package; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Pair; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * A utility for preprocessing the AnCora Spanish corpus. * * Attempts to disambiguate Spanish personal pronouns which have * multiple senses: * * <em>me, te, se, nos, os</em> * * Each of these can be used as 1) an indirect object pronoun or as * 2) a reflexive pronoun. (<em>me, te, nos,</em> and <em>os</em> can * also be used as direct object pronouns.) * * For the purposes of corpus preprocessing, all we need is to * distinguish between the object- and reflexive-pronoun cases. * * Disambiguation is done first by (dictionary-powered) heuristics, and * then by brute force. The brute-force decisions are manual tags for * verbs with clitic pronouns which appear in the AnCora corpus. * * @author Jon Gauthier * @see */ public class AnCoraPronounDisambiguator { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(AnCoraPronounDisambiguator.class); public static enum PersonalPronounType {OBJECT, REFLEXIVE, UNKNOWN} private static final Set<String> ambiguousPersonalPronouns = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( "me", "te", "se", "nos", "os" )); /** * The following verbs always use ambiguous pronouns in a reflexive * sense in the corpus. */ private static final Set<String> alwaysReflexiveVerbs = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( "acercar", "acostumbrar", "adaptar", "afeitar", "agarrar", "ahincar", "alegrar", "Anticipar", "aplicar", "aprobar", "aprovechar", "asegurar", "Atreve", "bajar", "beneficiar", "callar", "casar", "cobrar", "colocar", "comer", "comportar", "comprar", "concentrar", "cuidar", "deber", "decidir", "defender", "desplazar", "detectar", "divirtiendo", "echar", "encontrar", "enfrentar", "entender", "enterar", "entrometer", "equivocar", "escapar", "esconder", "esforzando", "establecer", "felicitar", "fija", "Fija", "ganar", "guarda", "guardar", "Habituar", "hacer", "imagina", "imaginar", "iniciar", "inscribir", "ir", "jode", "jugar", "Levantar", "Manifestar", "mantener", "marchar", "meter", "Negar", "obsesionar", "Olvida", "Olvidar", "olvidar", "oponer", "Para", "pasar", "plantear", "poner", "pudra", "queda", "quedar", "querer", "quita", "reciclar", "reconoce", "reconstruir", "recordar", "recuperar", "reencontrar", "referir", "registrar", "reincorporar", "rendir", "reservar", "retirar", "reunir", "sentar", "sentir", "someter", "subir", "tirando", "toma", "tomar", "tomen", "Une", "unir", "Ve", "vestir" )); /** * The following verbs always use ambiguous clitic pronouns in an * object sense **in the corpora supported.** * * This does not imply that the below verbs are only ever non-reflexive! * This list may need to be revised in order to produce correct gold trees * on new datasets. */ private static final Set<String> neverReflexiveVerbs = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( "abrir", "aguar", "anunciar", "arrebatando", "arruinar", "clasificar", "compensar", "compra", "comprar", "concretar", "contar", "crea", "crear", "Cuente", "Decir", "decir", "deja", "digan", "devolver", "devuelve", "dirigiendo", "distraer", "enfrascar", "exigiendo", "exigir", "haz", "ignorar", "impedir", "insultar", "juzgar", "llamar", "llevando", "llevar", "manda", "mirar", "Miren", "multar", "negar", "ocultando", "pagar", "patear", "pedir", "permitir", "pidiendo", "preguntar", "prevenir", "quitar", "razona", "resultar", "saca", "sacar", "saludar", "seguir", "servir", "situar", "suceder", "tener", "tutear", "utilizar", "vender", "ver", "visitar" )); /** * Brute-force: based on clauses which we recognize from AnCora, * dictate the type of pronoun being used * * Map from pair (verb, containing clause) to personal pronoun type */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final Map<Pair<String, String>, PersonalPronounType> bruteForceDecisions = new HashMap<>(); static { bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("contar", "No contarte mi vida nunca más"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("Creer", "Creerselo todo"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("creer", "creérselo todo ..."), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("creer", "creerte"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("Dar", "Darte de alta ahi"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("da", "A mi dame billetes uno al lado del otro que es la forma mas líquida que uno pueda estar"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("da", "danos UNA razon UNA"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("da", "y ... dame una razon por la que hubiera matado o se hubiera comido a el compañero ?"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "darme cuenta"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "darme la enhorabuena"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "darnos cuenta"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "darselo a la doña"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "darte cuenta"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "darte de alta"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "darte vuelta en cuestiones que no tienen nada que ver con lo que comenzaste diciendo"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "podría darnos"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dar", "puede darnos"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("decir", "suele decirnos"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("decir", "suelo decírmelo"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dejar", "debería dejarnos faenar"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dejar", "dejarme un intermitente encendido"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dejar", ": dejarnos un país tan limpio en su gobierno como el cielo claro después de las tormentas mediterráneas , que inundan nuestras obras públicas sin encontrar nunca ni un solo responsable político de tanta mala gestión , ya sea la plaza de Cerdà socialista o los incendios forestales de la Generalitat"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("dejar", "podemos dejarnos adormecer"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("engañar", "engañarnos"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("estira", "=LRB= al menos estirate a los japoneses HDP !!! =RRB="), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("explica", "explicame como hago"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("explicar", "deberá explicarnos"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("liar", "liarme a tiros"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("librar", "librarme de el mismo para siempre"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("llevar", "llevarnos a una trampa en esta elección"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("manifestar", "manifestarme su solidaridad"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("manifestar", "manifestarnos sobre las circunstancias que mantienen en vilo la vida y obra de los colombianos"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("mirando", "estábamos mirándonos"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("poner", "ponerme en ascuas"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("servir", "servirme de guía"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("volver", "debe volvernos"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("volver", "deja de volverme"), PersonalPronounType.OBJECT); bruteForceDecisions.put( new Pair<>("volver", "volvernos"), PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE); } /** * Determine if the given pronoun can have multiple senses. */ public static boolean isAmbiguous(String pronoun) { return ambiguousPersonalPronouns.contains(pronoun); } /** * Determine whether the given clitic pronoun is an indirect object * pronoun or a reflexive pronoun. * * This method is only defined when the pronoun is one of * * me, te, se, nos, os * * i.e., those in which the meaning is actually ambiguous. * * @param strippedVerb Stripped verb as returned by * {@link}. * @param pronounIdx The index of the pronoun within * {@code strippedVerb.getPronouns()} which should be * disambiguated. * @param clauseYield A string representing the yield of the * clause which contains the given verb * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If the given pronoun is * not ambiguous, or its disambiguation is not supported. */ public static PersonalPronounType disambiguatePersonalPronoun(SpanishVerbStripper.StrippedVerb strippedVerb, int pronounIdx, String clauseYield) { List<String> pronouns = strippedVerb.getPronouns(); String pronoun = pronouns.get(pronounIdx).toLowerCase(); if (!ambiguousPersonalPronouns.contains(pronoun)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("We don't support disambiguating pronoun '" + pronoun + "'"); if (pronouns.size() == 1 && pronoun.equalsIgnoreCase("se")) return PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE; String verb = strippedVerb.getStem(); if (alwaysReflexiveVerbs.contains(verb)) return PersonalPronounType.REFLEXIVE; else if (neverReflexiveVerbs.contains(verb)) return PersonalPronounType.OBJECT; Pair<String, String> bruteForceKey = new Pair<>(verb, clauseYield); if (bruteForceDecisions.containsKey(bruteForceKey)) return bruteForceDecisions.get(bruteForceKey); // Log this instance where a clitic pronoun could not be disambiguated."Failed to disambiguate: " + verb + "\nContaining clause:\t" + clauseYield + "\n"); return PersonalPronounType.UNKNOWN; } }