package org.dcache.pool.migration; import statemap.TransitionUndefinedException; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolManagerPoolInformation; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import org.dcache.cells.AbstractMessageCallback; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.pool.repository.ReplicaState; import org.dcache.pool.repository.StickyRecord; import; import org.dcache.util.FireAndForgetTask; import org.dcache.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static; import static; import static; /** * Encapsulates the migration of a single replica of a migration job. * * A task encapsulates the logic for migrating a replica according to the conditions * defined by a migration job. The high level logic is defined in the Task state * machine generated with SMC, see * * This class mostly contains utility methods and auxiliary state used by the * state machine. */ public class Task { private static final AtomicInteger _counter = new AtomicInteger(); private final TaskContext _fsm; private final TaskCompletionHandler _callbackHandler; private final String _source; private final long _id; private final UUID _uuid; private final TaskParameters _parameters; private final PnfsId _pnfsId; private final ReplicaState _targetState; private final List<StickyRecord> _targetStickyRecords; private final List<StickyRecord> _pinsToMove; private final FileAttributes _fileAttributes; private final long _atime; private ScheduledFuture<?> _timerTask; private Deque<String> _locations = new ArrayDeque<>(0); private final Set<String> _replicas = new HashSet<>(); private CellPath _target; public Task(TaskParameters parameters, TaskCompletionHandler callbackHandler, String source, PnfsId pnfsId, ReplicaState targetState, List<StickyRecord> targetStickyRecords, List<StickyRecord> pinsToMove, FileAttributes fileAttributes, long atime) { _parameters = parameters; _pnfsId = pnfsId; _targetState = targetState; _targetStickyRecords = targetStickyRecords; _pinsToMove = pinsToMove; _fileAttributes = fileAttributes; _id = _counter.getAndIncrement(); _uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); _fsm = new TaskContext(this); _callbackHandler = callbackHandler; _source = source; _atime = atime; } public boolean getMustMovePins() { return !_pinsToMove.isEmpty(); } public long getId() { return _id; } public PnfsId getPnfsId() { return _pnfsId; } /** Time in milliseconds between pings. */ public long getPingPeriod() { return _parameters.pool.getTimeoutInMillis() * 2; } /** * Time in milliseconds before we fail the task if we loose the * cell connection. */ public long getNoResponseTimeout() { return _parameters.pool.getTimeoutInMillis() * 2; } /** * Time in milliseconds before we fail the task if we do not get * CopyFinished. */ public long getTaskDeadTimeout() { return _parameters.pool.getTimeoutInMillis(); } /** * Eager tasks copy files if attempts to update existing copies * timeout or fail due to communication problems. Other tasks fail * in this situation. */ public boolean isEager() { return _parameters.isEager; } /** * Meta only jobs only upgrade existing replicas - they never copy replicas. If * no or not enough existing replicas exist, the task fails permanently. */ public boolean isMetaOnly() { return _parameters.isMetaOnly; } /** * Returns the current target pool, if any. */ synchronized String getTarget() { return _target == null ? "" : _target.toSmallString(); } /** * Returns a pool from the pool list using the pool selection * strategy. */ private CellPath selectPool() throws NoSuchElementException { List<PoolManagerPoolInformation> pools = _parameters.poolList.getPools().stream() .filter(pool -> !_replicas.contains(pool.getName())) .collect(toList()); PoolManagerPoolInformation pool =; if (pool == null) { if (pools.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No pools available."); } throw new NoSuchElementException("All target pools are full."); } return new CellPath(pool.getName()); } /** Adds status information about the task to <code>pw</code>. */ synchronized void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { if (_target != null) { pw.println(String.format("[%d] %s: %s -> %s", _id, _pnfsId, _fsm.getState(), _target.toSmallString())); } else { pw.println(String.format("[%d] %s: %s", _id, _pnfsId, _fsm.getState())); } } /** Message handler - ignores messages with the wrong ID */ public synchronized void messageArrived(PoolMigrationCopyFinishedMessage message) { if (_uuid.equals(message.getUUID())) { _replicas.add(message.getPool()); _fsm.messageArrived(message); } } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void queryLocations() { CellStub.addCallback(_parameters.pnfs.send(new PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage(getPnfsId())), new Callback<PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage>("query_") { @Override public void success(PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage msg) { setLocations(msg.getCacheLocations()); super.success(msg); } }, _parameters.executor); } /** * Sets the list of pools on which a copy of the replica is known * to exist. */ private synchronized void setLocations(Collection<String> locations) { Stream<String> pools = _parameters.poolList.getPools().stream().map(PoolManagerPoolInformation::getName); if (!_parameters.isEager) { pools = Stream.concat(pools, _parameters.poolList.getOfflinePools().stream()); } _locations = pools.filter(locations::contains).collect(toCollection(ArrayDeque::new)); } /** * Returns true iff there are more target pools with copies of the * replica. */ synchronized boolean hasMoreLocations() { return !_locations.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns true iff the more replicas are needed to satisfy the requirements * of the migration job. */ synchronized boolean needsMoreReplicas() { return _replicas.size() < _parameters.replicas; } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void updateExistingReplica() { assert !_locations.isEmpty(); initiateCopy(new CellPath(_locations.removeFirst())); } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void initiateCopy() { checkState(!isMetaOnly()); try { initiateCopy(selectPool()); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { _target = null; _parameters.executor.execute(new FireAndForgetTask(() -> { synchronized (Task.this) { _fsm.copy_nopools(); } })); } } /** * Ask <code>target</code> to copy the file. */ private synchronized void initiateCopy(CellPath target) { _target = target; PoolMigrationCopyReplicaMessage copyReplicaMessage = new PoolMigrationCopyReplicaMessage(_uuid, _source, _fileAttributes, _targetState, _targetStickyRecords, _parameters.computeChecksumOnUpdate, _parameters.forceSourceMode, _parameters.maintainAtime ? _atime : null, _parameters.isMetaOnly); CellStub.addCallback(_parameters.pool.send(_target, copyReplicaMessage), new Callback<>("copy_"), _parameters.executor); } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void cancelCopy() { CellStub.addCallback(_parameters.pool.send(_target, new PoolMigrationCancelMessage(_uuid, _source, getPnfsId())), new Callback<>("cancel_"), _parameters.executor); } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void movePin() { Callback<PinManagerMovePinMessage> callback = new Callback<>("move_"); String target = _target.getDestinationAddress().getCellName(); PinManagerMovePinMessage message = new PinManagerMovePinMessage(getPnfsId(), _pinsToMove, _source, target); CellStub.addCallback(_parameters.pinManager.send(message), callback, _parameters.executor); } /** FSM Action */ void notifyCancelled() { _parameters.executor.execute(new FireAndForgetTask(() -> _callbackHandler.taskCancelled(Task.this))); } /** FSM Action */ void fail(int rc, String message) { _parameters.executor.execute(new FireAndForgetTask(() -> _callbackHandler.taskFailed(Task.this, rc, message))); } /** FSM Action */ void failPermanently(int rc, String message) { _parameters.executor.execute(new FireAndForgetTask( () -> _callbackHandler.taskFailedPermanently(Task.this, rc, message))); } /** FSM Action */ void notifyCompleted() { _parameters.executor.execute(new FireAndForgetTask(() -> _callbackHandler.taskCompleted(Task.this))); } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void startTimer(long delay) { Runnable task = () -> { synchronized (Task.this) { if (_timerTask != null) { _fsm.timer(); _timerTask = null; } } }; _timerTask = _parameters.executor.schedule(new FireAndForgetTask(task), delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void stopTimer() { if (_timerTask != null) { _timerTask.cancel(false); _timerTask = null; } } /** FSM Action */ synchronized void ping() { CellStub.addCallback(_parameters.pool.send(_target, new PoolMigrationPingMessage(_uuid, _source, getPnfsId())), new Callback<>("ping_"), _parameters.executor); } /** * Starts the task. */ public synchronized void run() { if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.LOCATIONS)) { setLocations(_fileAttributes.getLocations()); _fsm.startWithLocations(); } else { _fsm.startWithoutLocations(); } } /** * Cancels the task, if not already completed. This will trigger a * notification (postponed). */ public synchronized void cancel() { _fsm.cancel(); } /** * Helper class implementing the MessageCallback interface, * forwarding all messages as events to the state machine. Events * are forwarded via an executor to guarantee asynchronous delivery * (SMC state machines do not allow transitions to be triggered * from within transitions). */ class Callback<T extends Message> extends AbstractMessageCallback<T> { private final String _prefix; public Callback() { _prefix = ""; } public Callback(String prefix) { _prefix = prefix; } protected void transition(String name, final Object... arguments) { try { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class[arguments.length]; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { parameterTypes[i] = arguments[i].getClass(); } final Method m = ReflectionUtils.resolve(_fsm.getClass(), _prefix + name, parameterTypes); if (m != null) { try { synchronized (Task.this) { m.invoke(_fsm, arguments); } } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { /* We are not allowed to call this * method. Better escalate it. */ throw new RuntimeException("Bug detected", e); } catch (TransitionUndefinedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("State machine is incomplete", e); } } } catch (Throwable e) { Thread thisThread = Thread.currentThread(); Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh = thisThread.getUncaughtExceptionHandler(); ueh.uncaughtException( thisThread, e); } } @Override public void success(T message) { transition("success"); } @Override public void failure(int rc, Object cause) { transition("failure", rc, cause); } @Override public void timeout(String error) { transition("timeout"); } @Override public void noroute(CellPath path) { transition("noroute"); } } }