package edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.logging.Logger; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.MetaClass; /** * A class which encapsulates configuration settings for Redwood. * The class operates on the builder model; that is, you can chain method * calls. * * @author Gabor Angeli (angeli at cs.stanford) */ public class RedwoodConfiguration { /** * A list of tasks to run when the configuration is applied */ private LinkedList<Runnable> tasks = new LinkedList<>(); private OutputHandler outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out(); private File defaultFile = new File("/dev/null"); private int channelWidth = 0; /** * Private constructor to prevent use of "new RedwoodConfiguration()" */ protected RedwoodConfiguration(){} /** * Apply this configuration to Redwood */ public void apply(){ for(Runnable task : tasks){; } } /** * Capture a system stream. * * @param stream The stream to capture; one of System.out or System.err * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration capture(final OutputStream stream) { // Capture the stream if (stream == System.out) { tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(true, Redwood.realSysErr == System.err)); } else if (stream == System.err) { tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(Redwood.realSysOut == System.out, true)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must capture one of stderr or stdout"); } return this; } public RedwoodConfiguration restore(final OutputStream stream) { if (stream == System.out) { tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(false, Redwood.realSysErr == System.err)); } else if (stream == System.err) { tasks.add(() -> Redwood.captureSystemStreams(Redwood.realSysOut == System.out, false)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must capture one of stderr or stdout"); } return this; } public RedwoodConfiguration listenOnChannels(Consumer<Redwood.Record> listener, Object... channels) { return this.handlers( Handlers.chain(new FilterHandler(Collections.singletonList(new LogFilter() { Set<Object> matchAgainst = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(channels)); @Override public boolean matches(Redwood.Record message) { for (Object channel : message.channels()) { if (matchAgainst.contains(channel)) { return true; } } return false; } }), true), (config, root) -> { root.addChild(new LogRecordHandler() { @Override public List<Redwood.Record> handle(Redwood.Record record) { listener.accept(record); return Collections.singletonList(record); } }); })); } /** * Determine where, in the end, console output should go. * The default is stdout. * @param method An output, one of: stdout, stderr, or java.util.logging * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration output(final String method) { if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("stdout") || method.equalsIgnoreCase("out")){ edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.JavaUtilLoggingAdaptor.adapt(); this.outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out(); } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("stderr") || method.equalsIgnoreCase("err")) { edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.JavaUtilLoggingAdaptor.adapt(); this.outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.err(); } else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("java.util.logging")){ edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.JavaUtilLoggingAdaptor.adapt(); this.outputHandler = RedirectOutputHandler.fromJavaUtilLogging(Logger.getLogger("``error``")); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown value for log.method"); } return this; } /** * Set the width of the channels (or 0 to not show channels). * @param width The left margin in which to show channels * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration channelWidth(final int width) { tasks.addFirst(() -> RedwoodConfiguration.this.channelWidth = width); return this; } /** * Clear any custom configurations to Redwood * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration clear(){ this.tasks = new LinkedList<>(); this.tasks.add(() -> { Redwood.clearHandlers(); Redwood.restoreSystemStreams(); }); this.outputHandler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out(); return this; } public interface Thunk { void apply(RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root); } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public static class Handlers { // // Leaf destinations // /** * Output to a file. This is a leaf node. * Consider using "defaultFile" instead. * @param path The file to write to */ public static Thunk file(final String path) { return new Thunk() { @Override public void apply(final RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root) { root.addChild(new Redwood.FileHandler(path){{ this.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; }}); } }; } /** * Output to a file. This is a leaf node. * Consider using "defaultFile" instead. * @param path The file to write to */ public static Thunk file(File path) { return file(path.getPath()); } /** * Output to a file. This is a leaf node. * Consider using this instead of specifying a custom path. */ public static final Thunk defaultFile = new Thunk() { @Override public void apply(final RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root) { root.addChild(new Redwood.FileHandler(config.defaultFile.getPath()){{ this.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; }}); } }; /** * Output to a standard output. This is a leaf node. * Consider using "output" instead, unless you really * want to log only to stdout now and forever in the future. */ public static final Thunk stdout = (config, root) -> { Redwood.ConsoleHandler handler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.out(); handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; root.addChild(handler); }; /** * Output to a standard error. This is a leaf node. * Consider using "output" instead, unless you really * want to log only to stderr now and forever in the future. */ public static final Thunk stderr = (config, root) -> { Redwood.ConsoleHandler handler = Redwood.ConsoleHandler.err(); handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; root.addChild(handler); }; /** * Output to slf4j. This is a leaf node. */ public static final Thunk slf4j = (config, root) -> { try { OutputHandler handler = MetaClass.create("edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.SLF4JHandler").createInstance(); handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; root.addChild(handler); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find SLF4J in your classpath", e); } }; /** * Output to java.util.Logging. This is a leaf node. */ public static final Thunk javaUtil = (config, root) -> { try { OutputHandler handler = new JavaUtilLoggingHandler(); handler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; root.addChild(handler); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find java.util.logging in your classpath", e); } }; /** * Output to the default location specified by the output() method. * Consider using this rather than stderr or stdout. */ public static final Thunk output = (config, root) -> { config.outputHandler.leftMargin = config.channelWidth; root.addChild(config.outputHandler); }; // // Filters // /** * Hide the debug channel only. */ public static final LogRecordHandler hideDebug = new VisibilityHandler() {{ alsoHide(Redwood.DBG); }}; /** * Show only errors (e.g., to send them to an error file) */ public static final LogRecordHandler showOnlyError = new VisibilityHandler() {{ hideAll(); alsoShow(Redwood.ERR); }}; /** * Hide these channels, in addition to anything already hidden by upstream handlers. */ public static LogRecordHandler hideChannels(final Object... channelsToHide) { return new VisibilityHandler() {{ for (Object channel : channelsToHide) { alsoHide(channel); } }}; } /** * Show all channels (with this handler, there may be upstream handlers). */ public static LogRecordHandler showAllChannels() { return new VisibilityHandler(); } /** * Show only these channels, as far as downstream handlers are concerned. */ public static LogRecordHandler showOnlyChannels(final Object... channelsToShow) { return new VisibilityHandler() {{ hideAll(); for (Object channel : channelsToShow) { alsoShow(channel); } }}; } /** * Rename a channel to be something else */ public static LogRecordHandler reroute(final Object src, final Object dst) { return new RerouteChannel(src, dst); } /** * Collapse records in a heuristic way to make reading easier. This is particularly relevant to branches which * go to a physical console, or a file which you'd like to keep small. */ public static final LogRecordHandler collapseApproximate = new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.APPROXIMATE); /** * Collapse records which are duplicates into a single message, followed by a message detailing how many times * it was repeated. */ public static final LogRecordHandler collapseExact = new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.EXACT); // // Combinators // /** * Send any incoming messages multiple ways. * For example, you may want to send the same output to console and a file. * @param destinations The destinations for log messages coming into this node. */ public static Thunk branch(final Thunk... destinations) { return (config, root) -> { for (Thunk destination : destinations) { destination.apply(config, root); } }; } /** * Apply each of the handlers to incoming log messages, in sequence. * @param handlers The handlers to apply * @param destination The final destination of the messages, after processing */ public static Thunk chain(final LogRecordHandler[] handlers, final Thunk destination) { return new Thunk() { private Redwood.RecordHandlerTree buildChain(RedwoodConfiguration config, LogRecordHandler[] handlers, int i) { Redwood.RecordHandlerTree rtn = new Redwood.RecordHandlerTree(handlers[i]); if (i < handlers.length - 1) { rtn.addChildTree( buildChain(config, handlers, i + 1) ); } else { destination.apply(config, rtn); } return rtn; } @Override public void apply(RedwoodConfiguration config, Redwood.RecordHandlerTree root) { if (handlers.length == 0) { destination.apply(config, root); } else { root.addChildTree(buildChain(config, handlers, 0)); } } }; } /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */ public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1 }, destination); } /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */ public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2 }, destination); } /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */ public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, LogRecordHandler handler3, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2, handler3 }, destination); } /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */ public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, LogRecordHandler handler3, LogRecordHandler handler4, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2, handler3, handler4 }, destination); } /** @see #chain(LogRecordHandler[], RedwoodConfiguration.Thunk) */ public static Thunk chain(LogRecordHandler handler1, LogRecordHandler handler2, LogRecordHandler handler3, LogRecordHandler handler4, LogRecordHandler handler5, Thunk destination) { return chain(new LogRecordHandler[]{ handler1, handler2, handler3, handler4, handler5 }, destination); } /** * A NOOP, as the name implies. Useful for appending to the end of lists to make commas match. */ public static Thunk noop = (config, root) -> { }; } /** * Add handlers to Redwood. This is the main way to tell Redwood to do stuff. * Use this by calling a combination of methods in Handlers. It may be useful * to "import static RedwoodConfiguration.Handlers.*" * * For example: * <pre> * handlers(branch( * chain( hideDebug, collapseApproximate, branch( output, file("stderr.log") ), * chain( showOnlyError, file("err.log") ). * chain( showOnlyChannels("results", "evaluate"), file("results.log") ), * chain( file("redwood.log") ), * noop)) * </pre> * * @param paths A number of paths to add. * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration handlers(Thunk... paths) { for (final Thunk thunk : paths) { tasks.add(() -> thunk.apply(RedwoodConfiguration.this, Redwood.rootHandler())); } return this; } /** * Close tracks when the JVM shuts down. * @return this */ public RedwoodConfiguration neatExit(){ tasks.add(() -> Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(){ @Override public void run(){ Redwood.stop(); } })); return this; } /** * An empty Redwood configuration. * Note that without a Console Handler, Redwood will not print anything * @return An empty Redwood Configuration object. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration empty(){ return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear(); } /** * A standard Redwood configuration, which prints to the console with channels. * It does not show debug level messages (but shows warning and error messages). * This is the usual starting point for new configurations. * @return A basic Redwood Configuration. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration standard() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideDebug, Handlers.stderr)); } /** * The default Redwood configuration, which prints to the console without channels. * It does not show debug level messages (but shows warning and error messages). * This is the usual starting point for new configurations. * @return A basic Redwood Configuration. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration minimal() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(), Handlers.hideDebug, Handlers.stderr) ); } /** * Run Redwood with SLF4J as the console backend * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration slf4j() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(), Handlers.slf4j) ); } /** Run Redwood with SLF4J if available, otherwise with stderr logging at the debug (everything) level. * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration debugLevel() { RedwoodConfiguration config; try { MetaClass.create("org.slf4j.LoggerFactory").createInstance(); config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showAllChannels(), Handlers.slf4j)); } catch (Exception ignored) { config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showAllChannels(), Handlers.stderr)); } return config; } /** Run Redwood with SLF4J if available, otherwise with stderr logging at the warning (and error) level. * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration infoLevel() { RedwoodConfiguration config; try { MetaClass.create("org.slf4j.LoggerFactory").createInstance(); config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(Redwood.DBG), Handlers.slf4j)); } catch (Exception ignored) { config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(Redwood.DBG), Handlers.stderr)); } return config; } /** Run Redwood with SLF4J if available, otherwise with stderr logging at the error only level. * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration errorLevel() { RedwoodConfiguration config; try { MetaClass.create("org.slf4j.LoggerFactory").createInstance(); config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showOnlyError, Handlers.slf4j)); } catch (Exception ignored) { config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.showOnlyError, Handlers.stderr)); } return config; } /** * Run Redwood with java.util.logging * @return A redwood configuration. Remember to call {@link RedwoodConfiguration#apply()}. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static RedwoodConfiguration javaUtilLogging() { return new RedwoodConfiguration().clear().handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideChannels(), Handlers.javaUtil) ); } /** * The current Redwood configuration; this is used to make incremental changes * to an existing custom configuration. * @return The current Redwood configuration. */ public static RedwoodConfiguration current(){ return new RedwoodConfiguration(); } /** * Helper for parsing properties. * * @param p The Properties object * @param key The key to retrieve * @param defaultValue The default value if the key does not exist * @param used The set of keys we have seen * @return The value of the property at the key */ private static String get(Properties p, String key, String defaultValue, Set<String> used){ String rtn = p.getProperty(key, defaultValue); used.add(key); return rtn; } /** * Configure Redwood (from scratch) based on a Properties file. * Currently recognized properties are: * <ul> * <li>log.captureStreams = {true,false}: Capture stdout and stderr and route them through Redwood</li> * <li>log.captureStdout = {true,false}: Capture stdout and route it through Redwood</li> * <li>log.captureStderr = {true,false}: Capture stdout and route it through Redwood</li> * <li>log.channels.width = {number}: Show the channels being logged to, at this width (default: 0; recommended: 20)</li> * <li>log.channels.debug = {true,false}: Show the debugging channel</li> * <li>log.file = By default, write to this file. * <li>log.neatExit = {true,false}: Clean up logs on exception or regular system exit</li> * <li>log.output = {stderr,stdout,java.util.logging}: Output messages to either stderr or stdout by default.</li> * </ul> * @param props The properties to use in configuration * @return A new Redwood Configuration based on the passed properties, ignoring any existing custom configuration */ public static RedwoodConfiguration parse(Properties props){ RedwoodConfiguration config = new RedwoodConfiguration().clear(); Set<String> used = Generics.newHashSet(); //--Capture Streams if(get(props,"log.captureStreams","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.capture(System.out).capture(System.err); } if(get(props,"log.captureStdout","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.capture(System.out); } if(get(props,"log.captureStderr","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.capture(System.err); } //--Collapse String collapse = get(props, "log.collapse", "none", used); List<LogRecordHandler> chain = new LinkedList<>(); if (collapse.equalsIgnoreCase("exact")) { chain.add(new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.EXACT)); } else if (collapse.equalsIgnoreCase("approximate")) { chain.add(new RepeatedRecordHandler(RepeatedRecordHandler.APPROXIMATE)); } else if (!collapse.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown collapse mode (Redwood): " + collapse); } //--Channels.Debug boolean debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(get(props, "log.channels.debug", "true", used)); if (!debug) { chain.add(Handlers.hideDebug); } //--Channels.Width config.channelWidth( Integer.parseInt(get(props, "log.channels.width", "0", used)) ); //--Neat exit if(get(props,"log.neatExit","false",used).equalsIgnoreCase("true")){ config = config.neatExit(); } //--File String outputFile = get(props, "log.file", null, used); if (outputFile != null) { config.defaultFile = new File(outputFile); config = config.handlers(Handlers.defaultFile); } //--Console config = config.output(get(props, "log.output", "stdout", used)); //--Console config = config.handlers(Handlers.chain(chain.toArray(new LogRecordHandler[chain.size()]), Handlers.output)); //--Error Check for(Object propAsObj : props.keySet()) { String prop = propAsObj.toString(); if(prop.startsWith("log.") && !used.contains(prop)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find Redwood log property: " + prop); } } //--Return return config; } /** * Parses a properties file and applies it immediately to Redwood * @param props The properties to apply */ public static void apply(Properties props){ parse(props).apply(); } /* public static void main(String[] args) { RedwoodConfiguration.empty().neatExit().capture(System.out).capture(System.err) .channelWidth(20) .handlers( Handlers.chain(Handlers.hideDebug, Handlers.output), Handlers.file("/tmp/redwood.log")) .apply(); Redwood.log("foo"); Redwood.log(Redwood.DBG, "debug"); System.out.println("Bar");"Baz"); } */ }