package; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import*; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.ClassicCounter; import edu.stanford.nlp.stats.Counter; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; public class RelationExtractorResultsPrinter extends ResultsPrinter { protected boolean createUnrelatedRelations; protected final RelationMentionFactory relationMentionFactory; public RelationExtractorResultsPrinter(RelationMentionFactory factory) { this(factory, true); } public RelationExtractorResultsPrinter() { this(new RelationMentionFactory(), true); } public RelationExtractorResultsPrinter(boolean createUnrelatedRelations) { this(new RelationMentionFactory(), createUnrelatedRelations); } public RelationExtractorResultsPrinter(RelationMentionFactory factory, boolean createUnrelatedRelations) { this.createUnrelatedRelations = createUnrelatedRelations; this.relationMentionFactory = factory; } private static final int MAX_LABEL_LENGTH = 31; @Override public void printResults(PrintWriter pw, List<CoreMap> goldStandard, List<CoreMap> extractorOutput) { ResultsPrinter.align(goldStandard, extractorOutput); // the mention factory cannot be null here assert relationMentionFactory != null: "ERROR: RelationExtractorResultsPrinter.relationMentionFactory cannot be null in printResults!"; // Count predicted-actual relation type pairs Counter<Pair<String, String>> results = new ClassicCounter<>(); ClassicCounter<String> labelCount = new ClassicCounter<>(); // TODO: assumes binary relations for (int goldSentenceIndex = 0; goldSentenceIndex < goldStandard.size(); goldSentenceIndex++) { for (RelationMention goldRelation : AnnotationUtils.getAllRelations(relationMentionFactory, goldStandard.get(goldSentenceIndex), createUnrelatedRelations)) { CoreMap extractorSentence = extractorOutput.get(goldSentenceIndex); List<RelationMention> extractorRelations = AnnotationUtils.getRelations(relationMentionFactory, extractorSentence, goldRelation.getArg(0), goldRelation.getArg(1)); labelCount.incrementCount(goldRelation.getType()); for (RelationMention extractorRelation : extractorRelations) { results.incrementCount(new Pair<>(extractorRelation.getType(), goldRelation.getType())); } } } printResultsInternal(pw, results, labelCount); } private void printResultsInternal(PrintWriter pw, Counter<Pair<String, String>> results, ClassicCounter<String> labelCount) { ClassicCounter<String> correct = new ClassicCounter<>(); ClassicCounter<String> predictionCount = new ClassicCounter<>(); boolean countGoldLabels = false; if (labelCount == null) { labelCount = new ClassicCounter<>(); countGoldLabels = true; } for (Pair<String, String> predictedActual : results.keySet()) { String predicted = predictedActual.first; String actual = predictedActual.second; if (predicted.equals(actual)) { correct.incrementCount(actual, results.getCount(predictedActual)); } predictionCount.incrementCount(predicted, results.getCount(predictedActual)); if (countGoldLabels) { labelCount.incrementCount(actual, results.getCount(predictedActual)); } } DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(); formatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); formatter.setMinimumFractionDigits(1); double totalCount = 0; double totalCorrect = 0; double totalPredicted = 0; pw.println("Label\tCorrect\tPredict\tActual\tPrecn\tRecall\tF"); List<String> labels = new ArrayList<>(labelCount.keySet()); Collections.sort(labels); for (String label : labels) { double numcorrect = correct.getCount(label); double predicted = predictionCount.getCount(label); double trueCount = labelCount.getCount(label); double precision = (predicted > 0) ? (numcorrect / predicted) : 0; double recall = numcorrect / trueCount; double f = (precision + recall > 0) ? 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) : 0.0; pw.println(StringUtils.padOrTrim(label, MAX_LABEL_LENGTH) + "\t" + numcorrect + "\t" + predicted + "\t" + trueCount + "\t" + formatter.format(precision * 100) + "\t" + formatter.format(100 * recall) + "\t" + formatter.format(100 * f)); if (!RelationMention.isUnrelatedLabel(label)) { totalCount += trueCount; totalCorrect += numcorrect; totalPredicted += predicted; } } double precision = (totalPredicted > 0) ? (totalCorrect / totalPredicted) : 0; double recall = totalCorrect / totalCount; double f = (totalPredicted > 0 && totalCorrect > 0) ? 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) : 0.0; pw.println("Total\t" + totalCorrect + "\t" + totalPredicted + "\t" + totalCount + "\t" + formatter.format(100 * precision) + "\t" + formatter.format(100 * recall) + "\t" + formatter.format(100 * f)); } public void printResultsUsingLabels(PrintWriter pw, List<String> goldStandard, List<String> extractorOutput) { // Count predicted-actual relation type pairs Counter<Pair<String, String>> results = new ClassicCounter<>(); assert(goldStandard.size() == extractorOutput.size()); for(int i = 0; i < goldStandard.size(); i ++) results.incrementCount(new Pair<>(extractorOutput.get(i), goldStandard.get(i))); printResultsInternal(pw, results, null); } }