package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; import static; import static; /** * Builder for creating parsers for billing file entries. */ public class BillingParserBuilder { private static final Pattern ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\$(.+?)\\$"); private ImmutableSetMultimap<String, Pattern> patternsByAttribute; private ImmutableSetMultimap<Pattern, String> attributesByPattern; private Map<String, String> formats; private final Set<String> attributes = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private boolean canOutputArray = true; public BillingParserBuilder(Map<String,String> formats) { this.formats = Maps.newHashMap(formats); attributesByPattern = toPatterns(formats); patternsByAttribute = attributesByPattern.inverse(); } public BillingParserBuilder addAttribute(String attribute) { attributes.add(attribute); return this; } public BillingParserBuilder addAllAttributes() { attributes.clear(); attributes.addAll(patternsByAttribute.keySet()); canOutputArray = false; return this; } public BillingParserBuilder withFormat(String message, String format) { formats.put(message, format); attributesByPattern = toPatterns(formats); patternsByAttribute = attributesByPattern.inverse(); return this; } public BillingParserBuilder withFormat(String header) { String[] s = header.substring(2).trim().split(" ", 2); return (s.length == 2) ? withFormat(s[0], s[1]) : this; } public Function<String,String> buildToString() { String attribute = Iterables.getOnlyElement(attributes); String groupName = toGroupName(attribute); ImmutableSet<Pattern> patterns = patternsByAttribute.get(attribute); return line -> findSingleMatch(line, patterns, groupName); } public Function<String,Map<String,String>> buildToMap() { ImmutableMultimap<Pattern, String> patterns = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(filterValues(attributesByPattern, in(attributes))); return line -> findMatchAsMap(line, patterns); } public Function<String,String[]> buildToArray() { checkState(canOutputArray); final ImmutableMultimap<Pattern, String> patterns = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(filterValues(attributesByPattern, in(this.attributes))); final String[] attributes = this.attributes.toArray(new String[this.attributes.size()]); return line -> findMatchAsArray(line, patterns, attributes); } private static String findSingleMatch(String line, ImmutableSet<Pattern> patterns, String groupName) { Matcher matcher = findMatch(line, patterns); return matcher != null ? : null; } private static Map<String, String> findMatchAsMap(String line, ImmutableMultimap<Pattern, String> patterns) { Matcher matcher = findMatch(line, patterns.keySet()); if (matcher == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<>(); for (String attribute : patterns.get(matcher.pattern())) { values.put(attribute,; } return values; } private static String[] findMatchAsArray(String line, ImmutableMultimap<Pattern, String> patterns, String[] attributes) { Matcher matcher = findMatch(line, patterns.keySet()); String[] result = new String[attributes.length]; if (matcher != null) { ImmutableCollection<String> attributesInPattern = patterns.get(matcher.pattern()); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { String attribute = attributes[i]; if (attributesInPattern.contains(attribute)) { result[i] =; } } } return result; } private static Matcher findMatch(String line, Collection<Pattern> patterns) { Matcher result = null; for (Pattern pattern : patterns) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { if (result != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate matches for: " + line); } result = matcher; } } return result; } /** * Returns Patterns for the provided billing formats, as a Multimap mapping the * Pattern to the attributes contained in the pattern. */ private static ImmutableSetMultimap<Pattern, String> toPatterns(Map<String,String> formats) { ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<Pattern, String> builder = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> format: formats.entrySet()) { builder.putAll(toPattern(format.getKey(), format.getValue()), toAttributes(format.getValue())); } return; } /** * Returns a Pattern for matching the provided billing format. * * Attributes are turned into named capturing groups. */ private static Pattern toPattern(String name, String format) { StringBuilder regex = new StringBuilder(); Matcher matcher = ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN.matcher(format); int pos = 0; while (matcher.find()) { if (pos < matcher.start()) { regex.append(Pattern.quote(format.substring(pos, matcher.start()))); } String expression =; if (isIf(expression)) { regex.append("(?:"); } else if (isElse(expression)) { regex.append("|"); } else if (isEndIf(expression)) { regex.append(")"); } else { regex.append("(?<").append(toGroupName(expression)).append(">"); // This incomplete list of attribute patterns reduces the risk of false matches switch (expression) { case "date": regex.append(".+?"); break; case "pnfsid": regex.append("[0-9A-F]{24}(?:[0-9A-F]{12})?"); break; case "filesize": case "transferred": case "connectionTime": case "transactionTime": case "queuingTime": case "transferTime": case "rc": case "uid": case "gid": regex.append("-?\\d+"); break; case "cached": case "created": regex.append("(?:true|false)"); break; case "cellType": switch (name) { case "mover-info-message": case "remove-file-info-message": case "storage-info-message": case "pool-hit-info-message": regex.append("pool"); break; case "door-request-info-message": regex.append("door"); break; default: regex.append("\\w+"); break; } break; case "cellName": regex.append(".+?"); break; case "type": switch (name) { case "mover-info-message": regex.append("transfer"); break; case "remove-file-info-message": regex.append("remove"); break; case "storage-info-message": regex.append("(?:re)?store"); break; case "pool-hit-info-message": regex.append("hit"); break; case "warning-pnfs-file-info-message": regex.append("warning"); break; default: regex.append("\\w+"); break; } break; default: regex.append(".*?"); } regex.append(")"); } pos = matcher.end(); } if (pos < format.length()) { regex.append(Pattern.quote(format.substring(pos))); } return Pattern.compile(regex.toString(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } /** * Translates a attribute name into a name suitable for a named capturing group. */ private static String toGroupName(String attribute) { int pos = attribute.indexOf(';'); if (pos > -1) { attribute = attribute.substring(0, pos); } return attribute.replace("X", "XX").replace(".", "X"); } /** * Returns names of all attributes in the provided billing format. */ private static Set<String> toAttributes(String format) { Set<String> attributes = new HashSet<>(); Matcher matcher = ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN.matcher(format); while (matcher.find()) { String expression =; if (!isIf(expression) && !isElse(expression) && !isEndIf(expression)) { int pos = expression.indexOf(';'); attributes.add(pos > -1 ? expression.substring(0, pos) : expression); } } return attributes; } /** * True if the given string template expression is the beginning of an if-expression. */ private static boolean isIf(String expression) { return expression.startsWith("if(") && expression.endsWith(")"); } /** * True if the given string template expression is the else keyword of an if-expression. */ private static boolean isElse(String expression) { return expression.equals("else"); } /** * True if the given string template expression is the end of an if-expression. */ private static boolean isEndIf(String expression) { return expression.equals("endif"); } }