package org.dcache.pool.migration; import; import; import org.parboiled.Parboiled; import org.parboiled.parserunners.ReportingParseRunner; import; import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolCostInfo; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolManagerPoolInformation; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellLifeCycleAware; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellSetupProvider; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.CommandLine; import dmg.util.command.Option; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.pool.classic.IoQueueManager; import org.dcache.pool.repository.CacheEntry; import org.dcache.pool.repository.ReplicaState; import org.dcache.pool.repository.StickyRecord; import org.dcache.util.Glob; import org.dcache.util.expression.Expression; import org.dcache.util.expression.ExpressionParser; import org.dcache.util.expression.Token; import org.dcache.util.expression.Type; import org.dcache.util.expression.TypeMismatchException; import org.dcache.util.expression.UnknownIdentifierException; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.parboiled.errors.ErrorUtils.printParseErrors; /** * Module for migrating files between pools. * * This module provides services for copying replicas from a source * pool to a set of target pools. The repository state and sticky * list of both the source replica and the target replica can be * defined, supporting several use cases, including migration, * replication and caching. * * The module consists of two components: The MigrationModule class * provides the user interface and must run on the source pool. The * MigrationModuleServer must run on any pool that is to be used as a * transfer destination. * * Most of the functionality is implemented on the source pool. The * user executes commands to define jobs. A job consists of rules for * selecting replicas on the source pool, for selecting target pools, * defines the state of the target replica, and how the state of the * source replica must be updated. * * A job is idempotent, that is, it can be repeated without ill * effect. This is achieved by querying the set of target pools for * existing copies of the replica. If found, the transfer may be * skipped. Care is taken to check the state of the replica on the * target pool - and updating it if necessary. Idempotence may however * be affected by exclude and include expressions: If those rely on * values that change during the runtime of the job, then the job will * no longer be idempotent. * * Jobs monitor the local repository for changes. If a replica changes * state before it is transfered, and the replica no longer passes the * selection criteria of the job, then it will not be transferred. If * it is in the process of being transferred, then the transfer is * cancelled. If the transfer has already completed, then nothing * happens. * * Jobs can be defined as permanent. A permanent job will monitor the * repository for state changes. Should a replica be added or change * state in such a way that is passes the selection criteria of the * job, then it is added to the transfer queue of the job. A permanent * job does not terminate, even if its transfer queue becomes * empty. Permanent jobs are saved to the pool setup file and restored * on pool start. * * Each job schedules transfer tasks. Whereas a job defines a bulk * operation, a task encapsulates a transfer of a single replica. * * Most classes in this package are thread safe. Non of the classes * create threads themselves. Instead they rely on an injected * ScheduledExecutorService. Most cell communication is implemented * asynchronously. */ public class MigrationModule implements CellCommandListener, CellMessageReceiver, CellSetupProvider, CellLifeCycleAware, CellInfoProvider { private static final PoolManagerPoolInformation DUMMY_POOL = new PoolManagerPoolInformation("pool", new PoolCostInfo("pool", IoQueueManager.DEFAULT_QUEUE), 0); public static final String CONSTANT_TARGET = "target"; public static final String CONSTANT_SOURCE = "source"; public static final String CONSTANT_TARGETS = "targets"; public static final String CONSTANT_QUEUE_FILES = "queue.files"; public static final String CONSTANT_QUEUE_BYTES = "queue.bytes"; public static final int NON_EMPTY_QUEUE = 1; public static final int NO_TARGETS = 0; private static final Pattern STICKY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)(\\((-?\\d+)\\))?"); private final ConcurrentMap<String,Job> _jobs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final ConcurrentMap<Job,String> _commands = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final MigrationContext _context; private static final Expression TRUE_EXPRESSION = new Expression(Token.TRUE); private static final Expression FALSE_EXPRESSION = new Expression(Token.FALSE); private boolean _isStarted; static { TRUE_EXPRESSION.setType(Type.BOOLEAN); FALSE_EXPRESSION.setType(Type.BOOLEAN); } private int _counter = 1; private MigrationModule(MigrationContext context) { _context = context; } /** * Implements CellLifeCycleAware interface. */ @Override public synchronized void afterStart() { _isStarted = true; _jobs.values().stream().filter(j -> j.getState() == Job.State.NEW).forEach(Job::start); } /** Returns the job with the given id. */ private Job getJob(String id) throws NoSuchElementException { Job job = _jobs.get(id); if (job == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Job not found"); } return job; } /** Returns a one line description of a job. */ private String getJobSummary(String id) { Job job = getJob(id); return String.format("[%s] %-12s %s", id, job.getState(), _commands.get(job)); } /** * Parse a range in the format N..M. If N or M is omitted, then * the range will be unbounded in that direction. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case of syntax errors. */ private static Range<Long> parseRange(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException { String[] bounds = s.split("\\.\\.", 2); switch (bounds.length) { case 1: return Range.singleton(Long.parseLong(bounds[0])); case 2: if (bounds[0].isEmpty() && bounds[1].isEmpty()) { return Range.all(); } else if (bounds[0].isEmpty()) { return Range.atMost(Long.parseLong(bounds[1])); } else if (bounds[1].isEmpty()) { return Range.atLeast(Long.parseLong(bounds[0])); } else { return Range.closed(Long.parseLong(bounds[0]), Long.parseLong(bounds[1])); } default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(s + ": Invalid interval"); } } /** * Immediately cancels all jobs. */ public void cancelAll() { for (Job job: _jobs.values()) { try { job.cancel(true); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // Jobs cannot always be cancelled. This should be // fixed in the Job. For now we silently ignore this // error. } } } @GuardedBy("this") private String nextId() { String id; do { id = String.valueOf(_counter++); } while (_jobs.containsKey(id)); return id; } @AffectsSetup @Command(name="migration concurrency", description ="Adjust the concurrency of a job.") public class MigrationConcurrencyCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index=0) String id; @Argument(index=1) int concurrency; @Override public String call() throws NoSuchElementException { Job job = getJob(id); job.setConcurrency(concurrency); return String.format("[%s] Concurrency set to %d", id, concurrency); } } @AffectsSetup @Command(name="migration copy", description = "Copies files to other pools. Unless filter options are specified, " + "all files on the source pool are copied.\n\n" + "The operation is idempotent, that is, it can safely be repeated " + "without creating extra copies of the files. If the replica exists " + "on any of the target pools, then it is not copied again. If the " + "target pool with the existing replica fails to respond, then the " + "operation is retried indefinitely, unless the job is marked as " + "eager.\n\n" + "Please note that a job is only idempotent as long as the set of " + "target pools does not change. If pools go offline or are excluded as " + "a result of a an exclude or include expression, then the idempotent " + "nature of a job may be lost.\n\n" + "Both the new state of the local replica and that of the target replica " + "can be specified. If the target replica already exists, the state " + "is updated to be at least as strong as the specified target state, " + "that is, the lifetime of sticky bits is extended, but never reduced, " + "and cached can be changed to precious, but never the opposite.\n\n" + "Transfers are subject to the checksum computation policy of the " + "target pool. Thus checksums are verified if and only if the target " + "pool is configured to do so. For existing replicas, the checksum is " + "only verified if the verify option was specified on the migration job.\n\n" + "Jobs can be marked permanent. Permanent jobs never terminate and " + "are stored in the pool setup file with the 'save' command. Permanent " + "jobs watch the repository for state changes and copy any replicas " + "that match the selection criteria, even replicas added after the " + "job was created. Notice that any state change will cause a replica " + "to be reconsidered and enqueued if it matches the selection " + "criteria - also replicas that have been copied before.\n\n" + "Several options allow an expression to be specified. The following " + "operators are recognized: <, <=, ==, !=, >=, >, ~=, !~, +, -, *, /, " + "**, %, and, or, not, ?:. Literals may be floating point literals, " + "single or double quoted string literals, and boolean true and false. " + "Depending on the context, the expression may refer to constants.") public class MigrationCopyCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name="id") String id; @Option(name="accessed", category="Filter options", usage = "Only copy replicas accessed n seconds ago, or accessed " + "within the given, possibly open-ended, interval. E.g. " + "-accessed=0..60 matches files accessed within the last " + "minute; -accesed=60.. matches files accessed one minute " + "or more ago.") String accessed; @Option(name="al", values={"online", "nearline"}, category="Filter options", usage="Only copy replicas with the given access latency.") String accessLatency; @Option(name="pnfsid", separator=",", category="Filter options", usage="Only copy replicas with one of the given PNFS IDs.") PnfsId[] pnfsid; @Option(name="rp", values={"custodial", "replica", "output"}, category="Filter options", usage="Only copy replicas with the given retention policy.") String retentionPolicy; @Option(name="size", category="Filter options", usage="Only copy replicas with size n, or a size within the given, possibly open-ended, interval") String size; @Option(name="state", values={"cached", "precious"}, category="Filter options", usage="Only copy replicas in the given state.") String state; @Option(name="sticky", valueSpec="[-]owner", separator=",", category="Filter options", usage = "Only copy sticky replicas. Can optionally be limited to " + "the list of owners. A sticky flag for each owner must be " + "present for the replica to be selected. Presence of an " + "owner may be negated by prefixing it with a minus sign; in " + "that case the filter matches a file that does not have a " + "sticky flag with the given owner.") String[] sticky; @Option(name="storage", metaVar="class", category="Filter options", usage="Only copy replicas with the given storage class.") String storage; @Option(name="cache", metaVar="class", category="Filter options", usage="Only copy replicas with the given cache class. An empty string will match any " + "replica without a cache class.") String cache; @Option(name="concurrency", category="Transfer options", usage="Specifies how many concurrent transfers to perform.") int concurrency = 1; @Option(name="order", valueSpec="[-]size|[-]lru", category="Transfer options", usage = "Sort transfer queue. By default transfers are placed in " + "ascending order, that is, smallest and least recently used " + "first. Transfers are placed in descending order if the key " + "is prefixed by a minus sign. Failed transfers are placed at " + "the end of the queue for retry regardless of the order. This " + "option cannot be used for permanent jobs. Notice that for " + "pools with a large number of files, sorting significantly " + "increases the initialization time of the migration job.\n" + "size:\n" + " Sort according to file size.\n" + "lru:\n" + " Sort according to last access time.") String order; @Option(name="pins", values={"keep", "move"}, category="Transfer options", usage = "Controls how sticky flags owned by the pin manager are handled:\n" + "move:\n" + " Ask pin manager to move pins to the target pool.\n" + "keep:\n" + " Keep pin on the source pool.") String pins = "keep"; @Option(name="smode", valueSpec="same|cached|precious|removable|delete[+OWNER[(LIFETIME)]]...", category="Transfer options", usage = "Update the local replica to the given mode after transfer:\n" + "same:\n" + " does not change the local state.\n" + "cached:\n" + " marks it cached.\n" + "precious:\n" + " marks it precious.\n" + "removable:\n" + " marks it cached and strips all existing sticky flags excluding pins.\n" + "delete:\n" + " deletes the replica unless it is pinned.\n" + "An optional list of sticky flags can be specified. The " + "lifetime is in seconds. A lifetime of 0 causes the flag " + "to immediately expire. Notice that existing sticky flags " + "of the same owner are overwritten.") String sourceMode = "same"; @Option(name="tmode", valueSpec="same|cached|precious[+OWNER[(LIFETIME)]]...", category="Transfer options", usage = "Set the mode of the target replica:\n" + "same:\n" + " applies the state and sticky bits excluding pins of the local replica.\n" + "cached:\n" + " marks it cached.\n" + "precious:\n" + " marks it precious.\n" + "An optional list of sticky flags can be specified. The " + "lifetime is in seconds.") String targetMode = "same"; @Option(name="atime", category="Transfer options", usage="Maintain last access time.") boolean maintainAtime; @Option(name="verify", category="Transfer options", usage="Force checksum computation when an existing target is updated.") boolean verify; @Option(name="eager", category="Target options", usage = "Copy replicas rather than retrying when pools with " + "existing replicas fail to respond.") boolean eager; @Option(name = "replicas", category = "Target options", usage = "Number of replicas to create in the target pools. Due to idempotence " + "of migration jobs, running the same job multiple times will not create " + "additional copies. This option allows multiple replicas to be created " + "while preserving idempotence.") int replicas = 1; @Option(name="exclude", metaVar="glob", separator=",", category="Target options", usage = "Exclude target pools matching any of the patterns. Single " + "character (?) and multi character (*) wildcards may be used.") String[] exclude; @Option(name="exclude-when", metaVar="expr", category="Target options", usage = "Exclude target pools for which the expression evaluates to " + "true. The expression may refer to the following constants:\n" + "\n" + " pool name\n" + "source.cpuCost/target.cpuCost:\n" + " cpu cost\n" + "\n" + " free space in bytes\n" + "\n" + " total space in bytes\n" + "source.removable/target.removable:\n" + " removable space in bytes\n" + "source.used/target.used:\n" + " used space in bytes") String excludeWhen; @Option(name="include", metaVar="glob", separator=",", category="Target options", usage = "Only include target pools matching any of the patterns. Single " + "character (?) and multi character (*) wildcards may be used.") String[] include; @Option(name="include-when", metaVar="expr", category="Target options", usage = "Only include target pools for which the expression evaluates " + "to true. See the description of -exclude-when for the list " + "of allowed constants.") String includeWhen; @Option(name="refresh", metaVar="seconds", category="Target options", usage = "Sets the period in seconds of when target pool information " + "is queried from the pool manager. Inclusion and exclusion " + "expressions are evaluated whenever the information is " + "refreshed.") int refresh = 300; @Option(name="select", values={"proportional", "random"}, category="Target options", usage = "Determines how a pool is selected from the set of target pools:\n" + "proportional:\n" + " selects a pool with a probability proportional to the free space.\n" + "random:\n" + " selects a pool randomly.\n") String select = "proportional"; @Option(name="target", values={"pool", "pgroup", "link"}, category="Target options", usage = "Determines the interpretation of the target names.") String target = "pool"; @Option(name="meta-only", category="Target options", usage="Only transfers meta data to an existing target replica. If a given file " + "does not have any other replicas on any of the target pools, the file " + "is skipped.") boolean metaOnly; @Option(name="pause-when", metaVar="expr", category="Lifetime options", usage = "Pauses the job when the expression becomes true. The job " + "continues when the expression once again evaluates to false. " + "The following constants are defined for this pool:\n" + "queue.files:\n" + " the number of files remaining to be transferred.\n" + "queue.bytes:\n" + " the number of bytes remaining to be transferred.\n" + "\n" + " pool name\n" + "source.cpuCost:\n" + " cpu cost\n" + "\n" + " free space in bytes\n" + "\n" + " total space in bytes\n" + "source.removable:\n" + " removable space in bytes\n" + "source.used:\n" + " used space in bytes\n" + "targets:\n" + " the number of target pools.") String pauseWhen; @Option(name="permanent", usage="Mark job as permanent.", category="Lifetime options") boolean permanent; @Option(name="stop-when", metaVar="expr", category="Lifetime options", usage = "Terminates the job when the expression becomes true. This option " + "cannot be used for permanent jobs. See the description of " + "-pause-when for the list of constants allowed in the expression.") String stopWhen; @Option(name="force-source-mode", category="Transfer options", usage = "Enables the transfer of files from a disabled pool.") boolean forceSourceMode; @Argument(metaVar="target") String[] targets; @CommandLine String commandLine; private RefreshablePoolList createPoolList(String type, List<String> targets) { CellStub poolManager = _context.getPoolManagerStub(); switch (type) { case "pool": return new PoolListByNames(poolManager, targets); case "pgroup": return new PoolListByPoolGroup(poolManager, targets); case "link": if (targets.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(targets.toString() + ": Only one target supported for -type=link"); } return new PoolListByLink(poolManager, targets.get(0)); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(type + ": Invalid value"); } } private PoolSelectionStrategy createPoolSelectionStrategy(String type) { switch (type) { case "proportional": return new ProportionalPoolSelectionStrategy(); case "random": return new RandomPoolSelectionStrategy(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(type + ": Invalid value"); } } private StickyRecord parseStickyRecord(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException { Matcher matcher = STICKY_PATTERN.matcher(s); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s + ": Syntax error"); } String owner =; String lifetime =; try { long expire = (lifetime == null) ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(lifetime); if (expire < -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(lifetime + ": Invalid lifetime"); } else if (expire > 0) { expire = System.currentTimeMillis() + expire * 1000; } return new StickyRecord(owner, expire); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(lifetime + ": Invalid lifetime"); } } private CacheEntryMode createCacheEntryMode(String type) { String[] s = type.split("\\+"); List<StickyRecord> records = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 1; i < s.length; i++) { records.add(parseStickyRecord(s[i])); } switch (s[0]) { case "same": return new CacheEntryMode(CacheEntryMode.State.SAME, records); case "cached": return new CacheEntryMode(CacheEntryMode.State.CACHED, records); case "delete": return new CacheEntryMode(CacheEntryMode.State.DELETE, records); case "removable": return new CacheEntryMode(CacheEntryMode.State.REMOVABLE, records); case "precious": return new CacheEntryMode(CacheEntryMode.State.PRECIOUS, records); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(type + ": Invalid value"); } } private Comparator<CacheEntry> createComparator(String order) { if (order == null) { return null; } switch (order) { case "size": return new SizeOrder(); case "-size": return new ReverseOrder<>(new SizeOrder()); case "lru": return new LruOrder(); case "-lru": return new ReverseOrder<>(new LruOrder()); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(order + ": Invalid value for option -order"); } } private Expression createPredicate(String s, Expression ifNull, SymbolTable symbols) { try { if (s == null) { return ifNull; } ExpressionParser parser = Parboiled.createParser(ExpressionParser.class); ParsingResult<Expression> result = new ReportingParseRunner<Expression>(parser.Top()).run(s); if (!result.isSuccess()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid expression: " + printParseErrors(result)); } Expression expression = result.resultValue; if (expression.check(symbols) != Type.BOOLEAN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expression does not evaluate to a boolean"); } return expression; } catch (UnknownIdentifierException | TypeMismatchException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } } private Expression createPoolPredicate(String s, Expression ifNull) { SymbolTable symbols = new SymbolTable(); symbols.put(CONSTANT_SOURCE, DUMMY_POOL); symbols.put(CONSTANT_TARGET, DUMMY_POOL); return createPredicate(s, ifNull, symbols); } private Expression createLifetimePredicate(String s) { SymbolTable symbols = new SymbolTable(); symbols.put(CONSTANT_SOURCE, DUMMY_POOL); symbols.put(CONSTANT_QUEUE_FILES, NON_EMPTY_QUEUE); symbols.put(CONSTANT_QUEUE_BYTES, NON_EMPTY_QUEUE); symbols.put(CONSTANT_TARGETS, NO_TARGETS); return createPredicate(s, null, symbols); } private Set<Pattern> createPatterns(String[] globs) { Set<Pattern> patterns = new HashSet<>(); if (globs != null) { for (String s: globs) { patterns.add(Glob.parseGlobToPattern(s)); } } return patterns; } private List<CacheEntryFilter> createFilters() throws IllegalArgumentException { List<CacheEntryFilter> filters = new ArrayList<>(); if (storage != null) { filters.add(new StorageClassFilter(storage)); } if (cache != null) { filters.add(new CacheClassFilter(Strings.emptyToNull(cache))); } if (pnfsid != null) { filters.add(new PnfsIdFilter(new HashSet<>(asList(pnfsid)))); } if (state == null) { filters.add(new StateFilter(ReplicaState.CACHED, ReplicaState.PRECIOUS)); } else if (state.equals("cached")) { filters.add(new StateFilter(ReplicaState.CACHED)); } else if (state.equals("precious")) { filters.add(new StateFilter(ReplicaState.PRECIOUS)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(state + ": Invalid state"); } if (sticky != null) { if (sticky.length == 0) { filters.add(new StickyFilter()); } else { for (String owner: sticky) { if (owner.startsWith("-")) { filters.add(new NotStickyOwnerFilter(owner.substring(1))); } else { filters.add(new StickyOwnerFilter(owner)); } } } } if (size != null) { filters.add(new SizeFilter(parseRange(size))); } if (accessed != null) { filters.add(new AccessedFilter(parseRange(accessed))); } if (accessLatency != null) { filters.add(new AccessLatencyFilter(AccessLatency.getAccessLatency(accessLatency))); } if (retentionPolicy != null) { filters.add(new RetentionPolicyFilter(RetentionPolicy.getRetentionPolicy(retentionPolicy))); } return filters; } @Override public String call() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (permanent) { if (order != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permanent jobs cannot be ordered"); } if (stopWhen != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permanent jobs cannot have a stop condition."); } } if (replicas < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of replicas must be positive."); } Collection<Pattern> excluded = createPatterns(exclude); excluded.add(Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(_context.getPoolName()))); Collection<Pattern> included = createPatterns(include); boolean mustMovePins; switch (pins) { case "keep": mustMovePins = false; break; case "move": mustMovePins = true; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(pins + ": Invalid value for option -pins"); } /* The source list is used to fetch pool information about this pool. */ RefreshablePoolList sourceList = new PoolListByNames(_context.getPoolManagerStub(), Collections.singletonList(_context.getPoolName())); Expression excludeExpression = createPoolPredicate(excludeWhen, FALSE_EXPRESSION); Expression includeExpression = createPoolPredicate(includeWhen, TRUE_EXPRESSION); RefreshablePoolList poolList = new PoolListFilter(createPoolList(target, asList(targets)), excluded, excludeExpression, included, includeExpression, sourceList); JobDefinition definition = new JobDefinition(createFilters(), createCacheEntryMode(sourceMode), createCacheEntryMode(targetMode), createPoolSelectionStrategy(select), createComparator(order), sourceList, poolList, refresh * 1000, permanent, eager, metaOnly, replicas, mustMovePins, verify, maintainAtime, createLifetimePredicate(pauseWhen), createLifetimePredicate(stopWhen), forceSourceMode); if (definition.targetMode.state == CacheEntryMode.State.DELETE || definition.targetMode.state == CacheEntryMode.State.REMOVABLE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(targetMode + ": Invalid value"); } synchronized (MigrationModule.this) { if (id == null) { id = nextId(); } else { Job job = _jobs.get(id); if (job != null) { switch (job.getState()) { case FAILED: case CANCELLED: case FINISHED: break; case CANCELLING: if (_jobs.remove(id) == job) { _jobs.put(nextId(), job); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Job id is already in use: " + id); } } } Job job = new Job(_context, definition); job.setConcurrency(concurrency); _commands.put(job, commandLine); _jobs.put(id, job); if (_isStarted) { job.start(); } } return getJobSummary(id); } } @Command(name="migration move", description = "Moves replicas to other pools. The source replica is deleted. " + "Accepts the same options as 'migration copy'. Corresponds to\n\n" + " migration copy -smode=delete -tmode=same -pins=move -verify") public class MigrationMoveCommand extends MigrationCopyCommand { public MigrationMoveCommand() { select = "proportional"; target = "pool"; sourceMode = "delete"; targetMode = "same"; refresh = 300; pins = "move"; verify = true; maintainAtime = true; } } @Command(name="migration cache", description = "Caches replicas on other pools. Accepts the same options as " + "'migration copy'. Corresponds to\n\n" + " migration copy -smode=same -tmode=cached") public class MigrationCacheCommand extends MigrationCopyCommand { public MigrationCacheCommand() { select = "proportional"; target = "pool"; sourceMode = "same"; targetMode = "cached"; refresh = 300; pins = "keep"; verify = false; } } @Command(name="migration suspend", description = "Suspends a migration job. A suspended job finishes ongoing " + "transfers, but is does not start any new transfer.") public class MigrationSuspendCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(metaVar="job") String id; @Override public String call() throws NoSuchElementException { Job job = getJob(id); job.suspend(); return getJobSummary(id); } } @Command(name="migration resume", description = "Resumes a suspended migration job.") public class MigrationResumeCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(metaVar="job") String id; @Override public String call() throws NoSuchElementException { Job job = getJob(id); job.resume(); return getJobSummary(id); } } @AffectsSetup @Command(name="migration cancel", description ="Cancels a migration job.") public class MigrationCancelCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name="force", usage="Kill ongoing transfers.") boolean force; @Argument(metaVar="job") String id; @Override public String call() throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalStateException { Job job = getJob(id); job.cancel(force); return getJobSummary(id); } } @Command(name="migration clear", description ="Removes completed migration jobs. For reference, information about " + "migration jobs are kept until explicitly cleared.") public class MigrationClearCommand implements Callable<String> { @Override public String call() { Iterator<Job> i = _jobs.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Job job =; switch (job.getState()) { case CANCELLED: case FAILED: case FINISHED: i.remove(); _commands.remove(job); break; default: break; } } return ""; } } @Command(name="migration ls", description = "Lists all migration jobs") public class MigrationListCommand implements Callable<String> { @Override public String call() throws NoSuchElementException { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (String id : _jobs.keySet()) { s.append(getJobSummary(id)).append('\n'); } return s.toString(); } } @Command(name="migration info", description = "Shows detailed information about a migration job. Possible " + "job states are:\n\n" + " INITIALIZING Initial scan of repository\n" + " RUNNING Job runs (schedules new tasks)\n" + " SLEEPING A task failed; no tasks are scheduled for 10 seconds\n" + " PAUSED Pause expression evaluates to true; no tasks for 10 seconds\n" + " STOPPING Stop expression evaluated to true; waiting for tasks to stop\n" + " SUSPENDED Job suspended by user; no tasks are scheduled\n" + " CANCELLING Job cancelled by user; waiting for tasks to stop\n" + " CANCELLED Job cancelled by user; no tasks are running\n" + " FINISHED Job completed\n" + " FAILED Job failed (check log file for details)\n\n" + "Job tasks may be in any of the following states:\n\n" + " Queued Queued for execution\n" + " GettingLocations Querying PnfsManager for file locations\n" + " UpdatingExistingFile Updating the state of existing target file\n" + " CancellingUpdate Task cancelled, waiting for update to complete\n" + " InitiatingCopy Request send to target, waiting for confirmation\n" + " Copying Waiting for target to complete the transfer\n" + " Pinging Ping send to target, waiting for reply\n" + " NoResponse Cell connection to target lost\n" + " Waiting Waiting for final confirmation from target\n" + " MovingPin Waiting for pin manager to move pin\n" + " Cancelling Attempting to cancel transfer\n" + " Cancelled Task cancelled, file was not copied\n" + " Failed The task failed\n" + " Done The task completed successfully") public class MigrationInfoCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(metaVar="job") String id; @Override public String call() throws NoSuchElementException { Job job = getJob(id); String command = _commands.get(job); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); pw.println("Command : " + command); job.getInfo(pw); return sw.toString(); } } public void messageArrived(PoolMigrationCopyFinishedMessage message) { if (!message.getPool().equals(_context.getPoolName())) { return; } for (Job job: _jobs.values()) { job.messageArrived(message); } } public Object messageArrived(PoolMigrationJobCancelMessage message) { try { return getJob(message.getJobId()).messageArrived(message); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { message.setSucceeded(); return message; } } @Override public void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { for (String id: _jobs.keySet()) { pw.println(getJobSummary(id)); } } @Override public void printSetup(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("#\n# MigrationModule\n#"); _commands.forEach((job, cmd) -> { if (job.getDefinition().isPermanent) { switch (job.getState()) { case CANCELLED: case CANCELLING: case STOPPING: case FAILED: case FINISHED: break; default: pw.println(cmd); break; } } }); } @Override public void beforeSetup() { _jobs.values().stream().filter(j -> j.getDefinition().isPermanent).forEach(j -> j.cancel(true)); } @Override public CellSetupProvider mock() { return new MigrationModule(new MigrationContextDecorator(_context) { @Override public boolean lock(PnfsId pnfsId) { return false; } @Override public void unlock(PnfsId pnfsId) { } @Override public boolean isActive(PnfsId pnfsId) { return true; } }); } public boolean isActive(PnfsId id) { return _context.isActive(id); } }