package edu.stanford.nlp.naturalli; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasIndex; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.TSVSentenceProcessor; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraph; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.SemanticGraphEdge; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.semgrex.SemgrexMatcher; import edu.stanford.nlp.semgraph.semgrex.SemgrexPattern; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.PennTreeReader; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.TreeReader; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.UniversalEnglishGrammaticalStructureFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.*; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import static edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood.Util.*; /** * A script to convert a TSV dump from our KBP sentences table into a Turk-task ready clause splitting dataset. * * @author Gabor Angeli */ public class CreateClauseDataset implements TSVSentenceProcessor { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(CreateClauseDataset.class); @ArgumentParser.Option(name="in", gloss="The input to read from") private static InputStream in =; public CreateClauseDataset() { } private static Span toSpan(List<? extends HasIndex> chunk) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int max = -1; for (HasIndex word : chunk) { min = Math.min(word.index() - 1, min); max = Math.max(word.index(), max); } assert min >= 0; assert max < Integer.MAX_VALUE && max > 0; return new Span(min, max); } @Override public void process(long id, Annotation doc) { CoreMap sentence = doc.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class).get(0); SemanticGraph depparse = sentence.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class);"| " + sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class)); // Get all valid subject spans BitSet consumedAsSubjects = new BitSet(); @SuppressWarnings("MismatchedQueryAndUpdateOfCollection") List<Span> subjectSpans = new ArrayList<>(); NEXTNODE: for (IndexedWord head : depparse.topologicalSort()) { // Check if the node is a noun/pronoun if (head.tag().startsWith("N") || head.tag().equals("PRP")) { // Try to get the NP chunk Optional<List<IndexedWord>> subjectChunk = segmenter.getValidChunk(depparse, head, segmenter.VALID_SUBJECT_ARCS, Optional.empty(), true); if (subjectChunk.isPresent()) { // Make sure it's not already a member of a larger NP for (IndexedWord tok : subjectChunk.get()) { if (consumedAsSubjects.get(tok.index())) { continue NEXTNODE; // Already considered. Continue to the next node. } } // Register it as an NP for (IndexedWord tok : subjectChunk.get()) { consumedAsSubjects.set(tok.index()); } // Add it as a subject subjectSpans.add(toSpan(subjectChunk.get())); } } } } /** * The pattern for traces which are potential subjects */ private static Pattern TRACE_TARGET_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(NP-.*)-([0-9]+)"); /** * The pattern for trace markers. */ private static Pattern TRACE_SOURCE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*\\*-([0-9]+)"); /** * The converter from constituency to dependency trees. */ private static UniversalEnglishGrammaticalStructureFactory parser = new UniversalEnglishGrammaticalStructureFactory(); /** * The OpenIE segmenter to use. */ private static RelationTripleSegmenter segmenter = new RelationTripleSegmenter(); /** * The natural logic annotator for marking polarity. */ private static NaturalLogicAnnotator natlog = new NaturalLogicAnnotator(); /** * Parse a given constituency tree into a dependency graph. * * @param tree The constituency tree, in Penn Treebank style. * @return The dependency graph for the tree. */ private static SemanticGraph parse(Tree tree) { return new SemanticGraph(parser.newGrammaticalStructure(tree).typedDependenciesCollapsed()); } /** * Create a dataset of subject/object pairs, such that a sequence of splits that segments this * subject and object is a correct sequence. * * @param depparse The dependency parse of the sentence. * @param traceTargets The set of spans corresponding to targets of traces. * @param traceSources The set of indices in a sentence corresponding to the sources of traces. * @return A dataset of subject/object spans. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") private static Collection<Pair<Span, Span>> subjectObjectPairs(SemanticGraph depparse, List<CoreLabel> tokens, Map<Integer, Span> traceTargets, Map<Integer, Integer> traceSources) { // log(StringUtils.join(, " ")); List<Pair<Span, Span>> data = new ArrayList<>(); for (SemgrexPattern vpPattern : segmenter.VP_PATTERNS) { SemgrexMatcher matcher = vpPattern.matcher(depparse); while (matcher.find()) { // Get the verb and object IndexedWord verb = matcher.getNode("verb"); IndexedWord object = matcher.getNode("object"); if (verb != null && object != null) { // See if there is already a subject attached boolean hasSubject = false; for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : depparse.outgoingEdgeIterable(verb)) { if (edge.getRelation().toString().contains("subj")) { hasSubject = true; } } for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : depparse.outgoingEdgeIterable(object)) { if (edge.getRelation().toString().contains("subj")) { hasSubject = true; } } if (!hasSubject) { // Get the spans for the verb and object Optional<List<IndexedWord>> verbChunk = segmenter.getValidChunk(depparse, verb, segmenter.VALID_ADVERB_ARCS, Optional.empty(), true); Optional<List<IndexedWord>> objectChunk = segmenter.getValidChunk(depparse, object, segmenter.VALID_OBJECT_ARCS, Optional.empty(), true); if (verbChunk.isPresent() && objectChunk.isPresent()) { Collections.sort(verbChunk.get(), (a, b) -> a.index() - b.index()); Collections.sort(objectChunk.get(), (a, b) -> a.index() - b.index()); // Find a trace int traceId = -1; Span verbSpan = toSpan(verbChunk.get()); Span traceSpan = Span.fromValues(verbSpan.start() - 1, verbSpan.end() + 1); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : traceSources.entrySet()) { if (traceSpan.contains(entry.getValue())) { traceId = entry.getKey(); } } //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody if (traceId < 0) { // Register the VP as an unknown VP // List<CoreLabel> vpChunk = new ArrayList<>(); // vpChunk.addAll(verbChunk.get()); // vpChunk.addAll(objectChunk.get()); // Collections.sort(vpChunk, (a, b) -> a.index() - b.index()); // debug("could not find trace for " + vpChunk); } else { // Add the obj chunk Span subjectSpan = traceTargets.get(traceId); Span objectSpan = toSpan(objectChunk.get()); if (subjectSpan != null) { // debug("(" + // StringUtils.join(tokens.subList(subjectSpan.start(), subjectSpan.end()).stream().map(CoreLabel::word), " ") + "; " + // verb.word() + "; " + // StringUtils.join(tokens.subList(objectSpan.start(), objectSpan.end()).stream().map(CoreLabel::word), " ") + // ")"); data.add(Pair.makePair(subjectSpan, objectSpan)); } } } } } } } // Run vanilla pattern splits for (SemgrexPattern vpPattern : segmenter.VERB_PATTERNS) { SemgrexMatcher matcher = vpPattern.matcher(depparse); while (matcher.find()) { // Get the verb and object IndexedWord subject = matcher.getNode("subject"); IndexedWord object = matcher.getNode("object"); if (subject != null && object != null) { Optional<List<IndexedWord>> subjectChunk = segmenter.getValidChunk(depparse, subject, segmenter.VALID_SUBJECT_ARCS, Optional.empty(), true); Optional<List<IndexedWord>> objectChunk = segmenter.getValidChunk(depparse, object, segmenter.VALID_OBJECT_ARCS, Optional.empty(), true); if (subjectChunk.isPresent() && objectChunk.isPresent()) { Span subjectSpan = toSpan(subjectChunk.get()); Span objectSpan = toSpan(objectChunk.get()); data.add(Pair.makePair(subjectSpan, objectSpan)); } } } } return data; } /** * Collect all the possible targets for traces. This is limited to NP-style traces. * * @param root The tree to search in. This is a recursive function. * @return The set of trace targets. The key is the id of the trace, the value is the span of the target of the trace. */ private static Map<Integer, Span> findTraceTargets(Tree root) { Map<Integer, Span> spansInTree = new HashMap<>(4); Matcher m = TRACE_TARGET_PATTERN.matcher(root.label().value() == null ? "NULL" : root.label().value()); if (m.matches()) { int index = Integer.parseInt(; spansInTree.put(index, Span.fromPair(root.getSpan()).toExclusive()); } for (Tree child : root.children()) { spansInTree.putAll(findTraceTargets(child)); } return spansInTree; } /** * Collect all the trace markers in the sentence. * * @param root The tree to search in. This is a recursive function. * @return A map of trace sources. The key is hte id of the trace, the value is the index of the trace's source in the sentence. */ private static Map<Integer, Integer> findTraceSources(Tree root) { Map<Integer, Integer> spansInTree = new HashMap<>(4); Matcher m = TRACE_SOURCE_PATTERN.matcher(root.label().value() == null ? "NULL" : root.label().value()); if (m.matches()) { int index = Integer.parseInt(; spansInTree.put(index, ((CoreLabel) root.label()).index() - 1); } for (Tree child : root.children()) { spansInTree.putAll(findTraceSources(child)); } return spansInTree; } /** * Count the number of extractions in the given dataset. That is, the sum count of the pair spans * for each sentence. * * @param data The dataset. * @return The number of extractions in the datasets.. */ private static int countDatums(List<Pair<CoreMap, Collection<Pair<Span,Span>>>> data) { int count = 0; for (Pair<CoreMap, Collection<Pair<Span, Span>>> datum : data) { count += datum.second.size(); } return count; } /** * Process all the trees in the given directory. For example, the WSJ section of the Penn Treebank. * * @param name The name of the directory we are processing. * @param directory The directory we are processing. * @return A dataset of subject/object pairs in the trees in the directory. * This is a list of sentences, such that each sentence has a collection of pairs of spans. * Each pair of spans is a subject/object span pair that constitutes a valid extraction. * @throws IOException */ private static List<Pair<CoreMap, Collection<Pair<Span, Span>>>> processDirectory(String name, File directory) throws IOException { forceTrack("Processing " + name); // Prepare the files to iterate over Iterable<File> files = IOUtils.iterFilesRecursive(directory, "mrg"); Tree tree; int numTreesProcessed = 0; List<Pair<CoreMap, Collection<Pair<Span, Span>>>> trainingData = new ArrayList<>(1024); // Iterate over the files for (File file : files) { // log(file); TreeReader reader = new PennTreeReader(IOUtils.readerFromFile(file)); while ( (tree = reader.readTree()) != null ) { try { // Prepare the tree tree.indexSpans(); tree.setSpans(); // Get relevant information from sentence List<CoreLabel> tokens = tree.getLeaves().stream() .map(leaf -> (CoreLabel) leaf.label()) // .filter(leaf -> !TRACE_SOURCE_PATTERN.matcher(leaf.word()).matches() && !leaf.tag().equals("-NONE-")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); SemanticGraph graph = parse(tree); Map<Integer, Span> targets = findTraceTargets(tree); Map<Integer, Integer> sources = findTraceSources(tree); // Create a sentence object CoreMap sentence = new ArrayCoreMap(4) {{ set(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class, tokens); set(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.BasicDependenciesAnnotation.class, graph); set(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedDependenciesAnnotation.class, graph); set(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.EnhancedPlusPlusDependenciesAnnotation.class, graph); }}; natlog.doOneSentence(null, sentence); // Generate training data Collection<Pair<Span, Span>> trainingDataFromSentence = subjectObjectPairs(graph, tokens, targets, sources); trainingData.add(Pair.makePair(sentence, trainingDataFromSentence)); // Debug print numTreesProcessed += 1; if (numTreesProcessed % 100 == 0) { log("[" + new DecimalFormat("00000").format(numTreesProcessed) + "] " + countDatums(trainingData) + " known extractions"); } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } } // End log("" + numTreesProcessed + " trees processed yielding " + countDatums(trainingData) + " known extractions"); endTrack("Processing " + name); return trainingData; } /** * The main entry point of the code. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { forceTrack("Processing treebanks"); List<Pair<CoreMap, Collection<Pair<Span, Span>>>> trainingData = new ArrayList<>(); trainingData.addAll(processDirectory("WSJ", new File("/home/gabor/lib/data/penn_treebank/wsj"))); trainingData.addAll(processDirectory("Brown", new File("/home/gabor/lib/data/penn_treebank/brown"))); endTrack("Processing treebanks"); forceTrack("Training"); log("dataset size: " + trainingData.size()); ClauseSplitter.train(, new File("/home/gabor/tmp/clauseSearcher.ser.gz"), new File("/home/gabor/tmp/")); endTrack("Training"); // Execution.fillOptions(CreateClauseDataset.class, args); // // new CreateClauseDataset().runAndExit(in, System.err, code -> code); } }