package; /** * Extends the abstract StateValue class to allow storage of boolean values * within dCache state. * * @author Paul Millar <> */ public class BooleanStateValue extends StateValue { private final boolean _storage; /** * Create a new Ephemeral Boolean StateValue. */ public BooleanStateValue(boolean value) { this(value, false); } /** * Create a new Boolean StateValue that is either Immortal or Ephemeral. */ public BooleanStateValue(boolean value, boolean isImmortal) { super(isImmortal); _storage = value; } /** * Create a new BooleanStateValue with given value. This * StateValue should expire after a certain time has elapsed. * @param value the value to store * @param duration the lifetime of this metric, in seconds. */ public BooleanStateValue(boolean value, long duration) { super(duration); _storage = value; } @Override public String toString() { return Boolean.toString(_storage); } public boolean getValue() { return _storage; } @Override public String getTypeName() { return "boolean"; } /** * Leaf-node specific support for the Visitor pattern. See StateValue for inherited * actual implementation and StateVisitor interface for more details. */ @Override public void acceptVisitor(StatePath path, StateVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitBoolean(path, this); } /** * Override the default hashCode() method, to honour the hashCode() / equals() contract. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return _storage ? 1 : 0; } /** * Override the default equals() method. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (!(other instanceof BooleanStateValue)) { return false; } BooleanStateValue otherValue = (BooleanStateValue) other; return _storage == otherValue._storage; } }