package; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.treebank.Mapper; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; /** * Applies a default set of lexical transformations that have been empirically validated * in various Arabic tasks. This class automatically detects the input encoding and applies * the appropriate set of transformations. * * @author Spence Green * */ public class DefaultLexicalMapper implements Mapper, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3798804368296999785L; private final Pattern utf8ArabicChart = Pattern.compile("[\u0600-\u06FF]"); //Buckwalter patterns private final String bwAlefChar = "A"; //U+0627 private final Pattern bwDiacritics = Pattern.compile("F|N|K|a|u|i|\\~|o"); private final Pattern bwTatweel = Pattern.compile("_"); private final Pattern bwAlef = Pattern.compile("\\{|\\||>|<"); private final Pattern bwQuran = Pattern.compile("`"); private final Pattern bwNullAnaphoraMarker = Pattern.compile("\\[nll\\]"); public final Pattern latinPunc = Pattern.compile("([\u0021-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\\u005B-\u0060\u007B-\u007E\u00A1-\u00BF\u00F7\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u205E\u20A0-\u20BA])+"); public final Pattern arabicPunc = Pattern.compile("([\u00AB\u00BB\u0609-\u060D\u061B-\u061F\u066A\u066C-\u066D\u06D4])+"); public final Pattern arabicDigit = Pattern.compile("([\u06F0-\u06F9\u0660-\u0669])+"); //TODO Extend coverage to entire Arabic code chart //Obviously Buckwalter is a lossful conversion, but no assumptions should be made about //UTF-8 input from "the wild" private final Pattern utf8Diacritics = Pattern.compile("َ|ً|ُ|ٌ|ِ|ٍ|ّ|ْ|\u0670"); private final Pattern utf8Tatweel = Pattern.compile("ـ"); private final Pattern utf8Alef = Pattern.compile("ا|إ|أ|آ|\u0671"); private final Pattern utf8Quran = Pattern.compile("[\u0615-\u061A\u06D6-\u06E5]"); private final Pattern utf8ProDrop = Pattern.compile("\\[نلل\\]"); //Patterns to fix segmentation issues observed in the ATB public final Pattern segmentationMarker = Pattern.compile("^-+|-+$"); private final Pattern morphemeBoundary = Pattern.compile("\\+"); private final Pattern hasDigit = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); // Process the vocalized section for parsing private boolean useATBVocalizedSectionMapping = false; // Strip morpheme boundary markers in the vocalized section private boolean stripMorphemeMarkersInUTF8 = false; // Strip all morpheme and segmentation markers in UTF-8 Arabic private boolean stripSegmentationMarkersInUTF8 = false; //wsg: "LATIN" does not appear in the Bies tagset, so be sure to pass //in the extended POS tags during normalization private final String parentTagString = "PUNC LATIN -NONE-"; private final Set<String> parentTagsToEscape; private final String utf8CliticString = "ل ف و ما ه ها هم هن نا كم تن تم ى ي هما ك ب م"; // private final Set<String> utf8Clitics; private final Set<String> bwClitics; public DefaultLexicalMapper() { parentTagsToEscape = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(parentTagString.split("\\s+")))); // utf8Clitics = // Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(utf8CliticString.split("\\s+")))); Buckwalter bw = new Buckwalter(true); String bwString = bw.apply(utf8CliticString); bwClitics = Collections.unmodifiableSet(Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(bwString.split("\\s+")))); } private String mapUtf8(String element) { Matcher latinPuncOnly = latinPunc.matcher(element); Matcher arbPuncOnly = arabicPunc.matcher(element); if(latinPuncOnly.matches() || arbPuncOnly.matches()) return element; //Remove diacritics Matcher rmDiacritics = utf8Diacritics.matcher(element); element = rmDiacritics.replaceAll(""); if(element.length() > 1) { Matcher rmTatweel = utf8Tatweel.matcher(element); element = rmTatweel.replaceAll(""); } //Normalize alef Matcher normAlef = utf8Alef.matcher(element); element = normAlef.replaceAll("ا"); //Remove characters that only appear in the Qur'an Matcher rmQuran = utf8Quran.matcher(element); element = rmQuran.replaceAll(""); Matcher rmProDrop = utf8ProDrop.matcher(element); element = rmProDrop.replaceAll(""); if (stripMorphemeMarkersInUTF8) { Matcher rmMorphemeBoundary = morphemeBoundary.matcher(element); String strippedElem = rmMorphemeBoundary.replaceAll(""); if(strippedElem.length() > 0) element = strippedElem; } if (stripSegmentationMarkersInUTF8) { String strippedElem = segmentationMarker.matcher(element).replaceAll(""); if(strippedElem.length() > 0) element = strippedElem; } return element; } private String mapBuckwalter(String element) { Matcher puncOnly = latinPunc.matcher(element); if(puncOnly.matches()) return element; //Remove diacritics Matcher rmDiacritics = bwDiacritics.matcher(element); element = rmDiacritics.replaceAll(""); //Remove tatweel if(element.length() > 1) { Matcher rmTatweel = bwTatweel.matcher(element); element = rmTatweel.replaceAll(""); } //Normalize alef Matcher normAlef = bwAlef.matcher(element); element = normAlef.replaceAll(bwAlefChar); //Remove characters that only appear in the Qur'an Matcher rmQuran = bwQuran.matcher(element); element = rmQuran.replaceAll(""); Matcher rmProDrop = bwNullAnaphoraMarker.matcher(element); element = rmProDrop.replaceAll(""); // This conditional is used for normalizing raw ATB trees // Morpheme boundaries are removed, and segmentation markers are retained on // segmented morphemes (not the tokens to which the morphemes were attached) if (useATBVocalizedSectionMapping && element.length() > 1) { Matcher rmMorphemeBoundary = morphemeBoundary.matcher(element); element = rmMorphemeBoundary.replaceAll(""); //wsg: This is hairy due to tokens like this in the vocalized section: // layos-+-a Matcher cliticMarker = segmentationMarker.matcher(element); if(cliticMarker.find() && !hasDigit.matcher(element).find()) { String strippedElem = cliticMarker.replaceAll(""); if(strippedElem.length() > 0) element = bwClitics.contains(strippedElem) ? element : strippedElem; } } else if (element.length() > 1 && !ATBTreeUtils.reservedWords.contains(element)) { Matcher rmCliticMarker = segmentationMarker.matcher(element); element = rmCliticMarker.replaceAll(""); } return element; } public String map(String parent, String element) { String elem = element.trim(); if(parent != null && parentTagsToEscape.contains(parent)) return elem; Matcher utf8Encoding = utf8ArabicChart.matcher(elem); return (utf8Encoding.find()) ? mapUtf8(elem) : mapBuckwalter(elem); } public void setup(File path, String... options) { if(options == null) return; for (final String opt : options) { switch (opt) { case "ATBVocalizedSection": useATBVocalizedSectionMapping = true; break; case "StripSegMarkersInUTF8": stripSegmentationMarkersInUTF8 = true; break; case "StripMorphMarkersInUTF8": stripMorphemeMarkersInUTF8 = true; break; } } } //Whether or not the encoding of this word can be converted to another encoding //from its current encoding (Buckwalter or UTF-8) public boolean canChangeEncoding(String parent, String element) { parent = parent.trim(); element = element.trim(); //Hack for LDC2008E22 idiosyncrasy //This is NUMERIC_COMMA in the raw trees. We allow conversion of this //token to UTF-8 since it would appear in this encoding in arbitrary //UTF-8 text input if(parent.contains("NUMERIC_COMMA") || (parent.contains("PUNC") && element.equals("r"))) //Numeric comma return true; Matcher numMatcher = hasDigit.matcher(element); return !(numMatcher.find() || parentTagsToEscape.contains(parent)); } public static void main(String[] args) { Mapper m = new DefaultLexicalMapper(); System.out.printf("< :-> %s\n",, "FNKqq")); } }