package org.dcache.util; import org.junit.Test; import static org.dcache.util.Strings.plainLength; import static org.dcache.util.Strings.wrap; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; /** * * @author timur */ public class StringsTests { String testNullString; String[] testNullStringExpectedSplit=new String[0]; String testString1 = ""; String[] testString1ExpectedSplit=new String[0]; String testString2 = " arg1 "; String[] testString2ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1"}; String testString3 = " \"arg1\" "; String[] testString3ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1"}; String testString4 = " 'arg1' "; String[] testString4ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1"}; String testString5 = " \"arg1 arg2\" "; String[] testString5ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1 arg2"}; String testString6 = " 'arg1 arg2' "; String[] testString6ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1 arg2"}; String testString7 = " arg1 arg2 "; String[] testString7ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1", "arg2"}; String testString8 = " arg1 'arg2' "; String[] testString8ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1", "arg2"}; String testString9 = " arg1 'arg2' \"arg3\""; String[] testString9ExpectedSplit=new String[] { "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"}; @Test public void testEmptyStringSplit() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testNullString); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testNullStringExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString1Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString1); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString1ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString2Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString2); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString2ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString3Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString3); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString3ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString4Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString4); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString4ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString5Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString5); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString5ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString6Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString6); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString6ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString7Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString7); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString7ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString8Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString8); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString8ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testString9Split() { String[] splitString = Strings.splitArgumentString(testString9); assertArrayEquals(splitString, testString9ExpectedSplit); } @Test public void testPlainLength() { assertThat(plainLength(""), is(0)); assertThat(plainLength("1"), is(1)); assertThat(plainLength("12"), is(2)); assertThat(plainLength("\u001b["), is(0)); assertThat(plainLength("\u001b[m"), is(0)); assertThat(plainLength("\u001b[1m"), is(0)); assertThat(plainLength("\u001b[12m"), is(0)); assertThat(plainLength("foo\u001b["), is(3)); assertThat(plainLength("foo\u001b[m"), is(3)); assertThat(plainLength("foo\u001b[1m"), is(3)); assertThat(plainLength("foo\u001b[12m"), is(3)); assertThat(plainLength("foo\u001b[m" + "bar"), is(6)); assertThat(plainLength("foo\u001b[1m" + "bar"), is(6)); assertThat(plainLength("foo\u001b[12m" + "bar"), is(6)); } @Test public void testWrap() { assertThat(wrap("", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", 70), is("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n")); assertThat(wrap(" ", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", 70), is(" The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.\n")); assertThat(wrap(" ", "The quick brown fox jumps\nover the lazy dog.", 70), is(" The quick brown fox jumps\n over the lazy dog.\n")); assertThat(wrap(" ", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", 14), is(" The quick\n brown fox\n jumps over\n the lazy\n dog.\n")); assertThat(wrap(" ", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", 15), is(" The quick\n brown fox\n jumps over\n the lazy dog.\n")); assertThat(wrap(" ", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", 16), is(" The quick\n brown fox\n jumps over the\n lazy dog.\n")); assertThat(wrap(" ", " The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", 16), is(" The quick\n brown fox\n jumps over\n the lazy\n dog.\n")); assertThat(wrap(" ", "\u001B[1mThe quick brown\u001B[1m \u001B[1mfox jumps over the lazy dog.\u001B[1m", 15), is(" \u001B[1mThe quick\n brown\u001B[1m \u001B[1mfox\n jumps over\n the lazy dog.\u001B[1m\n")); assertThat( wrap(" ", "\u001B[1mThe quick brown\u001B[1m \u001B[1mfox jumps over the lazy dog.\u001B[1m\n\n" + "\u001B[1mThe quick brown\u001B[1m \u001B[1mfox jumps over the lazy dog.\u001B[1m", 15), is(" \u001B[1mThe quick\n brown\u001B[1m \u001B[1mfox\n jumps over\n the lazy dog.\u001B[1m\n \n" + " \u001B[1mThe quick\n brown\u001B[1m \u001B[1mfox\n jumps over\n the lazy dog.\u001B[1m\n")); } }