package org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.door; import; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import org.dcache.nfs.ChimeraNFSException; import org.dcache.nfs.status.*; import static diskCacheV111.util.CacheException.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * Utility class to convert {@link CacheException} into corresponding * {@link ChimeraNFSException}. */ public class ExceptionUtils { private ExceptionUtils() { } /** * Converts given {@link Throwable} into appropriate {@link ChimeraNFSException} * if and only if it is not an instance of {@link RuntimeException} or {@link Error}. * If appropriate exception is not found, then an instance of {@code defaultException} is returned. * * @param t the Throwable to convert * @param defaultException * @return appropriate nfs exception */ public static ChimeraNFSException asNfsException(Throwable t, Class< ? extends ChimeraNFSException> defaultException) { Throwables.throwIfUnchecked(t); if (t instanceof ChimeraNFSException) { return (ChimeraNFSException)t; } else if (t instanceof CacheException) { return asNfsException((CacheException)t, defaultException); } else if (t instanceof ExecutionException ) { return asNfsException(t.getCause(), defaultException); } else if (t instanceof TimeoutException) { return new DelayException(t.getMessage(), t); } else if (t instanceof RuntimeException) { return new ServerFaultException(t.getMessage(), t); } else { return buildNfsException(defaultException, t); } } public static ChimeraNFSException asNfsException(CacheException e, Class< ? extends ChimeraNFSException> defaultException) { switch (e.getRc()) { case BROKEN_ON_TAPE: case ERROR_IO_DISK: return new NfsIoException(e.getMessage(), e); case FILE_NOT_FOUND: return new NoEntException(e.getMessage(), e); case NO_POOL_ONLINE: return new LayoutTryLaterException(e.getMessage(), e); case PERMISSION_DENIED: return new PermException(e.getMessage(), e); case NO_POOL_CONFIGURED: return new NoSpcException(e.getMessage(), e); case TIMEOUT: return new DelayException(e.getMessage(), e); case FILE_IN_CACHE: return new NfsIoException(e.getMessage(), e); default: return buildNfsException(defaultException, e); } } private static <T extends ChimeraNFSException> T buildNfsException(Class<T> type, Throwable cause) { try { return type .getConstructor(String.class, Throwable.class) .newInstance(cause.getMessage(), cause); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ee) { // points to a bug throw new RuntimeException("Failed to invoke constructor", ee); } } }