package edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.util; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.logging.Redwood; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.TaggedWord; import; import; import edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.TaggerConfig; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.Generics; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils; /** * Implements Chris's heuristic for when a closed tag class can be * treated as a closed tag. You count how many different words in the * class you see in the first X% of the training data, then make sure * you don't see any new words in the rest of the training or test data. * <br> * This handles tagged training/test data in any format handled by the * tagger (@see edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.MaxentTagger). Files * are specified as a comma-separated list via the flag * -TRAIN_FILE_PROPERTY or -TEST_FILE_PROPERTY. Closed tags are * specified as a space separated list using the flag * -CLOSED_TAGS_PROPERTY. * <br> * CountClosedTags then reads each training file to count how many * lines are in it. First, it reads the first * -TRAINING_RATIO_PROPERTY fraction of the lines and keeps track of * which words show up for each closed tag. Next, it reads the rest * of the training file and keeps track of which words show up in the * rest of the data that didn't show up in the rest of the training * data. Finally, it reads all of the test files, once again tracking * the words that didn't show up in the training data. * <br> * CountClosedTags then outputs the number of unique words that showed * up in the TRAINING_RATIO_PROPERTY training data and the total * number of unique words for each tag. If the -PRINT_WORDS_PROPERTY * flag is set to true, it also prints out the sets of observed words. * <br> * @author John Bauer */ public class CountClosedTags { /** A logger for this class */ private static Redwood.RedwoodChannels log = Redwood.channels(CountClosedTags.class); /** * Which tags to look for */ Set<String> closedTags; /** * Words seen in the first trainingRatio fraction of the trainFiles */ Map<String, Set<String>> trainingWords = Generics.newHashMap(); /** * Words seen in either trainFiles or testFiles */ Map<String, Set<String>> allWords = Generics.newHashMap(); static final double DEFAULT_TRAINING_RATIO = 2.0 / 3.0; /** * How much of each training file to count for trainingWords */ final double trainingRatio; /** * Whether or not the final output should print the words */ final boolean printWords; /** * Tag separator... */ private static final String tagSeparator = "_"; // intended to be a standalone program, not a class private CountClosedTags(Properties props) { String tagList = props.getProperty(CLOSED_TAGS_PROPERTY); if (tagList != null) { closedTags = new TreeSet<>(); String[] pieces = tagList.split("\\s+"); Collections.addAll(closedTags, pieces); } else { closedTags = null; } if (props.containsKey(TRAINING_RATIO_PROPERTY)) { trainingRatio = Double.valueOf(props.getProperty(TRAINING_RATIO_PROPERTY)); } else { trainingRatio = DEFAULT_TRAINING_RATIO; } printWords = Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty(PRINT_WORDS_PROPERTY, "false")); } /** * Count how many sentences there are in filename */ private static int countSentences(TaggedFileRecord file) throws IOException { int count = 0; for (List<TaggedWord> line : file.reader()) ++count; return count; } /** * Given a line, split it into tagged words and add each word to * the given tagWordMap */ void addTaggedWords(List<TaggedWord> line, Map<String, Set<String>> tagWordMap) { for (TaggedWord taggedWord : line) { String word = taggedWord.word(); String tag = taggedWord.tag(); if (closedTags == null || closedTags.contains(tag)) { if (!tagWordMap.containsKey(tag)) { tagWordMap.put(tag, new TreeSet<>()); } tagWordMap.get(tag).add(word); } } } /** * Count trainingRatio of the sentences for both trainingWords and * allWords, and count the rest for just allWords */ void countTrainingTags(TaggedFileRecord file) throws IOException { int sentences = countSentences(file); int trainSentences = (int) (sentences * trainingRatio); TaggedFileReader reader = file.reader(); List<TaggedWord> line; for (int i = 0; i < trainSentences && reader.hasNext(); ++i) { line =; addTaggedWords(line, trainingWords); addTaggedWords(line, allWords); } while (reader.hasNext()) { line =; addTaggedWords(line, allWords); } } /** * Count all the words in the given file for just allWords */ void countTestTags(TaggedFileRecord file) throws IOException { for (List<TaggedWord> line : file.reader()) { addTaggedWords(line, allWords); } } /** * Print out the results found */ void report() { List<String> successfulTags = new ArrayList<>(); Set<String> tags = new TreeSet<>(); tags.addAll(allWords.keySet()); tags.addAll(trainingWords.keySet()); if (closedTags != null) tags.addAll(closedTags); for (String tag : tags) { int numTraining = (trainingWords.containsKey(tag) ? trainingWords.get(tag).size() : 0); int numTotal = (allWords.containsKey(tag) ? allWords.get(tag).size() : 0); if (numTraining == numTotal && numTraining > 0) successfulTags.add(tag); System.out.println(tag + " " + numTraining + " " + numTotal); if (printWords) { Set<String> trainingSet = trainingWords.get(tag); if (trainingSet == null) trainingSet = Collections.emptySet(); Set<String> allSet = allWords.get(tag); for (String word : trainingSet) { System.out.print(" " + word); } if (trainingSet.size() < allSet.size()) { System.out.println(); System.out.print(" *"); for (String word : allWords.get(tag)) { if (!trainingSet.contains(word)) { System.out.print(" " + word); } } } System.out.println(); } } System.out.println(successfulTags); } public static final String TEST_FILE_PROPERTY = "testFile"; public static final String TRAIN_FILE_PROPERTY = "trainFile"; public static final String CLOSED_TAGS_PROPERTY = "closedTags"; public static final String TRAINING_RATIO_PROPERTY = "trainingRatio"; public static final String PRINT_WORDS_PROPERTY = "printWords"; private static final Set<String> knownArgs = Generics.newHashSet(Arrays.asList(TEST_FILE_PROPERTY, TRAIN_FILE_PROPERTY, CLOSED_TAGS_PROPERTY, TRAINING_RATIO_PROPERTY, PRINT_WORDS_PROPERTY, TaggerConfig.ENCODING_PROPERTY, TaggerConfig.TAG_SEPARATOR_PROPERTY)); private static void help(String error) { if (error != null && !error.equals("")) {; } System.exit(2); } private static void checkArgs(Properties props) { if (!props.containsKey(TRAIN_FILE_PROPERTY)) { help("No " + TRAIN_FILE_PROPERTY + " specified"); } for (String arg : props.stringPropertyNames()) { if (!knownArgs.contains(arg)) help("Unknown arg " + arg); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.setOut(new PrintStream(System.out, true, "UTF-8")); System.setErr(new PrintStream(System.err, true, "UTF-8")); Properties config = StringUtils.argsToProperties(args); checkArgs(config); CountClosedTags cct = new CountClosedTags(config); String trainFiles = config.getProperty(TRAIN_FILE_PROPERTY); String testFiles = config.getProperty(TEST_FILE_PROPERTY); List<TaggedFileRecord> files = TaggedFileRecord.createRecords(config, trainFiles); for (TaggedFileRecord file : files) { cct.countTrainingTags(file); } if (testFiles != null) { files = TaggedFileRecord.createRecords(config, testFiles); for (TaggedFileRecord file : files) { cct.countTestTags(file); } }; } }