package edu.stanford.nlp.optimization; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; /** * Stochastic Gradient Descent Minimizer. * * * The basic way to use the minimizer is with a null constructor, then * the simple minimize method: * <p/> * <p><code>Minimizer smd = new InefficientSGDMinimizer();</code> * <br><code>DiffFunction df = new SomeDiffFunction(); //Note that it must be a incidence of AbstractStochasticCachingDiffFunction</code> * <br><code>double tol = 1e-4;</code> * <br><code>double[] initial = getInitialGuess();</code> * <br><code>int maxIterations = someSafeNumber; * <br><code>double[] minimum = qnm.minimize(df,tol,initial,maxIterations);</code> * <p/> * Constructing with a null constructor will use the default values of * <p> * <br><code>batchSize = 15;</code> * <br><code>initialGain = 0.1;</code> * <p/> * <br> NOTE: This class was previously called SGDMinimizer. SGDMinimizer is now what was StochasticInPlaceMinimizer. New projects should use that class. * <p/> * * @author <a href="">Alex Kleeman</a> * @version 1.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class InefficientSGDMinimizer<T extends Function> extends StochasticMinimizer<T> { @Override public void shutUp() { this.quiet = true; } public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) { bSize = batchSize; } public InefficientSGDMinimizer() { } public InefficientSGDMinimizer(double SGDGain, int batchSize){ this(SGDGain,batchSize,50); } public InefficientSGDMinimizer(double SGDGain, int batchSize, int passes){ this(SGDGain,batchSize,passes,Long.MAX_VALUE,false); } public InefficientSGDMinimizer(double SGDGain, int batchSize, int passes, boolean outputToFile){ this(SGDGain, batchSize, passes, Long.MAX_VALUE ,outputToFile ); } public InefficientSGDMinimizer(double SGDGain, int batchSize, int passes, long maxTime){ this(SGDGain,batchSize,passes,maxTime,false); } public InefficientSGDMinimizer(double SGDGain, int batchSize, int passes, long maxTime, boolean outputToFile){ bSize = batchSize; gain = SGDGain; this.numPasses = passes; this.outputIterationsToFile = outputToFile; this.maxTime = maxTime; } @Override protected String getName(){ int g = (int) gain*1000; return "SGD" + bSize + "_g" + g; } public Pair <Integer,Double> tune(Function function, double[] initial,long msPerTest,double gainLow,double gainHigh){ this.quiet = true; gain = tuneGain(function, initial, msPerTest, gainLow,gainHigh); bSize = tuneBatch(function,initial,msPerTest,1); return new Pair<>(bSize, gain); } @Override public Pair<Integer,Double> tune(Function function,double[] initial, long msPerTest){ return this.tune(function, initial, msPerTest, 1e-7,1.0); } @Override protected void takeStep(AbstractStochasticCachingDiffFunction dfunction){ for(int i = 0; i < x.length; i++){ newX[i] = x[i] - gain*gainSchedule(k,5*numBatches)*grad[i]; } } public static void main(String[] args) { // optimizes test function using doubles and floats // test function is (0.5 sum(x_i^2 * var_i)) ^ PI // where var is a vector of random nonnegative numbers // dimensionality is variable. final int dim = 500000; final double maxVar = 5; final double[] var = new double[dim]; double[] init = new double[dim]; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { init[i] = ((i + 1) / (double) dim - 0.5);//init[i] = (Math.random() - 0.5); var[i] = maxVar * (i + 1) / dim; } final double[] grads = new double[dim]; final DiffFunction f = new DiffFunction() { @Override public double[] derivativeAt(double[] x) { double val = Math.PI * valuePow(x, Math.PI - 1); for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { grads[i] = x[i] * var[i] * val; } return grads; } @Override public double valueAt(double[] x) { return 1.0 + valuePow(x, Math.PI); } private double valuePow(double[] x, double pow) { double val = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) { val += x[i] * x[i] * var[i]; } return Math.pow(val * 0.5, pow); } @Override public int domainDimension() { return dim; } }; InefficientSGDMinimizer<DiffFunction> min = new InefficientSGDMinimizer<>(); min.minimize(f, 1.0E-4, init); } }