package diskCacheV111.namespace; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; import org.dcache.namespace.CreateOption; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.namespace.FileType; import org.dcache.namespace.ListHandler; import org.dcache.util.ChecksumType; import org.dcache.util.Glob; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; /** * Any mechanism of storing dCache namespace must implement this interface. * * Note that classes that implement NameSpaceProvider are NOT required to * handle Restriction: it is the caller's responsibility to enforce this. */ public interface NameSpaceProvider { /** * When the mode field is not specified in createEntry, the mode * is inherited from the parent directory. When creating new * directories, this UMASK is applied to the inherited mode. */ int UMASK_DIR = 0777; /** * When the mode field is not specified in createEntry, the mode * is inherited from the parent directory. When creating new * regular files, this UMASK is applied to the inherited mode. */ int UMASK_FILE = 0666; /** * set if there is no old value */ int SI_EXCLUSIVE = 0; /** * replace old value with new one */ int SI_OVERWRITE = 1; /** * append new value to the old one */ int SI_APPEND = 2; /** * Create a file for a given path and type. * * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param path full path of new object * @param assignAttributes attributes of the newly create file * @param requestAttributes attributes of the new file to return * @return the FileAttributes of newly created file * @throws CacheException */ FileAttributes createFile(Subject subject, String path, FileAttributes assignAttributes, Set<FileAttribute> requestAttributes) throws CacheException; /** * Create a directory for a given path and type. * * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param path full path of new object * @param attributes attributes of the newly create directory * @return PnfsId of newly created object * @throws CacheException */ PnfsId createDirectory(Subject subject, String path, FileAttributes attributes) throws CacheException; /** * Create a symbolic link with a given path. * * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param path full path of new object * @param dest target where symbolik link points to * @param attributes attributes of the newly create symbolic link * @return PnfsId of newly created object * @throws CacheException */ PnfsId createSymLink(Subject subject, String path, String dest, FileAttributes attributes) throws CacheException; /** * remove file or directory associated with given pnfsid * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param allowed Only delete if one of these file types. * @param pnfsId * @param attr Attributes of deleted file or directory. * @return Requested attributes. * @throws CacheException */ FileAttributes deleteEntry(Subject subject, Set<FileType> allowed, PnfsId pnfsId, Set<FileAttribute> attr) throws CacheException; /** * remove file or directory * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param allowed Only delete if one of these file types. * @param path * @param attr Attributes of deleted file or directory * @return Requested attributes. * @throws CacheException */ FileAttributes deleteEntry(Subject subject, Set<FileType> allowed, String path, Set<FileAttribute> attr) throws CacheException; /** * Remove file or directory. Path and PnfsID must describe the same object. * * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param allowed Only delete if one of these file types. * @param pnfsId PnfsID of file to delete * @param path Path of file to delete * @param attr Attributes of deleted file or directory. * @return Requested attributes. * @throws CacheException */ FileAttributes deleteEntry(Subject subject, Set<FileType> allowed, PnfsId pnfsId, String path, Set<FileAttribute> attr) throws CacheException; void rename(Subject subject, @Nullable PnfsId pnfsId, String sourcePath, String destinationPath, boolean overwrite) throws CacheException; String pnfsidToPath(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId) throws CacheException; PnfsId pathToPnfsid(Subject subject, String path, boolean followLinks) throws CacheException; PnfsId getParentOf(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId) throws CacheException; void removeFileAttribute(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, String attribute) throws CacheException; /** * Clears checksum value storage for the specific file and checksum type. * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param type the type (or algorithm) of the checksum * @param pnfsId file */ void removeChecksum(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, ChecksumType type) throws CacheException; /** * add a cache location for a file * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param pnfsId of the file * @param cacheLocation the new location * @throws CacheException */ void addCacheLocation(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, String cacheLocation) throws CacheException; /** * get all cache location of the file * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param pnfsId of the file * @return list containing locations or empty list, if locations are unknown * @throws CacheException */ List<String> getCacheLocation(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId) throws CacheException; /** * clear cache locations * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param pnfsId of the file * @param cacheLocation, "*" forces to remove all known locations * @param removeIfLast remove entry from namespace if last known location is removed * @throws CacheException */ void clearCacheLocation(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, String cacheLocation, boolean removeIfLast) throws CacheException; /** * Get files attributes defined by <code>attr</code>. It's allowed to return less * attributes than requested. Empty <code>attr</code> equals to file existence check. * * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param pnfsId of the file * @param attr array of requested attributes * @return */ FileAttributes getFileAttributes(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, Set<FileAttribute> attr) throws CacheException; /** * Set files attributes defined by <code>attr</code>. * * A NameSpaceProvider may choose to adjust or ignore requests to set * a FileAttribute. This must be reflected in the returned value. * * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method. * @param pnfsId of the file * @param attr array of requested attributes * @param fetch attributes to query after the update, if any. * @return the updated attributes selected by acquire */ FileAttributes setFileAttributes(Subject subject, PnfsId pnfsId, FileAttributes attr, Set<FileAttribute> fetch) throws CacheException; /** * Lists the content of a directory. The content is returned as a * directory stream. An optional glob pattern andc optional * zero-based range can be used to limit the listing. For each * entry the ListHandler is invoked. * * The glob syntax is limitted to single character (question mark) * and multi character (asterix) wildcards. If glob is null, then * no filtering is applied. * * When a range is specified, only the part of the result set that * falls within the range is return. There is no guarantee that * the result set from two invocations is the same. For instance, * there is no guarantee that first listing [0;999] and then * listing [1000;1999] will actually cover the first 2000 entries: * Files may have been added or deleted from the directory, or the * ordering may have changed for some reason. * * @param subject Subject of user who invoked this method * @param path Path to directory to list * @param glob Pattern to limit the result set; may be null * @param range The range of entries to return; may be null * @param attrs The file attributes to query for each entry * @param handler Handler called for each entry */ void list(Subject subject, String path, Glob glob, Range<Integer> range, Set<FileAttribute> attrs, ListHandler handler) throws CacheException; /** * Set up a temporary upload location for a file. * * The file can can be written to the returned path and then moved to its final * location using <code>commitUpload</code>. Alternatively the operation can be * cancelled by calling <code>cancelUpload</code>. * * @param subject the subject of user who invoked this method * @param path the path of the file to upload * @param rootPath a base path relative to which the upload directory may optionally be created * @param size optional expected size * @param al optional access latency of new file * @param rp optional retention policy of new file * @param spaceToken optional token of space reservation to write file to * @param options options specifying how the path should be created * @return A temporary upload path that must eventually be committed or cancelled */ FsPath createUploadPath(Subject subject, FsPath path, FsPath rootPath, Long size, AccessLatency al, RetentionPolicy rp, String spaceToken, Set<CreateOption> options) throws CacheException; /** * Move a file written to a temporary upload location to its final location. * * @param subject the subject of user who invoked this method * @param uploadPath the temporary path as returned by createUploadPath * @param path the path of file that is uploaded * @param options options specifying how the path should be committed * @param fetch attributes of the file to return * @return Requested file attributes of the committed file. */ FileAttributes commitUpload(Subject subject, FsPath uploadPath, FsPath path, Set<CreateOption> options, Set<FileAttribute> fetch) throws CacheException; /** * Remove temporary upload location. * * Removes the location previously created by a call to createUploadPath. Any * file that was written is deleted and future writes to the temporary path * will fail. * * @param subject the subject of user who invoked this method * @param uploadPath the temporary path as returned by createUploadPath * @param path the path of file that is uploaded * @param attr the desired attributes of the deleted files * @param explanation a short description explaining why the upload was * cancelled. * @return the files deleted by the operation */ Collection<FileAttributes> cancelUpload(Subject subject, FsPath uploadPath, FsPath path, Set<FileAttribute> attr, String explanation) throws CacheException; }