(Args args) { return matchUnits(args.getOpt("net"), args.getArguments()); } public static final String hh_psu_netmatch = "<host address>"; public String ac_psu_netmatch_$_1(Args args) throws UnknownHostException { return netMatch(args.argv(0)); } public static final String hh_psu_removefrom_linkGroup = "<link group> <link>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_removefrom_linkGroup_$_2(Args args) { removeFromLinkGroup(args.argv(0), args.argv(1)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_removefrom_pgroup = "<pool group> <pool>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_removefrom_pgroup_$_2(Args args) { removeFromPoolGroup(args.argv(0), args.argv(1)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_removefrom_ugroup = "<unit group> <unit> -net"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_removefrom_ugroup_$_2(Args args) { removeFromUnitGroup(args.argv(0), args.argv(1), args.hasOption("net")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_remove_link = "<link>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_remove_link_$_1(Args args) { removeLink(args.argv(0)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_remove_linkGroup = "<link group>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_remove_linkGroup_$_1(Args args) { removeLinkGroup(args.argv(0)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_remove_pool = "<pool>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_remove_pool_$_1(Args args) { removePool(args.argv(0)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_remove_pgroup = "<pool group>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_remove_pgroup_$_1(Args args) { removePoolGroup(args.argv(0)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_remove_unit = "<unit> [-net]"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_remove_unit_$_1(Args args) { removeUnit(args.argv(0), args.hasOption("net")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_remove_ugroup = "<unit group>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_remove_ugroup_$_1(Args args) { removeUnitGroup(args.argv(0)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_active = "<pool>|* [-no]"; public String ac_psu_set_active_$_1(Args args) { setPoolActive(args.argv(0), !args.hasOption("no")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_allpoolsactive = "on|off"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_allpoolsactive_$_1(Args args) throws CommandSyntaxException { try { setAllPoolsActive(args.argv(0)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new CommandSyntaxException(e.getMessage()); } return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_disabled = "<pool glob>"; public String ac_psu_set_disabled_$_1(Args args) { return setPoolDisabled(args.argv(0)); } public static final String hh_psu_set_enabled = "<pool glob>"; public String ac_psu_set_enabled_$_1(Args args) { return setPoolEnabled(args.argv(0)); } public static final String hh_psu_set_link = "<link> [-readpref=<readpref>] [-writepref=<writepref>] " + "[-cachepref=<cachepref>] [-p2ppref=<p2ppref>] " + "[-section=<section>|NONE]"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_link_$_1(Args args) { setLink(args.argv(0), args.getOption("readpref"), args.getOption("writepref"), args.getOption("cachepref"), args.getOption("p2ppref"), args.getOption("section")); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_linkGroup_custodialAllowed = "<link group> <true|false>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_linkGroup_custodialAllowed_$_2(Args args) { setLinkGroup(args.argv(0), args.argv(1), null, null, null, null); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_linkGroup_nearlineAllowed = "<link group> <true|false>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_linkGroup_nearlineAllowed_$_2(Args args) { setLinkGroup(args.argv(0), null, args.argv(1), null, null, null); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_linkGroup_onlineAllowed = "<link group> <true|false>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_linkGroup_onlineAllowed_$_2(Args args) { setLinkGroup(args.argv(0), null, null, args.argv(1), null, null); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_linkGroup_outputAllowed = "<link group> <true|false>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_linkGroup_outputAllowed_$_2(Args args) { setLinkGroup(args.argv(0), null, null, null, args.argv(1), null); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_linkGroup_replicaAllowed = "<link group> <true|false>"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_linkGroup_replicaAllowed_$_2(Args args) { setLinkGroup(args.argv(0), null, null, null, null, args.argv(1)); return ""; } public static final String hh_psu_set_pool = "<pool glob> enabled|disabled|ping|noping|rdonly|notrdonly"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_pool_$_2(Args args) { return setPool(args.argv(0), args.argv(1)); } public static final String hh_psu_set_regex = "on | off"; @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_set_regex_$_1(Args args) { return setRegex(args.argv(0)); } public static final String hh_psu_unlink = "<link> <pool>|<pool group>"; @AffectsSetup @Command(name = "psu set storage unit", hint = "define resilience requirements for a storage unit", description = "Sets the required number of copies and/or " + "the partitioning of replicas by pool tags.") class StorageUnitCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "required", usage = "Set the number of copies required. " + "Must be an integer >= 1. A storage " + "unit has required set to 1 by default. " + "Not specifying this attribute means " + "the current value is retained.") Integer required; @Option(name = "onlyOneCopyPer", separator = ",", usage = "A comma-delimited list of pool tag names used to " + "partition copies across pools " + "(interpreted as an 'and'-clause). " + "A storage unit has an empty list by default. " + "Not specifying this attribute means " + "the current value is retained; specifying " + "an empty string restores default behavior.") String[] onlyOneCopyPer; @Argument(usage = "Name of the storage unit.") String name; @Override public String call() throws Exception { Preconditions.checkArgument(required == null || required >= 1, "required must be >= 1, was set to %s.", required); setStorageUnit(name, required, onlyOneCopyPer); return ""; } } @AffectsSetup public String ac_psu_unlink_$_2(Args args) { unlink(args.argv(0), args.argv(1)); return ""; } /* * ***************************** PSUX ********************************** */ public static final String hh_psux_ls_link = "[<link>] [-x] [-resolve]"; public Object ac_psux_ls_link_$_0_1(Args args) { String link = null; boolean resolve = args.hasOption("resolve"); boolean isX = args.hasOption("x"); if (args.argc() != 0) { link = args.argv(0); } return listLinkXml(isX, resolve, link); } public static final String hh_psux_ls_pgroup = "[<pool group>]"; public Object ac_psux_ls_pgroup_$_0_1(Args args) { String groupName = args.argc() == 0 ? null : args.argv(0); return listPoolGroupXml(groupName); } public static final String hh_psux_ls_pool = "[<pool>]"; public Object ac_psux_ls_pool_$_0_1(Args args) { String poolName = args.argc() == 0 ? null : args.argv(0); return listPoolXml(poolName); } public static final String hh_psux_ls_unit = "[<unit>]"; public Object ac_psux_ls_unit_$_0_1(Args args) { String unitName = args.argc() == 0 ? null : args.argv(0); return listUnitXml(unitName); } public static final String hh_psux_ls_ugroup = "[<unit group>]"; public Object ac_psux_ls_ugroup_$_0_1(Args args) { String groupName = args.argc() == 0 ? null : args.argv(0); return listUnitGroupXml(groupName); } public static final String hh_psux_match = "[-linkGroup=<link group>] " + "read|cache|write <store unit>|* <store unit>|* " + "<store unit>|* <protocol unit>|* "; public Object ac_psux_match_$_5(Args args) { return matchLinkGroupsXml(args.getOpt("linkGroup"), args.argv(0), args.argv(1), args.argv(2), args.argv(3), args.argv(4)); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { rlock(); try { stream.defaultWriteObject(); } finally { runlock(); } } }