package com.aionemu.packetsamurai.logrepo; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import com.aionemu.packetsamurai.PacketSamurai; import com.aionemu.packetsamurai.logreaders.AbstractLogReader; import com.aionemu.packetsamurai.session.Session; /** * * @author Gilles Duboscq * */ public class LogFile { private String _name; private long _size; private String _format; private boolean _existsLocally; private boolean _existsRemotely; private File _file; private Session _session; private boolean _headersLoaded = false; private boolean _fullyLoaded = false; private AbstractLogReader _reader; private String _comments; private long _remoteBitset; private String _remoteServerType; private String _remoteProtocolName; private long _remoteSessionId; private int _remoteId; private String _remoteUploader; private long _uploadedTime; public LogFile(File file, boolean remote) { this(file.getName(), file.length(), true, remote); _file = file; } public LogFile(String name, long size, boolean local, boolean remote) { _name = name; _size = size; _existsLocally = local; _existsRemotely = remote; _format = _name.substring(_name.lastIndexOf('.')+1); } public boolean ensureLocal() { if(!_existsLocally && _existsRemotely) { RemoteLogRepositoryBackend.getInstance().downLoadFile(this); } else if(!_existsRemotely && !_existsLocally) { throw new IllegalStateException("This LogFile("+_name+") doesnt exist (neither locally or remotely"); } return _existsLocally; } public boolean ensureRemote() { if(_existsLocally && !_existsRemotely) { RemoteLogRepositoryBackend.getInstance().upLoadFile(this); } else if(!_existsRemotely && !_existsLocally) { throw new IllegalStateException("This LogFile("+_name+") doesnt exist (neither locally or remotely"); } return _existsRemotely; } public void setFile(File file) { _file = file; } public void setLocal(boolean val) { if (_file == null) throw new IllegalStateException("In order to make a logFile local one must first associate it with an local file"); _existsLocally = val; } public boolean isLocal() { return _existsLocally; } public void setRemote(boolean val) { _existsRemotely = val; } public boolean isRemote() { return _existsRemotely; } public File getFile() { if(!_existsLocally) { throw new IllegalStateException("This LogFile is not local can not call getFile on it"); } else if(_file == null) { _file = new File(LogRepository.getInstance().getLogsDir(), _name); } return _file; } public void loadHeaders() { if(!this.isLocal()) throw new IllegalStateException("You can not load the headers of a remote-only file"); if(this.areHeadersLoaded()) return; _reader = AbstractLogReader.getLogReaderForFile(_file.getAbsolutePath()); if(!_reader.supportsHeaderReading()) { PacketSamurai.getUserInterface().log("We cant read headers from a file that doesnt support header reading"); } try { _reader.parseHeader(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return; } Iterator<Session> iter = _reader.getSessions().iterator(); _session = iter.hasNext() ? : null; _headersLoaded = true; } public void loadFully() { if(this.areHeadersLoaded()) loadHeaders(); // this will throw the appropriate exception if the file is only remote try { _reader.parsePackets(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } _fullyLoaded = true; } public String getFormat() { return _format; } public String getName() { return _name; } public long getSize() { return _size; } public Session getSession() { return _session; } public boolean areHeadersLoaded() { return _headersLoaded; } public boolean isFullyLoaded() { return _fullyLoaded; } public void unLoadSessionPackets() { if(!this.isFullyLoaded()) return; _fullyLoaded = false; _session.unloadPackets(); } public void checkRemote() { } public String getComments() { return _comments == null ? "" : _comments; } public long getAnalyserBitSet() { if(this.isLocal()) { this.loadHeaders(); return this.getSession().getAnalyserBitSet(); } else if(this.isRemote()) // we never know... { return _remoteBitset; } return 0; } public String getServerType() { if (this.isLocal()) { this.loadHeaders(); return this.getSession().getServerType(); } else if (this.isRemote()) // we never know... { return _remoteServerType; } return null; //ZOMG! } public String getProtocolName() { if(this.isLocal()) { this.loadHeaders(); return this.getSession().getProtocol().getName(); } else if(this.isRemote()) // we never know... { return _remoteProtocolName; } return null; //ZOMG! } public void setRemoteUploader(String remoteUploader) { _remoteUploader = remoteUploader; } public String getRemoteUploader() { if (this.isRemote()) { return _remoteUploader; } return ""; } public void setUploadedTime(long timestamp) { _uploadedTime = timestamp; } public long getUploadedTime() { return _uploadedTime; } public long getSessionId() { if(this.isLocal()) { this.loadHeaders(); return this.getSession().getSessionId(); } else if(this.isRemote()) // we never know... { return _remoteSessionId; } return 0; } public void setComments(String comments) { _comments = comments; } public void setRemoteId(int id) { _remoteId = id; } public int getRemoteId() { return _remoteId; } public void setRemoteAnalyserBits(long bits) { if(!this.isRemote()) PacketSamurai.getUserInterface().log("We are setting a remote property on a non-remote file. Things are going wrong..."); _remoteBitset = bits; } public void setRemoteServertype(String type) { if(!this.isRemote()) PacketSamurai.getUserInterface().log("We are setting a remote property on a non-remote file. Things are going wrong..."); _remoteServerType = type; } public void setRemoteProtocolName(String name) { if(!this.isRemote()) PacketSamurai.getUserInterface().log("We are setting a remote property on a non-remote file. Things are going wrong..."); _remoteProtocolName = name; } public void setRemoteSessionId(long id) { if(!this.isRemote()) PacketSamurai.getUserInterface().log("We are setting a remote property on a non-remote file. Things are going wrong..."); _remoteSessionId = id; } }