package edu.stanford.nlp.time; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Expression; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Expressions; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.tokensregex.types.Value; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CollectionValuedMap; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import java.util.function.Function; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import org.joda.time.*; import org.joda.time.format.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.MatchResult; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Time specific patterns and formatting * * @author Angel Chang */ public class TimeFormatter { private TimeFormatter() {} // static methods/classes public static class JavaDateFormatExtractor implements Function<CoreMap, Value> { private static final Class<CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation> textAnnotationField = CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class; private final SimpleDateFormat format; public JavaDateFormatExtractor(String pattern) { this.format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); } @Override public Value apply(CoreMap m) { try { // TODO: Allow specification of locale, pivot year (set2DigitYearStart) for interpreting 2 digit years String str = m.get(textAnnotationField); Date d = format.parse(str); return new Expressions.PrimitiveValue("GroundedTime", new SUTime.GroundedTime(new Instant(d.getTime()))); } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) { return null; } } } public static class JodaDateTimeFormatExtractor implements Function<CoreMap, Value> { private static final Class<CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation> textAnnotationField = CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class; private final DateTimeFormatter formatter; public JodaDateTimeFormatExtractor(DateTimeFormatter formatter) { this.formatter = formatter; } public JodaDateTimeFormatExtractor(String pattern) { this.formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern); } @Override public Value apply(CoreMap m) { try { String str = m.get(textAnnotationField); // TODO: Allow specification of pivot year (withPivotYear) for interpreting 2 digit years DateTime d = formatter.parseDateTime(str); return new Expressions.PrimitiveValue("GroundedTime", new SUTime.GroundedTime(d)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { return null; } } } static class ApplyActionWrapper<I,O> implements Function<I,O> { private final Env env; private final Function<I,O> base; private final Expression action; ApplyActionWrapper(Env env, Function<I,O> base, Expression action) { this.env = env; this.base = base; this.action = action; } @Override public O apply(I in) { O v = base.apply(in); if (action != null) { action.evaluate(env, v); } return v; } } static class TimePatternExtractRuleCreator extends SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationExtractRuleCreator { private static void updateExtractRule(SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, Pattern pattern, Function<String, Value> extractor) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor = SequenceMatchRules.createAnnotationExtractor(env,r); annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = new SequenceMatchRules.CoreMapFunctionApplier<>( env, r.annotationField, extractor); r.extractRule = new SequenceMatchRules.CoreMapExtractRule<>( env, r.annotationField, new SequenceMatchRules.StringPatternExtractRule<>(pattern, new SequenceMatchRules.StringMatchedExpressionExtractor(annotationExtractor, r.matchedExpressionGroup))); r.filterRule = new SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationMatchedFilter(annotationExtractor); r.pattern = pattern; } private static void updateExtractRule(SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationExtractRule r, Env env, Function<CoreMap, Value> extractor) { MatchedExpression.SingleAnnotationExtractor annotationExtractor = SequenceMatchRules.createAnnotationExtractor(env,r); annotationExtractor.valueExtractor = extractor; r.extractRule = new SequenceMatchRules.CoreMapExtractRule<>( env, r.annotationField, new SequenceMatchRules.BasicSequenceExtractRule(annotationExtractor)); r.filterRule = new SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationMatchedFilter(annotationExtractor); } @Override public SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationExtractRule create(Env env, Map<String,Object> attributes) { SequenceMatchRules.AnnotationExtractRule r = super.create(env, attributes); if (r.ruleType == null) { r.ruleType = "time"; } String expr = Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("pattern")); String formatter = Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("formatter")); Expression action = Expressions.asExpression(env, attributes.get("action")); String localeString = Expressions.asObject(env, attributes.get("locale")); r.pattern = expr; if (formatter == null) { if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = EnvLookup.getDefaultTextAnnotationKey(env); } /* Parse pattern and figure out what the result should be.... */ CustomDateFormatExtractor formatExtractor = new CustomDateFormatExtractor(expr, localeString); //SequenceMatchRules.Expression result = (SequenceMatchRules.Expression) attributes.get("result"); updateExtractRule(r, env, formatExtractor.getTextPattern(), new ApplyActionWrapper<>(env, formatExtractor, action)); } else if ("org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat".equals(formatter)) { if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } updateExtractRule(r, env, new ApplyActionWrapper<>(env, new JodaDateTimeFormatExtractor(expr), action)); } else if ("org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat".equals(formatter)) { if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } try { Method m = ISODateTimeFormat.class.getMethod(expr); DateTimeFormatter dtf = (DateTimeFormatter) m.invoke(null); updateExtractRule(r, env, new ApplyActionWrapper<>(env, new JodaDateTimeFormatExtractor(expr), action)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating DateTimeFormatter", ex); } } else if ("java.text.SimpleDateFormat".equals(formatter)) { if (r.annotationField == null) { r.annotationField = r.tokensAnnotationField; } updateExtractRule(r, env, new ApplyActionWrapper<>(env, new JavaDateFormatExtractor(expr), action)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported formatter: " + formatter); } return r; } } /* * Rules for parsing time specific patterns. * Patterns are similar to time patterns used by JodaTime combined with a simplified regex expression * # y year year 1996 y # M month of year month July; Jul; 07 M # d day of month number 10 d # H hour of day (0~23) number 0 H # k clockhour of day (1~24) number 24 k # m minute of hour number 30 m # s second of minute number 55 s # S fraction of second number 978 S (Millisecond) # a half day of day marker am/pm */ /** * Converts time string pattern to text pattern. */ public static class CustomDateFormatExtractor implements Function<String, Value> { private final FormatterBuilder builder; private final String timePattern; private final Pattern textPattern; public CustomDateFormatExtractor(String timePattern, String localeString) { Locale locale = (localeString != null)? new Locale(localeString): Locale.getDefault(); this.timePattern = timePattern; builder = new FormatterBuilder(); builder.locale = locale; parsePatternTo(builder, timePattern); textPattern = builder.toTextPattern(); } public Pattern getTextPattern() { return textPattern; } public Value apply(String str) { Value v = null; Matcher m = textPattern.matcher(str); if (m.matches()) { return apply(m); } return v; } public Value apply(MatchResult m) { SUTime.Temporal t = new SUTime.PartialTime(); for (FormatComponent fc:builder.pieces) { int group = fc.getGroup(); if (group > 0) { String fieldValueStr =; if (fieldValueStr != null) { try { t = fc.updateTemporal(t, fieldValueStr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { return null; } } } } return new Expressions.PrimitiveValue("Temporal", t); } } private abstract static class FormatComponent { int group = -1; String quantifier = null; public void appendQuantifier(String str) { if (quantifier != null) { quantifier = quantifier + str; } else { quantifier = str; } } public StringBuilder appendRegex(StringBuilder sb) { if (group > 0) { sb.append('('); } appendRegex0(sb); if (quantifier != null) { sb.append(quantifier); } if (group > 0) { sb.append(')'); } return sb; } protected abstract StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb); public SUTime.Temporal updateTemporal(SUTime.Temporal t, String fieldValueStr) { return t; } public int getGroup() { return group; } } private abstract static class DateTimeFieldComponent extends FormatComponent { DateTimeFieldType fieldType; public Integer parseValue(String str) { return null; } public DateTimeFieldType getDateTimeFieldType() { return fieldType; } public SUTime.Temporal updateTemporal(SUTime.Temporal t, String fieldValueStr) { DateTimeFieldType dt = getDateTimeFieldType(); if (fieldValueStr != null && dt != null) { Integer v = parseValue(fieldValueStr); if (v != null) { Partial pt = new Partial(); pt = JodaTimeUtils.setField(pt, dt, v); t = t.intersect(new SUTime.PartialTime(pt)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot interpret " + fieldValueStr + " for " + fieldType); } } return t; } } private static class NumericDateComponent extends DateTimeFieldComponent { private final int minValue; private final int maxValue; private final int minDigits; private final int maxDigits; public NumericDateComponent(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, int minDigits, int maxDigits) { this.fieldType = fieldType; this.minDigits = minDigits; this.maxDigits = maxDigits; MutableDateTime dt = new MutableDateTime(0L, DateTimeZone.UTC); MutableDateTime.Property property =; minValue = property.getMinimumValueOverall(); maxValue = property.getMaximumValueOverall(); } protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { if (maxDigits > 5 || minDigits != maxDigits) { sb.append("\\d{").append(minDigits).append(',').append(maxDigits).append('}'); } else { for (int i = 0; i < minDigits; i++) { sb.append("\\d"); } } return sb; } public Integer parseValue(String str) { int v = Integer.valueOf(str); if (v >= minValue && v <= maxValue) { return v; } else { return null; } } } private static class RelaxedNumericDateComponent extends FormatComponent { NumericDateComponent[] possibleNumericDateComponents; int minDigits; int maxDigits; public RelaxedNumericDateComponent(DateTimeFieldType[] fieldTypes, int minDigits, int maxDigits) { this.minDigits = minDigits; this.maxDigits = maxDigits; possibleNumericDateComponents = new NumericDateComponent[fieldTypes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldTypes.length; i++) { possibleNumericDateComponents[i] = new NumericDateComponent(fieldTypes[i], minDigits, maxDigits); } } protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { if (maxDigits > 5 || minDigits != maxDigits) { sb.append("\\d{").append(minDigits).append(",").append(maxDigits).append("}"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < minDigits; i++) { sb.append("\\d"); } } return sb; } public SUTime.Temporal updateTemporal(SUTime.Temporal t, String fieldValueStr) { if (fieldValueStr != null) { for (NumericDateComponent c:possibleNumericDateComponents) { Integer v = c.parseValue(fieldValueStr); if (v != null) { t = c.updateTemporal(t, fieldValueStr); return t; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot interpret " + fieldValueStr); } return t; } } private static final Comparator<String> STRING_LENGTH_REV_COMPARATOR = (o1, o2) -> { if (o1.length() > o2.length()) return -1; else if (o1.length() < o2.length()) return 1; else { return o1.compareToIgnoreCase(o2); } }; private static class TextDateComponent extends DateTimeFieldComponent { Map<String, Integer> valueMapping; List<String> validValues; Locale locale; int minValue; int maxValue; Boolean isShort; public TextDateComponent() {} public TextDateComponent(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, Locale locale, Boolean isShort) { this.fieldType = fieldType; this.locale = locale; this.isShort = isShort; MutableDateTime dt = new MutableDateTime(0L, DateTimeZone.UTC); MutableDateTime.Property property =; minValue = property.getMinimumValueOverall(); maxValue = property.getMaximumValueOverall(); this.validValues = new ArrayList<>(maxValue - minValue + 1); this.valueMapping = Generics.newHashMap(); for (int i = minValue; i <= maxValue; i++) { property.set(i); if (isShort != null) { if (isShort) { addValue(property.getAsShortText(locale), i); } else { addValue(property.getAsText(locale), i); } } else { addValue(property.getAsShortText(locale), i); addValue(property.getAsText(locale), i); } } // Order by length for regex Collections.sort(validValues, STRING_LENGTH_REV_COMPARATOR); } public void addValue(String str, int v) { validValues.add(str); valueMapping.put(str.toLowerCase(locale), v); } public Integer parseValue(String str) { str = str.toLowerCase(locale); Integer v = valueMapping.get(str); return v; } @Override protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { boolean first = true; for (String v:validValues) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append("|"); } sb.append(Pattern.quote(v)); } return sb; } } private static class TimeZoneOffsetComponent extends FormatComponent { String zeroOffsetParseText; // Text indicating timezone offset is zero // TimezoneOffset is + or - followed by // hh // hhmm // hhmmss // hhmmssSSS // hh:mm // hh:mm:ss // hh:mm:ss.SSS public TimeZoneOffsetComponent(String zeroOffsetParseText) { this.zeroOffsetParseText = zeroOffsetParseText; } protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("[+-]\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d(?::?\\d\\d(?:[.,]?\\d{1,3})?)?)?"); if (zeroOffsetParseText != null) { sb.append("|").append(Pattern.quote(zeroOffsetParseText)); } return sb; } private static int parseInteger(String str, int pos, int length) { return Integer.parseInt(str.substring(pos, pos+length)); } public int parseOffsetMillis(String str) { int offset = 0; if (zeroOffsetParseText != null && str.equalsIgnoreCase(zeroOffsetParseText)) { return offset; } boolean negative = false; if (str.startsWith("+")) { } else if (str.startsWith("-")) { negative = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid date time zone offset " + str); } int pos = 1; // Parse hours offset += DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_HOUR * parseInteger(str, pos, 2); pos += 2; if (pos < str.length()) { // Parse minutes if (!Character.isDigit(str.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } offset += DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_MINUTE * parseInteger(str, pos, 2); pos += 2; if (pos < str.length()) { // Parse seconds if (!Character.isDigit(str.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } offset += DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_SECOND * parseInteger(str, pos, 2); pos += 2; if (pos < str.length()) { // Parse fraction of seconds if (!Character.isDigit(str.charAt(pos))) { pos++; } int digits = str.length()-pos; if (digits > 0) { if (digits <= 3) { int frac = parseInteger(str, pos, digits); if (digits == 1) { offset += frac*100; } else if (digits == 2) { offset += frac*10; } else if (digits == 3) { offset += frac; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid date time zone offset " + str); } } } } } if (negative) offset = -offset; return offset; } public SUTime.Temporal updateTemporal(SUTime.Temporal t, String fieldValueStr) { int offset = parseOffsetMillis(fieldValueStr); DateTimeZone dtz = DateTimeZone.forOffsetMillis(offset); return t.setTimeZone(dtz); } } private static String makeRegex(List<String> strs) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (String v:strs) { if (first) { first = false; } else { sb.append("|"); } sb.append(Pattern.quote(v)); } return sb.toString(); } // Timezones // ID - US/Pacific // Name - Pacific Standard Time (or Pacific Daylight Time) // ShortName PST (or PDT depending on input milliseconds) // NameKey PST (or PDT depending on input milliseconds) private static class TimeZoneIdComponent extends FormatComponent { static final Map<String, DateTimeZone> timeZonesById; static final List<String> timeZoneIds; static final String timeZoneIdsRegex; static { timeZoneIds = new ArrayList<>(DateTimeZone.getAvailableIDs()); timeZonesById = Generics.newHashMap(); for (String str:timeZoneIds) { DateTimeZone dtz = DateTimeZone.forID(str); timeZonesById.put(str.toLowerCase(), dtz); // System.out.println(str); // long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println(dtz.getShortName(time)); // System.out.println(dtz.getName(time)); // System.out.println(dtz.getNameKey(time)); // System.out.println(); } // Order by length for regex Collections.sort(timeZoneIds, STRING_LENGTH_REV_COMPARATOR); timeZoneIdsRegex = makeRegex(timeZoneIds); } public TimeZoneIdComponent() { } private static DateTimeZone parseDateTimeZone(String str) { str = str.toLowerCase(); DateTimeZone v = timeZonesById.get(str); return v; } protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(timeZoneIdsRegex); return sb; } public SUTime.Temporal updateTemporal(SUTime.Temporal t, String fieldValueStr) { if (fieldValueStr != null) { DateTimeZone dtz = parseDateTimeZone(fieldValueStr); return t.setTimeZone(dtz); } return t; } } private static class TimeZoneComponent extends FormatComponent { Locale locale; static Map<Locale, CollectionValuedMap<String, DateTimeZone>> timeZonesByName = Generics.newHashMap(); static Map<Locale, List<String>> timeZoneNames = Generics.newHashMap(); static Map<Locale, String> timeZoneRegexes = Generics.newHashMap(); public TimeZoneComponent(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; synchronized (TimeZoneComponent.class) { String regex = timeZoneRegexes.get(locale); if (regex == null) { updateTimeZoneNames(locale); } } } private static void updateTimeZoneNames(Locale locale) { long time1 = new SUTime.IsoDate(2013,1,1).getJodaTimeInstant().getMillis(); long time2 = new SUTime.IsoDate(2013,6,1).getJodaTimeInstant().getMillis(); CollectionValuedMap<String,DateTimeZone> tzMap = new CollectionValuedMap<>(); for (DateTimeZone dtz:TimeZoneIdComponent.timeZonesById.values()) { // standard timezones tzMap.add(dtz.getShortName(time1, locale).toLowerCase(), dtz); tzMap.add(dtz.getName(time1, locale).toLowerCase(), dtz); // Add about half a year to get day light savings timezones... tzMap.add(dtz.getShortName(time2, locale).toLowerCase(), dtz); tzMap.add(dtz.getName(time2, locale).toLowerCase(), dtz); // tzMap.add(dtz.getNameKey(time).toLowerCase(), dtz); // tzMap.add(dtz.getID().toLowerCase(), dtz); } // Order by length for regex List<String> tzNames = new ArrayList<>(tzMap.keySet()); Collections.sort(tzNames, STRING_LENGTH_REV_COMPARATOR); String tzRegex = makeRegex(tzNames); synchronized (TimeZoneComponent.class) { timeZoneNames.put(locale,tzNames); timeZonesByName.put(locale,tzMap); timeZoneRegexes.put(locale,tzRegex); } } public DateTimeZone parseDateTimeZone(String str) { // TODO: do something about these multiple timezones that match the same name... // pick one based on location str = str.toLowerCase(); CollectionValuedMap<String,DateTimeZone> tzMap = timeZonesByName.get(locale); Collection<DateTimeZone> v = tzMap.get(str); if (v == null || v.isEmpty()) return null; else return v.iterator().next(); } protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { String regex = timeZoneRegexes.get(locale); sb.append(regex); return sb; } public SUTime.Temporal updateTemporal(SUTime.Temporal t, String fieldValueStr) { if (fieldValueStr != null) { DateTimeZone dtz = parseDateTimeZone(fieldValueStr); return t.setTimeZone(dtz); } return t; } } private static class LiteralComponent extends FormatComponent { private final String text; public LiteralComponent(String str) { this.text = str; } @Override protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(Pattern.quote(text)); return sb; } } private static class RegexComponent extends FormatComponent { private final String regex; public RegexComponent(String regex) { this.regex = regex; } @Override protected StringBuilder appendRegex0(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(regex); return sb; } } private static class FormatterBuilder { boolean useRelaxedHour = true; Locale locale; DateTimeFormatterBuilder builder = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder(); List<FormatComponent> pieces = new ArrayList<>(); int curGroup = 0; public DateTimeFormatter toFormatter() { return builder.toFormatter(); } public String toTextRegex() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\\b"); for (FormatComponent fc:pieces) { fc.appendRegex(sb); } sb.append("\\b"); return sb.toString(); } public Pattern toTextPattern() { return Pattern.compile(toTextRegex(), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } private void appendNumericFields(DateTimeFieldType[] fieldTypes, int digits) { appendNumericFields(fieldTypes, digits, digits); } private void appendNumericFields(DateTimeFieldType[] fieldTypes, int minDigits, int maxDigits) { appendComponent(new RelaxedNumericDateComponent(fieldTypes, minDigits, maxDigits), true); } private void appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, int digits) { appendNumericField(fieldType, digits, digits); } private void appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, int minDigits, int maxDigits) { appendComponent(new NumericDateComponent(fieldType, minDigits, maxDigits), true); } private void appendTextField(DateTimeFieldType fieldType, boolean isShort) { appendComponent(new TextDateComponent(fieldType, locale, isShort), true); } private void appendComponent(FormatComponent fc, boolean hasGroup) { if (hasGroup) { = ++curGroup; } pieces.add(fc); } private void appendLiteralField(String s) { appendComponent(new LiteralComponent(s), false); } private void appendRegexPart(String s) { appendComponent(new RegexComponent(s), false); } protected void appendEraText() { builder.appendEraText(); appendTextField(DateTimeFieldType.era(), false); } protected void appendCenturyOfEra(int minDigits, int maxDigits) { builder.appendCenturyOfEra(minDigits, maxDigits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.centuryOfEra(), minDigits, maxDigits); } protected void appendYearOfEra(int minDigits, int maxDigits) { builder.appendYearOfEra(minDigits, maxDigits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.yearOfEra(), minDigits, maxDigits); } protected void appendYear(int minDigits, int maxDigits) { builder.appendYear(minDigits, maxDigits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.year(), minDigits, maxDigits); } protected void appendTwoDigitYear(int pivot, boolean lenient) { builder.appendTwoDigitYear(pivot, lenient); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.yearOfCentury(), 2); } protected void appendWeekyear(int minDigits, int maxDigits) { builder.appendWeekyear(minDigits, maxDigits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.weekyear(), minDigits, maxDigits); } protected void appendTwoDigitWeekyear(int pivot, boolean lenient) { builder.appendTwoDigitYear(pivot, lenient); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.yearOfCentury(), 2); } protected void appendWeekOfWeekyear(int digits) { builder.appendWeekOfWeekyear(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.weekOfWeekyear(), digits); } protected void appendMonthOfYear(int digits) { builder.appendMonthOfYear(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear(), digits); } protected void appendMonthOfYearShortText() { builder.appendMonthOfYearShortText(); appendTextField(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear(), true); } protected void appendMonthOfYearText() { builder.appendMonthOfYearText(); appendTextField(DateTimeFieldType.monthOfYear(), false); } protected void appendDayOfYear(int digits) { builder.appendDayOfYear(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfYear(), digits); } protected void appendDayOfMonth(int digits) { builder.appendDayOfMonth(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfMonth(), digits); } protected void appendDayOfWeek(int digits) { builder.appendDayOfWeek(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek(), digits); } protected void appendDayOfWeekText() { builder.appendDayOfWeekText(); appendTextField(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek(), false); } protected void appendDayOfWeekShortText() { builder.appendDayOfWeekShortText(); appendTextField(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek(), true); } protected void appendHalfdayOfDayText() { builder.appendHalfdayOfDayText(); appendTextField(DateTimeFieldType.halfdayOfDay(), false); } protected void appendClockhourOfDay(int digits) { builder.appendDayOfYear(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.clockhourOfDay(), digits); } protected void appendClockhourOfHalfday(int digits) { builder.appendClockhourOfHalfday(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.clockhourOfHalfday(), digits); } protected void appendHourOfDay(int digits) { if (useRelaxedHour) { builder.appendHourOfDay(digits); appendNumericFields(new DateTimeFieldType[]{DateTimeFieldType.hourOfDay(), DateTimeFieldType.clockhourOfDay()}, digits); } else { builder.appendHourOfDay(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfDay(), digits); } } protected void appendHourOfHalfday(int digits) { builder.appendHourOfHalfday(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.hourOfHalfday(), digits); } protected void appendMinuteOfHour(int digits) { builder.appendMinuteOfHour(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.minuteOfHour(), digits); } protected void appendSecondOfMinute(int digits) { builder.appendSecondOfMinute(digits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.secondOfMinute(), digits); } protected void appendFractionOfSecond(int minDigits, int maxDigits) { builder.appendFractionOfSecond(minDigits, maxDigits); appendNumericField(DateTimeFieldType.millisOfSecond(), minDigits, maxDigits); } protected void appendTimeZoneOffset(String zeroOffsetText, String zeroOffsetParseText, boolean showSeparators, int minFields, int maxFields) { builder.appendTimeZoneOffset(zeroOffsetText, zeroOffsetParseText, showSeparators, minFields, maxFields); appendComponent(new TimeZoneOffsetComponent(zeroOffsetParseText), true); } protected void appendTimeZoneId() { builder.appendTimeZoneId(); appendComponent(new TimeZoneIdComponent(), true); } protected void appendTimeZoneName() { builder.appendTimeZoneName(); // TODO: TimeZoneName appendComponent(new TimeZoneComponent(locale), true); } protected void appendTimeZoneShortName() { builder.appendTimeZoneShortName(); // TODO: TimeZoneName appendComponent(new TimeZoneComponent(locale), true); } protected void appendQuantifier(String str) { if (pieces.size() > 0) { FormatComponent last = pieces.get(pieces.size() - 1); last.appendQuantifier(str); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal quantifier at beginning of pattern: " + str); } } protected void appendGroupStart() { appendRegexPart("(?:");} protected void appendGroupEnd() { appendRegexPart(")"); } protected void appendLiteral(char c) { builder.appendLiteral(c); appendLiteralField(String.valueOf(c));} protected void appendLiteral(String s) { builder.appendLiteral(s); appendLiteralField(s); } } private static void parsePatternTo(FormatterBuilder builder, String pattern) { int length = pattern.length(); int[] indexRef = new int[1]; for (int i=0; i<length; i++) { indexRef[0] = i; String token = parseToken(pattern, indexRef); i = indexRef[0]; int tokenLen = token.length(); if (tokenLen == 0) { break; } char c = token.charAt(0); switch (c) { case 'G': // era designator (text) builder.appendEraText(); break; case 'C': // century of era (number) builder.appendCenturyOfEra(tokenLen, tokenLen); break; case 'x': // weekyear (number) case 'y': // year (number) case 'Y': // year of era (number) if (tokenLen == 2) { boolean lenientParse = true; // Peek ahead to next token. if (i + 1 < length) { indexRef[0]++; if (isNumericToken(parseToken(pattern, indexRef))) { // If next token is a number, cannot support // lenient parse, because it will consume digits // that it should not. lenientParse = false; } indexRef[0]--; } // TODO: fixed pivots doesn't make sense, we want pivots that can change.... // Use pivots which are compatible with SimpleDateFormat. switch (c) { case 'x': builder.appendTwoDigitWeekyear(new DateTime().getWeekyear() - 30, lenientParse); break; case 'y': case 'Y': default: builder.appendTwoDigitYear(new DateTime().getYear() - 30, lenientParse); break; } } else { /* // Try to support long year values. int maxDigits = 9; // Peek ahead to next token. if (i + 1 < length) { indexRef[0]++; if (isNumericToken(parseToken(pattern, indexRef))) { // If next token is a number, cannot support long years. maxDigits = tokenLen; } indexRef[0]--; } */ int maxDigits = 4; switch (c) { case 'x': builder.appendWeekyear(tokenLen, maxDigits); break; case 'y': builder.appendYear(tokenLen, maxDigits); break; case 'Y': builder.appendYearOfEra(tokenLen, maxDigits); break; } } break; case 'M': // month of year (text and number) if (tokenLen >= 3) { if (tokenLen >= 4) { builder.appendMonthOfYearText(); } else { builder.appendMonthOfYearShortText(); } } else { builder.appendMonthOfYear(tokenLen); } break; case 'd': // day of month (number) builder.appendDayOfMonth(tokenLen); break; case 'a': // am/pm marker (text) builder.appendHalfdayOfDayText(); break; case 'h': // clockhour of halfday (number, 1..12) builder.appendClockhourOfHalfday(tokenLen); break; case 'H': // hour of day (number, 0..23) builder.appendHourOfDay(tokenLen); break; case 'k': // clockhour of day (1..24) builder.appendClockhourOfDay(tokenLen); break; case 'K': // hour of halfday (0..11) builder.appendHourOfHalfday(tokenLen); break; case 'm': // minute of hour (number) builder.appendMinuteOfHour(tokenLen); break; case 's': // second of minute (number) builder.appendSecondOfMinute(tokenLen); break; case 'S': // fraction of second (number) builder.appendFractionOfSecond(tokenLen, tokenLen); break; case 'e': // day of week (number) builder.appendDayOfWeek(tokenLen); break; case 'E': // dayOfWeek (text) if (tokenLen >= 4) { builder.appendDayOfWeekText(); } else { builder.appendDayOfWeekShortText(); } break; case 'D': // day of year (number) builder.appendDayOfYear(tokenLen); break; case 'w': // week of weekyear (number) builder.appendWeekOfWeekyear(tokenLen); break; case 'z': // time zone (text) if (tokenLen >= 4) { builder.appendTimeZoneName(); } else { builder.appendTimeZoneShortName(); } break; case 'Z': // time zone offset if (tokenLen == 1) { builder.appendTimeZoneOffset(null, "Z", false, 2, 2); } else if (tokenLen == 2) { builder.appendTimeZoneOffset(null, "Z", true, 2, 2); } else { builder.appendTimeZoneId(); } break; case '(': builder.appendGroupStart(); break; case ')': builder.appendGroupEnd(); break; case '{': case '*': case '?': builder.appendQuantifier(token); break; case '[': case '.': case '|': case '\\': builder.appendRegexPart(token); break; case '\'': // literal text String sub = token.substring(1); if (sub.length() == 1) { builder.appendLiteral(sub.charAt(0)); } else { // Create copy of sub since otherwise the temporary quoted // string would still be referenced internally. builder.appendLiteral(new String(sub)); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Illegal pattern component: " + token); } } } private static final char[] SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS = new char[]{'[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '?', '*', '.', '|','\\'}; private static boolean isSpecialRegexChar(char c) { for (char SPECIAL_REGEX_CHAR : SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS) { if (c == SPECIAL_REGEX_CHAR) return true; } return false; } /** * Parses an individual token. * * @param pattern the pattern string * @param indexRef a single element array, where the input is the start * location and the output is the location after parsing the token * @return the parsed token */ private static String parseToken(String pattern, int[] indexRef) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int i = indexRef[0]; int length = pattern.length(); char c = pattern.charAt(i); if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { // Scan a run of the same character, which indicates a time // pattern. buf.append(c); while (i + 1 < length) { char peek = pattern.charAt(i + 1); if (peek == c) { buf.append(c); i++; } else { break; } } } else if (isSpecialRegexChar(c)) { buf.append(c); if (c == '[') { // Look for end ']' // Assume no nesting i++; for (; i < length; i++) { c = pattern.charAt(i); buf.append(c); if (c == ']') { break; } } } else if (c == '{') { // Look for end '}' // Assume no nesting i++; for (; i < length; i++) { c = pattern.charAt(i); buf.append(c); if (c == '}') { break; } } } else if (c == '\\') { // Used to escape characters i++; if (i < length) { c = pattern.charAt(i); buf.append(c); } } } else { // This will identify token as text. buf.append('\''); boolean inLiteral = false; for (; i < length; i++) { c = pattern.charAt(i); if (c == '\'') { if (i + 1 < length && pattern.charAt(i + 1) == '\'') { // '' is treated as escaped ' i++; buf.append(c); } else { inLiteral = !inLiteral; } } else if (!inLiteral && (isSpecialRegexChar(c) || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))) { i--; break; } else { buf.append(c); } } } indexRef[0] = i; return buf.toString(); } /** * Returns true if token should be parsed as a numeric field. * * @param token the token to parse * @return true if numeric field */ private static boolean isNumericToken(String token) { int tokenLen = token.length(); if (tokenLen > 0) { char c = token.charAt(0); switch (c) { case 'c': // century (number) case 'C': // century of era (number) case 'x': // weekyear (number) case 'y': // year (number) case 'Y': // year of era (number) case 'd': // day of month (number) case 'h': // hour of day (number, 1..12) case 'H': // hour of day (number, 0..23) case 'm': // minute of hour (number) case 's': // second of minute (number) case 'S': // fraction of second (number) case 'e': // day of week (number) case 'D': // day of year (number) case 'F': // day of week in month (number) case 'w': // week of year (number) case 'W': // week of month (number) case 'k': // hour of day (1..24) case 'K': // hour of day (0..11) return true; case 'M': // month of year (text and number) if (tokenLen <= 2) { return true; } } } return false; } }