package edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent; import java.util.Random; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * Test of MulticoreWrapper. * * @author Spence Green * */ public class MulticoreWrapperTest extends TestCase { private MulticoreWrapper<Integer,Integer> wrapper; private int nThreads; public void setUp() { // Automagically detect the number of cores nThreads = -1; } public void testSynchronization() { wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper<Integer,Integer>(nThreads, new DelayedIdentityFunction()); int lastReturned = 0; final int nItems = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) { wrapper.put(i); while(wrapper.peek()) { int result = wrapper.poll(); System.err.printf("Result: %d%n", result); assertEquals(result,lastReturned++); } } wrapper.join(); while(wrapper.peek()) { int result = wrapper.poll(); System.err.printf("Result2: %d%n", result); assertEquals(result,lastReturned++); } } public void testUnsynchronized() { wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper<Integer,Integer>(nThreads, new DelayedIdentityFunction(), false); int nReturned = 0; final int nItems = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < nItems; ++i) { wrapper.put(i); while(wrapper.peek()) { int result = wrapper.poll(); System.err.printf("Result: %d%n", result); nReturned++; } } wrapper.join(); while(wrapper.peek()) { int result = wrapper.poll(); System.err.printf("Result2: %d%n", result); nReturned++; } assertEquals(nItems, nReturned); } /** * Sleeps for some random interval up to 3ms, then returns the input id. * * @author Spence Green * */ private static class DelayedIdentityFunction implements ThreadsafeProcessor<Integer,Integer> { // This class is not necessarily threadsafe // // // // In Java 7, you can use ThreadLocalRandom: // // private final Random random = new Random(); private static final int MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 3; @Override public Integer process(Integer input) { int sleepTime = nextSleepTime(); try { Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} return input; } private synchronized int nextSleepTime() { return random.nextInt(MAX_SLEEP_TIME); } @Override public ThreadsafeProcessor<Integer, Integer> newInstance() { return this; } } }