package org.dcache.restful.resources.namespace; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileLocality; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.namespace.FileType; import org.dcache.poolmanager.RemotePoolMonitor; import org.dcache.restful.providers.JsonFileAttributes; import org.dcache.restful.util.ServletContextHandlerAttributes; import org.dcache.util.list.DirectoryEntry; import org.dcache.util.list.DirectoryStream; import org.dcache.util.list.ListDirectoryHandler; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.restful.util.PathMapper; import static; import static org.dcache.restful.providers.SuccessfulResponse.successfulResponse; /** * RestFul API to provide files/folders manipulation operations * * @version v1.0 */ @Path("/namespace") public class FileResources { @Context ServletContext ctx; /* This "request" parameter is used to get fully qualified name of the client * or the last proxy that sent the request. Later used for quering locality of the file. */ @Context HttpServletRequest request; /** * The method offer to list the content of a directory or return metadata of * a specified file or directory. * * @param isList optional boolean parameter, set to false by default. * When set to true (e.g. /?children=true) the file attributes(e.g. file size, locality, creation time... ) * of the children (files/directories) of * the specified directory will be displayed. * @param isLocality optional boolean parameter, set to false by default. * When set to true the locality of file (ONLINE/NEARLINE) is displayed as a part of FileAttributes. * @return JsonFileAttributes Json Object * <p> * <p> * * EXAMPLES * Return all the files in the given directory * @method GET * @Resources URL (default) * http://localhost:2880/api/v1/namespace/urlPath/?children=true&locality=true * @Request Header: * Accept: application/json * Content-Type: application/json * Method: * GET * URL: * http://localhost:2880/api/v1/namespace/replica/?children=true&locality=true * @Response { * "children": * [ * { * "fileName": "test000001", * "fileLocality": "ONLINE", * "mtime": 1459959425090, * "fileType": "REGULAR", * "creationTime": 1459959409825, * "size": 378 * }, * { * "fileName": "test1", * "mtime": 1461000184802, * "fileType": "DIR", * "creationTime": 1461000167903, * "size": 512 * } * ], * "mtime": 1461000173723, * "fileType": "DIR", * "creationTime": 1459949700167, * "size": 512 * } */ @GET @Path("{value : .*}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public JsonFileAttributes getFileAttributes(@PathParam("value") String value, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("children") boolean isList, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("locality") boolean isLocality) throws CacheException { JsonFileAttributes fileAttributes = new JsonFileAttributes(); Set<FileAttribute> attributes = EnumSet.allOf(FileAttribute.class); PnfsHandler handler = ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getPnfsHandler(ctx); PathMapper pathMapper = ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getPathMapper(ctx); FsPath path = pathMapper.asDcachePath(request, value); try { FileAttributes namespaceAttrributes = handler.getFileAttributes(path, attributes); chimeraToJsonAttributes(fileAttributes, namespaceAttrributes, isLocality); // fill children list id it's a directory and listing is requested if (namespaceAttrributes.getFileType() == FileType.DIR && isList) { List<JsonFileAttributes> children = new ArrayList<>(); ListDirectoryHandler listDirectoryHandler = ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getListDirectoryHandler(ctx); DirectoryStream stream = listDirectoryHandler.list( ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getSubject(), ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getRestriction(), path, null, Range.<Integer>all(), attributes); for (DirectoryEntry entry : stream) { String fName = entry.getName(); JsonFileAttributes childrenAttributes = new JsonFileAttributes(); chimeraToJsonAttributes(childrenAttributes, entry.getFileAttributes(), isLocality); childrenAttributes.setFileName(fName); children.add(childrenAttributes); } fileAttributes.setChildren(children); } } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { throw new NotFoundException(e); } catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) { if (Subjects.isNobody(ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getSubject())) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(e); } else { throw new ForbiddenException(e); } } catch (CacheException | InterruptedException ex) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(ex); } return fileAttributes; } @POST @Path("{value : .*}") @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response cmrResources (@PathParam("value") String path, String requestPayload) { JSONObject reqPayload = new JSONObject(requestPayload); String action = (String) reqPayload.get("action"); PnfsHandler handler = ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getPnfsHandler(ctx); try { switch (action) { case "mkdir": String folderName = (String) reqPayload.get("name"); checkArgument(!folderName.contains("/"), "The folderName cannot contain forward slash."); checkArgument(!folderName.isEmpty(), "The folderName cannot be empty."); String newPath; if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { newPath = "/" + folderName; } else { newPath = "/" + path + "/" + folderName; } handler.createPnfsDirectory(newPath); break; case "mv": String dest = (String) reqPayload.get("destination"); FsPath source = FsPath.ROOT.resolve(path); FsPath target = source.parent().resolve(dest); handler.renameEntry(source.toString(), target.toString(), true); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("The request body must contain the action to be perform. " + "See the documentation for details."); } } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { throw new NotFoundException(e); } catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) { if (Subjects.isNobody(ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getSubject())) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(e); } else { throw new ForbiddenException(e); } } catch (JSONException | IllegalArgumentException | CacheException e) { throw new BadRequestException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(e); } return successfulResponse(Response.Status.CREATED); } @DELETE @Path("{value : .*}") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response deleteFileEntry(@PathParam("value") String value) throws CacheException { PnfsHandler handler = ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getPnfsHandler(ctx); PathMapper pathMapper = ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getPathMapper(ctx); FsPath path = pathMapper.asDcachePath(request, value); try { handler.deletePnfsEntry(path.toString(), EnumSet.of(FileType.REGULAR)); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { throw new NotFoundException(e); } catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) { if (Subjects.isNobody(ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getSubject())) { throw new NotAuthorizedException(e); } else { throw new ForbiddenException(e); } } catch (JSONException | IllegalArgumentException | CacheException e) { throw new BadRequestException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(e); } return successfulResponse(Response.Status.OK); } /** * Map returned fileAttributes to JsonFileAttributes object. * * @param fileAttributes will be mapped to the FileAttributes * @param namespaceAttrributes FileAttributes returned by the request * @param isLocality used to check weather user queried locality to the file */ private void chimeraToJsonAttributes(JsonFileAttributes fileAttributes, FileAttributes namespaceAttrributes, boolean isLocality) throws CacheException { fileAttributes.setMtime(namespaceAttrributes.getModificationTime()); fileAttributes.setCreationTime(namespaceAttrributes.getCreationTime()); fileAttributes.setSize(namespaceAttrributes.getSize()); fileAttributes.setFileType(namespaceAttrributes.getFileType()); // when user set locality param. in the request, the locality should be returned only for directories if (isLocality && namespaceAttrributes.getFileType() != FileType.DIR) { String client = request.getRemoteHost(); RemotePoolMonitor remotePoolMonitor = ServletContextHandlerAttributes.getRemotePoolMonitor(ctx); FileLocality fileLocality = remotePoolMonitor.getFileLocality(namespaceAttrributes, client); fileAttributes.setFileLocality(fileLocality); } } }