package edu.stanford.nlp.time; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import nu.xom.Builder; import nu.xom.Element; import nu.xom.Elements; import nu.xom.ParsingException; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArrayCoreMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import java.util.function.Function; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Iterables; /** * @author Karthik Raghunathan */ public class ParsedGigawordReader implements Iterable<Annotation> { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(ParsedGigawordReader.class); private Iterable<File> files; public ParsedGigawordReader(File directory) { this.files = IOUtils.iterFilesRecursive(directory); } @Override public Iterator<Annotation> iterator() { return new Iterator<Annotation>() { private Iterator<BufferedReader> readers = Iterables.transform(files, file -> IOUtils.readerFromFile(file)).iterator(); private BufferedReader reader = findReader(); private Annotation annotation = findAnnotation(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.annotation != null; } @Override public Annotation next() { if (this.annotation == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } Annotation toReturn = this.annotation; this.annotation = this.findAnnotation(); return toReturn; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } private BufferedReader findReader() { return this.readers.hasNext() ? : null; } private Annotation findAnnotation() { if (this.reader == null) { return null; } try { String line; StringBuilder doc = new StringBuilder(); while ((line = this.reader.readLine()) != null) { doc.append(line); doc.append('\n'); // if(line.contains("<DOC id")){ //; // } if (line.equals("</DOC>")) { break; } if (line.contains("</DOC>")) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("invalid line '%s'", line)); } } if (line == null) { this.reader.close(); this.reader = findReader(); } String xml = doc.toString().replaceAll("&", "&"); if(xml == null || xml.equals("")) { return findAnnotation(); } xml = xml.replaceAll("num=([0-9]+) (.*)", "num=\"$1\" $2"); xml = xml.replaceAll("sid=(.*)>", "sid=\"$1\">"); xml = xml.replaceAll("</SENT>\n</DOC>", "</SENT>\n</TEXT>\n</DOC>"); xml = new String(xml.getBytes(), "UTF8"); //"This is what goes in:\n" + xml); return toAnnotation(xml); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeIOException(e); } } }; } private static final Pattern datePattern = Pattern.compile("^\\w+_\\w+_(\\d+)\\."); /* * Old implementation based on JDOM. * No longer maintained due to JDOM licensing issues. private static Annotation toAnnotation(String xml) throws IOException { Element docElem; try { docElem = new SAXBuilder().build(new StringReader(xml)).getRootElement(); } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("error:\n%s\ninput:\n%s", e, xml)); } Element textElem = docElem.getChild("TEXT"); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); int offset = 0; List<CoreMap> sentences = new ArrayList<CoreMap>(); for (Object sentObj: textElem.getChildren("SENT")) { CoreMap sentence = new ArrayCoreMap(); sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class, offset); Element sentElem = (Element)sentObj; Tree tree = Tree.valueOf(sentElem.getText()); List<CoreLabel> tokens = new ArrayList<CoreLabel>(); List<Tree> preTerminals = preTerminals(tree); for (Tree preTerminal: preTerminals) { String posTag = preTerminal.value(); for (Tree wordTree: preTerminal.children()) { String word = wordTree.value(); CoreLabel token = new CoreLabel(); token.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, word); token.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, word); token.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, posTag); token.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class, offset); offset += word.length(); token.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class, offset); text.append(word); text.append(' '); offset += 1; tokens.add(token); } } if (preTerminals.size() > 0) { text.setCharAt(text.length() - 1, '\n'); } sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class, offset - 1); sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class, tokens); sentence.set(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class, tree); sentences.add(sentence); } String docID = docElem.getAttributeValue("id"); Matcher matcher = datePattern.matcher(docID); matcher.find(); Calendar docDate = new Timex(; Annotation document = new Annotation(text.toString()); document.set(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class, docID); document.set(CoreAnnotations.CalendarAnnotation.class, docDate); document.set(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class, sentences); return document; } */ private static Annotation toAnnotation(String xml) throws IOException { Element docElem; try { Builder parser = new Builder(); StringReader in = new StringReader(xml); docElem =; } catch (ParsingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("error:\n%s\ninput:\n%s", e, xml)); } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("error:\n%s\ninput:\n%s", e, xml)); } Element textElem = docElem.getFirstChildElement("TEXT"); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); int offset = 0; List<CoreMap> sentences = new ArrayList<>(); Elements sentenceElements = textElem.getChildElements("SENT"); for (int crtsent = 0; crtsent < sentenceElements.size(); crtsent ++){ Element sentElem = sentenceElements.get(crtsent); CoreMap sentence = new ArrayCoreMap(); sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class, offset); Tree tree = Tree.valueOf(sentElem.getChild(0).getValue()); // XXX ms: is this the same as sentElem.getText() in JDOM? List<CoreLabel> tokens = new ArrayList<>(); List<Tree> preTerminals = preTerminals(tree); for (Tree preTerminal: preTerminals) { String posTag = preTerminal.value(); for (Tree wordTree: preTerminal.children()) { String word = wordTree.value(); CoreLabel token = new CoreLabel(); token.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, word); token.set(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class, word); token.set(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, posTag); token.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetBeginAnnotation.class, offset); offset += word.length(); token.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class, offset); text.append(word); text.append(' '); offset += 1; tokens.add(token); } } if (preTerminals.size() > 0) { text.setCharAt(text.length() - 1, '\n'); } sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.CharacterOffsetEndAnnotation.class, offset - 1); sentence.set(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class, tokens); sentence.set(TreeCoreAnnotations.TreeAnnotation.class, tree); sentences.add(sentence); } String docID = docElem.getAttributeValue("id"); Matcher matcher = datePattern.matcher(docID); matcher.find(); Calendar docDate = new Timex("DATE",; Annotation document = new Annotation(text.toString()); document.set(CoreAnnotations.DocIDAnnotation.class, docID); document.set(CoreAnnotations.CalendarAnnotation.class, docDate); document.set(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class, sentences); return document; } // todo [cdm 2013]: replace the methods below with ones in Tree? // It depends on whether the code is somehow using preterminals with multiple children. private static List<Tree> preTerminals(Tree tree) { List<Tree> preTerminals = new ArrayList<>(); for (Tree descendant: tree) { if (isPreterminal(descendant)) { preTerminals.add(descendant); } } return preTerminals; } private static boolean isPreterminal(Tree tree) { if (tree.isLeaf()) { return false; } for (Tree child: tree.children()) { if (!child.isLeaf()) { return false; } } return true; } }