package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * The PostTransitionStateExhibitor provides a StateExhibitor that allows a * visitor (a class implementing StateVisitor) to visit what the state will be * after a StateTransition has been applied. */ public class PostTransitionStateExhibitor implements StateExhibitor { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostTransitionStateExhibitor.class); /** * The PreTransitionVisitor class visits the current state on behalf of * some other StateVisitor. The results are relayed to this other visitor * after being adjusted to take into account the StateTransition. */ private class PreTransitionVisitor implements StateVisitor { private final StateVisitor _postTransitionVisitor; private final Set<StatePath> _bannedSubtrees = new HashSet<>(); public PreTransitionVisitor(StateVisitor postTransitionVisitor) { _postTransitionVisitor = postTransitionVisitor; } @Override public void visitBoolean(StatePath path, BooleanStateValue value) { if (isMetricUpdatedOrDeleted(path)) { visitUpdatedOrDeletedMetric(path, value); } else { _postTransitionVisitor.visitBoolean(path, value); } } @Override public void visitFloatingPoint(StatePath path, FloatingPointStateValue value) { if (isMetricUpdatedOrDeleted(path)) { visitUpdatedOrDeletedMetric(path, value); } else { _postTransitionVisitor.visitFloatingPoint(path, value); } } @Override public void visitInteger(StatePath path, IntegerStateValue value) { if (isMetricUpdatedOrDeleted(path)) { visitUpdatedOrDeletedMetric(path, value); } else { _postTransitionVisitor.visitInteger(path, value); } } @Override public void visitString(StatePath path, StringStateValue value) { if (isMetricUpdatedOrDeleted(path)) { visitUpdatedOrDeletedMetric(path, value); } else { _postTransitionVisitor.visitString(path, value); } } private boolean isMetricUpdatedOrDeleted(StatePath metricPath) { StatePath parentPath = metricPath.parentPath(); String metricName = metricPath.getLastElement(); StateChangeSet scs = _transition.getStateChangeSet(parentPath); boolean isRemoved = scs != null && scs.childIsRemoved(metricName); boolean isUpdated = scs != null && scs.childIsUpdated(metricName); return isRemoved || isUpdated || hasBannedParent(metricPath); } private void visitUpdatedOrDeletedMetric(StatePath path, StateValue value) { LOGGER.trace("path={} value={}", path, value); StatePath parentPath = path.parentPath(); String name = path.getLastElement(); StateChangeSet scs = _transition.getStateChangeSet(parentPath); if (scs != null && scs.childIsUpdated(name)) { StateComponent updatedComponent = scs.getUpdatedChildValue(name); visitUpdatedMetricValue(path, updatedComponent); } else { // don't visit child as it is to be removed. } } private void visitUpdatedMetricValue(StatePath path, StateComponent component) { LOGGER.trace("path={} component={}", path, component); if (component instanceof StateComposite) { // This is when a metric has become a branch. component.acceptVisitor(path, this); } else { component.acceptVisitor(path, _postTransitionVisitor); } } @Override public void visitCompositePreDescend(StatePath path, Map<String, String> metadata) { if (path == null) { _postTransitionVisitor.visitCompositePreDescend(null, metadata); return; } StatePath parentPath = path.parentPath(); String componentName = path.getLastElement(); StateChangeSet scs = _transition.getStateChangeSet(parentPath); if (scs != null && scs.childIsRemoved(componentName)) { banChildrenOf(path); return; } if (scs != null && scs.childIsUpdated(componentName)) { StateComponent updatedComponent = scs.getUpdatedChildValue(componentName); visitUpdatedStateComponentPreDescend(path, updatedComponent, metadata); } else { _postTransitionVisitor.visitCompositePreDescend(path, metadata); } } private void visitUpdatedStateComponentPreDescend(StatePath path, StateComponent updatedComponent, Map<String, String> metadata) { if (updatedComponent instanceof StateComposite) { _postTransitionVisitor.visitCompositePreDescend(path, metadata); } else { // This is a StateComposite that has become a metric. updatedComponent.acceptVisitor(path, _postTransitionVisitor); banChildrenOf(path); } } private void banChildrenOf(StatePath parentPath) { _bannedSubtrees.add(parentPath); } private boolean hasBannedParent(StatePath path) { for (StatePath bannedParent : _bannedSubtrees) { if (bannedParent.isParentOf(path)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public void visitCompositePostDescend(StatePath path, Map<String, String> metadata) { if (!shouldPostVisitComposite(path)) { return; } visitNewChildren(path); _postTransitionVisitor.visitCompositePostDescend(path, metadata); } private boolean shouldPostVisitComposite(StatePath path) { if (path == null) { return true; } StatePath parentPath = path.parentPath(); StateChangeSet parentScs = _transition.getStateChangeSet(parentPath); if (parentScs != null) { String branchName = path.getLastElement(); if (parentScs.childIsRemoved(branchName)) { return false; } if (parentScs.childIsUpdated(branchName)) { StateComponent updatedComponent = parentScs.getUpdatedChildValue(branchName); if (updatedComponent instanceof StateValue) { // This is when a StateComponent has turned into a metric return false; } } } return true; } private void visitNewChildren(StatePath compositePath) { StateChangeSet thisBranchScs = _transition.getStateChangeSet(compositePath); if (thisBranchScs == null) { return; } for (String newChildName : thisBranchScs.getNewChildren()) { StatePath childPath; if (compositePath != null) { childPath = compositePath.newChild(newChildName); } else { childPath = new StatePath(newChildName); } StateComponent newComponent = thisBranchScs.getNewChildValue(newChildName); visitNewChild(childPath, newComponent); } } private void visitNewChild(StatePath path, StateComponent component) { LOGGER.trace("Visiting new child: {}", path); if (component instanceof StateComposite) { component.acceptVisitor(path, this); } else { component.acceptVisitor(path, _postTransitionVisitor); } } @Override public boolean isVisitable(StatePath path) { if (hasBannedParent(path)) { return false; } return _postTransitionVisitor.isVisitable(path); } } private final StateTransition _transition; private final StateExhibitor _currentStateExhibitor; public PostTransitionStateExhibitor(StateExhibitor exhibitor, StateTransition transition) { _currentStateExhibitor = exhibitor; _transition = transition; } @Override public void visitState(StateVisitor visitor) { StateVisitor preTransitionVisitor = new PreTransitionVisitor(visitor); _currentStateExhibitor.visitState(preTransitionVisitor); } }