package org.dcache.pool.repository.v5; import org.apache.log4j.NDC; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.dcache.alarms.AlarmMarkerFactory; import org.dcache.alarms.PredefinedAlarm; import org.dcache.pool.FaultAction; import org.dcache.pool.repository.Account; import org.dcache.pool.repository.ReplicaStore; import org.dcache.pool.repository.SpaceRecord; class CheckHealthTask implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CheckHealthTask.class); public static final int GRACE_PERIOD_ON_FREE = 60_000; private ReplicaRepository _repository; /** * Shared repository account object for tracking space. */ private Account _account; /** * Meta data about files in the pool. */ private ReplicaStore _replicaStore; /** * Command string to execute periodically to check the health of the file system, * disk array, host, etc. */ private String[] _commands = {}; public void setRepository(ReplicaRepository repository) { _repository = repository; } public void setAccount(Account account) { _account = account; } public void setReplicaStore(ReplicaStore store) { _replicaStore = store; } public void setCommand(String s) { _commands = new Scanner(s).scan(); } @Override public void run() { switch (_repository.getState()) { case UNINITIALIZED: case INITIALIZED: case LOADING: case FAILED: case CLOSED: break; case OPEN: if (!_replicaStore.isOk()) {, "I/O test failed"); } if (!checkSpaceAccounting()) { LOGGER.error("Marking pool read-only due to accounting errors. This is a bug. Please report it to");, "Accounting errors detected"); } adjustFreeSpace(); } checkHealthCommand(); } private void checkHealthCommand() { if (_commands.length > 0) { NDC.push("health-check"); try { ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(_commands); builder.redirectErrorStream(true); Process process = builder.start(); try { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); try (InputStream in = process.getInputStream()) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { output.append(line).append('\n'); line = reader.readLine(); } } int code = process.waitFor(); switch (code) { case 0: if (output.length() > 0) { LOGGER.debug("{}", output); } break; case 1:, "Health check command failed with exit code 1"); if (output.length() > 0) { LOGGER.warn("{}", output); } default:, "Health check command failed with exit code " + code); if (output.length() > 0) { LOGGER.warn("{}", output); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.debug("Health check command was interrupted"); process.destroy(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to launch health check command '{}': {}", Arrays.toString(_commands), e.getMessage()); } finally { NDC.pop(); } } } private boolean checkSpaceAccounting() { SpaceRecord record = _account.getSpaceRecord(); long removable = record.getRemovableSpace(); long total = record.getTotalSpace(); long free = record.getFreeSpace(); long precious = record.getPreciousSpace(); long used = total - free; if (removable < 0) { LOGGER.error("Removable space is negative."); return false; } if (total < 0) { LOGGER.error("Repository size is negative."); return false; } if (free < 0) { LOGGER.error("Free space is negative."); return false; } if (precious < 0) { LOGGER.error("Precious space is negative."); return false; } if (used < 0) { LOGGER.error("Used space is negative."); return false; } /* The following check cannot be made consistently, since we * do not retrieve these values atomically. Therefore we log * the error, but do not return false. */ if (precious + removable > used) { LOGGER.warn("Used space is less than the sum of precious and removable space (this may be a temporary problem - if it persists then please report it to"); } return true; } private void adjustFreeSpace() { /* At any time the file system must have at least as much free * space as shows in the account. Thus invariantly * * _replicaStore.getFreeSpace >= _account.getFree * * Taking the monitor lock on the account object prevents * anybody else from allocating space from the account. Hence * throughout the period we have the lock, the file system * must have at least as much free space as the account. */ Account account = _account; synchronized (account) { /* It is not uncommon that file system free space asynchronously from * file deletion. Thus after we delete a file, it may take a while * before the free space is reported as such by the operating system. * To compensate, we suppress this check for a grace period after the * last delete. */ if (account.getTimeOfLastFree() > System.currentTimeMillis() - GRACE_PERIOD_ON_FREE) { long free = _replicaStore.getFreeSpace(); long total = _replicaStore.getTotalSpace(); if (total == 0) { LOGGER.debug("Java reported file system size as 0. Skipping file system size check."); return; } if (total < account.getTotal()) { LOGGER.warn(AlarmMarkerFactory.getMarker( PredefinedAlarm.POOL_SIZE, _repository.getPoolName()), "The file system containing the data files " + "appears to be smaller {} than the configured " + "pool size {}.", String.format("(%,d bytes)", total), String.format("(%,d bytes)", _account.getTotal())); } if (free < account.getFree()) { long newSize = account.getTotal() - (account.getFree() - free); LOGGER.warn(AlarmMarkerFactory.getMarker( PredefinedAlarm.POOL_FREE_SPACE, _repository.getPoolName()), "The file system containing the data files " + "appears to have less free space {} than " + "expected {}; reducing the pool size to {} " + "to compensate. Notice that this does not leave " + "any space for the meta data. If such data is " + "stored on the same file system, then it is " + "paramount that the pool size is reconfigured " + "to leave enough space for the meta data.", String.format("(%,d bytes)", free), String.format("(%,d bytes)", _account.getFree()), String.format("%,d bytes", newSize)); account.setTotal(newSize); } } } } /** * Scanner for parsing strings of white space separated * words. Characters may be escaped with a backslash and character * sequences may be quoted. */ static class Scanner { private final CharSequence _line; private int _position; public Scanner(CharSequence line) { _line = line; } private char peek() { return isEof() ? (char) 0 : _line.charAt(_position); } private char readChar() { char c = peek(); _position++; return c; } private boolean isEof() { return (_position >= _line.length()); } private boolean isWhitespace() { return Character.isWhitespace(peek()); } private void scanWhitespace() { while (isWhitespace()) { readChar(); } } public String[] scan() { List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<>(); scanWhitespace(); while (!isEof()) { arguments.add(scanWord()); scanWhitespace(); } return arguments.toArray(new String[arguments.size()]); } /** * Scans the next word. A word is a sequence of non-white * space characters and escaped or quoted white space * characters. The unescaped and unquoted word is returned. */ private String scanWord() { StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(); while (!isEof() && !isWhitespace()) { scanWordElement(word); } return word.toString(); } /** * Scans the next element of a word. Elements of a word are * non-white space characters, escaped characters and quoted * strings. The unescaped and unquoted element is added to word. */ private void scanWordElement(StringBuilder word) { if (!isEof() && !isWhitespace()) { switch (peek()) { case '\'': scanSingleQuotedString(word); break; case '"': scanDoubleQuotedString(word); break; case '\\': scanEscapedCharacter(word); break; default: word.append(readChar()); break; } } } /** * Scans a single quoted string. Escaped characters are not * recognized. The unquoted string is added to word. */ private void scanSingleQuotedString(StringBuilder word) { if (readChar() != '\'') { throw new IllegalStateException("Parse failure"); } while (!isEof()) { char c = readChar(); switch (c) { case '\'': return; default: word.append(c); break; } } } /** * Scans a double quoted string. Escaped characters are * recognized. The unquoted and unescaped string is added to * word. */ private void scanDoubleQuotedString(StringBuilder word) { if (readChar() != '"') { throw new IllegalStateException("Parse failure"); } while (!isEof()) { switch (peek()) { case '\\': scanEscapedCharacter(word); break; case '"': readChar(); return; default: word.append(readChar()); break; } } } /** * Scans a backslash escaped character. The escaped character * without the escape symbol is added to word. */ private void scanEscapedCharacter(StringBuilder word) { if (readChar() != '\\') { throw new IllegalStateException("Parse failure"); } if (!isEof()) { word.append(readChar()); } } } }