package dmg.cells.nucleus; import; import; import java.util.Objects; import org.dcache.util.Args; import static; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; /* * route add -default <cell>[@<domain>] * route add -domain <domain> <cell>[@<domain>] * WARNING : This Class is designed to be immutable. * All other class rely on that fact and * a lot of things may fail at runtime * if this design item is changed. */ public class CellRoute implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4566260400288960984L; private final String _destCell; private final String _destDomain; private final String _gateway; private final int _type; public static final int AUTO = 0; public static final int EXACT = 1; public static final int QUEUE = 2; public static final int DOMAIN = 3; public static final int DEFAULT = 4; public static final int DUMPSTER = 5; public static final int ALIAS = 6; public static final int TOPIC = 7; private static final String[] TYPE_NAMES = {"Auto", "Exact", "Queue", "Domain", "Default", "Dumpster", "Alias", "Topic"}; private static int getTypeOf(Args args) { if (args.argc() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough arguments"); } String opt = (args.optc() == 0) ? "-auto" : args.optv(0); int type = AUTO; switch (opt) { case "auto": type = AUTO; break; case "domain": type = DOMAIN; break; case "wellknown": case "queue": type = QUEUE; break; case "exact": type = EXACT; break; case "default": type = DEFAULT; break; case "dumpster": type = DUMPSTER; break; case "alias": type = ALIAS; break; case "topic": type = TOPIC; break; } switch (args.argc()) { case 1: if (type != DEFAULT && type != DUMPSTER) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough arguments"); } break; case 2: if (type == DEFAULT || type == DUMPSTER) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many arguments"); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many arguments"); } return type; } private static int getTypeOf(String type) { int i = asList(TYPE_NAMES).indexOf(type); if (i == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Route Type: " + type); } return i; } public CellRoute(Args args) throws IllegalArgumentException { this((args.argc() != 2) ? null : args.argv(0), (args.argc() != 2) ? args.argv(0) : args.argv(1), getTypeOf(args)); } public CellRoute(String dest, CellAddressCore gateway, int type) throws IllegalArgumentException { this(dest, gateway.toString(), type); } public CellRoute(String dest, String gateway, String type) throws IllegalArgumentException { this(dest, gateway, getTypeOf(type)); } public CellRoute(String dest, String gateway, int type) throws IllegalArgumentException { _gateway = gateway; String cell, domain; if (dest == null || dest.isEmpty()) { cell = null; domain = null; } else { int ind = dest.indexOf('@'); if (ind < 0) { cell = dest; domain = null; } else { cell = dest.substring(0, ind); if (ind == (dest.length() - 1)) { domain = null; } else { domain = dest.substring(ind + 1); } } } switch (type) { case EXACT: case ALIAS: checkArgument(cell != null, "No destination cell spec."); _destCell = cell; _destDomain = (domain == null) ? "local" : domain; _type = type; break; case QUEUE: checkArgument(cell != null, "No destination cell spec."); checkArgument(domain == null, "QUEUE doesn't accept domain"); _destCell = cell; _destDomain = "*"; _type = type; break; case TOPIC: checkArgument(cell != null, "No destination cell spec."); checkArgument(domain == null, "TOPIC doesn't accept domain"); _destCell = cell; _destDomain = "*"; _type = type; break; case DOMAIN: checkArgument(domain == null, "DOMAIN doesn't accept cell"); checkArgument(cell != null, "No destination domain spec."); _destDomain = cell; _destCell = "*"; _type = type; break; case DUMPSTER: checkArgument(cell == null, "DUMPSTER doesn't accept cell"); checkArgument(domain == null, "DUMPSTER doesn't accept domain"); _destDomain = "*"; _destCell = "*"; _type = type; break; case DEFAULT: checkArgument(cell == null, "DEFAULT doesn't accept cell"); checkArgument(domain == null, "DEFAULT doesn't accept domain"); _destDomain = "*"; _destCell = "*"; _type = type; break; case AUTO: if ((cell != null) && (domain != null)) { if (cell.equals("*") && domain.equals("*")) { _type = DEFAULT; } else if (cell.equals("*")) { _type = DOMAIN; } else if (domain.equals("*")) { _type = QUEUE; } else { _type = EXACT; } _destCell = cell; _destDomain = domain; } else if (domain != null) { _destCell = "*"; _destDomain = domain; _type = DOMAIN; } else if (cell != null) { _destCell = cell; _destDomain = "*"; _type = QUEUE; } else { _destCell = "*"; _destDomain = "*"; _type = DEFAULT; } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Route type"); } } public String getCellName() { return _destCell; } public String getDomainName() { return _destDomain; } public String getTargetName() { return _gateway; } public int getRouteType() { return _type; } public CellAddressCore getTarget() { return new CellAddressCore(_gateway); } public String getRouteTypeName() { return TYPE_NAMES[_type]; } public int hashCode() { return _type ^ Objects.hash(_destCell, _destDomain, _gateway); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof CellRoute)) { return false; } CellRoute route = (CellRoute) o; return route._destCell.equals(_destCell) && route._destDomain.equals(_destDomain) && route._gateway.equals(_gateway) && route._type == _type; } public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("cell", getCellName()) .add("domain", getDomainName()) .add("gateway", getTargetName()) .add("type", getRouteTypeName()) .toString(); } }