package edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.benchmarks; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.inference.CliqueTree; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model.ConcatVector; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model.ConcatVectorNamespace; import edu.stanford.nlp.loglinear.model.GraphicalModel; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created on 9/11/15. * @author keenon * <p> * This simulates game-player-like activity, with a few CoNLL CliqueTrees playing host to lots and lots of manipulations * by adding and removing human "observations". In real life, this kind of behavior occurs during sampling lookahead for * LENSE-like systems. * <p> * In order to measure only the realistic parts of behavior, and not the random generation of numbers, we pre-cache a * few hundred ConcatVectors representing human obs features, then our feature function is just indexing into that cache. * The cache is designed to require a bit of L1 cache eviction to page through, so that we don't see artificial speed * gains during dot products b/c we already have both features and weights in L1 cache. */ public class GamePlayerBenchmark { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(GamePlayerBenchmark.class); static final String DATA_PATH = "/u/nlp/data/ner/conll/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate the CoNLL CliqueTrees to use during gameplay ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CoNLLBenchmark coNLL = new CoNLLBenchmark(); List<CoNLLBenchmark.CoNLLSentence> train = coNLL.getSentences(DATA_PATH + "conll.iob.4class.train"); List<CoNLLBenchmark.CoNLLSentence> testA = coNLL.getSentences(DATA_PATH + "conll.iob.4class.testa"); List<CoNLLBenchmark.CoNLLSentence> testB = coNLL.getSentences(DATA_PATH + "conll.iob.4class.testb"); List<CoNLLBenchmark.CoNLLSentence> allData = new ArrayList<>(); allData.addAll(train); allData.addAll(testA); allData.addAll(testB); Set<String> tagsSet = new HashSet<>(); for (CoNLLBenchmark.CoNLLSentence sentence : allData) for (String nerTag : sentence.ner) tagsSet.add(nerTag); List<String> tags = new ArrayList<>(); tags.addAll(tagsSet); coNLL.embeddings = coNLL.getEmbeddings(DATA_PATH + "google-300-trimmed.ser.gz", allData);"Making the training set..."); ConcatVectorNamespace namespace = new ConcatVectorNamespace(); int trainSize = train.size(); GraphicalModel[] trainingSet = new GraphicalModel[trainSize]; for (int i = 0; i < trainSize; i++) { if (i % 10 == 0) { + "/" + trainSize); } trainingSet[i] = coNLL.generateSentenceModel(namespace, train.get(i), tags); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generate the random human observation feature vectors that we'll use ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Random r = new Random(10); int numFeatures = 5; int featureLength = 30; ConcatVector[] humanFeatureVectors = new ConcatVector[1000]; for (int i = 0; i < humanFeatureVectors.length; i++) { humanFeatureVectors[i] = new ConcatVector(numFeatures); for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) { if (r.nextBoolean()) { humanFeatureVectors[i].setSparseComponent(j, r.nextInt(featureLength), r.nextDouble()); } else { double[] dense = new double[featureLength]; for (int k = 0; k < dense.length; k++) { dense[k] = r.nextDouble(); } humanFeatureVectors[i].setDenseComponent(j, dense); } } } ConcatVector weights = new ConcatVector(numFeatures); for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) { double[] dense = new double[featureLength]; for (int j = 0; j < dense.length; j++) dense[j] = r.nextDouble(); weights.setDenseComponent(i, dense); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Actually perform gameplay-like random mutations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"Warming up the JIT..."); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {; gameplay(r, trainingSet[i], weights, humanFeatureVectors); }"Timing actual run..."); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {; gameplay(r, trainingSet[i], weights, humanFeatureVectors); } long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;"Duration: " + duration); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is an implementation of something like MCTS, trying to take advantage of the general speed gains due to fast // CliqueTree caching of dot products. It doesn't actually do any clever selection, preferring to select observations // at random. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static void gameplay(Random r, GraphicalModel model, ConcatVector weights, ConcatVector[] humanFeatureVectors) { List<Integer> variablesList = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> variableSizesList = new ArrayList<>(); for (GraphicalModel.Factor f : model.factors) { for (int i = 0; i < f.neigborIndices.length; i++) { int j = f.neigborIndices[i]; if (!variablesList.contains(j)) { variablesList.add(j); variableSizesList.add(f.featuresTable.getDimensions()[i]); } } } int[] variables = -> i).toArray(); int[] variableSizes = -> i).toArray(); List<SampleState> childrenOfRoot = new ArrayList<>(); CliqueTree tree = new CliqueTree(model, weights); int initialFactors = model.factors.size(); // Run some "samples" long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long marginalsTime = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {"\tTaking sample " + i); Stack<SampleState> stack = new Stack<>(); SampleState state = selectOrCreateChildAtRandom(r, model, variables, variableSizes, childrenOfRoot, humanFeatureVectors); long localMarginalsTime = 0; // Each "sample" is 10 moves deep for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { //"\t\tFrame "+j); state.push(model); assert (model.factors.size() == initialFactors + j + 1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the thing we're really benchmarking /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (state.cachedMarginal == null) { long s = System.currentTimeMillis(); state.cachedMarginal = tree.calculateMarginalsJustSingletons(); localMarginalsTime += System.currentTimeMillis() - s; } stack.push(state); state = selectOrCreateChildAtRandom(r, model, variables, variableSizes, state.children, humanFeatureVectors); }"\t\t" + localMarginalsTime + " ms"); marginalsTime += localMarginalsTime; while (!stack.empty()) { stack.pop().pop(model); } assert (model.factors.size() == initialFactors); }"Marginals time: " + marginalsTime + " ms");"Avg time per marginal: " + (marginalsTime / 200) + " ms");"Total time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } private static SampleState selectOrCreateChildAtRandom(Random r, GraphicalModel model, int[] variables, int[] variableSizes, List<SampleState> children, ConcatVector[] humanFeatureVectors) { int i = r.nextInt(variables.length); int variable = variables[i]; int observation = r.nextInt(variableSizes[i]); for (SampleState s : children) { if (s.variable == variable && s.observation == observation) return s; } int humanObservationVariable = 0; for (GraphicalModel.Factor f : model.factors) { for (int j : f.neigborIndices) { if (j >= humanObservationVariable) humanObservationVariable = j + 1; } } GraphicalModel.Factor f = model.addFactor(new int[]{variable, humanObservationVariable}, new int[]{variableSizes[i], variableSizes[i]}, (assn) -> { int j = (assn[0] * variableSizes[i]) + assn[1]; return humanFeatureVectors[j]; }); model.factors.remove(f); SampleState newState = new SampleState(f, variable, observation); children.add(newState); return newState; } public static class SampleState { public GraphicalModel.Factor addedFactor; public int variable; public int observation; public List<SampleState> children = new ArrayList<>(); public double[][] cachedMarginal = null; public SampleState(GraphicalModel.Factor addedFactor, int variable, int observation) { this.addedFactor = addedFactor; this.variable = variable; this.observation = observation; } /** * This applies this SampleState to the model. The name comes from an analogy to a stack. If we take a sample * path, involving a number of steps through the model, we push() each SampleState onto the model one at a time, * then when we return from the sample we can pop() each SampleState off the model, and be left with our * original model state. * * @param model the model to push this SampleState onto */ public void push(GraphicalModel model) { assert (!model.factors.contains(addedFactor)); model.factors.add(addedFactor); model.getVariableMetaDataByReference(variable).put(CliqueTree.VARIABLE_OBSERVED_VALUE, "" + observation); } /** * See push() for an explanation. * * @param model the model to pop this SampleState from */ public void pop(GraphicalModel model) { assert (model.factors.contains(addedFactor)); model.factors.remove(addedFactor); model.getVariableMetaDataByReference(variable).remove(CliqueTree.VARIABLE_OBSERVED_VALUE); } } }