package diskCacheV111.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; /** * This class contains various utility methods for serialising and * deserialising objects. It is intended to facilitate unit-testing of * objects that implement the Serializable interface: if we want to check * that we can deserialise objects and catch if we break serialisable * compatibility. */ public class SerializableUtils { private static final int STRING_LINE_LENGTH = 61; public static void assertSerialisationExpected( String message, String encodedExpected, Object object) throws IOException { String encodedResult = SerializableUtils.serialiseAndEncodeObject( object); assertEquals( message, encodedExpected, encodedResult); } public static void assertDeserialisationExpected( String message, Object expectedObject, String encodedSerialisedObject) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { byte[] serialisedData = SerializableUtils.decode( encodedSerialisedObject); ByteArrayInputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream( serialisedData); ObjectInput objectInput = new ObjectInputStream( byteStream); Object deserialisedObject = objectInput.readObject(); assertEquals( message, expectedObject, deserialisedObject); } public static String serialiseAndEncodeObject( Object object) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream storage = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput objectOutput = new ObjectOutputStream( storage); objectOutput.writeObject( object); objectOutput.close(); return SerializableUtils.encode( storage.toByteArray()); } // Based on code from http://... public static String encode( byte[] byteStream) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for( byte curr : byteStream) { result.append(Integer.toString((curr & 0xff) + 0x100, 16) .substring(1)); } return result.toString(); } // Taken from // public static byte[] decode( final String encoded) { if( (encoded.length() % 2) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Input string must contain an even number of characters"); } final byte result[] = new byte[encoded.length() / 2]; final char enc[] = encoded.toCharArray(); for( int i = 0; i < enc.length; i += 2) { StringBuilder curr = new StringBuilder( 2); curr.append( enc[i]).append( enc[i + 1]); result[i / 2] = (byte) Integer.parseInt( curr.toString(), 16); } return result; } public static void emitJavaStringDeclaration( String name, String data) { List<String> lines = breakStringIntoLines( data); String declaration = buildJavaStringDeclaration( name, lines); System.out.println( declaration); } public static String buildJavaStringDeclaration( String name, List<String> lines) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" private static final String ").append(name) .append(" =\n"); boolean isFirstLine = true; for( String line : lines) { if( isFirstLine) { sb.append(" "); } else { sb.append("\n + "); } sb.append("\"").append(line).append("\""); isFirstLine = false; } sb.append( ";\n"); return sb.toString(); } public static List<String> breakStringIntoLines( String data) { List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); String remaining; for( String current = data; current.length() > 0; current = remaining) { int thisLineLength = current.length() < STRING_LINE_LENGTH ? current.length() : STRING_LINE_LENGTH; String thisLine = current.substring( 0, thisLineLength); remaining = current.substring( thisLineLength, current.length()); lines.add( thisLine); } return lines; } }