package org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.door; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId;; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorTransferFinishedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoDoorEntry; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoDoorInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMoverKillMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolPassiveIoFileMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.AbstractCellComponent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CDC; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import; import; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.Option; import; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.chimera.FsInode; import org.dcache.chimera.FsInodeType; import org.dcache.chimera.JdbcFs; import org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.door.proxy.NfsProxyIoFactory; import org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.door.proxy.ProxyIoFactory; import org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.door.proxy.ProxyIoMdsOpFactory; import org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.mover.NFS4ProtocolInfo; import org.dcache.commons.stats.RequestExecutionTimeGauges; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolManagerStub; import org.dcache.util.NDC; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.nfs.ChimeraNFSException; import org.dcache.nfs.ExportFile; import org.dcache.nfs.FsExport; import org.dcache.nfs.status.DelayException; import org.dcache.nfs.status.LayoutTryLaterException; import org.dcache.nfs.status.LayoutUnavailableException; import org.dcache.nfs.status.BadLayoutException; import org.dcache.nfs.status.NfsIoException; import org.dcache.nfs.status.BadStateidException; import org.dcache.nfs.v3.MountServer; import org.dcache.nfs.v3.NfsServerV3; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.clientid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v3.xdr.mount_prot; import org.dcache.nfs.v3.xdr.nfs3_prot; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.CompoundContext; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.FlexFileLayoutDriver; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.Layout; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.MDSOperationFactory; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.NFS4Client; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.NFS4State; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.NFSServerV41; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.NFSv41DeviceManager; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.NFSv41Session; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.NFSv4Defaults; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.device_addr4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.deviceid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layout4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layoutiomode4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.layouttype4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs4_prot; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_fh4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.LayoutDriver; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.NfsV41FileLayoutDriver; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.length4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.offset4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.utf8str_mixed; import org.dcache.nfs.vfs.Inode; import org.dcache.nfs.vfs.VfsCache; import org.dcache.nfs.vfs.VfsCacheConfig; import org.dcache.util.RedirectedTransfer; import org.dcache.util.Transfer; import org.dcache.util.TransferRetryPolicy; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.DoorValidateMoverMessage; import org.dcache.xdr.OncRpcProgram; import org.dcache.xdr.OncRpcSvc; import org.dcache.xdr.OncRpcSvcBuilder; import org.dcache.xdr.gss.GssSessionManager; import static; import; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restrictions; import static org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.door.ExceptionUtils.asNfsException; public class NFSv41Door extends AbstractCellComponent implements NFSv41DeviceManager, CellCommandListener, CellMessageReceiver, CellInfoProvider { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NFSv41Door.class); /** * Layout type specific driver. */ private final Map<Integer, LayoutDriver> _supportedDrivers = ImmutableMap.of( layouttype4.LAYOUT4_FLEX_FILES, new FlexFileLayoutDriver(3, 0, new utf8str_mixed("17"), new utf8str_mixed("17")), layouttype4.LAYOUT4_NFSV4_1_FILES, new NfsV41FileLayoutDriver() ); /** * Array if layout types supported by the door. * Put 'default' one first */ private final int[] SUPPORTED_LAYOUT_TYPES = new int[]{ layouttype4.LAYOUT4_NFSV4_1_FILES, layouttype4.LAYOUT4_FLEX_FILES }; /** * A mapping between pool name, nfs device id and pool's ip addresses. */ private final PoolDeviceMap _poolDeviceMap = new PoolDeviceMap(); /* * reserved device for IO through MDS (for pnfs dot files) */ private static final deviceid4 MDS_ID = PoolDeviceMap.deviceidOf(0); private final Map<stateid4, NfsTransfer> _ioMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); /** * The usual timeout for NFS operations is 30s. Nevertheless, as client * will block, we try to block as short as we can. The rule for interactive users: * never block longer than 10s. */ private static final long NFS_REPLY_TIMEOUT = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(3); private static final long NFS_REQUEST_BLOCKING = 100; // in Millis /** * Given that the timeout is pretty short, the retry period has to * be rather small too. */ private static final long NFS_RETRY_PERIOD = 500; // In millis /** * Cell communication helper. */ private CellStub _poolStub; private PoolManagerStub _poolManagerStub; private CellStub _billingStub; private PnfsHandler _pnfsHandler; private String _ioQueue; /** * TCP port number to bind. */ private int _port; /** * nfs versions to run. */ private Set<String> _versions; private static final String V3 = "3"; private static final String V41 = "4.1"; /** * embedded nfs server */ private NFSServerV41 _nfs4; /** * RPC service */ private OncRpcSvc _rpcService; private StrategyIdMapper _idMapper; private boolean _enableRpcsecGss; private VfsCache _vfs; private ChimeraVfs _chimeraVfs; private LoginBrokerPublisher _loginBrokerPublisher; private ProxyIoFactory _proxyIoFactory; private static final TransferRetryPolicy RETRY_POLICY = new TransferRetryPolicy(Integer.MAX_VALUE, NFS_RETRY_PERIOD, NFS_REPLY_TIMEOUT); private VfsCacheConfig _vfsCacheConfig; public void setEnableRpcsecGss(boolean enable) { _enableRpcsecGss = enable; } public void setIdMapper(StrategyIdMapper idMapper) { _idMapper = idMapper; } public void setPoolStub(CellStub stub) { _poolStub = stub; } public void setPoolManagerStub(PoolManagerStub stub) { _poolManagerStub = stub; } public void setPnfsHandler(PnfsHandler pnfs) { _pnfsHandler = pnfs; } private JdbcFs _fileFileSystemProvider; public void setFileSystemProvider(JdbcFs fs) { _fileFileSystemProvider = fs; } private ExportFile _exportFile; public void setExportFile(ExportFile export) { _exportFile = export; } public void setIoQueue(String ioQueue) { _ioQueue = ioQueue; } public void setPortNumber(int port) { _port = port; } public void setVersions(String[] versions) { _versions = Sets.newHashSet(versions); } @Required public void setLoginBrokerPublisher(LoginBrokerPublisher loginBrokerPublisher) { _loginBrokerPublisher = loginBrokerPublisher; } @Required public void setVfsCacheConfig(VfsCacheConfig vfsCacheConfig) { _vfsCacheConfig = vfsCacheConfig; } public void init() throws Exception { _chimeraVfs = new ChimeraVfs(_fileFileSystemProvider, _idMapper); _vfs = new VfsCache(_chimeraVfs, _vfsCacheConfig); MountServer ms = new MountServer(_exportFile, _vfs); OncRpcSvcBuilder oncRpcSvcBuilder = new OncRpcSvcBuilder() .withPort(_port) .withTCP() .withAutoPublish() .withWorkerThreadIoStrategy() .withRpcService(new OncRpcProgram(mount_prot.MOUNT_PROGRAM, mount_prot.MOUNT_V3), ms); if (_enableRpcsecGss) { oncRpcSvcBuilder.withGssSessionManager(new GssSessionManager(_idMapper)); } for (String version : _versions) { switch (version) { case V3: NfsServerV3 nfs3 = new NfsServerV3(_exportFile, _vfs); oncRpcSvcBuilder.withRpcService(new OncRpcProgram(nfs3_prot.NFS_PROGRAM, nfs3_prot.NFS_V3), nfs3); _loginBrokerPublisher.setTags(Collections.emptyList()); break; case V41: final NFSv41DeviceManager _dm = this; _proxyIoFactory = new NfsProxyIoFactory(_dm); _nfs4 = new NFSServerV41(new ProxyIoMdsOpFactory(_proxyIoFactory, new MDSOperationFactory()), _dm, _vfs, _exportFile); oncRpcSvcBuilder.withRpcService(new OncRpcProgram(nfs4_prot.NFS4_PROGRAM, nfs4_prot.NFS_V4), _nfs4); updateLbPaths(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported NFS version: " + version); } } _rpcService =; _rpcService.start(); } public void destroy() throws IOException { _rpcService.stop(); if (_nfs4 != null) { _nfs4.getStateHandler().shutdown(); _proxyIoFactory.shutdown(); } } /* * Handle reply from the pool that mover actually started. * * If the pools is not know yet, create a mapping between pool name * and NFSv4.1 device id. Finally, notify waiting request that we have got * the reply for LAYOUTGET */ public void messageArrived(PoolPassiveIoFileMessage<org.dcache.chimera.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4> message) { String poolName = message.getPoolName(); long verifier = message.getVerifier(); InetSocketAddress[] poolAddresses = message.socketAddresses(); _log.debug("NFS mover ready: {}", poolName); PoolDS device = _poolDeviceMap.getOrCreateDS(poolName, verifier, poolAddresses); org.dcache.chimera.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4 legacyStateid = message.challange(); NfsTransfer transfer = _ioMessages.get(new stateid4(legacyStateid.other, legacyStateid.seqid.value)); /* * We got a notification for a transfer which was not * started by us. * * Door reboot. */ if(transfer != null) { transfer.redirect(device); } } public void messageArrived(DoorTransferFinishedMessage transferFinishedMessage) { NFS4ProtocolInfo protocolInfo = (NFS4ProtocolInfo)transferFinishedMessage.getProtocolInfo(); _log.debug("Mover {} done.", protocolInfo.stateId()); org.dcache.chimera.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4 legacyStateid = protocolInfo.stateId(); NfsTransfer transfer = _ioMessages.remove(new stateid4(legacyStateid.other, legacyStateid.seqid.value)); if(transfer != null) { transfer.finished(transferFinishedMessage); transfer.notifyBilling(transferFinishedMessage.getReturnCode(), ""); _vfs.invalidateStatCache(transfer.getInode()); } } public DoorValidateMoverMessage<org.dcache.chimera.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4> messageArrived(DoorValidateMoverMessage<org.dcache.chimera.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4> message) { org.dcache.chimera.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4 legacyStateid = message.getChallenge(); stateid4 stateid = new stateid4(legacyStateid.other, legacyStateid.seqid.value); boolean isValid = false; try { NFS4Client nfsClient = _nfs4.getStateHandler().getClientIdByStateId(stateid); // will throw exception if state does not exists nfsClient.state(stateid); isValid = true; } catch (BadStateidException e) { } catch (ChimeraNFSException e) { _log.warn("Unexpected NFS exception: {}", e.getMessage() ); } message.setIsValid(isValid); return message; } // NFSv41DeviceManager interface /* The most important calls is LAYOUTGET, OPEN, CLOSE, LAYOUTRETURN The READ, WRITE and COMMIT goes to storage device. We assume the following mapping between nfs and dcache: NFS | dCache _____________|________________________________________ LAYOUTGET : get pool, bind the answer to the client OPEN : send IO request to the pool CLOSE : sent end-of-IO to the pool, LAYOUTRECALL LAYOUTRETURN : unbind pool from client */ @Override public device_addr4 getDeviceInfo(CompoundContext context, deviceid4 deviceId, int layoutType) throws ChimeraNFSException { LayoutDriver layoutDriver = getLayoutDriver(layoutType); /* in case of MDS access we return the same interface which client already connected to */ if (deviceId.equals(MDS_ID)) { return layoutDriver.getDeviceAddress(context.getRpcCall().getTransport().getLocalSocketAddress()); } PoolDS ds = _poolDeviceMap.getByDeviceId(deviceId); if( ds == null) { return null; } // limit addresses returned to client to the same 'type' as clients own address InetAddress clientAddress = context.getRemoteSocketAddress().getAddress(); InetSocketAddress[] usableAddresses = Stream.of(ds.getDeviceAddr()) .filter(a -> !a.getAddress().isLoopbackAddress() || clientAddress.isLoopbackAddress()) .filter(a -> !a.getAddress().isLinkLocalAddress() || clientAddress.isLinkLocalAddress()) .filter(a -> !a.getAddress().isSiteLocalAddress() || clientAddress.isSiteLocalAddress()) .toArray(size -> new InetSocketAddress[size]); return layoutDriver.getDeviceAddress(usableAddresses); } /** * ask pool manager for a file * * On successful reply from pool manager corresponding O request will be sent * to the pool to start a NFS mover. * * @throws ChimeraNFSException in case of NFS friendly errors ( like ACCESS ) * @throws IOException in case of any other errors */ @Override public Layout layoutGet(CompoundContext context, Inode nfsInode, int layoutType, int ioMode, stateid4 stateid) throws IOException { LayoutDriver layoutDriver = getLayoutDriver(layoutType); FsInode inode = _chimeraVfs.inodeFromBytes(nfsInode.getFileId()); PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(inode.getId()); Transfer.initSession(false, false); NDC.push(pnfsId.toString()); NDC.push(context.getRpcCall().getTransport().getRemoteSocketAddress().toString()); try { deviceid4 deviceid; final NFS4Client client; if (context.getMinorversion() == 0) { /* if we need to run proxy-io with NFSv4.0 */ client = context.getStateHandler().getClientIdByStateId(stateid); } else { client = context.getSession().getClient(); } final NFS4State nfsState = client.state(stateid); // serialize all requests by the same stateid synchronized(nfsState) { if (inode.type() != FsInodeType.INODE || inode.getLevel() != 0) { /* * all non regular files ( AKA pnfs dot files ) provided by door itself. */ deviceid = MDS_ID; } else { final InetSocketAddress remote = context.getRpcCall().getTransport().getRemoteSocketAddress(); final NFS4ProtocolInfo protocolInfo = new NFS4ProtocolInfo(remote, new org.dcache.chimera.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4(stateid), nfsInode.toNfsHandle() ); NfsTransfer transfer = _ioMessages.get(stateid); if (transfer == null) { transfer = new NfsTransfer(_pnfsHandler, nfsInode, context.getRpcCall().getCredential().getSubject()); transfer.setProtocolInfo(protocolInfo); transfer.setCellAddress(getCellAddress()); transfer.setBillingStub(_billingStub); transfer.setPoolStub(_poolStub); transfer.setPoolManagerStub(_poolManagerStub); transfer.setPnfsId(pnfsId); transfer.setClientAddress(remote); transfer.setIoQueue(_ioQueue); /* * Bind transfer to open-state. * Cleanup transfer when state invalidated */ nfsState.addDisposeListener((NFS4State state) -> { Transfer t = _ioMessages.remove(stateid); if (t != null) { t.killMover(0, "killed by door: disposed of LAYOUTGET state"); } }); _ioMessages.put(stateid, transfer); } if (!transfer.getFileAttributes().isDefined(FileAttribute.LOCATIONS)) { // REVISIT: ideally we want location update only, if other attributes are available transfer.readNameSpaceEntry(ioMode != layoutiomode4.LAYOUTIOMODE4_READ); } /* * If file is on a tape only, tell the client right away * that it will take some time. */ FileAttributes attr = transfer.getFileAttributes(); if ((ioMode == layoutiomode4.LAYOUTIOMODE4_READ) && attr.getLocations().isEmpty()) { if (attr.getStorageInfo().isStored()) { transfer.selectPoolAsync(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(90)); // clear file location to enforce re-fetcing from the namespace // REVISIT: ideally we want to subscribe for location update on this file transfer.getFileAttributes().undefine(FileAttribute.LOCATIONS); throw new LayoutTryLaterException("Triggering stage for " + inode.getId()); } throw new NfsIoException("lost file " + inode.getId()); } PoolDS ds = transfer.getPoolDataServer(NFS_REQUEST_BLOCKING); deviceid = ds.getDeviceId(); } } /* * as current linux client (4.6) support only nfs v3, and v3 does not have * stateids, embedd stateid as file handle. Pool knows hato handle it. */ nfs_fh4 fh = layoutType == layouttype4.LAYOUT4_FLEX_FILES ? new nfs_fh4(stateid.other) : new nfs_fh4(nfsInode.toNfsHandle()); // -1 is special value, which means entire file layout4 layout = new layout4(); layout.lo_iomode = ioMode; layout.lo_offset = new offset4(0); layout.lo_length = new length4(nfs4_prot.NFS4_UINT64_MAX); layout.lo_content = layoutDriver.getLayoutContent(deviceid, stateid, NFSv4Defaults.NFS4_STRIPE_SIZE, fh); /* * on on error client will issue layout return. * return we need a different stateid for layout to keep * mover as long as file is opened. * * Well, according to spec we have to return a different * stateid anyway. */ final NFS4State layoutStateId = client.createState(client.asStateOwner(), nfsState.getOpenState()); /* * as we will never see layout return with this stateid clean it * when open state id is disposed */ nfsState.addDisposeListener( state -> { try { client.releaseState(layoutStateId.stateid()); }catch(ChimeraNFSException e) { _log.warn("can't release layout stateid.: {}", e.getMessage() ); } } ); layoutStateId.bumpSeqid(); return new Layout(true, layoutStateId.stateid(), new layout4[]{layout}); } catch (CacheException | TimeoutException | ExecutionException e) { throw asNfsException(e, LayoutTryLaterException.class); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new LayoutTryLaterException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { CDC.clearMessageContext(); NDC.pop(); NDC.pop(); } } @Override public List<deviceid4> getDeviceList(CompoundContext context) { return Lists.newArrayList(_poolDeviceMap.getDeviceIds()); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.dcache.chimera.nfsv4.NFSv41DeviceManager#releaseDevice(stateid4 stateid) */ @Override public void layoutReturn(CompoundContext context, stateid4 stateid) throws IOException { final NFS4Client client; if (context.getMinorversion() > 0) { client = context.getSession().getClient(); } else { // v4.0 client use proxy adapter, which calls layoutreturn client = context.getStateHandler().getClientIdByStateId(stateid); } final NFS4State layoutState = client.state(stateid); final NFS4State openState = layoutState.getOpenState(); _log.debug("Releasing layout by stateid: {}, open-state: {}", stateid, openState.stateid()); NfsTransfer transfer = _ioMessages.get(openState.stateid()); if (transfer != null) { _log.debug("Sending KILL to {}@{}", transfer.getMoverId(), transfer.getPool()); transfer.killMover(0, "killed by door: returning layout"); try { if (transfer.hasMover() && !transfer.waitForMover(500)) { throw new DelayException("Mover not stopped"); } } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { // REVISIT: remove when pool will stop sending this exception"Failed removed while being open mover: {}@{} : {}", transfer.getMoverId(), transfer.getPool(), e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException | InterruptedException e) {"Failed to kill mover: {}@{} : {}", transfer.getMoverId(), transfer.getPool(), e.getMessage()); throw new NfsIoException(e.getMessage(), e); } } // any further use of this layout-stateid must fail with NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID client.releaseState(stateid); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.dcache.nfsv4.NFSv41DeviceManager#getLayoutTypes() */ @Override public int[] getLayoutTypes() { return SUPPORTED_LAYOUT_TYPES; } public void setBillingStub(CellStub stub) { _billingStub = stub; } /* * Cell specific */ @Override public void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("NFS (" + _versions + ") door (MDS):"); if (_nfs4 != null) { pw.printf(" IO queue : %s\n", _ioQueue); pw.printf(" Number of NFSv4 clients : %d\n", _nfs4.getStateHandler().getClients().size()); pw.printf(" Total pools (DS) used : %d\n", _poolDeviceMap.getEntries().stream().count()); pw.printf(" Active transfers : %d\n", _ioMessages.values().size()); pw.printf(" Known proxy adapters : %d\n", _proxyIoFactory.getCount()); } } @Command(name = "kill mover", hint = "Kill mover on the pool.") public class KillMoverCmd implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, metaVar = "pool", usage = "pool name") String pool; @Argument(index = 1, metaVar = "moverid", usage = "mover id") int mover; @Override public String call() throws Exception { PoolMoverKillMessage message = new PoolMoverKillMessage(pool, mover, "killed by door 'kill mover' command"); message.setReplyRequired(false); _poolStub.notify(new CellPath(pool), message); return "Done."; } } @Command(name = "exports reload", hint = "Re-scan export file.") public class ExportsReloadCmd implements Callable<String> { @Override public String call() throws IOException { _exportFile.rescan(); updateLbPaths(); return "Done."; } } @Command(name = "exports ls", hint = "Dump nfs exports.") public class ExportsLsCmd implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false) String host; @Override public String call() throws IOException { Stream<FsExport> exports; if (host != null) { InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(host); exports = _exportFile.exportsFor(address); } else { exports = _exportFile.getExports(); } return exports .map(Object::toString) .collect(Collectors.joining("\n")); } } @Command(name = "kill client", hint = "kill NFS client and it's sessions", description = "With this command, dCache responds to " + "this specific client as if it was " + "restarted. All other NFS clients are " + "unaffected." + "\n\n" + "One use of this command is for an admin " + "to allow dCache to recover from a client " + "that is itself trying to recover from a " + "(perceived) error in dCache response, but " + "is failing to do so. Such behaviour can " + "result in the client becoming stuck." + "\n\n" + "This command should not be necessary " + "under normal circumstances; please " + "contact dCache support if you make " + "continued use of it.") public class KillClientCmd implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false, metaVar = "clientid") long clientid; @Override public String call() throws IOException { if (_nfs4 == null) { return "NFS4 server not running."; } NFS4Client client = _nfs4.getStateHandler().getClientByID(clientid); _nfs4.getStateHandler().removeClient(client); return "Done."; } } @Command(name = "show clients", hint = "show active NFSv4 clients", description = "Show NFSv4 clients and corresponding sessions.") public class ShowClientsCmd implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false, metaVar = "host") String host; @Override public String call() throws IOException { if (_nfs4 == null) { return "NFSv4 server not running."; } InetAddress clientAddress = InetAddress.getByName(host); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); _nfs4.getStateHandler().getClients() .stream() .filter(c -> host == null? true : c.getRemoteAddress().getAddress().equals(clientAddress)) .forEach(c -> { sb.append(" ").append(c).append("\n"); for (NFSv41Session session : c.sessions()) { sb.append(" ") .append(session) .append(" max slot: ") .append(session.getHighestSlot()) .append("/") .append(session.getHighestUsedSlot()) .append("\n"); } }); return sb.toString(); } } @Command(name = "show pools", hint = "show pools to pNFS device mapping", description = "Show pools as pNFS devices, including id mapping and " + "known IP addresses.") public class ShowPoolsCmd implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false, metaVar = "pool") String pool; @Override public String call() throws IOException { return _poolDeviceMap.getEntries() .stream() .filter(d -> pool == null ? true : d.getKey().equals(pool)) .map(d -> String.format(" %s : [%s]\n", d.getKey(), d.getValue())) .collect(Collectors.joining()); } } @Command(name = "show transfers", hint = "show active transfers", description = "Show active transfers excluding proxy-io.") public class ShowTransfersCmd implements Callable<String> { @Override public String call() throws IOException { return _ioMessages.values() .stream() .map(Object::toString) .collect(Collectors.joining("\n")); } } @Command(name = "show proxyio", hint = "show proxy-io transfers", description = "Show active proxy-io transfers.") public class ShowProxyIoTransfersCmd implements Callable<String> { @Override public String call() throws IOException { if (_nfs4 == null) { return "NFSv4 server not running."; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); _proxyIoFactory.forEach(p -> { NfsTransfer t = _ioMessages.get(p.getStateId()); sb.append(t).append('\n'); }); return sb.toString(); } } static class PoolDS { private final deviceid4 _deviceId; private final InetSocketAddress[] _socketAddress; private final long _verifier; public PoolDS(deviceid4 deviceId, InetSocketAddress[] ip, long verifier) { _deviceId = deviceId; _socketAddress = ip; _verifier = verifier; } public deviceid4 getDeviceId() { return _deviceId; } public InetSocketAddress[] getDeviceAddr() { return _socketAddress; } public long getVerifier() { return _verifier; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("DS: %s, InetAddress: %s", _deviceId, Arrays.toString(_socketAddress)); } } private static class NfsTransfer extends RedirectedTransfer<PoolDS> { private final Inode _nfsInode; private ListenableFuture<Void> _redirectFuture; NfsTransfer(PnfsHandler pnfs, Inode nfsInode, Subject ioSubject) { super(pnfs, Subjects.ROOT, Restrictions.none(), ioSubject, FsPath.ROOT); _nfsInode = nfsInode; } @Override public String toString() { ZoneId timeZone = ZoneId.systemDefault(); return String.format(" %s : %s : %s %s@%s, OS=%s,cl=[%s]", DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME .format(ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(getCreationTime()), timeZone)), getPnfsId(), isWrite() ? "WRITE" : "READ", getMoverId(), getPool(), ((NFS4ProtocolInfo)getProtocolInfoForPool()).stateId(), ((NFS4ProtocolInfo)getProtocolInfoForPool()).getSocketAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress()); } Inode getInode() { return _nfsInode; } PoolDS getPoolDataServer(long timeout) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException, CacheException { synchronized (this) { if (_redirectFuture == null || _redirectFuture.isDone()) { /* * Check try to re-run the selection if no pool selected yet. * Restart/ping mover if not running yet. */ if (getPool() == null) { // we did not select a pool _log.debug("looking for {} pool for {}", (isWrite() ? "write" : "read"), getPnfsId()); _redirectFuture = selectPoolAndStartMoverAsync(RETRY_POLICY); } else { // we may re-send the request, but pool will handle it _redirectFuture = startMoverAsync(NFS_REQUEST_BLOCKING); } } } Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.createStarted(); _redirectFuture.get(NFS_REQUEST_BLOCKING, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); _log.debug("mover ready: pool={} moverid={}", getPool(), getMoverId()); return waitForRedirect(NFS_REQUEST_BLOCKING - sw.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } } /* * To allow the transfer monitoring in the httpd cell to recognize us * as a door, we have to emulate LoginManager. To emulate * LoginManager we list ourselves as our child. */ @Command(name = "get children", hint = "Get door's children associated with transfers.") public class GetDoorChildrenCmd implements Callable<Serializable> { @Option(name = "binary", usage = "returns binary object instead of string form") boolean isBinary; @Override public Serializable call() throws Exception { if (isBinary) { String[] children = new String[]{NFSv41Door.this.getCellName()}; return new LoginManagerChildrenInfo(NFSv41Door.this.getCellName(), NFSv41Door.this.getCellDomainName(), children); } else { return NFSv41Door.this.getCellName(); } } } @Command(name = "get door info", hint = "Provide information about the door and current transfers.") public class GetDoorInfoCmd implements Callable<Serializable> { @Option(name = "binary", usage = "returns binary object instead of string form") boolean isBinary; @Override public Serializable call() throws Exception { List<IoDoorEntry> entries = _ioMessages.values() .stream() .map(Transfer::getIoDoorEntry) .collect(toList()); IoDoorInfo doorInfo = new IoDoorInfo(NFSv41Door.this.getCellName(), NFSv41Door.this.getCellDomainName()); doorInfo.setProtocol("NFSV4.1", "0"); doorInfo.setOwner(""); doorInfo.setProcess(""); doorInfo.setIoDoorEntries(entries.toArray(new IoDoorEntry[0])); return isBinary ? doorInfo : doorInfo.toString(); } } @Command(name="stats", hint = "Show nfs requests statstics.") public class NfsStatsCmd implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "c", usage = "clear current statistics values") boolean clean; @Override public String call() { RequestExecutionTimeGauges<String> gauges = _nfs4.getStatistics(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Stats:").append("\n").append(gauges.toString("ns")); if (clean) { gauges.reset(); } return sb.toString(); } } @Command(name = "pool reset id", hint = "Reset device id associated with the pool.") public class PoolResetDeviceidCmd implements Callable<String> { @Argument(metaVar = "pool") String pool; @Override public String call() { PoolDS ds = _poolDeviceMap.remove(pool); if (ds != null) { return "Pools " + pool + " as: " + ds + " removed."; } else { return "pool " + pool + " Not Found."; } } } private void updateLbPaths() { List<String> exportPaths = _exportFile.getExports().map(FsExport::getPath).distinct().collect(toList()); _loginBrokerPublisher.setReadPaths(exportPaths); _loginBrokerPublisher.setWritePaths(exportPaths); } private LayoutDriver getLayoutDriver(int layoutType) throws BadLayoutException, LayoutUnavailableException { if (layoutType < 1 || layoutType > layouttype4.LAYOUT4_TYPE_MAX) { throw new BadLayoutException("Invalid layout type requested(" + layoutType + ")"); } LayoutDriver layoutDriver = _supportedDrivers.get(layoutType); if (layoutDriver == null) { throw new LayoutUnavailableException("Layout type (" + layoutType + ") not supported"); } return layoutDriver; } }