package org.dcache.webdav; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.milton.http.HttpManager; import io.milton.http.Request; import io.milton.http.ResourceFactory; import io.milton.resource.Resource; import io.milton.servlet.ServletRequest; import io.milton.servlet.ServletResponse; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaders; import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.stringtemplate.v4.AutoIndentWriter; import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolMonitorV5; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorRequestInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorTransferFinishedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.HttpDoorUrlInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.HttpProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoDoorEntry; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoDoorInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCreateEntryMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolIoFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMoverKillMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.ProtocolInfo; import dmg.cells.nucleus.AbstractCellComponent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import; import org.dcache.auth.SubjectWrapper; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.missingfiles.AlwaysFailMissingFileStrategy; import org.dcache.missingfiles.MissingFileStrategy; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolManagerStub; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolMonitor; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.PingMoversTask; import org.dcache.util.RedirectedTransfer; import org.dcache.util.Slf4jSTErrorListener; import org.dcache.util.Transfer; import org.dcache.util.TransferRetryPolicies; import org.dcache.util.TransferRetryPolicy; import org.dcache.util.list.DirectoryEntry; import org.dcache.util.list.DirectoryListPrinter; import org.dcache.util.list.ListDirectoryHandler; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.webdav.owncloud.OwncloudClients; import static; import static; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute.*; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileType.*; /** * This ResourceFactory exposes the dCache name space through the * Milton WebDAV framework. */ public class DcacheResourceFactory extends AbstractCellComponent implements ResourceFactory, CellMessageReceiver, CellCommandListener, CellInfoProvider { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DcacheResourceFactory.class); public static final String TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE = "org.dcache.transaction"; private static final Set<FileAttribute> REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES = EnumSet.of(TYPE, PNFSID, CREATION_TIME, MODIFICATION_TIME, SIZE, MODE, OWNER, OWNER_GROUP); private static final String HTML_TEMPLATE_LISTING_NAME = "page"; private static final String HTML_TEMPLATE_CLIENT_NAME = "client"; // Additional attributes needed for PROPFIND requests; e.g., to supply // values for properties. private static final Set<FileAttribute> PROPFIND_ATTRIBUTES = Sets.union( EnumSet.of(CHECKSUM, ACCESS_LATENCY, RETENTION_POLICY), PoolMonitorV5.getRequiredAttributesForFileLocality()); private static final String PROTOCOL_INFO_NAME = "Http"; private static final int PROTOCOL_INFO_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; private static final int PROTOCOL_INFO_MINOR_VERSION = 1; private static final int PROTOCOL_INFO_UNKNOWN_PORT = 0; private static final long PING_DELAY = 300000; private static final Splitter PATH_SPLITTER = Splitter.on('/').omitEmptyStrings(); /** * In progress transfers. The key of the map is the session * id of the transfer. * * Note that the session id is cast to an integer - this is * because HttpProtocolInfo uses integer ids. Casting the * session ID increases the risk of collision due to wrapping * of the ID. However this can only happen if transfers are * longer than 50 days. */ private final Map<Integer,HttpTransfer> _transfers = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private ListDirectoryHandler _list; private ScheduledExecutorService _executor; private int _moverTimeout = 180000; private TimeUnit _moverTimeoutUnit = MILLISECONDS; private long _killTimeout = 1500; private TimeUnit _killTimeoutUnit = MILLISECONDS; private long _transferConfirmationTimeout = 60000; private TimeUnit _transferConfirmationTimeoutUnit = MILLISECONDS; private int _bufferSize = 65536; private CellStub _poolStub; private PoolManagerStub _poolManagerStub; private CellStub _billingStub; private PnfsHandler _pnfs; private String _ioQueue; private PathMapper _pathMapper; private List<FsPath> _allowedPaths = Collections.singletonList(FsPath.ROOT); private InetAddress _internalAddress; private String _path; private boolean _doRedirectOnRead = true; private boolean _doRedirectOnWrite = true; private boolean _isOverwriteAllowed; private boolean _isAnonymousListingAllowed; private String _staticContentPath; private ReloadableTemplate _template; private ImmutableMap<String,String> _templateConfig; private TransferRetryPolicy _retryPolicy = TransferRetryPolicies.tryOncePolicy(_moverTimeout, _moverTimeoutUnit); private MissingFileStrategy _missingFileStrategy = new AlwaysFailMissingFileStrategy(); private PoolMonitor _poolMonitor; public DcacheResourceFactory() throws UnknownHostException { _internalAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } @Required public void setPoolMonitor(PoolMonitor monitor) { _poolMonitor = monitor; } /** * Returns the kill timeout in milliseconds. */ public long getKillTimeout() { return _killTimeout; } /** * The kill timeout is the time we wait for a transfer to * terminate after we killed the mover. * * @param timeout The mover timeout in milliseconds */ public void setKillTimeout(long timeout) { if (timeout <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout must be positive"); } _killTimeout = timeout; } public void setKillTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit unit) { _killTimeoutUnit = checkNotNull(unit); } public TimeUnit getKillTimeoutUnit() { return _killTimeoutUnit; } /** * Returns the mover timeout in milliseconds. */ public int getMoverTimeout() { return _moverTimeout; } /** * The mover timeout is the time we wait for the mover to start * after having been enqueued. * * @param timeout The mover timeout in milliseconds */ public void setMoverTimeout(int timeout) { if (timeout <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout must be positive"); } _moverTimeout = timeout; _retryPolicy = TransferRetryPolicies.tryOncePolicy(_moverTimeout, _moverTimeoutUnit); } public void setMoverTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit unit) { _moverTimeoutUnit = checkNotNull(unit); _retryPolicy = TransferRetryPolicies.tryOncePolicy(_moverTimeout, _moverTimeoutUnit); } public TimeUnit getMoverTimeoutUnit() { return _moverTimeoutUnit; } /** * Returns the transfer confirmation timeout in milliseconds. */ public long getTransferConfirmationTimeout() { return _transferConfirmationTimeout; } /** * The transfer confirmation timeout is the time we wait after we * know that an upload has finished and until we received the * transfer confirmation message from the pool. * * @param timeout The transfer confirmation timeout in milliseconds */ public void setTransferConfirmationTimeout(long timeout) { _transferConfirmationTimeout = timeout; } public void setTransferConfirmationTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit unit) { _transferConfirmationTimeoutUnit = checkNotNull(unit); } public TimeUnit getTransferConfirmationTimeoutUnit() { return _transferConfirmationTimeoutUnit; } /** * Returns the buffer size in bytes. */ public int getBufferSize() { return _bufferSize; } /** * Sets the size of the buffer used when proxying uploads. * * @param bufferSize The buffer size in bytes */ public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) { _bufferSize = bufferSize; } /** * Provide the mapping between request path and dCache internal path. */ @Required public void setPathMapper(PathMapper mapper) { _pathMapper = mapper; } /** * Set the list of paths for which we allow access. Paths are * separated by a colon. This paths are relative to the root path. */ public void setAllowedPaths(String s) { List<FsPath> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (String path: s.split(":")) { list.add(FsPath.create(path)); } _allowedPaths = list; } /** * Returns the list of allowed paths. */ public String getAllowedPaths() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (FsPath path: _allowedPaths) { if (s.length() > 0) { s.append(':'); } s.append(path); } return s.toString(); } /** * Return the pool IO queue to use for WebDAV transfers. */ public String getIoQueue() { return (_ioQueue == null) ? "" : _ioQueue; } /** * Sets the pool IO queue to use for WebDAV transfers. */ public void setIoQueue(String ioQueue) { _ioQueue = (ioQueue != null && !ioQueue.isEmpty()) ? ioQueue : null; } /** * Sets whether read requests are redirected to the pool. If not, * then the door will act as a proxy. */ public void setRedirectOnReadEnabled(boolean redirect) { _doRedirectOnRead = redirect; } public boolean isRedirectOnReadEnabled() { return _doRedirectOnRead; } public void setRedirectOnWriteEnabled(boolean redirect) { _doRedirectOnWrite = redirect; } public boolean isRedirectOnWriteEnabled() { return _doRedirectOnWrite; } /** * Sets whether existing files may be overwritten. */ public void setOverwriteAllowed(boolean allowed) { _isOverwriteAllowed = allowed; } public boolean isOverwriteAllowed() { return _isOverwriteAllowed; } public void setAnonymousListing(boolean isAllowed) { _isAnonymousListingAllowed = isAllowed; } public boolean isAnonymousListing() { return _isAnonymousListingAllowed; } /** * Sets the cell stub for PnfsManager communication. */ public void setPnfsStub(CellStub stub) { _pnfs = new PnfsHandler(stub); } /** * Sets the cell stub for pool communication. */ public void setPoolStub(CellStub stub) { _poolStub = stub; } /** * Sets the cell stub for PoolManager communication. * @param stub */ public void setPoolManagerStub(PoolManagerStub stub) { _poolManagerStub = stub; } /** * Sets the cell stub for billing communication. */ public void setBillingStub(CellStub stub) { _billingStub = stub; } /** * Sets the behaviour of this door when the user requests a file * that doesn't exist. */ public void setMissingFileStrategy(MissingFileStrategy strategy) { _missingFileStrategy = strategy; } /** * Sets the ListDirectoryHandler used for directory listing. */ public void setListHandler(ListDirectoryHandler list) { _list = list; } /** * Sets the resource containing the StringTemplateGroup for * directory listing. */ @Required public void setTemplate(ReloadableTemplate template) { _template = template; } @Required public void setTemplateConfig(ImmutableMap<String,String> config) { _templateConfig = config; } /** * Returns the static content path. */ public String getStaticContentPath() { return _staticContentPath; } /** * The static content path is the path under which the service * exports the static content. This typically contains stylesheets * and image files. */ public void setStaticContentPath(String path) { _staticContentPath = path; } /** * Sets the ScheduledExecutorService used for periodic tasks. */ public void setExecutor(ScheduledExecutorService executor) { _executor = executor; _executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new PingMoversTask<>(_transfers.values()), PING_DELAY, PING_DELAY, MILLISECONDS); } public void setInternalAddress(String ipString) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnknownHostException { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ipString)) { InetAddress address = InetAddresses.forString(ipString); if (address.isAnyLocalAddress()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wildcard address is not a valid local address: " + address); } _internalAddress = address; } else { _internalAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } } public String getInternalAddress() { return _internalAddress.getHostAddress(); } @Override public void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("Allowed paths: " + getAllowedPaths()); pw.println("IO queue : " + getIoQueue()); } @Override public Resource getResource(String host, String requestPath) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("Resolving " + HttpManager.request().getAbsoluteUrl()); } FsPath dCachePath = _pathMapper.asDcachePath(ServletRequest.getRequest(), requestPath); return getResource(dCachePath); } /** * Returns the resource object for a path. * * @param path The full path */ public DcacheResource getResource(FsPath path) { if (!isAllowedPath(path)) { return null; } String requestPath = getRequestPath(); boolean haveRetried = false; Subject subject = getSubject(); try { while(true) { try { PnfsHandler pnfs = new PnfsHandler(_pnfs, subject, getRestriction()); Set<FileAttribute> requestedAttributes = buildRequestedAttributes(); FileAttributes attributes = pnfs.getFileAttributes(path.toString(), requestedAttributes); return getResource(path, attributes); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { if(haveRetried) { return null; } else { switch(_missingFileStrategy.recommendedAction(subject, path, requestPath)) { case FAIL: return null; case RETRY: haveRetried = true; break; } } } } } catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) { throw WebDavExceptions.permissionDenied(e.getMessage(), e, new InaccessibleResource(path)); } catch (CacheException e) { throw new WebDavException(e.getMessage(), e, new InaccessibleResource(path)); } } /** * Returns the resource object for a path. * * @param path The full path * @param attributes The attributes of the object identified by the path */ private DcacheResource getResource(FsPath path, FileAttributes attributes) { if (attributes.getFileType() == DIR) { return new DcacheDirectoryResource(this, path, attributes); } else { return new DcacheFileResource(this, path, attributes); } } /** * Returns a boolean indicating if the request should be redirected to a * pool. * * @param request a Request * @return a boolean indicating if the request should be redirected */ public boolean shouldRedirect(Request request) { switch (request.getMethod()) { case GET: return isRedirectOnReadEnabled(); case PUT: boolean expects100Continue = Objects.equal(request.getExpectHeader(), HttpHeaders.Values.CONTINUE); return isRedirectOnWriteEnabled() && expects100Continue; default: return false; } } /** * Creates a new file. The door will relay all data to the pool. */ public DcacheResource createFile(FsPath path, InputStream inputStream, Long length) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, IOException, URISyntaxException { Subject subject = getSubject(); Restriction restriction = getRestriction(); WriteTransfer transfer = new WriteTransfer(_pnfs, subject, restriction, path); _transfers.put((int) transfer.getId(), transfer); try { boolean success = false; transfer.setProxyTransfer(true); transfer.createNameSpaceEntry(); try { transfer.setLength(length); try { transfer.selectPoolAndStartMover(_retryPolicy); String uri = transfer.waitForRedirect(_moverTimeout, _moverTimeoutUnit); if (uri == null) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("Server is busy (internal timeout)"); } transfer.relayData(inputStream); } finally { transfer.killMover(_killTimeout, _killTimeoutUnit, "killed by door: proxy transfer complete"); } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { transfer.deleteNameSpaceEntry(); } } } catch (CacheException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "Transfer interrupted"); throw e; } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.toString()); throw e; } finally { _transfers.remove((int) transfer.getId()); } return getResource(path); } public String getWriteUrl(FsPath path, Long length) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException { Subject subject = getSubject(); Restriction restriction = getRestriction(); String uri = null; WriteTransfer transfer = new WriteTransfer(_pnfs, subject, restriction, path); _transfers.put((int) transfer.getId(), transfer); try { transfer.createNameSpaceEntry(); try { transfer.setLength(length); transfer.selectPoolAndStartMover(_retryPolicy); uri = transfer.waitForRedirect(_moverTimeout, _moverTimeoutUnit); if (uri == null) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("Server is busy (internal timeout)"); } transfer.setStatus("Mover " + transfer.getPool() + "/" + transfer.getMoverId() + ": Waiting for completion"); } finally { if (uri == null) { transfer.killMover(_killTimeout, _killTimeoutUnit, "killed by door: problem creating file"); transfer.deleteNameSpaceEntry(); } } } catch (CacheException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "Transfer interrupted"); throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.toString()); throw e; } finally { if (uri == null) { _transfers.remove((int) transfer.getId()); } } return uri; } /** * Reads the content of a file. The door will relay all data from * a pool. */ public void readFile(FsPath path, PnfsId pnfsid, OutputStream outputStream, io.milton.http.Range range) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, IOException, URISyntaxException { ReadTransfer transfer = beginRead(path, pnfsid, true, null); String explanation = "transfer completed"; try { transfer.relayData(outputStream, range); } catch (CacheException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); explanation = e.getMessage(); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "Transfer interrupted"); explanation = "transfer interrupted"; throw e; } catch (IOException | RuntimeException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.toString()); explanation = "bug detected: " + e.toString(); throw e; } finally { transfer.killMover(_killTimeout, _killTimeoutUnit, "killed by door: " + explanation); _transfers.remove((int) transfer.getId()); } } /** * Performs a directory listing returning a list of Resource * objects. */ public List<DcacheResource> list(final FsPath path) throws InterruptedException, CacheException { if (!_isAnonymousListingAllowed && Subjects.isNobody(getSubject())) { throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Access denied"); } final List<DcacheResource> result = new ArrayList<>(); DirectoryListPrinter printer = new DirectoryListPrinter() { @Override public Set<FileAttribute> getRequiredAttributes() { return buildRequestedAttributes(); } @Override public void print(FsPath dir, FileAttributes dirAttr, DirectoryEntry entry) { result.add(getResource(path.child(entry.getName()), entry.getFileAttributes())); } }; _list.printDirectory(getSubject(), getRestriction(), printer, path, null, Range.<Integer>all()); return result; } private class FileLocalityWrapper { private final FileLocality _inner; FileLocalityWrapper(FileLocality inner) { _inner = inner; } public boolean isOnline() { return _inner == FileLocality.ONLINE; } public boolean isNearline() { return _inner == FileLocality.NEARLINE; } public boolean isOnlineAndNearline() { return _inner == FileLocality.ONLINE_AND_NEARLINE; } public boolean isLost() { return _inner == FileLocality.LOST; } public boolean isUnavailable() { return _inner == FileLocality.UNAVAILABLE; } } private String getRequestPath() { Request request = HttpManager.request(); return URI.create(request.getAbsoluteUrl()).getPath(); } private String getRemoteAddr() { return HttpManager.request().getRemoteAddr(); } private void addTemplateAttributes(ST template) { String requestPath = getRequestPath(); String[] base = Iterables.toArray(PATH_SPLITTER.split(requestPath), String.class); String relPathOfRoot = Joiner.on("/").join(limit(cycle(".."), base.length)); template.add("path", asList(UrlPathWrapper.forPaths(base))); template.add("static", _staticContentPath); template.add("subject", new SubjectWrapper(getSubject())); template.add("base", UrlPathWrapper.forEmptyPath()); template.add("config", _templateConfig); template.add("root", relPathOfRoot); } /** * Deliver a client to the user in response to a GET request on a directory. * No effort is made to provide the client with the contents of this directory. * It is expected that the client obtains the information it needs by * itself; e.g., by executing JavaScript that is supplied within the HTML * response. * @return true if a client has been sent. */ public boolean deliverClient(FsPath path, Writer out) throws IOException { final ST t = _template.getInstanceOfQuietly(HTML_TEMPLATE_CLIENT_NAME); if (t == null) { return false; } addTemplateAttributes(t); t.write(new AutoIndentWriter(out)); return true; } /** * Performs a directory listing, writing an HTML view to an output * stream. */ public void list(FsPath path, Writer out) throws InterruptedException, CacheException, IOException { if (!_isAnonymousListingAllowed && Subjects.isNobody(getSubject())) { throw new PermissionDeniedCacheException("Access denied"); } final ST t = _template.getInstanceOf(HTML_TEMPLATE_LISTING_NAME); if (t == null) { out.append(DcacheResponseHandler.templateNotFoundErrorPage(_template.getPath(), HTML_TEMPLATE_LISTING_NAME)); return; } addTemplateAttributes(t); DirectoryListPrinter printer = new DirectoryListPrinter() { @Override public Set<FileAttribute> getRequiredAttributes() { return EnumSet.copyOf(Sets.union(PoolMonitorV5.getRequiredAttributesForFileLocality(), EnumSet.of(MODIFICATION_TIME, TYPE, SIZE))); } @Override public void print(FsPath dir, FileAttributes dirAttr, DirectoryEntry entry) { FileAttributes attr = entry.getFileAttributes(); Date mtime = new Date(attr.getModificationTime()); UrlPathWrapper name = UrlPathWrapper.forPath(entry.getName()); /* FIXME: SIZE is defined if client specifies the * file's size before uploading. */ boolean isUploading = !attr.isDefined(SIZE); FileLocality locality = _poolMonitor.getFileLocality(attr, getRemoteAddr()); t.addAggr("files.{name,isDirectory,mtime,size,isUploading,locality}", name, attr.getFileType() == DIR, mtime, attr.getSizeIfPresent().transform(SizeWrapper::new).orNull(), isUploading, new FileLocalityWrapper(locality)); } }; _list.printDirectory(getSubject(), getRestriction(), printer, path, null, Range.<Integer>all()); t.write(new AutoIndentWriter(out)); } /** * Deletes a file. */ public void deleteFile(FileAttributes attributes, FsPath path) throws CacheException { PnfsHandler pnfs = new PnfsHandler(_pnfs, getSubject(), getRestriction()); pnfs.deletePnfsEntry(attributes.getPnfsId(), path.toString(), EnumSet.of(REGULAR, LINK), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); sendRemoveInfoToBilling(attributes, path); } private void sendRemoveInfoToBilling(FileAttributes attributes, FsPath path) { DoorRequestInfoMessage infoRemove = new DoorRequestInfoMessage(getCellAddress(), "remove"); Subject subject = getSubject(); infoRemove.setSubject(subject); infoRemove.setBillingPath(path.toString()); infoRemove.setPnfsId(attributes.getPnfsId()); infoRemove.setFileSize(attributes.getSizeIfPresent().or(0L)); infoRemove.setClient(Subjects.getOrigin(subject).getAddress().getHostAddress()); _billingStub.notify(infoRemove); } /** * Deletes a directory. */ public void deleteDirectory(PnfsId pnfsid, FsPath path) throws CacheException { PnfsHandler pnfs = new PnfsHandler(_pnfs, getSubject(), getRestriction()); pnfs.deletePnfsEntry(pnfsid, path.toString(), EnumSet.of(DIR), EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); } /** * Create a new directory. */ public DcacheDirectoryResource makeDirectory(FileAttributes parent, FsPath path) throws CacheException { PnfsHandler pnfs = new PnfsHandler(_pnfs, getSubject(), getRestriction()); PnfsCreateEntryMessage reply = pnfs.createPnfsDirectory(path.toString(), REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES); return new DcacheDirectoryResource(this, path, reply.getFileAttributes()); } public void move(FsPath sourcePath, PnfsId pnfsId, FsPath newPath) throws CacheException { PnfsHandler pnfs = new PnfsHandler(_pnfs, getSubject(), getRestriction()); pnfs.renameEntry(pnfsId, sourcePath.toString(), newPath.toString(), true); } /** * Returns a read URL for a file. * * @param path The full path of the file. * @param pnfsid The PNFS ID of the file. */ public String getReadUrl(FsPath path, PnfsId pnfsid, HttpProtocolInfo.Disposition disposition) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException { return beginRead(path, pnfsid, false, disposition).getRedirect(); } /** * Initiates a read operation. * * * @param path The full path of the file. * @param pnfsid The PNFS ID of the file. * @param isProxyTransfer * @return ReadTransfer encapsulating the read operation */ private ReadTransfer beginRead(FsPath path, PnfsId pnfsid, boolean isProxyTransfer, HttpProtocolInfo.Disposition disposition) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException { Subject subject = getSubject(); Restriction restriction = getRestriction(); String explanation = "transfer complete"; String uri = null; ReadTransfer transfer = new ReadTransfer(_pnfs, subject, restriction, path, pnfsid, disposition); transfer.setIsChecksumNeeded(isDigestRequested()); _transfers.put((int) transfer.getId(), transfer); try { transfer.setProxyTransfer(isProxyTransfer); transfer.readNameSpaceEntry(false); try { transfer.selectPoolAndStartMover(_retryPolicy); uri = transfer.waitForRedirect(_moverTimeout, _moverTimeoutUnit); if (uri == null) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("Server is busy (internal timeout)"); } } finally { transfer.setStatus(null); } transfer.setStatus("Mover " + transfer.getPool() + "/" + transfer.getMoverId() + ": Waiting for completion"); } catch (CacheException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); explanation = e.getMessage(); throw e; } catch (InterruptedException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "Transfer interrupted"); explanation = "transfer interrupted"; throw e; } catch (RuntimeException e) { transfer.notifyBilling(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.toString()); explanation = "bug detected: " + e.toString(); throw e; } finally { if (uri == null) { transfer.killMover(_killTimeout, _killTimeoutUnit, "killed by door: " + explanation); _transfers.remove((int) transfer.getId()); } } return transfer; } /** * Message handler for redirect messages from the pools. */ public void messageArrived(HttpDoorUrlInfoMessage message) { HttpTransfer transfer = _transfers.get((int) message.getId()); if (transfer != null) { transfer.redirect(message.getUrl()); } } /** * Message handler for transfer completion messages from the * pools. */ public void messageArrived(DoorTransferFinishedMessage message) { Transfer transfer = _transfers.get((int) message.getId()); if (transfer != null) { transfer.finished(message); } } /** * Fall back message handler for mover creation replies. We * only receive these if the Transfer timed out before the * mover was created. Instead we kill the mover. */ public void messageArrived(PoolIoFileMessage message) { if (message.getReturnCode() == 0) { String pool = message.getPoolName(); _poolStub.notify(new CellPath(pool), new PoolMoverKillMessage(pool, message.getMoverId(), "door timed out before pool")); } } /** * Returns true if access to path is allowed through the WebDAV * door, false otherwise. */ private boolean isAllowedPath(FsPath path) { for (FsPath allowedPath: _allowedPaths) { if (path.hasPrefix(allowedPath)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the current Subject of the calling thread. */ private static Subject getSubject() { return Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext()); } private Restriction getRestriction() { HttpServletRequest servletRequest = ServletRequest.getRequest(); return (Restriction) servletRequest.getAttribute(AuthenticationHandler.DCACHE_RESTRICTION_ATTRIBUTE); } /** * Returns the location URI of the current request. This is the * full request URI excluding user information, query and fragments. */ private static URI getLocation() throws URISyntaxException { URI uri = new URI(HttpManager.request().getAbsoluteUrl()); return new URI(uri.getScheme(), null, uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), null, null); } /** * To emulate LoginManager we list ourselves as our child. */ public static final String hh_get_children = "[-binary]"; public Object ac_get_children(Args args) { boolean binary = args.hasOption("binary"); if (binary) { String [] list = new String[] { getCellName() }; return new LoginManagerChildrenInfo(getCellName(), getCellDomainName(), list); } else { return getCellName(); } } /** * Provides information about the door and current transfers. */ public static final String hh_get_door_info = "[-binary]"; public Object ac_get_door_info(Args args) { List<IoDoorEntry> transfers = new ArrayList<>(); for (Transfer transfer: _transfers.values()) { transfers.add(transfer.getIoDoorEntry()); } IoDoorInfo doorInfo = new IoDoorInfo(getCellName(), getCellDomainName()); doorInfo.setProtocol("HTTP", "1.1"); doorInfo.setOwner(""); doorInfo.setProcess(""); doorInfo.setIoDoorEntries(transfers .toArray(new IoDoorEntry[transfers.size()])); return args.hasOption("binary") ? doorInfo : doorInfo.toString(); } private void initializeTransfer(HttpTransfer transfer, Subject subject) throws URISyntaxException { transfer.setLocation(getLocation()); transfer.setCellAddress(getCellAddress()); transfer.setPoolManagerStub(_poolManagerStub); transfer.setPoolStub(_poolStub); transfer.setBillingStub(_billingStub); transfer.setIoQueue(_ioQueue); List<InetSocketAddress> addresses = Subjects.getOrigin(subject).getClientChain().stream(). map(a -> new InetSocketAddress(a, PROTOCOL_INFO_UNKNOWN_PORT)). collect(Collectors.toList()); transfer.setClientAddresses(addresses); transfer.setOverwriteAllowed(_isOverwriteAllowed); } private Set<FileAttribute> buildRequestedAttributes() { Set<FileAttribute> attributes = EnumSet.copyOf(REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES); if (isDigestRequested()) { attributes.add(CHECKSUM); } if (isPropfindRequest()) { // FIXME: Unfortunately, Milton parses the request body after // requesting the Resource, so we cannot know which additional // attributes are being requested; therefore, we must request all // of them. attributes.addAll(PROPFIND_ATTRIBUTES); } return attributes; } private static boolean isDigestRequested() { switch (HttpManager.request().getMethod()) { case HEAD: case GET: // TODO: parse the Want-Digest to see if the requested digest(s) are // supported. If not then we can omit fetching the checksum // values. return HttpManager.request().getHeaders().containsKey("Want-Digest"); default: return false; } } private boolean isPropfindRequest() { return HttpManager.request().getMethod() == Request.Method.PROPFIND; } FileLocality calculateLocality(FileAttributes attributes, String clientIP) { return _poolMonitor.getFileLocality(attributes, clientIP); } /** * Specialisation of the Transfer class for HTTP transfers. */ private class HttpTransfer extends RedirectedTransfer<String> { private URI _location; private InetSocketAddress _clientAddressForPool; protected HttpProtocolInfo.Disposition _disposition; public HttpTransfer(PnfsHandler pnfs, Subject subject, Restriction restriction, FsPath path) throws URISyntaxException { super(pnfs, subject, restriction, path); initializeTransfer(this, subject); _clientAddressForPool = getClientAddress(); ServletRequest.getRequest().setAttribute(TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE, getTransaction()); } protected ProtocolInfo createProtocolInfo(InetSocketAddress address) { HttpProtocolInfo protocolInfo = new HttpProtocolInfo( PROTOCOL_INFO_NAME, PROTOCOL_INFO_MAJOR_VERSION, PROTOCOL_INFO_MINOR_VERSION, address, getCellName(), getCellDomainName(), _path.toString(), _location, _disposition); protocolInfo.setSessionId((int) getId()); return protocolInfo; } @Override protected ProtocolInfo getProtocolInfoForPoolManager() { return createProtocolInfo(getClientAddress()); } @Override protected ProtocolInfo getProtocolInfoForPool() { return createProtocolInfo(_clientAddressForPool); } public void setLocation(URI location) { _location = location; } public void setProxyTransfer(boolean isProxyTransfer) { if (isProxyTransfer) { _clientAddressForPool = new InetSocketAddress(_internalAddress, 0); } else { _clientAddressForPool = getClientAddress(); } } } /** * Specialised HttpTransfer for downloads. */ private class ReadTransfer extends HttpTransfer { public ReadTransfer(PnfsHandler pnfs, Subject subject, Restriction restriction, FsPath path, PnfsId pnfsid, HttpProtocolInfo.Disposition disposition) throws URISyntaxException { super(pnfs, subject, restriction, path); setPnfsId(pnfsid); _disposition = disposition; } public void setIsChecksumNeeded(boolean isChecksumNeeded) { if(isChecksumNeeded) { setAdditionalAttributes(Collections.singleton(CHECKSUM)); } else { setAdditionalAttributes(Collections.<FileAttribute>emptySet()); } } public void relayData(OutputStream outputStream, io.milton.http.Range range) throws IOException, CacheException, InterruptedException { setStatus("Mover " + getPool() + "/" + getMoverId() + ": Opening data connection"); try { URL url = new URL(getRedirect()); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); try { connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Close"); if (range != null) { connection.addRequestProperty("Range", String.format("bytes=%d-%d", range.getStart(), range.getFinish())); } connection.connect(); try (InputStream inputStream = connection .getInputStream()) { setStatus("Mover " + getPool() + "/" + getMoverId() + ": Sending data"); ByteStreams.copy(inputStream, outputStream); outputStream.flush(); } } finally { connection.disconnect(); } if (!waitForMover(_transferConfirmationTimeout, _transferConfirmationTimeoutUnit)) { throw new CacheException("Missing transfer confirmation from pool"); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("Server is busy (internal timeout)"); } finally { setStatus(null); } } @Override public synchronized void finished(CacheException error) { super.finished(error); _transfers.remove((int) getId()); if (error == null) { notifyBilling(0, ""); } else { notifyBilling(error.getRc(), error.getMessage()); } } } /** * Specialised HttpTransfer for uploads. */ private class WriteTransfer extends HttpTransfer { private final Optional<Instant> _mtime; public WriteTransfer(PnfsHandler pnfs, Subject subject, Restriction restriction, FsPath path) throws URISyntaxException { super(pnfs, subject, restriction, path); _mtime = OwncloudClients.parseMTime(ServletRequest.getRequest()); } @Override protected FileAttributes fileAttributesForNameSpace() { FileAttributes attributes = super.fileAttributesForNameSpace();; return attributes; } @Override public void createNameSpaceEntry() throws CacheException { super.createNameSpaceEntry(); if (_mtime.isPresent()) { OwncloudClients.addMTimeAccepted(ServletResponse.getResponse()); } } public void relayData(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, CacheException, InterruptedException { setStatus("Mover " + getPool() + "/" + getMoverId() + ": Opening data connection"); try { URL url = new URL(getRedirect()); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); try { connection.setRequestMethod("PUT"); connection.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Close"); connection.setDoOutput(true); if (getFileAttributes().isDefined(SIZE)) { connection.setFixedLengthStreamingMode(getFileAttributes().getSize()); } else { connection.setChunkedStreamingMode(8192); } connection.connect(); try (OutputStream outputStream = connection.getOutputStream()) { setStatus("Mover " + getPool() + "/" + getMoverId() + ": Receiving data"); ByteStreams.copy(inputStream, outputStream); outputStream.flush(); } if (connection.getResponseCode() != HttpResponseStatus.CREATED.code()) { throw new CacheException(connection.getResponseMessage()); } } finally { connection.disconnect(); } if (!waitForMover(_transferConfirmationTimeout, _transferConfirmationTimeoutUnit)) { throw new CacheException("Missing transfer confirmation from pool"); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("Server is busy (internal timeout)"); } finally { setStatus(null); } } /** * Sets the length of the file to be uploaded. The length is * optional and will be ignored if null. */ public void setLength(Long length) { if (length != null) { super.setLength(length); } } @Override public synchronized void finished(CacheException error) { super.finished(error); _transfers.remove((int) getId()); if (error == null) { notifyBilling(0, ""); } else { notifyBilling(error.getRc(), error.getMessage()); } } } }