package dmg.util ; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class UserPasswords extends Hashtable<String,Object> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8781008473808464719L; private File _passwdFile; private long _updateTime; public UserPasswords( File passwdFile ){ _passwdFile = passwdFile ; } @Override public String toString(){ return _passwdFile.getPath() ; } public String getPassword( String user ){ String [] s = (String [])super.get( user ) ; return s == null ? null : s[1] ; } public String [] getRecord( String user ){ return (String [] )super.get( user ) ; } public void removeRecord( String user ){ super.remove( user ) ; } public void addRecord( String [] record ){ if( ( record.length < 2 ) || ( record[0] == null ) || ( record[1] == null ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Record [].length < 2"); } super.put( record[0] , record ) ; } public void commit() throws IOException { if( _passwdFile == null ) { return; } String p = _passwdFile.getParent() ; p = p == null ? "." : p ; File pwdFile = new File(p , '.' + _passwdFile.getName() ) ; PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( pwdFile ) ) ; try{ for (Object o : values()) { Object[] a = (Object[]) o; for (int i = 0; (i < a.length) && (a[i] != null); i++) { pw.print(a[i].toString() + ':'); } pw.println(""); } }catch(Exception xx){ try{ pw.close() ; }catch(Exception ee ){} pwdFile.delete() ; } try{ pw.close() ; }catch(Exception ee ){} pwdFile.renameTo( _passwdFile ) ; _updateTime = _passwdFile.lastModified() ; } public void update() throws IOException { if( _passwdFile.exists()) { if( _updateTime > _passwdFile.lastModified() ) { return; } InputStream stream = new FileInputStream( _passwdFile ) ; try{ _scanStream( stream ) ; _updateTime = _passwdFile.lastModified() ; }finally{ try{ stream.close() ; }catch(Exception ee ){} } } } public void _scanStream( InputStream in ) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( in ) ) ; String line ; while( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null ){ if( line.length() <= 0 ) { continue; } if( line.charAt(0) == '#' ) { continue; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( line , ":" ) ; String [] a = new String[8] ; int i; for( i = 0 ; ( i < a.length ) && st.hasMoreTokens() ; i++ ){ a[i] = st.nextToken() ; } if( i < 2 ) { continue; } put( a[0] , a ) ; } } // // to be complient // public UserPasswords( InputStream in ) throws IOException { super() ; _scanStream( in ) ; } @Override public Object get( Object key ){ Object x = super.get(key) ; if( ( x == null ) || ( ! ( x instanceof Object [] ) ) || ( ((Object[])x).length < 2 ) ) { return null; } return ((Object[])x)[1] ; } public static void main( String [] args )throws Exception { if( args.length < 3 ){ System.err.println("Usage : ... <filename> ( put user passwd ... ) | get user" ) ; System.exit(4); } String filename = args[0] ; String command = args[1] ; String user = args[2] ; UserPasswords ups = new UserPasswords( new File(filename) ) ; switch (command) { case "put": { String[] record = new String[args.length - 2]; System.arraycopy(args, 2, record, 0, record.length); ups.addRecord(record); ups.commit(); break; } case "get": { ups.update(); String[] record = ups.getRecord(user); if (record == null) { System.out.println("Record not found for : " + user); System.exit(4); } for (int i = 0; (i < record.length) && (record[i] != null); i++) { System.out.print(record[i] + ' '); } System.out.println(""); break; } default: System.err .println("Usage : ... <filename> ( put user passwd ... ) | get user"); System.exit(4); } System.exit(0); } }