package edu.stanford.nlp.util; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArgumentParser.Option; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import; /** To query Google Ngrams counts from SQL in a memory efficient manner. * To get count of a phrase, use GoogleNGramsSQLBacked.getCount(phrase). Set this class options using * Execution.fillOptions(GoogleNGramsSQLBacked.class, props); * Created by Sonal Gupta */ public class GoogleNGramsSQLBacked { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(GoogleNGramsSQLBacked.class); @Option(name="populateTables") static boolean populateTables = false; @Option(name="ngramsToPopulate") static Set<Integer> ngramsToPopulate = null; @Option(name="dataDir") static String dataDir ="/u/nlp/scr/data/google-ngrams/data"; @Option(name="googleNgram_hostname", gloss="where psql is located.") static String googleNgram_hostname = "jonsson"; @Option(name="googleNgram_dbname", gloss="the database name") static String googleNgram_dbname; @Option(name="googleNgram_username") static String googleNgram_username="nlp"; @Option(name="tablenamePrefix") static String tablenamePrefix ="googlengrams_"; @Option(name="escapetag") static String escapetag = "tag"; static Set<String> existingTablenames = null; static Connection connection = null; private static String DBName; static void connect () throws SQLException{ if(connection == null) { assert googleNgram_dbname != null : "set googleNgram_dbname variable through the properties file"; connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:postgresql://" + googleNgram_hostname + "/" + googleNgram_dbname, googleNgram_username, ""); } } static String escapeString(String str){ return "$"+escapetag+"$"+ str + "$"+escapetag+"$" ; } public static boolean existsTable(String tablename) throws SQLException { if(existingTablenames == null){ existingTablenames = new HashSet<>(); DatabaseMetaData md = connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = md.getTables(null, null, "%", null); while ( { existingTablenames.add(rs.getString(3).toLowerCase()); } } return (existingTablenames.contains(tablename.toLowerCase())); } /** * Queries the SQL tables for the count of the phrase. * Returns -1 if the phrase doesn't exist * @param str : phrase * @return : count, if exists. -1 if not. * @throws SQLException */ public static long getCount(String str) { String query = null; try{ connect(); str = str.trim(); if(str.contains("'")){ str = StringUtils.escapeString(str, new char[]{'\''},'\''); } int ngram = str.split("\\s+").length; String table = tablenamePrefix + ngram; if(!existsTable(table)) return -1; String phrase = escapeString(str); query = "select count from " + table + " where phrase='" + phrase+"';"; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(query); if({ return result.getLong("count"); }else return -1; }catch(SQLException e){"Error getting count for " + str+ ". The query was " + query); e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static List<Pair<String, Long>> getCounts(Collection<String> strs) throws SQLException { connect(); List<Pair<String, Long>> counts = new ArrayList<>(); String query = ""; for(String str: strs) { str = str.trim(); int ngram = str.split("\\s+").length; String table = tablenamePrefix + ngram; if (!existsTable(table)){ counts.add(new Pair(str, (long) -1)); continue; } String phrase = escapeString(str); query += "select count from " + table + " where phrase='" + phrase + "';"; } if(query.isEmpty()) return counts; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); boolean isresult = stmt.execute(); ResultSet rs; Iterator<String> iter = strs.iterator(); do { rs = stmt.getResultSet(); String ph =; if ( { counts.add(new Pair(ph, rs.getLong("count"))); } else counts.add(new Pair(ph, (long) -1)); isresult = stmt.getMoreResults(); } while (isresult); assert(counts.size() == strs.size()); return counts; } //Adding google ngrams to the tables for the first time public static void populateTablesInSQL(String dir, Collection<Integer> typesOfPhrases) throws SQLException{ connect(); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); for(Integer n: typesOfPhrases) { String table = tablenamePrefix + n; if(!existsTable(table)) throw new RuntimeException("Table " + table + " does not exist in the database! Run the following commands in the psql prompt:" + "create table GoogleNgrams_<NGRAM> (phrase text primary key not null, count bigint not null); create index phrase_<NGRAM> on GoogleNgrams_<NGRAM>(phrase);"); for(String line: IOUtils.readLines(new File(dir + "/" + n + "gms/vocab_cs.gz"), GZIPInputStream.class)){ String[] tok = line.split("\t"); String q = "INSERT INTO " + table + " (phrase, count) VALUES (" + escapeString(tok[0]) +" , " + tok[1]+");"; stmt.execute(q); } } } /** Note that this is really really slow for ngram > 1 * TODO: make this fast (if we had been using mysql we could have) * **/ static public int getTotalCount(int ngram){ try{ connect(); Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); String table = tablenamePrefix + ngram; String q = "select count(*) from " + table+";"; ResultSet s = stmt.executeQuery(q); if({ return s.getInt(1); } else throw new RuntimeException("getting table count is not working!"); } catch(SQLException e){ throw new RuntimeException("getting table count is not working! " + e); } } //return rank of 1 gram in google ngeams if it is less than 20k. Otherwise -1. public static int get1GramRank(String str){ String query = null; try{ connect(); str = str.trim(); if(str.contains("'")){ str = StringUtils.escapeString(str, new char[]{'\''},'\''); } int ngram = str.split("\\s+").length; if(ngram > 1) return -1; String table = "googlengrams_1_ranked20k"; if(!existsTable(table)) return -1; String phrase = escapeString(str); query = "select rank from " + table + " where phrase='" + phrase+"';"; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery(query); if({ return result.getInt("rank"); }else return -1; }catch(SQLException e){"Error getting count for " + str+ ". The query was " + query); e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static public void closeConnection() throws SQLException { if(connection != null) connection.close(); connection = null; } public static void main(String[] args){ try{ Properties props = StringUtils.argsToPropertiesWithResolve(args); ArgumentParser.fillOptions(GoogleNGramsSQLBacked.class, props); connect(); //if(populateTables) // populateTablesInSQL(dataDir, ngramsToPopulate); //testing System.out.println("For head,the count is " + getCount("head")); //System.out.println(getCount("what the heck")); //System.out.println(getCount("my name is john")); System.out.println(getCounts(Arrays.asList("cancer","disease"))); System.out.println("Get count 1 gram " + getTotalCount(1)); if(props.getProperty("phrase") != null) { String p = props.getProperty("phrase"); System.out.println("count for phrase " + p + " is " + getCount(p)); } if(props.getProperty("rank") != null){ String p = props.getProperty("rank"); System.out.println("Rank of " + p+ " is " + get1GramRank(p)); } closeConnection(); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void setDBName(String DBName) { googleNgram_dbname = DBName; } }