package; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; import*; import java.util.Properties; import; import; /** * Tests several operations on the NERServer. * <br> * First, it tests that you can start a server without something * horrible happening. * <br> * Then it tests that you can send it a simple query and get the * correct result. This result could change, breaking the test, but * it's a pretty simple query that should work. * <br> * Then it tests that if the server goes wrong somehow, the client * doesn't blow up or hang. * <br> * Finally, it tests that two clients accessing the server in multiple * threads get the same results, ie testing the server is thread safe. * <br> * @author John Bauer */ public class NERServerITest extends TestCase { private static CRFClassifier crf = null; private static final String englishCRFPath = "/u/nlp/data/ner/goodClassifiers/english.all.3class.nodistsim.crf.ser.gz"; private static final String englishTestFile = "/u/nlp/data/ner/column_data/conll.testa"; private static String loadedQueryFile = null; private static final String CHARSET = "UTF-8"; private static final String QUERY = "John Bauer was born in New Jersey"; private static final String EXPECTED_ANSWER = "John/PERSON Bauer/PERSON was/O born/O in/O New/LOCATION Jersey/LOCATION"; public Thread startNERServer(int port, AbstractSequenceClassifier classifier, String charset, boolean daemon) throws IOException { final NERServer server = new NERServer(port, classifier, charset); Thread thread = new Thread() { public void run() {; } }; thread.setDaemon(daemon); thread.start(); return thread; } public void setUp() throws IOException { if (crf == null) { synchronized(NERServerITest.class) { if (crf == null) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("outputFormat", "slashTags"); crf = new CRFClassifier(props); crf.loadClassifierNoExceptions(englishCRFPath, props); } } } if (loadedQueryFile == null) { synchronized(NERServerITest.class) { if (loadedQueryFile == null) { BufferedReader br = IOUtils.readerFromString(englishTestFile); String line; StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder allQueries = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.length() == 0) { if (query.length() > 0) { allQueries.append(query.toString()); allQueries.append("\n"); query = new StringBuilder(); } continue; } String queryWord = line.split("\\s+")[0]; if (query.length() > 0) { query.append(" "); } query.append(queryWord); } loadedQueryFile = allQueries.toString(); } } } } public void testStartServer() throws IOException { int port = Ports.findAvailable(2000, 10000); System.err.println("testStartServer: starting on port " + port); startNERServer(port, crf, CHARSET, true); } public void testQueryServer() throws IOException { int port = Ports.findAvailable(2000, 10000); System.err.println("testQueryServer: starting on port " + port); startNERServer(port, crf, CHARSET, true); StringReader sin = new StringReader(QUERY); BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(sin); StringWriter sout = new StringWriter(); BufferedWriter bout = new BufferedWriter(sout); NERServer.NERClient.communicateWithNERServer("localhost", port, CHARSET, bin, bout, false); bout.flush(); assertEquals(EXPECTED_ANSWER, sout.toString().trim()); } /** * This test would hang forever for some various kinds of bugs in * the server/client read/write code */ public void testServerDoesntHang() throws IOException { int port = Ports.findAvailable(2000, 10000); System.err.println("testServerDoesntHang: starting on port " + port); startNERServer(port, null, CHARSET, true); StringReader sin = new StringReader(QUERY); BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(sin); StringWriter sout = new StringWriter(); BufferedWriter bout = new BufferedWriter(sout); NERServer.NERClient.communicateWithNERServer("localhost", port, CHARSET, bin, bout, false); bout.flush(); assertEquals("", sout.toString().trim()); } public void testThreadedServer() throws IOException, InterruptedException { int port = Ports.findAvailable(2000, 10000); System.err.println("testThreadedServer: starting on port " + port); startNERServer(port, crf, CHARSET, true); StringReader sin = new StringReader(loadedQueryFile); BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(sin); StringWriter sout = new StringWriter(); BufferedWriter bout = new BufferedWriter(sout); NERServer.NERClient.communicateWithNERServer("localhost", port, CHARSET, bin, bout, false); bout.flush(); String results = sout.toString(); // this should happen regardless of the outputs System.out.println("Got first results, length " + results.length()); assertTrue(results.length() >= loadedQueryFile.length()); // rerun the results in case the "transductive learning" of the // NER causes the results to be different the second time through sin = new StringReader(loadedQueryFile); bin = new BufferedReader(sin); sout = new StringWriter(); bout = new BufferedWriter(sout); NERServer.NERClient.communicateWithNERServer("localhost", port, CHARSET, bin, bout, false); bout.flush(); results = sout.toString(); // this should happen regardless of the outputs System.out.println("Reran results, length " + results.length()); assertTrue(results.length() >= loadedQueryFile.length()); NERClientThread t1 = new NERClientThread("localhost", port, CHARSET, loadedQueryFile); NERClientThread t2 = new NERClientThread("localhost", port, CHARSET, loadedQueryFile); t1.start(); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join(); assertEquals(results, t1.results()); System.out.println("Results from simul client 1 matched"); assertEquals(results, t2.results()); System.out.println("Results from simul client 2 matched"); } private class NERClientThread extends Thread { final String host; final int port; final String charset; final String queryText; String results; public NERClientThread(String host, int port, String charset, String queryText) { = host; this.port = port; this.charset = charset; this.queryText = queryText; } public String results() { return results; } public void run() { try { StringReader sin = new StringReader(queryText); BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(sin); StringWriter sout = new StringWriter(); BufferedWriter bout = new BufferedWriter(sout); NERServer.NERClient.communicateWithNERServer(host, port, charset, bin, bout, false); bout.flush(); results = sout.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }