package edu.stanford.nlp.trees; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import static java.lang.System.err; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Label; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.TaggedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.WordTag; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.Morphology; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ArrayUtils; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; /** * Finds WordNet collocations in parse trees. It can restructure * collocations as single words, where the original words are joined by * underscores. You can test performance by using the "collocations" option * to the TreePrint class. * * @author Chris Cox * @author Eric Yeh */ public class CollocationFinder { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(CollocationFinder.class); private static boolean DEBUG = false; private final Tree qTree; private final HeadFinder hf; private final List<Collocation> collocationCollector; private final WordNetConnection wnConnect; /** * Construct a new {@code CollocationFinder} over the {@code Tree} t. * The default {@link HeadFinder} is a {@link CollinsHeadFinder}. * @param t parse tree * @param w wordnet connection */ public CollocationFinder(Tree t, WordNetConnection w) { this(t, w, new CollinsHeadFinder()); } /** * Construct a new {@code CollocationFinder} over the {@code Tree} t. * @param t parse tree * @param w wordnet connection * @param hf {@link HeadFinder} to use */ public CollocationFinder(Tree t, WordNetConnection w, HeadFinder hf) { CoordinationTransformer transformer = new CoordinationTransformer(hf); this.wnConnect = w; this.qTree = transformer.transformTree(t); this.collocationCollector = Generics.newArrayList(); this.hf = hf; this.getCollocationsList(); if (DEBUG) {"Collected collocations: " + collocationCollector); } } /** * Returns the "collocations included" parse tree. * * @return the mangled tree which applies collocations found in this object. */ public Tree getMangledTree() { return getMangledTree(qTree); } private Tree getMangledTree(Tree t) { Collocation matchingColl = null; for (Tree child : t.children()) { child = getMangledTree(child); } //boolean additionalCollocationsExist = false; for (Collocation c : collocationCollector) { // if there are multiple collocations with the same parent node, // this will take the longer one if (t.equals(c.parentNode)) { if (matchingColl == null || (c.span.first() <= matchingColl.span.first() && c.span.second() >= matchingColl.span.second())) { matchingColl = c; if (DEBUG) { err.println("Found matching collocation for tree:"); t.pennPrint(); err.print(" head label: " + c.headLabel); err.println("; collocation string: " + c.collocationString); err.println(" Constituents: "+ c.indicesOfConstituentChildren); } } } } if (matchingColl == null) { return t; } else { if (DEBUG) { err.println("Collapsing " + matchingColl); } Tree[] allChildren = t.children(); // get the earliest child in the collocation and store it as first child. // delete the rest. StringBuilder mutatedString = new StringBuilder(160); for (int i : matchingColl.indicesOfConstituentChildren) { String strToAppend = mergeLeavesIntoCollocatedString(allChildren[i]); mutatedString.append(strToAppend); mutatedString.append("_"); } mutatedString = mutatedString.deleteCharAt(mutatedString.length() - 1); // Starting with the latest constituent, delete all the "pruned" children if (DEBUG) { err.println("allChildren is: " + Arrays.toString(allChildren)); } for (int index = matchingColl.indicesOfConstituentChildren.size() - 1; index > 0; index--) { int thisConstituent = matchingColl.indicesOfConstituentChildren.get(index); allChildren = (Tree[]) ArrayUtils.removeAt(allChildren, thisConstituent); if (DEBUG) { err.println(" deleted " + thisConstituent + "; allChildren is: " + Arrays.toString(allChildren)); } } //name for the leaf string of our new collocation String newNodeString = mutatedString.toString(); int firstChildIndex = matchingColl.indicesOfConstituentChildren.get(0); //now we mutate the earliest constituent Tree newCollocationChild = allChildren[firstChildIndex]; if (DEBUG) err.println("Manipulating: " + newCollocationChild); newCollocationChild.setValue(matchingColl.headLabel.value()); Tree newCollocationLeaf = newCollocationChild.treeFactory().newLeaf(newNodeString); newCollocationChild.setChildren(Collections.singletonList(newCollocationLeaf)); if (DEBUG) err.println(" changed to: " + newCollocationChild); allChildren[firstChildIndex] = newCollocationChild; t.setChildren(allChildren); if (DEBUG) { err.println("Restructured tree is:"); t.pennPrint(); err.println(); } return t; } } /** * Traverses the parse tree to find WordNet collocations. */ private void getCollocationsList() { getCollocationsList(qTree); } /** * Prints the collocations found in this <code>Tree</code> as strings. * Each is followed by its boundary constituent indices in the original tree. * <br>Example: <code> throw_up (2,3) </code> * <br> <code> came_up_with (7,9) </code> */ public void printCollocationStrings(PrintWriter pw){ //ArrayList<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Collocation c: collocationCollector) { String cs = c.collocationString; pw.println(cs+" ("+(c.span.first()+1)+","+(c.span.second()+1)+")"); } } /** * This method does the work of traversing the tree and writing collocations * to the CollocationCollector (an internal data structure). * * @param t Tree to get collocations from. */ private void getCollocationsList(Tree t) { int leftMostLeaf = Trees.leftEdge(t,qTree); if (t.isPreTerminal()) return; List<Tree> children = t.getChildrenAsList(); if (children.isEmpty()) return; //TODO: fix determineHead // - in phrases like "World Trade Organization 's" the head of the parent NP is "POS". // - this is problematic for the collocationFinder which assigns this head // as the POS for the collocation "World_Trade_Organization"! Label headLabel = hf.determineHead(t).label(); int leftSistersBuffer = 0; //measures the length of sisters in words when reading for (int i = 0; i < children.size();i++){ ArrayList<Integer> childConstituents = new ArrayList<>(); childConstituents.add(i); Tree subtree = children.get(i); int currWindowLength = 0; //measures the length in words of the current collocation. getCollocationsList(subtree); //recursive call to get colls in subtrees. StringBuilder testString = new StringBuilder(160); testString.append(treeAsStemmedCollocation(subtree)); testString.append('_'); Integer thisSubtreeLength = subtree.yield().size(); currWindowLength+=thisSubtreeLength; StringBuilder testStringNonStemmed = new StringBuilder(160); testStringNonStemmed.append(treeAsNonStemmedCollocation(subtree)); testStringNonStemmed.append('_'); //for each subtree i, we iteratively append word yields of succeeding sister //subtrees j and check their wordnet entries. if they exist we write them to //the global collocationCollector pair by the indices of the leftmost and //rightmost words in the collocation. for (int j = i+1; j < children.size(); j++) { Tree sisterNode = children.get(j); childConstituents.add(j); testString.append(treeAsStemmedCollocation(sisterNode)); testStringNonStemmed.append(treeAsNonStemmedCollocation(sisterNode)); currWindowLength+=sisterNode.yield().size(); if (DEBUG) { // err.println("Testing string w/ reported indices:" + testString.toString() // + " (" +(leftMostLeaf+leftSistersBuffer)+","+(leftMostLeaf+leftSistersBuffer+currWindowLength-1)+")"); } //ignore collocations beginning with "the" or "a" if (StringUtils.lookingAt(testString.toString(), "(?:[Tt]he|THE|[Aa][Nn]?)[ _]")) { if (false) { err.println("CollocationFinder: Not collapsing the/a word: " + testString); } } else if (wordNetContains(testString.toString())) { Pair <Integer, Integer> c = new Pair<>(leftMostLeaf + leftSistersBuffer, leftMostLeaf + leftSistersBuffer + currWindowLength - 1); ArrayList<Integer> childConstituentsClone = new ArrayList<>(childConstituents); Collocation col = new Collocation(c,t,childConstituentsClone,testString.toString(),headLabel); collocationCollector.add(col); if (DEBUG) { err.println("Found collocation in wordnet: "+ testString); err.println(" Span of collocation is: " + c + "; childConstituents is: " + c); } } testString.append('_'); if (StringUtils.lookingAt(testStringNonStemmed.toString(), "(?:[Tt]he|THE|[Aa][Nn]?)[ _]")) { if (false) { err.println("CollocationFinder: Not collapsing the/a word: " + testStringNonStemmed); } } else if (wordNetContains(testStringNonStemmed.toString())) { Pair <Integer, Integer> c = new Pair<>(leftMostLeaf + leftSistersBuffer, leftMostLeaf + leftSistersBuffer + currWindowLength - 1); ArrayList<Integer> childConstituentsClone = new ArrayList<>(childConstituents); Collocation col = new Collocation(c,t,childConstituentsClone,testStringNonStemmed.toString(),headLabel); collocationCollector.add(col); if (DEBUG) { err.println("Found collocation in wordnet: "+ testStringNonStemmed); err.println(" Span of collocation is: " + c + "; childConstituents is: " + c); } } testStringNonStemmed.append("_"); } leftSistersBuffer+=thisSubtreeLength; } } private static String treeAsStemmedCollocation(Tree t) { List<WordTag> list= getStemmedWordTagsFromTree(t); // err.println(list.size()); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(160); WordTag firstWord = list.remove(0); s.append(firstWord.word()); for(WordTag wt : list) { s.append("_"); s.append(wt.word()); } //err.println("Expressing this as:"+s.toString()); return s.toString(); } private static String treeAsNonStemmedCollocation(Tree t) { List<WordTag> list= getNonStemmedWordTagsFromTree(t); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(160); WordTag firstWord = list.remove(0); s.append(firstWord.word()); for(WordTag wt : list) { s.append('_'); s.append(wt.word()); } return s.toString(); } private static String mergeLeavesIntoCollocatedString(Tree t) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(160); ArrayList<TaggedWord> sent = t.taggedYield(); for (TaggedWord aSent : sent) { sb.append(aSent.word()).append('_'); } return sb.substring(0,sb.length() -1); } private static String mergeLeavesIntoCollocatedString(Tree[] trees) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(160); for (Tree t: trees) { ArrayList<TaggedWord> sent = t.taggedYield(); for (TaggedWord aSent : sent) { sb.append(aSent.word()).append('_'); } } return sb.substring(0,sb.length() -1); } /** * * @param t a tree * @return the WordTags corresponding to the leaves of the tree, * stemmed according to their POS tags in the tree. */ private static List<WordTag> getStemmedWordTagsFromTree(Tree t) { List<WordTag> stemmedWordTags = Generics.newArrayList(); ArrayList<TaggedWord> s = t.taggedYield(); for (TaggedWord w : s) { WordTag wt = Morphology.stemStatic(w.word(), w.tag()); stemmedWordTags.add(wt); } return stemmedWordTags; } private static List<WordTag> getNonStemmedWordTagsFromTree(Tree t) { List<WordTag> wordTags = Generics.newArrayList(); ArrayList<TaggedWord> s = t.taggedYield(); for (TaggedWord w : s) { WordTag wt = new WordTag(w.word(), w.tag()); wordTags.add(wt); } return wordTags; } /** * Checks to see if WordNet contains the given word in its lexicon. * @param s Token * @return If the given token is in WordNet. */ private boolean wordNetContains(String s) { return wnConnect.wordNetContains(s); } /** * Holds information for one collocation. */ private static class Collocation { final Pair<Integer,Integer> span; final Tree parentNode; final Label headLabel; final List<Integer> indicesOfConstituentChildren; final String collocationString; private Collocation(Pair<Integer,Integer> span, Tree parentNode, ArrayList<Integer> indicesOfConstituentChildren, String collocationString, Label headLabel) { this.span=span; this.parentNode = parentNode; this.collocationString=collocationString; this.indicesOfConstituentChildren=indicesOfConstituentChildren; this.headLabel=headLabel; } @Override public String toString() { return collocationString + indicesOfConstituentChildren + "/" + headLabel; } } // end static class Collocation } // end class CollocationFinder