package edu.stanford.nlp.optimization; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.math.ArrayMath; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Timing; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.*; /** * Stochastic Gradient Descent With AdaGrad and FOBOS in batch mode. * Optionally, user can also turn on AdaDelta via option "useAdaDelta" * Similar to SGDMinimizer, regularization is done in the minimizer, not in the objective function. * This version is not efficient for online setting. For online variant, consider implementing * * @author Mengqiu Wang */ public class SGDWithAdaGradAndFOBOS<T extends DiffFunction> implements Minimizer<T>, HasEvaluators { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(SGDWithAdaGradAndFOBOS.class); protected double[] x; protected double initRate; // Initial stochastic iteration count protected double lambda; // when alpha = 1, sg-lasso is just lasso; when alpha = 0, sg-lasso is g-lasso protected double alpha = 1.0; protected boolean quiet = false; private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_PASSES = 50; protected final int numPasses; //-1; protected int bSize = 1; // NOTE: If bSize does not divide evenly into total number of samples, // some samples may get accounted for twice in one pass private static final int DEFAULT_TUNING_SAMPLES = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private static final int DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; private double eps = 1e-3; private double TOL = 1e-4; // fields for approximating Hessian to feed to QN public List<double[]> yList = null; public List<double[]> sList = null; public double[] diag; private int hessSampleSize = -1; private double[] s,y = null; protected Random gen = new Random(1); protected long maxTime = Long.MAX_VALUE; private int evaluateIters = 0; // Evaluate every x iterations (0 = no evaluation) private Evaluator[] evaluators; // separate set of evaluators to check how optimization is going private Prior prior = Prior.LASSO; private boolean useEvalImprovement = false; private boolean useAvgImprovement = false; private boolean suppressTestPrompt = false; private int terminateOnEvalImprovementNumOfEpoch = 1; private double bestEvalSoFar = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; private double[] xBest; private int noImproveItrCount = 0; private boolean useAdaDelta = false; private boolean useAdaDiff = false; private double rho = 0.95; private double[] sumGradSquare; private double[] prevGrad, prevDeltaX; private double[] sumDeltaXSquare; public void setHessSampleSize(int hessSize) { this.hessSampleSize = hessSize; // (TODO) should initialize relevant data structure as well } public void terminateOnEvalImprovement(boolean toTerminate) { useEvalImprovement = toTerminate; } public void terminateOnAvgImprovement(boolean toTerminate, double tolerance) { useAvgImprovement = toTerminate; TOL = tolerance; } public void suppressTestPrompt(boolean suppressTestPrompt) { this.suppressTestPrompt = suppressTestPrompt; } public void setTerminateOnEvalImprovementNumOfEpoch(int terminateOnEvalImprovementNumOfEpoch) { this.terminateOnEvalImprovementNumOfEpoch = terminateOnEvalImprovementNumOfEpoch; } public boolean toContinue(double[] x, double currEval) { if (currEval >= bestEvalSoFar) { bestEvalSoFar = currEval; noImproveItrCount = 0; if (xBest == null) xBest = Arrays.copyOf(x, x.length); else System.arraycopy( x, 0, xBest, 0, x.length ); return true; } else { noImproveItrCount += 1; return noImproveItrCount <= terminateOnEvalImprovementNumOfEpoch; } } public enum Prior { LASSO, RIDGE, GAUSSIAN, aeLASSO, gLASSO, sgLASSO, NONE } private static Prior getPrior(String priorType) { switch (priorType) { case "none": return Prior.NONE; case "lasso": return Prior.LASSO; case "ridge": return Prior.RIDGE; case "gaussian": return Prior.GAUSSIAN; case "ae-lasso": return Prior.aeLASSO; case "g-lasso": return Prior.gLASSO; case "sg-lasso": return Prior.sgLASSO; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("prior type " + priorType + " not recognized; supported priors " + "are: lasso, ridge, gaussian, ae-lasso, g-lasso, and sg-lasso"); } } public SGDWithAdaGradAndFOBOS(double initRate, double lambda, int numPasses) { this(initRate, lambda, numPasses, -1); } public SGDWithAdaGradAndFOBOS(double initRate, double lambda, int numPasses, int batchSize) { this(initRate, lambda, numPasses, batchSize, "lasso", 1.0, false, false, 1e-3, 0.95); } public SGDWithAdaGradAndFOBOS(double initRate, double lambda, int numPasses, int batchSize, String priorType, double alpha, boolean useAdaDelta, boolean useAdaDiff, double adaGradEps, double adaDeltaRho) { this.initRate = initRate; this.prior = getPrior(priorType); this.bSize = batchSize; this.lambda = lambda; this.eps = adaGradEps; this.rho = adaDeltaRho; this.useAdaDelta = useAdaDelta; this.useAdaDiff = useAdaDiff; this.alpha = alpha; if (numPasses >= 0) { this.numPasses = numPasses; } else { this.numPasses = DEFAULT_NUM_PASSES; sayln(" SGDWithAdaGradAndFOBOS: numPasses=" + numPasses + ", defaulting to " + this.numPasses); } } public void shutUp() { this.quiet = true; } private static final NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.000E0"); protected String getName() { return "SGDWithAdaGradAndFOBOS" + bSize + "_lambda" + nf.format(lambda) + "_alpha" + nf.format(alpha); } @Override public void setEvaluators(int iters, Evaluator[] evaluators) { this.evaluateIters = iters; this.evaluators = evaluators; } // really this is the the L2 norm.... private static double getNorm(double[] w) { double norm = 0; for (double aW : w) { norm += aW * aW; } return Math.sqrt(norm); } private double doEvaluation(double[] x) { // Evaluate solution if (evaluators == null) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double score = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (Evaluator eval:evaluators) { if (!suppressTestPrompt) sayln(" Evaluating: " + eval.toString()); double aScore = eval.evaluate(x); if (aScore != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) score = aScore; } return score; } private static double pospart(double number) { return number > 0.0 ? number : 0.0; } /* private void approxHessian(double[] newX) { for(int i = 0; i < x.length; i++){ double thisGain = fixedGain*gainSchedule(k,5*numBatches)/(diag[i]); newX[i] = x[i] - thisGain*grad[i]; } //Get a new pair... say(" A "); if (hessSampleSize > 0 && sList.size() == hessSampleSize || sList.size() == hessSampleSize) { s = sList.remove(0); y = yList.remove(0); } else { s = new double[x.length]; y = new double[x.length]; } s = prevDeltaX; s = ArrayMath.pairwiseSubtract(newX, x); dfunction.recalculatePrevBatch = true; System.arraycopy(dfunction.derivativeAt(newX,bSize),0,y,0,grad.length); ArrayMath.pairwiseSubtractInPlace(y,newGrad); // newY = newY-newGrad double[] comp = new double[x.length]; sList.add(s); yList.add(y); ScaledSGDMinimizer.updateDiagBFGS(diag,s,y); } */ private double computeLearningRate(int index, double grad) { // double eps2 = 1e-12; double currentRate = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double prevG = prevGrad[index]; double gradDiff = grad-prevG; if (useAdaDelta) { double deltaXt = prevDeltaX[index]; sumDeltaXSquare[index] = sumDeltaXSquare[index] * rho + (1-rho) * deltaXt * deltaXt; if (useAdaDiff) { sumGradSquare[index] = sumGradSquare[index] * rho + (1-rho) * (gradDiff) * (gradDiff); } else { sumGradSquare[index] = sumGradSquare[index] * rho + (1-rho) * grad * grad; } // double nominator = initRate; // if (sumDeltaXSquare[index] > 0) { // nominator = Math.sqrt(sumDeltaXSquare[index]+eps); // } // currentRate = nominator / Math.sqrt(sumGradSquare[index]+eps); currentRate = Math.sqrt(sumDeltaXSquare[index]+eps) / Math.sqrt(sumGradSquare[index]+eps); // double deltaXt = currentRate * grad; // sumDeltaXSquare[index] = sumDeltaXSquare[index] * rho + (1-rho) * deltaXt * deltaXt; } else { if (useAdaDiff) { sumGradSquare[index] += gradDiff * gradDiff; } else { sumGradSquare[index] += grad * grad; } // apply AdaGrad currentRate = initRate / Math.sqrt(sumGradSquare[index]+eps); } // prevDeltaX[index] = grad * currentRate; return currentRate; } private void updateX(double[] x, int index, double realUpdate) { prevDeltaX[index] = realUpdate - x[index]; x[index] = realUpdate; } @Override public double[] minimize(DiffFunction function, double functionTolerance, double[] initial) { return minimize(function, functionTolerance, initial, -1); } @Override public double[] minimize(DiffFunction f, double functionTolerance, double[] initial, int maxIterations) { int totalSamples = 0; sayln("Using lambda=" + lambda); if (f instanceof AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction) { AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction func = (AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction) f; func.sampleMethod = AbstractStochasticCachingDiffFunction.SamplingMethod.Shuffled; totalSamples = func.dataDimension(); if (bSize > totalSamples) {"WARNING: Total number of samples=" + totalSamples + " is smaller than requested batch size=" + bSize + "!!!"); bSize = totalSamples; sayln("Using batch size=" + bSize); } if (bSize <= 0) {"WARNING: Requested batch size=" + bSize + " <= 0 !!!"); bSize = totalSamples; sayln("Using batch size=" + bSize); } } x = new double[initial.length]; double[] testUpdateCache = null, currentRateCache = null, bCache = null; sumGradSquare = new double[initial.length]; prevGrad = new double[initial.length]; prevDeltaX = new double[initial.length]; if (useAdaDelta) { sumDeltaXSquare = new double[initial.length]; if (prior != Prior.NONE && prior != Prior.GAUSSIAN) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("useAdaDelta is currently only supported for Prior.NONE or Prior.GAUSSIAN"); } } int[][] featureGrouping = null; if (prior != Prior.LASSO && prior != Prior.NONE) { testUpdateCache = new double[initial.length]; currentRateCache = new double[initial.length]; } if (prior != Prior.LASSO && prior != Prior.RIDGE && prior != Prior.GAUSSIAN) { if (!(f instanceof HasFeatureGrouping)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("prior is specified to be ae-lasso or g-lasso, but function does not support feature grouping"); } featureGrouping = ((HasFeatureGrouping)f).getFeatureGrouping(); } if (prior == Prior.sgLASSO) { bCache = new double[initial.length]; } System.arraycopy(initial, 0, x, 0, x.length); int numBatches = 1; if (f instanceof AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction) { if (totalSamples > 0) numBatches = totalSamples / bSize; } boolean have_max = (maxIterations > 0 || numPasses > 0); if (!have_max){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No maximum number of iterations has been specified."); } else{ maxIterations = Math.max(maxIterations, numPasses*numBatches); } sayln(" Batch size of: " + bSize); sayln(" Data dimension of: " + totalSamples ); sayln(" Batches per pass through data: " + numBatches ); sayln(" Number of passes is = " + numPasses); sayln(" Max iterations is = " + maxIterations); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // Loop //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Timing total = new Timing(); Timing current = new Timing(); total.start(); current.start(); int iters = 0; double gValue = 0; double wValue = 0; double currentRate = 0, testUpdate = 0, realUpdate = 0; List<Double> values = null; double oldObjVal = 0; for (int pass = 0; pass < numPasses; pass++) { boolean doEval = (pass > 0 && evaluateIters > 0 && pass % evaluateIters == 0); double evalScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (doEval) { evalScore = doEvaluation(x); if (useEvalImprovement && !toContinue(x, evalScore)) break; } // TODO: currently objVal is only updated for GAUSSIAN prior // when other priors are used, objVal only reflects the un-regularized obj value double objVal = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double objDelta = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; say("Iter: " + iters + " pass " + pass + " batch 1 ... "); int numOfNonZero = 0, numOfNonZeroGroup = 0; String gSizeStr = ""; for (int batch = 0; batch < numBatches; batch++) { iters++; //Get the next gradients //"getting gradients"); double[] gradients = null; if (f instanceof AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction) { AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction func = (AbstractStochasticCachingDiffUpdateFunction) f; if (bSize == totalSamples) { objVal = func.valueAt(x); gradients = func.getDerivative(); objDelta = objVal-oldObjVal; oldObjVal = objVal; if (values == null) values = new ArrayList<>(); values.add(objVal); } else { func.calculateStochasticGradient(x, bSize); gradients = func.getDerivative(); } } else if (f instanceof AbstractCachingDiffFunction) { AbstractCachingDiffFunction func = (AbstractCachingDiffFunction) f; gradients = func.derivativeAt(x); } //"applying regularization"); if (prior == Prior.NONE || prior == Prior.GAUSSIAN) { // Gaussian prior is also handled in objective for (int index = 0; index < x.length; index++) { gValue = gradients[index]; currentRate = computeLearningRate(index, gValue); // arrive at x(t+1/2) wValue = x[index]; testUpdate = wValue - (currentRate * gValue); realUpdate = testUpdate; updateX(x, index, realUpdate); // x[index] = testUpdate; } } else if (prior == Prior.LASSO || prior == Prior.RIDGE) { double testUpdateSquaredSum = 0; Set<Integer> paramRange = null; if (f instanceof HasRegularizerParamRange) { paramRange = ((HasRegularizerParamRange)f).getRegularizerParamRange(x); } else { paramRange = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) paramRange.add(i); } for (int index : paramRange) { gValue = gradients[index]; currentRate = computeLearningRate(index, gValue); // arrive at x(t+1/2) wValue = x[index]; testUpdate = wValue - (currentRate * gValue); double currentLambda = currentRate * lambda; // apply FOBOS if (prior == Prior.LASSO) { realUpdate = Math.signum(testUpdate) * pospart(Math.abs(testUpdate) - currentLambda); updateX(x, index, realUpdate); if (realUpdate != 0) numOfNonZero++; } else if (prior == Prior.RIDGE) { testUpdateSquaredSum += testUpdate*testUpdate; testUpdateCache[index] = testUpdate; currentRateCache[index] = currentRate; // } else if (prior == Prior.GAUSSIAN) { // GAUSSIAN prior is assumed to be handled in the objective directly // realUpdate = testUpdate / (1 + currentLambda); // updateX(x, index, realUpdate); // // update objVal // objVal += currentLambda * wValue * wValue; } } if (prior == Prior.RIDGE) { double testUpdateNorm = Math.sqrt(testUpdateSquaredSum); for (int index = 0 ; index < testUpdateCache.length; index++) { realUpdate = testUpdateCache[index] * pospart( 1 - currentRateCache[index] * lambda / testUpdateNorm ); updateX(x, index, realUpdate); if (realUpdate != 0) numOfNonZero++; } } } else { //"featureGroup.length: " + featureGrouping.length); for (int[] gFeatureIndices : featureGrouping) { // if (gIndex % 100 == 0)" "); double testUpdateSquaredSum = 0; double testUpdateAbsSum = 0; double M = gFeatureIndices.length; double dm = Math.log(M); for (int index : gFeatureIndices) { gValue = gradients[index]; currentRate = computeLearningRate(index, gValue); // arrive at x(t+1/2) wValue = x[index]; testUpdate = wValue - (currentRate * gValue); testUpdateSquaredSum += testUpdate * testUpdate; testUpdateAbsSum += Math.abs(testUpdate); testUpdateCache[index] = testUpdate; currentRateCache[index] = currentRate; } if (prior == Prior.gLASSO) { double testUpdateNorm = Math.sqrt(testUpdateSquaredSum); boolean groupHasNonZero = false; for (int index : gFeatureIndices) { realUpdate = testUpdateCache[index] * pospart(1 - currentRateCache[index] * lambda * dm / testUpdateNorm); updateX(x, index, realUpdate); if (realUpdate != 0) { numOfNonZero++; groupHasNonZero = true; } } if (groupHasNonZero) numOfNonZeroGroup++; } else if (prior == Prior.aeLASSO) { int nonZeroCount = 0; boolean groupHasNonZero = false; for (int index : gFeatureIndices) { double tau = currentRateCache[index] * lambda / (1 + currentRateCache[index] * lambda * M) * testUpdateAbsSum; realUpdate = Math.signum(testUpdateCache[index]) * pospart(Math.abs(testUpdateCache[index]) - tau); updateX(x, index, realUpdate); if (realUpdate != 0) { numOfNonZero++; nonZeroCount++; groupHasNonZero = true; } } if (groupHasNonZero) numOfNonZeroGroup++; // gSizeStr += nonZeroCount+","; } else if (prior == Prior.sgLASSO) { double bSquaredSum = 0, b = 0; for (int index : gFeatureIndices) { b = Math.signum(testUpdateCache[index]) * pospart(Math.abs(testUpdateCache[index]) - currentRateCache[index] * alpha * lambda); bCache[index] = b; bSquaredSum += b * b; } double bNorm = Math.sqrt(bSquaredSum); int nonZeroCount = 0; boolean groupHasNonZero = false; for (int index : gFeatureIndices) { realUpdate = bCache[index] * pospart(1 - currentRateCache[index] * (1.0 - alpha) * lambda * dm / bNorm); updateX(x, index, realUpdate); if (realUpdate != 0) { numOfNonZero++; nonZeroCount++; groupHasNonZero = true; } } if (groupHasNonZero) { numOfNonZeroGroup++; // gSizeStr += nonZeroCount+","; } } } //; } // update gradient and lastX for (int index = 0; index < x.length; index++) { prevGrad[index] = gradients[index]; } // if (hessSampleSize > 0) { // approxHessian(); // } } try { ArrayMath.assertFinite(x,"x"); } catch (ArrayMath.InvalidElementException e) {; for(int i=0;i<x.length;i++){ x[i]=Double.NaN; } break; } sayln(String.valueOf(numBatches)+", n0-fCount:" + numOfNonZero + ((prior != Prior.LASSO && prior != Prior.RIDGE)? ", n0-gCount:"+numOfNonZeroGroup : "") + ((evalScore != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) ? ", evalScore:"+evalScore : "") + (objVal != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? ", obj_val:" + nf.format(objVal) + ", obj_delta:" + objDelta : "") ); if (values != null && useAvgImprovement && iters > 5) { int size = values.size(); double previousVal = (size >= 10 ? values.get(size - 10) : values.get(0)); double averageImprovement = (previousVal - objVal) / (size >= 10 ? 10 : size); if (Math.abs(averageImprovement / objVal) < TOL) { sayln("Online Optmization completed, due to average improvement: | newest_val - previous_val | / |newestVal| < TOL "); break; } } if (iters >= maxIterations) { sayln("Online Optimization complete. Stopped after max iterations"); break; } if ( >= maxTime){ sayln("Online Optimization complete. Stopped after max time"); break; } } if (evaluateIters > 0) { // do final evaluation double evalScore = (useEvalImprovement ? doEvaluation(xBest) : doEvaluation(x)); sayln("final evalScore is: " + evalScore); } sayln("Completed in: " + Timing.toSecondsString( + " s"); return (useEvalImprovement ? xBest : x); } protected void sayln(String s) { if (!quiet) {; } } protected void say(String s) { if (!quiet) {; } } }