package org.dcache.tests.poolmanager; import java.util.List; import diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolSelectionUnit; import diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolSelectionUnitAccess; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolV2Mode; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage; import dmg.util.CommandException; import dmg.util.CommandInterpreter; import org.dcache.util.Args; public class PoolMonitorHelper { public static PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage prepareGetCacheLocation( PnfsId pnfsId, List<String> locations ) { PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage message = new PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage(pnfsId); message.setCacheLocations(locations); return message; } /** * Populate Selection unit with pools * @param unit selection unit to populate * @param pools list of pools */ public static void prepareSelectionUnit(PoolSelectionUnit unit, PoolSelectionUnitAccess access, List<String> pools) throws CommandException { CommandInterpreter ci = new CommandInterpreter(access); ci.command( new Args("psu create unit -store *@*" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu create unit -protocol */*" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu create unit -net" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu create ugroup any-store" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu addto ugroup any-store *@*" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu create ugroup world-net" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu addto ugroup world-net" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu create ugroup all-protocols" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu addto ugroup all-protocols */*" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu create pgroup all-pools" ) ); for(String pool : pools ) { ci.command( new Args("psu create pool " + pool ) ); unit.getPool(pool).setPoolMode(new PoolV2Mode(PoolV2Mode.ENABLED)); ci.command( new Args("psu addto pgroup all-pools " + pool ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu set active " + pool ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu set pool " + pool + " ping" ) ); } ci.command("psu set allpoolsactive on"); ci.command( new Args("psu create link default-link any-store world-net all-protocols" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu set link default-link -writepref=1 -readpref=1 -cachepref=1" ) ); ci.command( new Args("psu add link default-link all-pools" ) ); } }