package edu.stanford.nlp.coref.hybrid; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefAlgorithm; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefPrinter; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefProperties; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefScorer; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.CorefUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.hybrid.sieve.Sieve; import edu.stanford.nlp.coref.hybrid.sieve.Sieve.ClassifierType; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.MulticoreWrapper; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.concurrent.ThreadsafeProcessor; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.RedwoodConfiguration; public class HybridCorefSystem implements CorefAlgorithm { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(HybridCorefSystem.class); public Properties props; public List<Sieve> sieves; public Dictionaries dictionaries; public DocumentMaker docMaker = null; public HybridCorefSystem(Properties props, Dictionaries dictionaries) throws Exception { this.props = props; this.dictionaries = dictionaries; sieves = Sieve.loadSieves(props); // set semantics loading for(Sieve sieve : sieves) { if(sieve.classifierType == ClassifierType.RULE) continue; if(HybridCorefProperties.useWordEmbedding(props, sieve.sievename)) { props.setProperty(HybridCorefProperties.LOAD_WORD_EMBEDDING_PROP, "true"); } } } public HybridCorefSystem(Properties props) throws Exception { this.props = props; sieves = Sieve.loadSieves(props); // set semantics loading for(Sieve sieve : sieves) { if(sieve.classifierType == ClassifierType.RULE) continue; if(HybridCorefProperties.useWordEmbedding(props, sieve.sievename)) { props.setProperty(HybridCorefProperties.LOAD_WORD_EMBEDDING_PROP, "true"); } } dictionaries = new Dictionaries(props); docMaker = new DocumentMaker(props, dictionaries); } public Dictionaries dictionaries() { return dictionaries; } public static void runCoref(String[] args) throws Exception { runCoref(StringUtils.argsToProperties(args)); } public static void runCoref(Properties props) throws Exception { /* * property, environment setting */ Redwood.hideChannelsEverywhere( "debug-cluster", "debug-mention", "debug-preprocessor", "debug-docreader", "debug-mergethres", "debug-featureselection", "debug-md" ); int nThreads = HybridCorefProperties.getThreadCounts(props); String timeStamp = Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString().replaceAll("\\s", "-").replaceAll(":", "-"); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HybridCorefSystem.class.getName()); // set log file path if(props.containsKey(HybridCorefProperties.LOG_PROP)){ File logFile = new File(props.getProperty(HybridCorefProperties.LOG_PROP)); RedwoodConfiguration.current().handlers( RedwoodConfiguration.Handlers.file(logFile)).apply(); Redwood.log("Starting coref log"); }; if(HybridCorefProperties.checkMemory(props)) checkMemoryUsage(); HybridCorefSystem cs = new HybridCorefSystem(props); /* output setting */ // prepare conll output String goldOutput = null; String beforeCorefOutput = null; String afterCorefOutput = null; PrintWriter writerGold = null; PrintWriter writerBeforeCoref = null; PrintWriter writerAfterCoref = null; if (HybridCorefProperties.doScore(props)) { String pathOutput = CorefProperties.conllOutputPath(props); (new File(pathOutput)).mkdir(); goldOutput = pathOutput + "output-" + timeStamp + ".gold.txt"; beforeCorefOutput = pathOutput + "output-" + timeStamp + ".predicted.txt"; afterCorefOutput = pathOutput + "output-" + timeStamp + ".coref.predicted.txt"; writerGold = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(goldOutput)); writerBeforeCoref = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(beforeCorefOutput)); writerAfterCoref = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(afterCorefOutput)); } // run coref MulticoreWrapper<Pair<Document, HybridCorefSystem>, StringBuilder[]> wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper<>( nThreads, new ThreadsafeProcessor<Pair<Document, HybridCorefSystem>, StringBuilder[]>() { @Override public StringBuilder[] process(Pair<Document, HybridCorefSystem> input) { try { Document document = input.first; HybridCorefSystem cs = input.second; StringBuilder[] outputs = new StringBuilder[4]; // conll output and logs cs.coref(document, outputs); return outputs; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public ThreadsafeProcessor<Pair<Document, HybridCorefSystem>, StringBuilder[]> newInstance() { return this; } }); Date startTime = null; if(HybridCorefProperties.checkTime(props)) { startTime = new Date(); System.err.printf("END-TO-END COREF Start time: %s\n", startTime); } // run processes int docCnt = 0; while (true) { Document document = cs.docMaker.nextDoc(); if (document == null) break; wrapper.put(Pair.makePair(document, cs)); docCnt = logOutput(wrapper, writerGold, writerBeforeCoref, writerAfterCoref, docCnt); } // Finished reading the input. Wait for jobs to finish wrapper.join(); docCnt = logOutput(wrapper, writerGold, writerBeforeCoref, writerAfterCoref, docCnt); IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(writerGold); IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(writerBeforeCoref); IOUtils.closeIgnoringExceptions(writerAfterCoref); if(HybridCorefProperties.checkTime(props)) { System.err.printf("END-TO-END COREF Elapsed time: %.3f seconds\n", (((new Date()).getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000F)); // System.err.printf("CORENLP PROCESS TIME TOTAL: %.3f seconds\n", cs.mentionExtractor.corenlpProcessTime); } if(HybridCorefProperties.checkMemory(props)) checkMemoryUsage(); // scoring if (HybridCorefProperties.doScore(props)) { String summary = CorefScorer.getEvalSummary(CorefProperties.getScorerPath(props), goldOutput, beforeCorefOutput); CorefScorer.printScoreSummary(summary, logger, false); summary = CorefScorer.getEvalSummary(CorefProperties.getScorerPath(props), goldOutput, afterCorefOutput); CorefScorer.printScoreSummary(summary, logger, true); CorefScorer.printFinalConllScore(summary); } } /** * Write output of coref system in conll format, and log. */ private static int logOutput(MulticoreWrapper<Pair<Document, HybridCorefSystem>, StringBuilder[]> wrapper, PrintWriter writerGold, PrintWriter writerBeforeCoref, PrintWriter writerAfterCoref, int docCnt) { while (wrapper.peek()) { StringBuilder[] output = wrapper.poll(); writerGold.print(output[0]); writerBeforeCoref.print(output[1]); writerAfterCoref.print(output[2]); if (output[3].length() > 0) {[3]); } if ((++docCnt) % 10 == 0) + " document(s) processed"); } return docCnt; } @Override public void runCoref(Document document) { try { coref(document); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error running hybrid coref system", e); } } /** * main entry of coreference system. * * @param document Input document for coref format (Annotation and optional information) * @param output For output of coref system (conll format and log. list size should be 4.) * @return Map of coref chain ID and corresponding chain * @throws Exception */ public Map<Integer, CorefChain> coref(Document document, StringBuilder[] output) throws Exception { if(HybridCorefProperties.printMDLog(props)) { Redwood.log(HybridCorefPrinter.printMentionDetectionLog(document)); } if(HybridCorefProperties.doScore(props)) { output[0] = (new StringBuilder()).append(CorefPrinter.printConllOutput(document, true)); // gold output[1] = (new StringBuilder()).append(CorefPrinter.printConllOutput(document, false)); // before coref } output[3] = new StringBuilder(); // log from sieves for(Sieve sieve : sieves){ CorefUtils.checkForInterrupt(); output[3].append(sieve.resolveMention(document, dictionaries, props)); } // post processing if(HybridCorefProperties.doPostProcessing(props)) postProcessing(document); if(HybridCorefProperties.doScore(props)) { output[2] = (new StringBuilder()).append(CorefPrinter.printConllOutput(document, false, true)); // after coref } return makeCorefOutput(document); } /** * main entry of coreference system. * * @param document Input document for coref format (Annotation and optional information) * @return Map of coref chain ID and corresponding chain * @throws Exception */ public Map<Integer, CorefChain> coref(Document document) throws Exception { return coref(document, new StringBuilder[4]); } /** * main entry of coreference system. * * @param anno Input annotation. * @return Map of coref chain ID and corresponding chain * @throws Exception */ public Map<Integer, CorefChain> coref(Annotation anno) throws Exception { return coref(docMaker.makeDocument(anno)); } /** Extract final coreference output from coreference document format. */ private static Map<Integer, CorefChain> makeCorefOutput(Document document) { Map<Integer, CorefChain> result = Generics.newHashMap(); for(CorefCluster c : document.corefClusters.values()) { result.put(c.clusterID, new CorefChain(c, document.positions)); } return result; } /** Remove singletons, appositive, predicate nominatives, relative pronouns. */ private static void postProcessing(Document document) { Set<Mention> removeSet = Generics.newHashSet(); Set<Integer> removeClusterSet = Generics.newHashSet(); for(CorefCluster c : document.corefClusters.values()){ Set<Mention> removeMentions = Generics.newHashSet(); for(Mention m : c.getCorefMentions()) { if(HybridCorefProperties.REMOVE_APPOSITION_PREDICATENOMINATIVES && ((m.appositions!=null && m.appositions.size() > 0) || (m.predicateNominatives!=null && m.predicateNominatives.size() > 0) || (m.relativePronouns!=null && m.relativePronouns.size() > 0))){ removeMentions.add(m); removeSet.add(m); m.corefClusterID = m.mentionID; } } c.corefMentions.removeAll(removeMentions); if(HybridCorefProperties.REMOVE_SINGLETONS && c.getCorefMentions().size()==1) { removeClusterSet.add(c.clusterID); } } for (int removeId : removeClusterSet){ document.corefClusters.remove(removeId); } for(Mention m : removeSet){ document.positions.remove(m); } } private static void checkMemoryUsage() { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); runtime.gc(); long memory = runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory();"USED MEMORY (bytes): " + memory); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Date startTime = new Date(); System.err.printf("Start time: %s\n", startTime); runCoref(args); System.err.printf("Elapsed time: %.3f seconds\n", (((new Date()).getTime() - startTime.getTime()) / 1000F)); } }