package edu.stanford.nlp.parser.common; import; import java.util.List; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.KBestViterbiParser; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.Tree; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.ScoredObject; public interface ParserQuery { boolean parse(List<? extends HasWord> sentence); boolean parseAndReport(List<? extends HasWord> sentence, PrintWriter pwErr); double getPCFGScore(); Tree getBestParse(); List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKBestParses(int k); double getBestScore(); Tree getBestPCFGParse(); Tree getBestDependencyParse(boolean debinarize); Tree getBestFactoredParse(); List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getBestPCFGParses(); void restoreOriginalWords(Tree tree); boolean hasFactoredParse(); List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKBestPCFGParses(int kbestPCFG); List<ScoredObject<Tree>> getKGoodFactoredParses(int kbest); KBestViterbiParser getPCFGParser(); KBestViterbiParser getFactoredParser(); KBestViterbiParser getDependencyParser(); void setConstraints(List<ParserConstraint> constraints); boolean saidMemMessage(); /** * Parsing succeeded without any horrible errors or fallback */ boolean parseSucceeded(); /** * The sentence was skipped, probably because it was too long or of length 0 */ boolean parseSkipped(); /** * The model had to fall back to a simpler model on the previous parse */ boolean parseFallback(); /** * The model ran out of memory on the most recent parse */ boolean parseNoMemory(); /** * The model could not parse the most recent sentence for some reason */ boolean parseUnparsable(); List<? extends HasWord> originalSentence(); }