package; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import java.util.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeNormalizer; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreebankLanguagePack; import java.util.function.Predicate; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; /** * Tree normalizer for Negra Penn Treebank format. * * @author Roger Levy */ public class NegraPennTreeNormalizer extends TreeNormalizer { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(NegraPennTreeNormalizer.class); /** How to clean up node labels: 0 = do nothing, 1 = keep category and * function, 2 = just category */ private final int nodeCleanup; private static final String nonUnaryRoot = "NUR"; // non-unary root protected final TreebankLanguagePack tlp; private boolean insertNPinPP = false; private final Predicate<Tree> emptyFilter; private final Predicate<Tree> aOverAFilter; public NegraPennTreeNormalizer() { this(new NegraPennLanguagePack()); } public NegraPennTreeNormalizer(TreebankLanguagePack tlp) { this(tlp, 0); } public NegraPennTreeNormalizer(TreebankLanguagePack tlp, int nodeCleanup) { this.tlp = tlp; this.nodeCleanup = nodeCleanup; emptyFilter = new Predicate<Tree>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -606371737889816130L; public boolean test(Tree t) { Tree[] kids = t.children(); Label l = t.label(); if ((l != null) && l.value() != null && (l.value().matches("^\\*T.*$")) && !t.isLeaf() && kids.length == 1 && kids[0].isLeaf()) return false; return true; } }; aOverAFilter = new Predicate<Tree>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -606371737889816130L; public boolean test(Tree t) { if (t.isLeaf() || t.isPreTerminal() || t.children().length != 1) return true; if (t.label() != null && t.label().equals(t.children()[0].label())) return false; return true; } }; } public String rootSymbol() { return tlp.startSymbol(); } public String nonUnaryRootSymbol() { return nonUnaryRoot; } public void setInsertNPinPP(boolean b) { insertNPinPP = b; } public boolean getInsertNPinPP() { return insertNPinPP; } /** * Normalizes a leaf contents. * This implementation interns the leaf. */ @Override public String normalizeTerminal(String leaf) { return leaf.intern(); } private static final String junkCPP = "---CJ"; private static final String cpp = "CPP"; /** * Normalizes a nonterminal contents. * This implementation strips functional tags, etc. and interns the * nonterminal. */ @Override public String normalizeNonterminal(String category) { if (junkCPP.equals(category)) // one garbage category cleanup here. category = cpp; //Accommodate the null root nodes in Negra/Tiger trees category = cleanUpLabel(category); return (category == null) ? null : category.intern(); } private Tree fixNonUnaryRoot(Tree t, TreeFactory tf) { List<Tree> kids = t.getChildrenAsList(); if(kids.size() == 2 && t.firstChild().isPhrasal() && tlp.isSentenceFinalPunctuationTag(t.lastChild().value())) { List<Tree> grandKids = t.firstChild().getChildrenAsList(); grandKids.add(t.lastChild()); t.firstChild().setChildren(grandKids); kids.remove(kids.size() - 1); t.setChildren(kids); t.setValue(tlp.startSymbol()); } else { t.setValue(nonUnaryRoot); t = tf.newTreeNode(tlp.startSymbol(), Collections.singletonList(t)); } return t; } /** * Normalize a whole tree -- one can assume that this is the * root. This implementation deletes empty elements (ones with * nonterminal tag label starting with '*T') from the tree. It * does work for a null tree. */ @Override public Tree normalizeWholeTree(Tree tree, TreeFactory tf) { // add an extra root to non-unary roots if(tree.value() == null) tree = fixNonUnaryRoot(tree, tf); else if(!tree.value().equals(tlp.startSymbol())) tree = tf.newTreeNode(tlp.startSymbol(), Collections.singletonList(tree)); tree = tree.prune(emptyFilter, tf).spliceOut(aOverAFilter, tf); // insert NPs in PPs if you're supposed to do that if (insertNPinPP) { insertNPinPPall(tree); } for(Tree t : tree) { if(t.isLeaf() || t.isPreTerminal()) continue; if(t.value() == null || t.value().equals("")) t.setValue("DUMMY"); // there's also a '--' category if(t.value().matches("--.*")) continue; // fix a bug in the ACL08 German tiger treebank String cat = t.value(); if(cat == null || cat.equals("")) { if (t.numChildren() == 3 && t.firstChild().label().value().equals("NN") && t.getChild(1).label().value().equals("$.")) {"Correcting treebank error: giving phrase label DL to " + t); t.label().setValue("DL"); } } } return tree; } private Set<String> prepositionTags = Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"APPR", "APPRART"})); private Set<String> postpositionTags = Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"APPO", "APZR"})); private void insertNPinPPall(Tree t) { Tree[] kids = t.children(); for (Tree kid : kids) { insertNPinPPall(kid); } insertNPinPP(t); } private void insertNPinPP(Tree t) { if (tlp.basicCategory(t.label().value()).equals("PP")) { Tree[] kids = t.children(); int i = 0; int j = kids.length - 1; while (i < j && prepositionTags.contains(tlp.basicCategory(kids[i].label().value()))) { i++; } // i now indexes first dtr of new NP while (i < j && postpositionTags.contains(tlp.basicCategory(kids[j].label().value()))) { j--; } // j now indexes last dtr of new NP if (i > j) {"##### Warning -- no NP material here!"); return; // there is no NP material! } int npKidsLength = j - i + 1; Tree[] npKids = new Tree[npKidsLength]; System.arraycopy(kids, i, npKids, 0, npKidsLength); Tree np = t.treeFactory().newTreeNode(t.label().labelFactory().newLabel("NP"), Arrays.asList(npKids)); Tree[] newPPkids = new Tree[kids.length - npKidsLength + 1]; System.arraycopy(kids, 0, newPPkids, 0, i + 1); newPPkids[i] = np; System.arraycopy(kids, j + 1, newPPkids, i + 1, kids.length - j - 1); t.setChildren(newPPkids); System.out.println("#### inserted NP in PP"); t.pennPrint(); } } /** * Remove things like hyphened functional tags and equals from the * end of a node label. */ protected String cleanUpLabel(String label) { if (nodeCleanup == 1) { return tlp.categoryAndFunction(label); } else if (nodeCleanup == 2) { return tlp.basicCategory(label); } return label; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 8529514903815041064L; }